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Dylan Coldrain +Dylan Coldrain is a force to be reckoned with. He is strong and has a booming voice that makes it hard to miss him when he arrives. He has taken to living life to the fullest and he has a strong sense of honor. In his opinion, there is nothing that can't be solved with a good drink. It takes a lot to get him angry and very little to get him to have a drink or a dozen. He is over all a friendly man.  +
Eamon Darkwater +Quick to smile, slow to brood, eager to laugh, Eamon does not hold the stodgy, detached attitude that many might think a man devoted to the more abstract side of battle might. Yet all of this fades when he is put into a situation where he is needed, his demeanor turning hard and serious. Still, these occasions are rare, and he seems to have a good sense of when calls for what. Beyond that, he has a ravenous desire for books and knowledge, seeming convinced it will give him the edge he needs. If he doesn't have his hands on a copy of some book or a quill in his hand in the evening, even while laughing at the tavern with his friends, it is a very unusual sight indeed.  +
Echo Redrain +A quiet energy surrounds Echo, vivacious and friendly to all who seem approachable. Those around her who might be a little more rough around the edges would be greeted with a smile, and the rest should receive the delicate treatment that they require. A people person - One who, while initially demure and quiet, is quick to grab a friend by the wrist and take them on a wild adventure without a moment's notice. Filled to the brim with all sorts of persistence and determination, Echo often surprises herself more often than not. Her talents are typically ignored however, not through any ill intent; rather, the friendliness, companionship, and loyalty is far more important to her. Brimming beneath the affable surface is a love for danger and excitement. A hunger for things unknown. A desire to push on when it's best to pull back. That competitive edge might be what sets her apart, but she tends to tuck most of those feelings away beneath terribly knitted sweaters and only slightly better home-made pastries.  +
Ectorion Valardin +Ectorion is serious, sober and sincere, and strives to epitomize the knightly virtue to which he was raised. He has sometimes been accused of brooding, but in truth, he is a man who does not feel the need to fill each passing moment with random conversation and chatter. As content to sit in silence as to converse, it does not hinder his ability to maintain conversation when engaged. His study of engineering has given him a penchant for looking at things in an often quite different fashion, and he is known to make strange observations from time to time in a verbal shorthand that often leaves people unclear as to what he means.  +
Edain Valardin +Edain is honorable, loyal, chaste, merciful, honest and valorous. In short he is everything that a noble knight of the Valardin should be. He is bold and commanding, and he is a good leader of men in battle. His problem is that while he is a capable leader, he is a better follower. He was not only content, but indeed preferred that he was far from the line of succession and he just had to be the greatest knight he could be. Now that leadership is thrust upon him he is proud to bear it, and does his best to inspire confidence in his people. He feels out of his element forced to deal with the courts he has avoided for so long. He is well aware of his shortcoming, but he also knows full well he cannot afford to be seen as nothing more than a mouthpiece for his advisor's agenda. So he tries his best to keep his head above water on a battlefield where he can't just smite his opponents with a sword. It's a work in progress.  +
Edda Greenwood +Though typically a gentle giant, the more volatile parts of her are kept underneath of a tempered quietness and an agreeable manner. Her anger is volcanic rather than a steady heat,, with a tendency towards bursts of barbarity when loosened. Loyal to those she trusts and kind to those she believes are deserving of it, and showing a severe, grudging dislike for those that cross her. She may lack any senses of pettiness and the finer, devious thoughts of the nobility, though the sharp nail of a discrete wit, an earthy humor, and a distinct sense of rightness makes up for it.  +
Eddard Clement +Eddard is a man easily driven to joviality. Wine goes with lunch and dinner and white wine with breakfast. Something drives him to stand up and be taken notice of, to sing and draw a crowds attention. A people pleaser, if people pleasing involved making up tawdry bar songs to hopefully get people to sing along with. Having hard work for him is a very good way to make him scarce.  +
Edelma Pierce +Proud, strong, but funny! Dame Edelma Pierce has a great deal of strength of personality behind her. Truthful almost to a fault, Edelma has a hard time holding back when she believes strongly about something, even when etiquette might demand her silence. She has a soldier's way of looking at the world, deeply grounded and practical. Yet she is not without a certain idealistic streak. Her personal honor and the honor of Giant's Reach are paramount to her, and she has a deeply protective streak both for her House and for her small squad of knights and (mostly) women-at-arms that follow her. She is quick and resourceful, a fast thinker who is unafraid to get quippy and deliver sass with her whoopass.  +
Edith Foxwood +In a word, Edith is jaded. She's seen a lot in her life, and while some of it is wonderous and fulfilling, so very much more of it is tragic and heartbreaking. She's tired, but she's determined to keep going and do what she can to help. Tired and tireless, somehow. Enduring as the ancient trees of the Grey Forest, willing to shelter and protect those in need.  +
Edris Elwood +Quiet, though more out of some internal calm rather than antisocial or brooding behavior, Edris seems to epitomize being the dependable rock in the storm. He is rarely the first to speak, though his insights when offered are keen. His smiles are rare, though when they are given they are often very much as warming and welcoming as a sudden sunbreak. Though unfailingly polite and attentive, there is a mantle of reserve that often settles over him except to those most familiar to him. And for those he knows well, there is a playful and witty sense of humor that occasionally cuts through the stoicism that he wears as his usual face to the world.  +
Edward Redreef +Observant, Studious  +
Edward Stormbreak +At the outset Edward is a naturally charming gentleman, who some may consider, is an annoying adherent to a lot of the rules of etiquette and propriety. Often Edward tends to be a quiet man and often takes to observing his surroundings watching the behaviors and actions of others and speaking only when he must in large groups. But buried deep he has the natural aggression and ruthlessness of any Thrax man, combine this with a notable character flaw of holding onto grudges, and this may eventually get him into trouble.  +
Edwyn Valardin +If Edwyn had a first choice for Great Houses to be born into, it would probably have not been Valardin. Though raised to strive for the ideal of the gleaming Valardin knight, it is hardly a role he takes to naturally, even if he may have a small talent with mount, mace and sword. Neither has he excelled in the few other roles he has tried to put his mind to - not faithful enough to sincerely serve the gods, not diligent enough to care for mathematics and stewardship, not charming and cunning enough to be a politician, he doesn't know what he can really be, nor what he wants to be. He is, at least, outgoing enough to enjoy a cup of tea here and there, and schooled well in his courtesies. Neither is he particularly dumb, though he is something of a natural follower, prone more to following than to making his own decisions.  +
Egil Frost +Surviving, let alone prospering, as he has -- and despite his beginnings -- has engendered in the sellsword a smug confidence and smart mouth that exceed the warrant of his low birth and station, but which oft appears to come more from a playful, rowdy temperament than from genuine egotism. While perhaps he may be put in his place, and have his tune changed, he's a mercurial, self-interested sort -- though not one predisposed to cruelty for cruelty's sake, nor much for the elaborate intricacies of courtly intrigue.  +
Egon Maw +Egon Maw is a wall: nothing seems able to breach whatever defenses he has set up for himself. Dour and almost irrevocably cynical, he seems more an old man disappointed with life rather than the still burgeoning youth that he is. Yet, it is hardly overt. Everything about him seems vague and unformed as if there might be something more that's hidden just beneath the surface, or perhaps nothing at all.  +
Eilonwy Blackwood +Unburdened by the social structures of Arvum's domesticated populace, Eilonwy is spirited. She smiles readily and often. Hers is a chin kept up right and she often finds reason to laugh. Underneath all this however is a thread of violence. She might love the lighter side of life, but she will do what she must to survive.  +
Eilonwy Thunderoak +Unburdened by the social structures of Arvum's domesticated populace, Eilonwy is spirited. She smiles readily and often. Hers is a chin kept up right and she often finds reason to laugh. Underneath all this however is a thread of violence. She might love the lighter side of life, but she will do what she must to survive.  +
Einarr Charon +You know where Einarr is at any time. He is a Loud and very jovial man. When he is angry, he is screaming for blood, when he is in battle he laughs. He is a simple man and enjoys his wine, women and war. He is very gregarious, curious and aggressive. He has a strong laugh and a roar that can be heard across a battle field.  +
Eiran Laurent +Charming but flighty, reckless but irresolute, dramatic and sensationalist and sensualist and a little careless: the devil-may-care smile that Eiran can summon to his features is every bit as real as the soulful look in his puppydog eyes. As a social chameleon, he might be more successful if his transformations were more complete. He makes a great friend because he's ready to throw himself whole-heartedly into the interests and foci of others without really holding tight to any of his own. He suffers from a kind of serial monogamy of the passion: he can't decide what he wants to do with himself in the long term. Maybe he'll be a knight. Maybe he'll be a playwright. Maybe he'll give it all up and become a florist! Fuck everything, where's his horse? Let's go hunting.  +
Eirene Malvici +Bedside manner is for cushy quacks catering to nobles with a runny nose. Eirene is the kind of medic you want at your side when your wounds take you off the battlefield and into the triage tent; blunt, factual, and entirely dedicated to getting you back on your feet to kill the bastard who did this to you. She's become jaded and gruff over the years of seeing 'their little buggers' die but she genuinely cares. She just can't afford to care too much. She's a queen of gallows humor and can find anything funny if she wants to.  +
Eirik Coldrain +To put is simply: he is a more quiet person. But when he does speak it is typically either wise, comical or very important. Some have called him gruff or rough but is only around the edges. He has a heart of gold and is rather protective of those he loves. Despite how his silence may come off as possibly rude or ignoring those speaking. This is not so he's merely watching the people in the room he prefers people watching over legitimate social interaction. But once you befriend him he'll laugh drink and party with you whenever.  +
Eirlys Greenmarch +Eirlys seems to have an instinctive sense for social cues and rarely seems to be out of place in her surroundings despite being both young and a prodigal. Rarely reserved, she's outgoing in nature and generally wears a smile on her face. Sweet and caring, she is nonetheless fiercely loyal to her family.  +
Eithne Thornburn +Never take life too seriously. Never hold yourself back from doing what you really want to do. There are no limits or boundaries to what one can do and achieve. Eithne lives by these mottos and mantras much to the chagrin of her mother. She is her father's daughter through and through, from her coloring, to her personality, to the profession she's chosen to take. The woman enjoys every day to the fullest as though it were her last. She's quick with a joke and would never turn down a tankard of ale or two. Just because she's petite doesn't mean she wouldn't try to drink the largest man in the tavern under the table. Her flirtations only take her so far; They are all in good fun since she's not yet ready to find a man to 'settle' down with and have children. She enjoys being physical whether it be working with her hands or partaking in a friendly spar, Eithne can't find it in herself to stay still. Being one of seven children has always meant that she has to share everything with her siblings. Just for once she'd like something to be completely hers and hers alone.  +
Elara Helios +Elara was one a warm, smiling, and jovial woman. But death and loss and betrayal have turned her grim, remote, and some would say even cold or cruel. The loss of two husbands in her short life has left her bitter. She hides her grief behind a cold demeanor. Occasionally the hard mask slips and a glimmer of the bright and beautiful soul can be seen.  +
Elara Kennex +Elara was one a warm, smiling, and jovial woman. But death and loss and betrayal have turned her grim, remote, and some would say even cold or cruel. The loss of two husbands in her short life has left her bitter. She hides her grief behind a cold demeanor. Occasionally the hard mask slips and a glimmer of the bright and beautiful soul can be seen.  +