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Abby Laurent +Born into the ducal line of House Laurent, Abby had been pegged as something of an 'odd duck' from her early childhood. With so many siblings ahead of her, the threat of inheritance was almost moot. Allowing her the luxury of living a comfortable life, albeit an uneventful one. She'd most commonly spent her time around the chapels, becoming a regular thorn in the side of Artshall's clergy. Bombarding them with questions or asking to assist in every little task well into her teenage life. It came as no surprise when she set on the path to be Godsworn the moment she'd come of age. It'd be a few years before she found a proper discipleship to settle into. With the addition of the Queen of Endings to the Pantheon and the creation of the Harlequins, Abby directed her passion toward reverence of the Goddess of Death. Her attitude made a very stark contrast to her macabre interests. Strangely, the skulls seemed to suit her. Bit more than the bees did, anyway.  +
Abellus Ironfoot +Being born into the Ironfoot clan meant being as hard as the metal from their namesake. His ancestors got their name because they were of Iron, unbent by war or bloodshed. They were a proud family with a strong heritage. Abellus has tried his whole life to live up to his name. Being the first son of Tuscak, an Abandoned shav traditionalist who was fed on the fires of hate for the Compact, he bore the same hatred for those that would try to break the Abandoned Tribes and force them on their knees. His mother was a wise woman who had her man's back. She never let him cry as a child, and made sure he would be as strong as his father. Yes, the early years of training and fists were hard but they forged him to be stronger, better than the weak Oathlanders that hide behind their armor and castle walls. When his father taught him in all manner of weapons, from the bow to the great sword. He favored the great axe in his mighty hands. Brand was a plaque upon the Abandoned Tribes of the Oathlands. He took the fuel of hate that lived in the Ironfoot's hearts and fanned it out of control. Abellus was there along side his father and brother, possessed by the dark magic to deal death to the citizens of Arx. He felled many that day. But the Gods that protect the Compact managed to break Brand and release the Abandoned tribes that were under his sway. Leaving the once proud tribe broken, leaderless. His father was angry the day the Oathlanders came to the encampment to gloat over their handiwork. He urged Abellus and his brother to enter the crowds, warning others not to listen to the false promises that bending knee would bring. He watched as his cousin was brought on stage, a boy too young to be cheiftain. Then he was betrayed by another Abandoned, arrested and brought to prison before he could blink. An Oathlander with the help of Rivenshari arrested his brother and himself. He was sent to prison with the outrageous crime of trying to murder his own cousin. He was caged with his brother for months, even after his father died in a trial by combat. It was during his captivity that he learned the proganda, the story of how his father tried to get his cousin to light himself and his sisters on fire to protest the Compact. How his father tried to start war again before his people had even recovered. While he did not wish to see his cousin die, he does not hate his father for his desperate actions. When they were brought to trial, to speak to the tribunal, Kanean denounced what his father had done and gladly bent on knee to Count Athaur Rivenshari. He took an oath that would bind him to the Compact that they once fought. Abellus was forced to make a decision. He could refuse and die. Or he could swallow his pride and go on bended knee. Even though he knew his father was rolling in his grave, he knealt and took an oath so that he could continue to watch out for his brother. He will keep his oaths because he is a man of honor.  +
Abigail Lyonesse +Abigail's family is well known to some, at least the name. Her father, Treveus, is Uncle to Marquessa Demura Lyonesse, and his wife Isabella married into the family. While she may have not be so called 'noble' before her marriage her family was not the normal or complete commoner either, just a lower rank. Abigail's father was and still is a most trusted and well known Knight for his family name, though age has started to catch up to him and that is the only thing possibly slowing him down. Her mother was a archer of high skill and quality, her knowledge with herbs was also high as her family was well know in the art of herbal healing. Isabella trained and taught her daughters to carry on the skills she had taught and to never forget them. Abigail has four siblings all sisters, she being the youngest of the bunch. Sundari and Idrissa are her elder twins sisters, and then there is Roselin and Jaelynn. When it comes to handling a bow Abigail is on par with her mother having picked up the skill rather easy. During a hunting trip, Abigail's mother was killed and many felt it was staged but others have said the woman took on too much, thus being cut down by the prey she was tracking. Abigail and Roselin were with her at the time and while her daughters have called for something to be done it is still being overlooked. Since this has happened Abigail was sent to stay with her cousin Demura Lyonesse by her father and Roselin is set to join her in the coming months. Abigail is attempting to keep an open mind and move on but it is hard with she knows something has happened to her family and she wants answers.  +
Acacia Culler +To be a member of the Culler family makes things easier in the Lower Boroughs as you grow up, but there's an enormous difference from 'easier' to 'easy'. Acacia has been a fighter all her life, getting into scrapes and petty crimes all through her youth at the behest of the family and watching in dismay as fortunes finally turned against her parents. After the deaths of her father and mother, she left the city of Arx to put as much distance between her and that crime ridden cesspool of the Lower Boroughs as she could. Becoming a sailor wasn't an easy life, and the shipping routes between Arx and the Lyceum were extremely dangerous, but compared to trying to survive in the Lower Boroughs it was downright relaxing. After time at sea learning to be a competent sailor, she's returned to Arx and reconnected with her family, and the Culler family has profited immensely from it. Since her return, Acacia has been cultivating the reputation as being the woman to talk to for the odd, hard to find (and sometimes prohibited) goods, seeming to always know exactly how to get those most elusive items. Life in the Lower Boroughs hasn't gotten any safer for her since she returned, but she's a spirited young woman that is determined not only to survive, but to thrive.  +
Acantha Clearlake +The classical stories of an ugly duckling growing up to be something beautiful, the same stories could be told of Acantha Clearlake. When she was a child she was chubby, dirty and poor. Growing up with two older brothers did not make this any easier. Especially when she wasn't their real sister. Acantha was abandoned on an very cold night and her adopted mother found her and brought her in. She loves her older brothers though, she even took after them a bit. On the fighting side of things of course. She was taught to use a sword. She was also taught to get herself out of confrontations. As well as her brothers when they can't talk themselves out of things. It became clear to her 'parents' that she had a brain between those ears of hers that was best put to use. Acantha Clearlake is one of the younger members of the Clearlake retinue that has come to Arx and bent the knee to House Halfshav. Though she shares the name it's clear when first meeting her that she's taken the task of fitting into the Compact a bit more seriously than some. Another thing that is clear is that she's wanting to make a better name for the Clearlake House since they haven't been the most warm welcomed. She's well spoken and charming, but she's also been known to show her more savage side when it needs to come out.  +
Achard de Ange +He is a poor country boy taken in by a poor country knight, Sir Reggie de Ange of Sanctum, after the boy's family was killed by forest bandits. Growing strong and healthy, a quick study, he eventually was accepted as a squire to Sir Reggie. He grew into his 20's as a man-at-arms under the knight, patrolling the forest roads north of Artshell. One day, against bandits, Sir Reggie was unhorsed and the younger man fought over his knight's stunned body, finally killing three bandits while wearing only leather armor and wielding a club. Reggie advocated for the boy and Achard was knighted. Present day, the young man is 33 and has been a knight for maybe eight years, gradually gaining a reputation as a skilled and strategically clever warrior.  +
Aconite Fidante +Her father was a Eurusi warlord wannabe who decided to harass a Fidante trade vessel. Then he hounded it. Then, with men, he boarded it during the night and took it captive for ransom. Fidante's response was to find out who this man is, hunt down his family, take his daughter, and offer HER as ransom for the ship. The story gets muddled but, some say he cracked immedietly. Others, that he denied her existence and caused the deployment of some secret strike force. Others still, that he yielded, but upon seeing how Eurusi are treated by other Eurusi, the Fidante in charge did not let her go, sent a strike force to destroy the enemy, and decided to keep her as one of their own. To do her a kindness.  +
Aconite Unknown +Her father was a Eurusi warlord wannabe who decided to harass a Fidante trade vessel. Then he hounded it. Then, with men, he boarded it during the night and took it captive for ransom. Fidante's response was to find out who this man is, hunt down his family, take his daughter, and offer HER as ransom for the ship. The story gets muddled but, some say he cracked immedietly. Others, that he denied her existence and caused the deployment of some secret strike force. Others still, that he yielded, but upon seeing how Eurusi are treated by other Eurusi, the Fidante in charge did not let her go, sent a strike force to destroy the enemy, and decided to keep her as one of their own. To do her a kindness.  +
Adalbern Rimeheart +Adalbern was born in the hills surrounding Bonespire, just south of the Everwinter to a warrior of the Stahlben clan, and a woman he'd taken to wife from the Everwinter Shav. Sadly, he never knew his mother as she died shortly after, his birth a difficult one. His father raised the boy as best he could, but he was often away and unable give the proper attention necessary for a young troublemaker. The boy spent much of his youth exploring the crags and tundra near his home, learning the ways of the mountains and the frozen north; largely unsupervised and turning into quite the little savage until his father decided he was an of an age to start training with the other young warriors-to-be of the clan. As he started spending more time amongst the others of his people, he met the girl who would grow to be his wife, Skada. Once the two were of age, they soon married and it wasn't long before a little one was on the way. It wasn't meant to last, however. Shortly after the birth of their daughter, Vigga, the Undying and their servants spilled forth from the Everwinter. Skada was lost during the first rush of the horde, though Vigga managed to escape into the mountain stronghold that her father would help to defend. A part of Adalbern seemed lost, and he flung himself into the battles of his clan even more fervently than before, leaving Vigga to his wife's parents at the time. When Magnus bent the knee to Sanna, Adalbern decided to uproot himself and Vigga from the Bonespire and the memories it held, and now they seek a new life in Arx and the Compact.  +
Adalmus Nightgold +Son of Rognan Nightgold, cousin to Mydas.  +
Adalyn Clement +Adalyn was the one child born of the marriage between Sir Norwood Clement and his late wife. She was treasured and adored by her father and didn't lack for love in the slightest in those regards. An argument could be made that he shouldn't have gone carting her around to /quite/ so many of his knightly duties however. She spent hours watching him train Jael and Klaus Laurent, picking up bits and pieces of swordsmanship from observation alone. Yet he was reluctant to give his own daughter the same instruction, despite her pleas. She was too young! It was too soon! He didn't want her learning the blade .But Adalyn would have her own way about this. Because all that adoration and time spent indulging her, it had made her a little spoiled and all too stubborn. So at ten years old, she began 'training' on her own. With a heavy stick and some pots worn for helmets she sparred against one of the other children in Artshall. It was all going fine until she brained him nice and good and knocked him unconscious. Thankfully, he was fine. But poor Norwood was forced to admit that wasn't going to be able to deter her from her wishes, so he might as well train her. Before someone /really/ got hurt. Over time, she has grown into quite the talented warrior. She has more swish and swagger than her father might care for and her showmanship truly grates on his nerves sometimes. She often makes grandiose remarks of how she'll take that sword from him someday! Before laughing brightly and jumping into a tale of her latest escapade. And there are many, many escapades. Her current plot to cause her family distress has been to runaway from the Oathlands and appear in Arx, unprompted. She's decided she wants to join the Champions Guild! And that mercenary group, but no, not the one run by Duke Telmar's son! The one by that Lycene Baron! The Valorous Few! He seems like fun.  +
Adelais Savatier +Adelais was born out of wedlock, the product of a young dalliance between a merchant-prince and a middling serving girl. Fortunately for her, she (and her mother) were set up by her father's family in a town near the family's sprawling estate once they realized what their reckless son had done. The family resisted the pressure for marriage, but they did their best to accept her and her mother into their family - albeit still beyond that inner ring. Still, she had a decent education and a decent life growing up, living in relative comfort with her mother and provided for by an extended family that she didn't quite understand until she grew older. As she grew, she felt awkward and a touch out of place, especially when her father married and had another child: a younger half-sister named Mateline, who stood to inherit. Their relationship wasn't always good, but Adelais did her best to be a decent elder sister. However, determined that she wasn't going to rely solely on the largesse of her extended family, she left home once she came of age to seek her fortune as a soldier. She spent five or six years of her life training with the blade and working as a sellsword, despite her mother's worries over her new station in life.In a way, it helped her purge her private demons and she learned a great deal about the uglier side of the world and the power of violence. Adelais eventually returned to her extended family when she heard that her father was dying of a wasting disease and despite her misgivings, found that she couldn't simply leave her younger half-sister to pick up the pieces by herself. Since then, she's essentially bulled her way back into the family business ,serving as a bodyguard and the right-hand woman for Mateline, dealing with some of the more unsavory aspects of the business and arranging protection for their business interests whenever necessary. If she has anything to say about it, they'll prosper.  +
Adelphie Harthall +A product of Oathlands custom, Adelphie's story does not deviate far from the ideals held high there. While a penchant for trade and commerce might have just as likely pleased her kin, her appetite for combat proved too great to overlook. There are few memories of her youth beyond the backdrop of the training yards or dining hall, fueling up to get right back out there. Amidst troubles associated with the Great Road, the Adelphie crossed paths with some Knights of Solace and felt compelled by duty and faith to help them in their task. This is how she found herself in Arx, having chaperoned a group of travelers to safety. Well, let's be honest... relative safety.  +
Ademar Napolitano +Born the second son but fifth born to the Napolitano merchant family, he was able to really choose any path he desired for himself. But the natural grace and silver tongue his father had, he inherited and was a naturally born merchant. As he aged, his skills were honed and then opportunity showed its hand. Caer Morien, lands that were newly being broken. He was given the money to set up a business venture there and set off from the city state of Rivincita. Soon arriving within the lands just as Domonico became the new Count of Caer Morien. With cocoa plants thriving on the isles, this business venture is going to be very prosperous.  +
Adora Bell +The Bell family of Arx was once known for making, you guessed it, bells! But it turns out the demand for such things isn't as great as one would think since they're mostly made to last. As a result, luckless Abrahall Bell (who everyone just called A as a sly joke), decided to strike out on his own and found a brewery! Sadly, he was not very good at it yet he was extremely stubborn that one day Bell Beer would take off, and so it wasn't long before he and his young new family found themselves in the Lower Boroughs, not quite struggling to survive thanks to small stipends sent by other more successful family members, but close enough. Two children were born of his marriage to wife Barb: Silver, a sickly young boy and Adora, who her mother swore never smiled until she was three years old and learned to push her brother down. Adora embraced the lawlessness of the Lower Boroughs early on, sneaking away from her family to roughhouse with the local kids and inevitably being taken in by the Ulbrans, who recognized a little thug when they saw one. She took to petty thieving like she was born to it and by the time she was a teenager had many run-ins with the Iron Guard, most of which she was able to talk her way out of. Not all. At a loss, her parents tried to steer her towards something that wouldn't end up with her at the end of a noose or worse, and thus a love of whittling was born. From there it was a short leap to carpentry. She loved the feeling of assembling something from nothing and loved the feel of coin in her hand even more. Coin that the Iron Guard couldn't question her about! By the time she hit her twenties, she was on the straight and narrow--at least by all outside appearances--looking to open her own shop and start raising her family out of the Lower Boroughs once and for all.  +
Adora Ulbran +The Bell family of Arx was once known for making, you guessed it, bells! But it turns out the demand for such things isn't as great as one would think since they're mostly made to last. As a result, luckless Abrahall Bell (who everyone just called A as a sly joke), decided to strike out on his own and found a brewery! Sadly, he was not very good at it yet he was extremely stubborn that one day Bell Beer would take off, and so it wasn't long before he and his young new family found themselves in the Lower Boroughs, not quite struggling to survive thanks to small stipends sent by other more successful family members, but close enough. Two children were born of his marriage to wife Barb: Silver, a sickly young boy and Adora, who her mother swore never smiled until she was three years old and learned to push her brother down. Adora embraced the lawlessness of the Lower Boroughs early on, sneaking away from her family to roughhouse with the local kids and inevitably being taken in by the Ulbrans, who recognized a little thug when they saw one. She took to petty thieving like she was born to it and by the time she was a teenager had many run-ins with the Iron Guard, most of which she was able to talk her way out of. Not all. At a loss, her parents tried to steer her towards something that wouldn't end up with her at the end of a noose or worse, and thus a love of whittling was born. From there it was a short leap to carpentry. She loved the feeling of assembling something from nothing and loved the feel of coin in her hand even more. Coin that the Iron Guard couldn't question her about! By the time she hit her twenties, she was on the straight and narrow--at least by all outside appearances--looking to open her own shop and start raising her family out of the Lower Boroughs once and for all.  +
Adrian Beeler +Adrian avoided influence of his avid family. His father worked as a carpenter and was widely social and his mother worked in an inn and had the same effect. He himself, however, avoided such and focused on a sort of self study, whatever he could get with what little he had from both of his parents. This sort of thing continued on until he decided to stay on his own.  +
Adriana Fieldstone +Born in Elmhurst to a farming family, Adriana soon found herself seeking employment in the only tavern in town. She much prefered hauling barrels and trays over farming out in the warm Oathland sun. She found she had a natural talent for people, being able to get them what they needed rather than what they wanted. Adri found she loved to flirt with the handsome farmer's lads (and the not so handsome ones if they could charm her) and enjoyed making their time in the tavern that much more enjoyable for her cheerful temperment and charm. After her uncle's farm was burned to the ground and her cousin Jonathan went off to the big city, she decided she would follow him. Her dream was to one day own her own tavern and she would never be able to make that kind of money at home. Not only did she want her own tavern, she wanted her own cow too. Fresh milk and butter and cheese, and then get bread freshly baked every morning, and make sure her guests had everything they needed to be comfortable. Clean beds without any bugs in them, even. She wants -everyone- to get along and be happy and healthy.  +
Adriel Glynn +Adriel was raised, along with his twin sister and best friend, Korka, by parents whose first loyalty was to the Telmars, and that loyalty is generational. But while his twin sister was constantly sticking her nose in things and getting into trouble, Adriel toed the line: a conscientious, well-behaved child, who was only very rarely drawn into hijinx past Korka’s ability to talk them both out of it. An able and attentive listener, he learned quickly at his lessons and served as soon as he was old enough in the forces of his lords’ retainers, learning a spear and shield along with the rules and laws of the regiment.  +
Adrienne Pravus +Bright, charming, born to Valardin, and gifted with a beautiful voice, Princess Adrienne might have been a storybook princess come to life. She knows, however, that fairy tales are for children. This knowledge has been painfully earned, brick by brick, as she has attended to the aftermath of raids and massacres, wars and illness with a Mercy's training so easily acquired in Sanctum. Adrienne left a courtier's life to others of her family and joined those with their hands in the dirt: a duty to her family name and a calling - or better perhaps described as a prayer - to be able to prevent suffering before it strikes. She has travelled the Oathlands to maintain her family's presence, listening to the needs of the many vassals and small villages in her purview. She has also studied wherever time and location would permit. Sanctum is a haven of knowledge, but the many Valardian domains have also invested heavily in education. Ignorance, when such resources are available, is a terrible sin. There is still work to be done in the Oathlands, but as the world turns its eyes to Arx, so must Princess Adrienne Valardin. Trouble brews. She would go there to stop it if she can.  +
Adrienne Valardin +Bright, charming, born to Valardin, and gifted with a beautiful voice, Princess Adrienne might have been a storybook princess come to life. She knows, however, that fairy tales are for children. This knowledge has been painfully earned, brick by brick, as she has attended to the aftermath of raids and massacres, wars and illness with a Mercy's training so easily acquired in Sanctum. Adrienne left a courtier's life to others of her family and joined those with their hands in the dirt: a duty to her family name and a calling - or better perhaps described as a prayer - to be able to prevent suffering before it strikes. She has travelled the Oathlands to maintain her family's presence, listening to the needs of the many vassals and small villages in her purview. She has also studied wherever time and location would permit. Sanctum is a haven of knowledge, but the many Valardian domains have also invested heavily in education. Ignorance, when such resources are available, is a terrible sin. There is still work to be done in the Oathlands, but as the world turns its eyes to Arx, so must Princess Adrienne Valardin. Trouble brews. She would go there to stop it if she can.  +
Aeden Grayhope +It can be tough being a Grayhope when you're growing up. It's certainly not the Lower Boroughs, but the whispers follow the children of this house from birth to death. Growing up, Aeden was intensely curious, voracious in his consumption of knowledge and sharper than a kid his age should've been. His words got him in trouble as often as not, but his family's relative prominence for a commoner family is what provided the resources for him to go beyond a basic education. Becoming a disciple of Vellichor was an absolute calling to a young man so sure of the direction his life would take. He was a Grayhope, however, and that has had complications of its own, the association with his family hindering him as often as, paradoxically, his faith. He truly believes Vellichor's teachings have become diluted since the Reckoning and his course in service at the Great Archive has followed that path. Knowledge must not be allowed to disappear and hidden knowledge is far more likely lost. As Prelate of the Black of the Great Archive, it is his role to push back against the Censor Librorum and the dangerous loss of knowledge that is hidden. Doesn't particularly ingratiate him with the higher ups, but he's good at what he does.  +
Aedin Blackwood +Even the wildest tribes have need of gifted souls able to read the wishes stored in the hearts of men. Whether determining if a treaty will hold or trading fox pelts, that talent sometimes spells the difference between a hard winter and a good one. The Blackwoods had their reputation for holding peace between tribes of the mountains and the sea, and Aedin's mother, a comely lass with golden hair and eyes like fire, caught her father's eye. Their marriage supposed peace, but their daughter surpassed them both for grace and wit. As a child, Aedin enchanted her playmates. Not for her, getting in trouble or torn dresses. She stayed close to her mother's side and honoured the tribe's shamans, often tending to the delicate tasks that earned her approval and favours. Let others barter in coin. She amassed obligations and debts of other kinds, wielding a silent power. Marriage offers spilled in soon as she was old enough, but she denied them all. A greater world waited. Patiently Aedin bided her time, and her exasperated father was none too willing to give up his precious treasure. She knows the ways of the wilds -- no Abandoned turned noblewoman in the North can avoid that -- but so too she learned the quieter secrets, the way of whispers and trade. But the world grew circumscribed. She hungered for the sea and larger markets. The people in the woods pleased her more than the wild wood itself. When the Blackwoods knelt to the Crovanes, she was one of the first to brave the strange world of beyond. Her exoticism lured in the unexpected, and she started up exactly as she had before, acquiring favours and exchanging debts, building on an intricate web of social graces that made her a merchant princess in the most unexpected ways. It wasn't long thereafter a party breezed through her adopted city, seeking someone to speak for them, a diplomat with a keen sense of value and a talent for appraisals. A wide-eyed, electric speaker, Aedin charmed them as much as her new crew laid out a fascinating future. Never one to back down from daring, she took them up, and so sails to Arx and points beyond under the leadership of Arthen Dayne. What's life for if not excitement?  +
Aedric Blackshore +Born in the shadow of Cornelius and Oswald, Aedric developed an immediate aversion to court politics and family diplomacy. Opting instead to follow in his bloodline's rich history of mercantilism and exploration, he spent most of his childhood pouring over textbooks, joining vassals and fishmongers on their expeditions to sea, and memorizing naval trade routes. The older he grew, the less time he spent ashore -- missing even the marriages of his brothers and births of his nieces and nephews. Rather than utilize the resources granted to him by noble privilege, he worked tirelessly to establish commercial and personal relationships throughout Arvum.  +
Aela Velenosa +Aela grew up invisible as the youngest of 3 children. Her sister was adored by all for her other-worldly beauty while her brother was praised as a scholarly genius from a young age. Aela was, indeed, smart and beautiful, but in the eyes of her parents, she paled greatly to her siblings. Neither a disappoint or a child to pay attention to, Aela grew up mostly isolated from her busy siblings and with generally anything she needed, except the love from her parents. During her lonely childhood, she would often sneak out and explore the city and make friends with the unknowing commoner children. From them, she learned the cunning ways of the streets, the beauty of music, and the fun of adventures.  +