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Ahmar Nightgold +Ahmar is a quiet man, but not unkind. As a child he always felt he did not have much of a place in his family as everyone seemed so much more socially inclined and far more intelligent than he, so he often found himself turning inwards for solace when he felt overwhelmed. It wasn't that his family was unkind to him, by far the opposite, he has just always been rather introverted. Tending to get along with his animal companions more than people. Despite his introverted personality, he really does like meeting new people, he just becomes a bit nervous like he is worried he won't know what to say and will end up making a fool of himself, but those who he ends up calling friends, he becomes devoted to. There is nothing he wouldn't do for those that are nice to him. Especially his family.  +
Ahriman Grayson +Towards his family Prince Ahriman was known as a loving father and husband. Among the extended family he was amiable but less open. And to those not in his close circle he could be seen as cold if not a bit distant. Now that he is returned from many trials and tribulations the man seems a little more cold and distant. Perhaps reuniting with his family will thaw him from his ordeal.  +
Ahrsen Damane +Gruff and serious, Ahrsen does not take crap from anyone, noble and commoner alike. He is not overly friendly with anyone, strangers will betray you and friends are even more likely to do so. The big man is all about intimidation, size and speaking few words. This Laconic attitude serves him well, allowing him time to negotiate conversations and to avoid conflict. Despite his size and rough exterior, he is not rash or quick to anger.  +
Ahven Granger +Bold to the point of brashness, Ahven's audacity is both the impetus that propels her through life, and her greatest hindrance. She wants to be a hero, and sometimes this desire puts her at odds with her duties...as well as how headstrong and proud she is. Once earned, her loyalty is fierce and fervent, but that doesn't mean she is immovable. For all her strong opinions, she readily admits when she is proven wrong, and changes her views accordingly.  +
Aibek Grayson +Aibek is cocksure and carefree due to his age and station in life. He doesn't take most things too seriously, and uses humor to de-esculate a situation and as a defense mechanism in dire times. The young Grayson does know what his name means to people, and does take both family and duty quite seriously. Even if is prone to manipulating his siblings and elders with the puppy dog eyes from time to time.  +
Aiden Grayson +Aiden is an extroverted introvert, to put it simply. There will be situations that he'll be a man of few words; words that when they come out, are laconic in fashion. It isn't that he hates people, rather, social situations can grow to be too complex and he loses interest or focus easily - or simply put, he finds them emotionally exhausting. People have far more subtle cues that he doesn't fully grasp, and in large crowds, this is entirely overwhelming for him. Certainly he will turn into a wallflower or simply leave when at his limit.  +
Aiden Rubino-zaffria +Aiden is an extroverted introvert, to put it simply. There will be situations that he'll be a man of few words; words that when they come out, are laconic in fashion. It isn't that he hates people, rather, social situations can grow to be too complex and he loses interest or focus easily - or simply put, he finds them emotionally exhausting. People have far more subtle cues that he doesn't fully grasp, and in large crowds, this is entirely overwhelming for him. Certainly he will turn into a wallflower or simply leave when at his limit.  +
Ailith Ethere +Ailith trusts the gods completely. She may not understand exactly why a young girl from an outside, almost unknown barony, and a commoner at that, is now the personal Seraph to the Crown and royal family in the palace, but she knows the Gods have a plan for her. It doesn't matter that she itches to go into the practice yard, it doesn't matter she doesn't know all the intricacies of court politics and etiquette. All that matters is that the gods use her voice to speak their will, and she submits to their guidance. She truly cares about the spiritual well being of those around her, as well as fighting against the forces of darkness that she knows are out there. As a woman, she's generally happy and finds the good in people when she can, but she is unrelenting when she discovers someone touched by darkness. There is no higher power than the gods, and all fall short in their sight.  +
Ailys Grayson +If there were two words to describe the former princess, they are 'earnest' and 'patient'. Mature beyond her years from the start, she demonstrates remarkable temperance and composure at all times, cut only with the sweetness and joyfulness of one truly treasured by her family. Ailys has rarely lost her temper or even frowned, except perhaps while reading a medical text in poor lighting. She possesses an intense calm, and is sincere in all that she does. A pall was cast over the joy and light Ailys once exuded, however, since the Sack of Bastion. But both are still there, with new underpinnings of steeliness. Somehow, observers note, the former princess's temperament is nobler than ever before.  +
Aindre Grayson +Aindre was raised to measure the success of his life in the strength of his accomplishments and so he shows no small amount of pride in that which he achieves, while admittedly shouldering heavily the disappointment of his failures. Those who know him well understand a fire burns in him not simply to meet the expectations of his family name but to exceed them in much the same way as his forebears exceeded all expectation placed upon them. He can wax fierce in competitions of both politics and swordplay, but carries a reputation for being as graceful in defeat as he is in victory. While capable of deeply serious expressions in his duties toward his family and the honor of their name, his experiences off the battlefield have also taught him when to relax his guard and celebrate.  +
Aine Halfshav +Aine, raised by a Pravus, has all of the charm and wit of any true Southern lady. She can turn a phrase and give a mysterious smile. She is able to flirt and socialize, to be a diplomat when the time calls for it. There is something wilder burning at the core of her soul, however, that she's repressed for a long time.  +
Ainsley Grayson +Genuine in all he does, it seems almost as if Ainsley cannot lie. In truth he simply prefers not to. Finding the pressure of being a political body from his family too much he tends to seek other paths while still doing the Grayson name proud. Politics, lying, and intrigue is far too much effort and work. He would rather throw himself into exhausting physical labor than have to remember what web has been weaved. He would rather be a protector than a rule. There is honor, he finds, in being the guard and the knight. Ainsley takes a straight forward approach to most things. His moods may be mecurial at times but they are all genuine and honest, to be otherwise is too much work.  +
Aisha Inverno +Dutiful, whimsical, and temperamental; those are the three terms that, more often than not, describe Aisha. She almost perpetually lives in a state of distraction and her head seems to always be in the clouds. This causes her to act upon her whims quite often because she believes it will guild her to where she needs to be. She also takes her duties VERY seriously. She does not treat people above or below her station as equals, though, this divide is handled with a kindness that makes it hard to be too upset at how she behaves towards them. Commoners and nobles alike are treated according to their station. That is how it should be, in Aisha's opinion.This often seems at odds with her constantly having her head in the clouds. The contrasting sense of duty and her being lost in thought makes it hard to know what it is she is thinking.  +
Aislin Ashford +Aislin seemingly forgets more than others ever notice, has seen more than others dream of. A dedicated explorer, Aislin is seemingly fearless, having braved the seas of the Morning Isles, faced certain death exploring the icy Northlands, and survived the intrigues of the Lyceum on various expeditions. She's voraciously curious, but not obnoxious - she'd rather discover answers on her own rather than ask questions outright, a trait that makes Aislin an intense conversationalist, to be sure.  +
Ajax Tyde +Quick to laugh, and easy to make smile. Ajax usually can be seen cracking a joke or trying to lighten the spirits of the people around him. Ajax usually plays the part of a strange combat inclined jester when not on an assignment. While he's on an assignment he's polite and to the point with the clientele and seems to keep a positive public relationship towards others in his company. Starkly contrasting with the rare instances where he's provoked to rage. His personality taking an icy chill with barbed words that lead towards fists being thrown.  +
Akamos Cyrto'ani +Akamos is boisterous, gregarious and with a strong streak of personal honour and the need to do right by people. He relishes the opportunity to either demonstrate anything that he may be good at or tell tales of his exploits, but may be guilty of embellishing some of his stories and feats more than a little bit as he seeks approval and recognition from others. That is why he is sometimes overly keen to impress people or help them out in exchange for thanks and he seeks official titles so that everyone knows just how accomplished he is. For as confident as the brash Cyrto'ani may seem, he is in fact deeply insecure as to how he is perceived.  +
Akio Nagamine +It's not thtat Akio is a man without ambitions, but rather that he's a man with too many ambitions. He wants to do, see, find something new, and finding, doing, or seeing new things is getting harder and harder to do. So his malaise over this inimical problem appears as one without a desire to do anything at all. Nothing could be further from the trtuh. Around people, Akio is jovial and friendly. He enjoys the distracts from his own brain. In private he can be moody.  +
Aksel Nygard +Aksel is the everyman, the common man. Polite, courteous and compassionate, he has simple wants and needs, and says as much. Not to say that he has a soldierly attitude and personality, he would consider himself more a warrior than a soldier. There's honor and pride in what he does, but also the fact that he's never asked, or wanted for that matter, anything else. Like a slumbering bear, he can be jolly and hearty with friends and merciless and rage-fueled with his enemies. The grand events and gallas of the nobility only effect as much as his personal involvement, which thinkfully, isn't much. Much more inclined to stand in the background and be another face in the crowd. He's never seeked out glory, rather he feels he's just doing his job as a soldier. There's a very aware understand of what he does, and what he does isn't always pleasant and maybe there's a vibe that he feels like if he could set the sword down, and pickup a tool instead, that he would. Grudges and rivalries isn't something he has much time for, nor is what he would call 'political nonsense' that he's usually witness to. No, this is a man who only wants a simple life, but realizes that'll probably not happen for years to come.  +
Alantir Valardin +Reserved in unfamiliar social circles, but always polite and courteous. Charitable to the helpless and downtrodden and usually the first to speak, or draw a blade, in their defense. Brave and selfless in battle. Fiercely loyal to the Crown and its subjects, no matter their status or positions within. Close associates value his thoughtful advice and describe him as an experienced listener.  +
Alaric Grayson +Turns out that having a soul trapped in a horrifying mindscape for years tends to mature someone that was callow and irresponsible. Remarkably, he doesn't seem very haunted by his experiences except in least guarded moments. He's still personable, friendly and warm, with an energy that few can match. There's still hints of the man that deeply wanted to be liked, but with his marriage to Symonesse he seems to have gained much more balance and confidence, and is comfortable with showing restraint and delegating from the top. Very slow to anger, he's learned the lessons of acting rashly or speaking without great care for his actions- rarely one to give offense, nor one to overlook what needs doing.  +
Alarie Harall +Alarie is a witty woman, always with a mischivous smile and a hint of mischief in her eye. She is fun-loving and creative. Having an eye for business and a love for working with her hands, she enjoys her craft as a seamstress and seems to do well by it. She is a strong woman, having her own mindset despite being in a male-driven House. This at times gets her into minor trouble, but she knows how to play along and talk her way out of tricky situations.  +
Alarissa Thrax +It seems that no matter what life throws her way, Alarissa's ambitions remain unshaken: she sees her confidence as a matter of Grayson Pride over mere vanity, and to settle as anything less than legendary would be to do her esteemed blood wrong. Quick to smile and slow to anger, she seems to put her cultured disposition to its best use in making people feel at-ease, though she's developed a bit of a dry wit and can even sound flippant at times. Above all, she seems to harbour a desire to make others know how good she is, even if to do so she must indulge in the occasional white lie or overt act of generosity.  +
Alarissa Valardin +It seems that no matter what life throws her way, Alarissa's ambitions remain unshaken: she sees her confidence as a matter of Grayson Pride over mere vanity, and to settle as anything less than legendary would be to do her esteemed blood wrong. Quick to smile and slow to anger, she seems to put her cultured disposition to its best use in making people feel at-ease, though she's developed a bit of a dry wit and can even sound flippant at times. Above all, she seems to harbour a desire to make others know how good she is, even if to do so she must indulge in the occasional white lie or overt act of generosity.  +
Alayne Frost +Time, trial and fallout have turned Alayne into a creature of stygian pragmatism and disinhibition for the plight of others. A pattern of isolated, private behavior sticks to her every notion, and cynicism grips every word with which she speaks publicly, and openly. There's a sense of untapped pride, however, that seems to be the foundation behind her every word when speaking matters of medicine. She's a judgemental, cynical and flawed woman, hard to make friends and even harder at keeping them. She's quick to channel spite when witness to the mundane and more-so to those who profess expertise and come up short when time of action comes. There's a certain depth to her tone of voice, yet remains modulated in nature and silvery to the ear.  +
Alban Farshaw +Take one part Devotee of Limerance and two parts Disciple of Gloria and mix well. Honor, chivalry, and fealty are the things that Alban Farshaw loves the most in life. He holds himself to a strict code of honor and conduct. He takes the laws of fealty as a noble very seriously, as he takes the idea of chivalry. Incredibly steady for a man so young he might come across as stoic to some. He seems to cast an aura of calm around himself through charisma alone. He's a staid and stalwart man.  +