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Agnarr +Of common, albeit healthy stock, Agnarr tired of work on the farm and sought to relieve his family of the burden of his appetite, as well as strike out on his own. He stole away in the night with one of the farmstead's felling axes, offering service as a caravan hand - and eventually that grew to caravan guard, until he'd earned enough coin to purchase a proper panoply for himself. With a fair amount of experience underneath his (surprisingly trim) belt, he seeks work rather more in the southern reaches.  +
Agnarr Frost +Of common, albeit healthy stock, Agnarr tired of work on the farm and sought to relieve his family of the burden of his appetite, as well as strike out on his own. He stole away in the night with one of the farmstead's felling axes, offering service as a caravan hand - and eventually that grew to caravan guard, until he'd earned enough coin to purchase a proper panoply for himself. With a fair amount of experience underneath his (surprisingly trim) belt, he seeks work rather more in the southern reaches.  +
Agostino Alonso +Agostino was born to one of the barmaids at the Black Fox tavern, a lively woman named Marina Alonso, some time ago. Her family had lived in the Ward of the Lyceum for two generations, tracing their blood back to servants who accompanied members of house Argento to Arx as servants from Nilanza. An only child, he fell in easily with some of the troublemakers in the Ward as he grew older, running the streets with them and getting into all manner of mischief. Though he never missed any of the lessons with the Scholars that his mother insisted on, otherwise he could be found all over the city by the time he had reached his teen years. His knowledge of the streets of the city became increasingly valuable as he approached adulthood, beginning with working in the same tavern as his mother, carrying messages for the customers. This quickly translated into more silver for him when he realized that the value of the content of some of those messages, to the right sort of people, was quite high. Along with what he learned from the Scholars, he developed a strong appreciation for knowledge of all sorts, particularly the sort that was risky or difficult to obtain. Over time, he developed a reputation for having access, or gaining it, to all sorts of interesting tidbits, and for years, he did so freelance, selling what he found to the highest bidders. Most of his customers were Lycene, though, given where he grew up, and many considered it merely a matter of time before he was hired by one of them. This happened only recently, however, with the formation of house Malespero, in a way bringing him full circle, since they now have control of the city his own family originated in. It took him some time to get used to the idea of having an employer, but now he has settled into his role within the household comfortably.  +
Agric Leary +Like most of the Leary family, Agric spent many of his years in Leaholdt under the vast tutelage of the many scribes and scholars, even at an early age. This paired with strict parents who drilled into him the need for the methodical progression of your intentions, leads to the sort of well-mannered young man who garners the support of many Elder Learies. Let it not be said that his studies failed to grant him expertise either. When Agric came of age, he quickly left his studies at the Leaholdt Academy, only to move up in the world and find a position on their staff. For three years, Agric lingered on the staff of the Leaholdt Academy, learning administration and governance carefully. He focused on the areas of law in order to better assist his family in their dealings, but these were not his passions. Not exactly, even if he did put a proper amount of effort into it as was expected. In reality, what truly grasped his heart was the arts. All of them. Every. Last. Single. One. Agric has a deep love of painting, drawing, and any other number of mediums. He throws himself into learning their intricacies with a passion he doesn't really show anything else.  +
Ahmar Nightgold +Ahmar grew up in Stonedeep and was closest to his sister Azolla. Because of her illness as a child, and his lack of social skills and book smarts, he took to training, telling himself that at the very least he could keep his little sister safe. Once he became older and Azolla began to flourish more he began branching out a bit, offering his spear, sword, or axe to any who needed it. He see's it as his duty to keep the people of the north safe. He saw many battles in his time up north. Most of which ending in him being injured so bad that most people wouldn't think a human could survive, but be it luck, the spirits, the gods or /something/, he always managed to make it out the other side without permanent damage, some of course requiring more recovery time than ever. Despite this, it never stopped him from picking his weapons and armor back up and going back at it. More recently his sister came to Arx, and being distrustful of people he doesn't know, he decided to follow, just in case.  +
Ahriman Grayson +Ahriman Pravus (married Grayson) was born the fourth sibling and he was a long way from inheritance of the Pravus leadership which meant outside of treachery he was never going to sniff much significance with Setarco and it seemed he was destined to be marriage fodder. Ahriman was left to find his way through military conquest and focused on the sea. A cunning man he was seen as ambitious om his pursuit of sailing; yet perhaps lacking in the Lyceum manner of doing whatever it takes to move upwards within the ranks. He quickly found himself captain upon the High Seas and earned a small measure of prominence through his exploits and leadership. By his siblings and family he was seen as a distant threat due to his familial loyalty and nature. He was never seen as possessing the cunning treacherous aspirations stereotyped within the Lyceum. When Ahriman was married off (sight unseen) to Princess Alarys Grayson the marriage was a suitable match for him. Ahriman married up due to the need of the Grayson fleet of capable commanders. Secondarily the marriage would help tie and improve relations between the Lyceum (and their massive fleets) and the Grayson family. And when viewed through the lenses of Thraxian instability and rebellion that left the seas volatile and unruly; the marriage was a perfect opportunistic match of the time. And so he was content to marry up and the man found himself enjoying his newfound family and position. Ahriman showed his prowess at sea and as he sailed and led Grayson ships to war the man earned notoriety and was seen as a great rising commander whose sights were set upon command and control of the Grayson fleet. At home his marriage blossomed and the birth of his first daughter (Lou Grayson) and concluding with his third and youngest daughter (Reese Grayson). All of whom favored their mother's lighter complexion. He was a firm yet caring father full of energy and warmth to his children and his family. He grew to love his wife very deeply. Ahriman was far more reserved outside of this circle behind closed doors and was perceived at times to be a bit cold and firm in his person outside of his closed circle. He was very much a firm authoritarian in his personality when removed from the presence of the joys in his life. Ahriman was next in line to inherit the Grayson fleet when he sailed out with a small number of ships on a searcg mission into Abandoned waters in 994 AR in search of the lost Alaric III. The small contingent of vessels never returned and many considered Prince Ahriman Grayson a casualty caught up in either a victim of piracy or having been lost to violent storms that were reported in the area. No word of the presumed dead Prince surfaced for many years until recently. Rumors began in late 1009 AR of a man found many leagues into Abandoned and Gyre waters that capture a barely sailable skiff and found refuge in Lyceum waters near Setarco. Weak, gaunt, and barely alive he was taken to the Mercy's where he was nourished back to health until only recently did he regain consciousness. That man has identified himself as Prince Ahriman Grayson. He remembers little or nothing of what happened seventeen years ago on his voyage. His life the last seventeen years was spent as a slave in Abandoned lands he recalls well. It was not until disease wiped out his captors (one his Arx immunities saved him from) that he found and eventually won his freedom. The layers of scars and whip marks upon his flesh validate much of his claim along with the clear aged deformation around his throat due to his slave collar. Now Prince Ahriman has returned to Arx to see what became of his daughters, his wife, and his Grayson family. He has been reported to be distant and if not a little troubled from his ordeal but mostly of sound mind and body. His physical prowess though has waned given his captivity and torment.  +
Ahrsen Damane +Ahrsen was born on a tiny island to the south. Expansion pushed larger houses outwards, and those, in turn, pushed smaller houses even further out. Soon the tiny island was usurped by a greater house and made into a barony after a terrible battle that saw most fighting men dead. The boy's mother would sing to him at night and tell him stories of the old kingdom and what it was like to be a part of his people. Having fled their little island the boy and his mother grew up in relative peace until he came of age. It was around the age of 14 or 15 that Ahrsen begins to show an interest in a sailors life. He threw in with mercenaries early on and soon was sailing the clear blue waters of the south seas and raiding. Within a matter of years, he soon had a ship of his own and a loyal crew. His silent, brooding nature and short way of speaking garnered a fair amount of loyalty and respect from his crew, and they were feared in those waters. The captain was in it for the money and glory, nothing more. As a captain, Ahrsen learned more things than the art of sailing and combat. He learned things like music and poetry, things he had no skill at but grew on him. A love of animals, wildlife, and art also entertained his thoughts. All these things were as much a part of his adventures as they were the upbringing by his mother, a lady who had once had great influence on the little island where he was born. His mother passed shortly after his 20th year but not before giving a ring that belonged to his father. The mercenary group had turned into a sizeable fleet after some time, and they begin to run into trouble as they gained a little too much attention. Rather than fight to the bitter end or be captured and imprisoned, Ahrsen and his crew sold their ship, disbanded most of the crew and then purchased a new one. In that vessel, they sailed to Arx with plans to do business closer to the capital. For now, they have been raiding Abandoned and doing mercenary jobs, the Captain waiting for the right time to take in a big haul.  +
Ahven Granger +When Ahven was very young, her parents moved the family from Artshall to Sanctum. Or, they meant to. They were involved in an accident on the road, leaving Ahven to be escorted back to Artshall by a Knight of Solace - now an orphan. Her closest living relative there was the Seraph, and while he could not adopt her, he did make sure she was provided for and well educated as a ward of the local nobility. Her memories of that trip are faint and fractured, but the impression of the heroic Knight who found her and carried her home never left her. She grew up torn between her desire to follow in her Knightly hero's footsteps and her desire to honor the memory and legacy of her family. One does not simply forget when one is the last known living descendant of the Very First Champion. Luckily, in the Oathlands, these two dreams can be entwined and chased together, and that's what she's done, barrelling through her adolescence and teenage years, leading with her head. It's the hardest part of her body.  +
Aibek Grayson +Aibek Grayson is the youngest child of Roderick Grayson and Daniela Grayson nee Bisland. A scion of both House Grayson and House Bisland. He studied combat under his uncle duke Gabriel Bisland along with his older brother Ainsley. But he leaned more toward smaller, faster blades than his older brother. His parents had all but given up on getting one of their children to be a politician by the time that Aibek was old enough to start being guided in life, so while he was given tutelage and taught how to be a noble as all members of his family-- he was also somewhat spoilt by his parents. He was allowed to put his attention more toward the physical, becoming quite acrobatic. But he also had a wanderlust, and he ended up travelling for some time with a relative, and then joining the Knights of Solace as a disciple. Squaring with a knight for a time to help protect travelers.  +
Aiden Grayson +Born the middle child of Prince Rodric Grayson and the Lady Daniela Bisland, Aiden Grayson was raised alongside siblings Ainsley and Ailys in Bastion. From the start Aiden was a quiet child and often considered the 'odd duck' by the others, adult and child alike. Friendship wasn't easy for a child who would barely manage to speak a word under pressure; a problem which often escalated into him becoming a target to be pushed around.  +
Aiden Rubino-zaffria +Born the middle child of Prince Rodric Grayson and the Lady Daniela Bisland, Aiden Grayson was raised alongside siblings Ainsley and Ailys in Bastion. From the start Aiden was a quiet child and often considered the 'odd duck' by the others, adult and child alike. Friendship wasn't easy for a child who would barely manage to speak a word under pressure; a problem which often escalated into him becoming a target to be pushed around.  +
Ailith Ethere +For those of humble birth among the many vassals of House Valardin, the dream of being one of their gallant knights may forever be out of reach. But Ailith as a commoner sought martial training regardless, accepting she might raise no higher than a simple footsoldier among the house guards of the tiny barony of her birth if that was the price she might pay for a chance to strike at the evil foes that threaten home and hearth. She feels it was the will of the gods to spare her from a boring backwater, however, when her barony found itself on the front against an Abandoned warband, a shockingly large makeshift army of several barbaric clans who sought to raid and plunder the weaker borders of House Valardin's holdings. Ailith still remembers the looks of terror on her fellow soldiers faces on the eve before battle, and the disappointment she felt when she realized the seraph assigned to her barony was a terrified old priest who never expected to speak on the eve of a battle. The young woman still recalls being able to all but smell the fear from her fellow soldiers, sapping their resolve, and then something like a whisper to her... something only she could hear, that spoke words of iron and triumph. Ailith, the youngest soldier and lowest of the guards out of the hundreds, addressed her unit. She spoke movingly of faith, of duty, of honor, and what it meant to be a child of the gods and a servant of Gloria. She remembers the fear melting away from her fellow soldiers, the growing cheers as those men and women found their courage and their resolve, and of the fervor that gripped them all as they then faced the screaming hordes of the Abandoned the following day and smashed the enemy host while greatly outnumbered. A lone knight of solace who had been at the battle declared it no less than a miracle, and all but demanded that Ailith be sent to Arx to meet with the Faith and consider joining one of the militant orders serving the gods. Though she was expecting to become a soldier serving with the Knights of the Temple, a meeting with the Dominus himself convinced the young woman otherwise. The earthly voice of the gods spoke movingly of the importance of priestesses that can inspire and remind the faithful of what the gods require of them and to not break when the time comes for their tests of faith. He convinced her that one who can speak with divinely inspired words can do more good in the halls of power than a thousand steadfast soldiers, and assigned her as the personal priestess to the royal family: the palace seraph. Ailith is not entirely comfortable with a role that keeps her from the fighting, but she nonetheless recognizes its importance. How few commoners get the chance to talk to kings, and counsel them on what their faith asks of them? As the palace seraph, it is precisely her task, and she can do no less if that is the path the gods have set before her.  +
Ailys Grayson +Princess Ailys Grayson, daughter of Prince Rodric Grayson and Lady Daniela Bisland, was born with all the patience and composure that her oldest brother, Ainsley, would prove to lack. Those present for the event later joked that she came out of the womb with more poise and grace than even the most veteran of diplomats. So, of course, it is to everyone's dismay that she refused to become a politician, instead applying those gifts to perfecting her bedside manner in the field of medicine. She knew early on that she would need to learn how to mend flesh and bone; after all, her siblings were always getting hurt in their training. Providing assistance in those moments came naturally. She instinctively tended to cuts and scrapes. It started with Ainsley but soon encompassed all of the children that trained under her uncle, Duke Gabriel Bisland, as well. By the age of ten, she was watching a sparring match between two hot-headed young men, no adults in sight, that ended with one of the boys getting a particularly bad knock to the head! Ailys calmly took control of the situation, seeing to the injured party before getting her uncle's physician involved. Said physician was so impressed by her handling of the mishap that they took her on as an apprentice. From that day on, she received expert instruction in the healing arts. By the time she reached the age of majority, she was deemed competent enough to act unsupervised. Ailys garnered an impressive reputation as both a trusted healer and a much beloved Grayson princess, devoted to both roles with humility and the utmost decorum. That is why it came as such a shock to the people of the Crownlands, in the shadow of the Sack of Bastion, she set aside all titles and noble privileges to live as a commoner. 'Such a sensitive soul,' the scholars wrote, cherishing her all the more for it.  +
Aindre Grayson +Aindre Grayson was a bold and capable soul from his youngest years, always a strong-willed handful and into everything. His parents and teachers realized early on that his liveliness of spirit would need to be channeled into something productive. The sword was a natural fit and he was allowed to pursue it so long as he gave an equal amount of dedication to his lessons in strong leadership, sound diplomacy and whatever else his parents thought to be the hallmarks of a great political figure. This left him with the well-rounded education a prince should have, but anyone could see that while it was duty which drove him to learn the importance of maneuvering through the political machinations of the realm, his training in arms was where his passion was allowed to blossom. Between the excessive number of exceptionally talented members belonging to both halves of his Grayson and Bisland lineage, Aindre was never at a loss for older role models nor was he ever lacking in extraordinary cousins to test himself against in matters of the sword or the silver tongue. A veteran of two wars - the Silence and the Gyre - it was only a matter of time before his duties carried him to Arx on a more long-term basis in the Spring of 1012 AR at a point when tensions were high, the last of his siblings to do so. How his story unfolds from there is anyone's guess, but Aindre Grayson cut his teeth on tales of his family's storied history and the words of his House might as well be etched into his soul, so many in Bastion expect even greater things from him. No pressure, right?  +
Aine Halfshav +Adelie Pravus, second wife of Ahern Halfshav, was unhappy in Whitehold from the moment she arrived following her marriage to the widowed lord. Khanne and Arik were never really hers and this world was cold and miserable. It was likely that there would have been a divorce, but then Aine arrived in a screaming bundle on one rare, gloriously warm day in the far north reaches. And Adelie had something of her own, which Aine was raised to be. She was not raised with or like her half-siblings, allowed to form their own paths in the wilds, especially after Ahern's death. She was raised as a Southern lady, her mother's own little audience just as trapped as Adelie felt but in a different way. The call of her Northern blood was a thing to be ignored as she studied and worked on her wits and charm. It's only as Khanne rises that Aine has found an escape. She has been allowed to come to Arx, to see the city for the first time, and notable without her mother in attendance. There's hardly a party, or event in the bustling capital that Aine isn't attending. If she wants to make it somewhere in this world, she knows that she's going to make the right connections. Sister of a Duchess is not all that she wishes to be.  +
Ainsley Grayson +Born to Daniela Bisland and Rodric Grayson, Ainsley Grayson is a distant cousin of the Crown Prince. His parents tried to groom him for politics and the spotlight. Wanting him to shine like a star. They had many a plan for him. He created for none of them. As a boy he was far more interested in being outside in the training yard. As he grew he found it far too exhausting to deal with politics. Don't say this, don't do that. Pretend you like that person, don't talk to that person even though you like them. Why can't he just tell people whether or not they are annoying him? Why does he need to act a certain way? His parents saw it as a rebellion when he pursued a career in the Iron Guard. He saw it as a way to still do the Grayson name proud, without spending all that time exhausting himself trying to weave political webs. He'd rather just be himself. So he has thrown himself into the Iron Guard. He wants to do the Grayson motto justice: 'None greater than Grayson'. He wants to the best knight in the Iron Guard. His parents eventually found peace with his choice in life, and have stopped putting as much pressure on him to be some political maestro. He was, aside from his parents expectations, quite spoilt as a child. He spent time as a child with his Bisland cousins but his Grayson ones as well. Though most of those connections have not been very strong. Connecting with his family is something he looks forward to in the future.  +
Aisha Inverno +Aisha was one of several siblings and a member of the Inverno family. She was expected to uphold the traditions of her family as well as be a proper woman of the Velenosa fealty. Duty was hammered into Aisha since birth. This sense of duty never escaped her even as it became clear as she grew that she was a person who got lost in her own thoughts far too much. However, she never failed to take up her duties. One is not noble, according to Aisha, and forgets their duties towards their family, their fealty, and their Gods. That is the way of things. At one point in her life Aisha realized she, like many of her family seemed to be inclined, wished to become a Mirrormask. She realized her more notable personality traits were at odds with each other, just as a reflection typical is.  +
Aislin Ashford +As a girl, Aislin demanded tales of adventure in which the pretty princess was the heroine and the dashing prince was the plucky sidekick, and side by side the two of them would take on the world, seeing the sights and mapping the secrets of Arvum. As a woman, Aislin isn't wasting her time waiting for the dashing prince to accompany her on her adventures, and instead of having tales recounted at her bedside, she is living her dream. An explorer with impressive locales under her belt, Aislin is her own hero. She's blazed mountain trails and mapped coastlines, categorized artifacts and delivered manuscripts to the Scholars of Vellichor, though her fierce independence has thus far kept her from outright joining their order. She does spend quite a bit of time in Arx however, seeking out like-minded scholars and explorers to exchange stories and obscure bits of lore, and sometimes to team up with those self-same people for further adventuring.  +
Ajax Tyde +"Let the silver fall, boy!" The echoes of Ajax's father still crawling through his skull. He was a surprisingly happy child before the fall of Tyde under the strict tutelage of his father and mother both well respected if not ruthless merchants of the realm which led to an unfortunate bit of scrutiny on the otherwise happy go lucky child. As he aged into the world properly he never found himself taken with further education provided by his parents and as he simply seemed to lack the patience required to be a merchant. In his teenage years, he spent time away from his mother and father to learn the art of sword play from a distant uncle. Learning chivalry, and the art of the sword spoon fed the tales of war and adventure against the elves. Ajax was being prepared for service to a knight when Tyde had fallen. When the news had reached the land he had disappeared only being spoken of in rare passing. During the start of Ajax adulthood he would be found amongst the Redwood mercenary company, often guarding the roads, fighting in small skirmishes for coin. Eventually, parting to earn his own way in the world. While those who encounter him claim he cares for little for status, he seems content in his own dreams in hording a large stockpile of coin  +
Akamos Cyrto'ani +Most of the Abandoned that can be found in the islands of the Cyrto Arch to the far South West of the Lyceum Sea are part of a clan known as a Pol, lead by a Polmarkh. They vary in nature with some living in scattered towns and villages with others preferring to live behind the protection given by the walls of their fortified towns. Akamos was born and raised amongst the Pol of the Mountain, on Cyrto Major, the largest isle in the Cyrto Archipelago. Rare amongst the Pols of the Cyrto Arch, that of the Mountain had a strong shamanistic tradition, one that Akamos never truly felt satisfied him. As a child he enjoyed the life that he had, helping his father with the fishing and enjoying the praise from his parents when he performed his chores to their satisfaction. When he was twelve his life was changed drastically when his parents were both killed in a raid orchestrated by another Cyrto Arch faction, the Pol of the Reef, a particularly aggressive and warlike Pol. He was then taken in as a ward of Arkhos Arminius, the second to Polmarkh Kassandra and war leader of the Pol of the Mountain. His day to life changed completely as he was more or less in service to Arkhos at that point, the veteran war leader training the boy hard in the ways of combat. However hard he may try in his training and tasks, Akamos never got any praise from Arkhos and it was only the occasional positive words from his cousin Kia that gave him any sense of self worth. Then the Malvici lead expedition came to Cyrto Major in friendship to the Pol of the Mountain. They defeated the rival Pol of the Great Bay and established House Magnotta, Akamos got to see other types of warriors and fighting and vowed to emulate and impress them and over the following years he became a rising name amongst his people and the settlers from the mainland. A short while ago however he was responsible for defending a group of travellers out of Caer Morien from a savage attack by the Pol of the Reef. Akamos was at the forefront of the battle and was cited as being responsible for routing the attackers. Word of his feat spread until it reached the ear of the new Count Domonico Magnotta, who then summoned him to offer this warrior the position of Sword of Caer Morien.  +
Akio Nagamine +By thirty-five, Akio should have been someone. He should have married for the honor of his house or to stir his own ambitions and climb the social ladder. He should have been among the ranks of the Children, running across the rooftops of the capital city. By thirty-five, Akio's name should be known to more than just his family and friends, but to his father's disappointment it was not. Akio seemed to have none of the same ambitions that had driven his family the ranks of middle nobility in the Undying Empire. This was not to say that Akio had done nothing with his life. He had spent it as a scholar, chasing a discovery that might one day put his name on the tongues of important people. The problem he found was that most of the important discoveries in the Empire had already...well, been discovered. At least that was his excuse. The beaurocracy made sure everything was well documented. The scribes of Vellichor picked up what slack was left. If you wanted to know something, you just went to the library. Then came Arvum. Then came Copper's death and the year of mourning, and everything for Akio changed. Suddenly he had a chance to docment what the Empire did not have. Suddenly he had a chance to study what Platinum did not already know. And maybe if he could return home with the results of the Platinum Shift documented, then he could find a reward worthy of his father's praise. And so he was sent with Xia, Jian, and Nyima as part of the delegation to Arx. Now he serves as Chronicler and Accountant while working his private research.  +
Aksel Nygard +Aksel hails from a commoner family Nygard that has been loyal to the Nightgolds for as long as anyone can remember. Like the clan of enterprising shavs so many generations ago, they too bent the knee to Arx and its rulers. The Nygard clan ended up being small, but proud family of miners, which they had done for generations before being brought into the fold of Nightgold. Good work, hard work, but fulfilling work. They worked the mines, were paid decently for their services and really couldn't be asked for much else. They were neither popular or disliked, the Nygards were seem more as a staple and anchor in Stonedeep. So long as a Nygard worked the mines, all would be well. Aksel, in the beginning, barely entering his teen, joined in the family work, taking up the pickaxe like his father, brothers, and ancestors before. In his clan, it was something as priviledge, grateful to the mountain that allowed them to take their bounty from it. Aksel's life took a turn for the different, the day a tribe of shavs, still unwilling to bend knee and finding the hold of Stonedeep and affront to their way of life, attacked one of the mines worked by the Nightgold. Aksel's father older brothers were there that day, and were killed in the resulting cave-in that ensued, created by the attacking shavs. For all his life, Aksel had intended on just being another miner, an everyman, a common man, and was content with this. But now being the eldest of the family and burning with anger at the family taken from him, he enlisted in the duchy's armies to serve his cause and get his revenge after the tribe led to the collapse of a mine tunnel, entombing his father and eldestborn brothers with in it. Come to his surprise, his more than anyone else's, he had a knack for combat. It came naturally to him as it did taking a pickaxe to ore. And this talent was picked out by the Nightgolds, one of their elder soldiers having an eye for raw, but bursting talent when she sees it. She took young Aksel under her wing, having him train alongside Nadia and her elder brother Dustin. A rather odd thing to do, which made Aksel nervous to no end, not thinking he should be anywhere near them, but oddly enough, the three of them formed a bond and fast friendship between them. And so the training and fighting continued, Aksel, somehow making a name for himself as one of the better soldiers in Stonedeep, a point of contention the man always denies, having no want or need for songs sung or ballads told about him. Which really, only endeared him more to common folk of Stonedeep, being his humility and the simple statement that he was only doing his job. It was, and still is, something he hasn't gotten used to, being the center of attention. He's more happy to stand in the background and let the nobles have their fun. His likes are simple ones, such as his hobby of carving jewerly from soapstone. Years and personal accolades later, Duke Neddim Nightgold goes on one of his "famous walks" that he was known to do and never comes back. Weeks pass, and after enough fretting and worrying, Dustin and a number of other Nightgold family members and soldiers go after him in search and end up missing as well. Some time later, a sack is sent to doors of Stonedeep. Inside the bag is nothing more than a number of severed, frostbitten and bloated hands back with rosegold signet rings. None of them were the duchal ring, which meant there was chance Duke Nightgold still lived, resulting in Princess Nadia to send a war party out for blood and take revenge. She appointed Aksel, her friend, to led that war party, though word is he requested to lead it because of his friendship with Dustin. The shavs, and it was shavs who committed the act, were killed to the man, Aksel as the one who killed their chieftan in single combat, leaving the latter dead and former with a scar on his face for his efforts. It was to be this story that would be told for some time. Rescuing the Duke Nightgold and avenging the losses of the house, Princess Nadia named Aksel Sword of Stonedeep as a title, and giving him the relic weapon which represented that house. And yes, to this day, Aksel still downplays his involvement. He's just a soldier, even if these days Nadia keeps dragging him along in whatever she happens to get wrapped up in.  +
Alantir Valardin +How Alantir survived the Tragedy at Sanctum remains to this day a mystery. He has the scars to show for it, of course -- the raised and discolored tissue marring the majority of his bare chest and back. But the memories, beyond crawling from beneath a pile of corpses and burning debris? Hidden behind an impenetrable veil that obfuscates even his unconscious mind from uncovering the truth beneath. He talks about the event rarely, opting instead to busy himself with tasks entrusted to him on behalf of his family and its dignitaries. Outside of this blemish on an otherwise perfect record, he is very much the honor-bound and chivalrous knight one would expect to find bearing the crest of the White Dragon -- though perhaps with a negative predisposition toward the shav'arvani due to the great pain the Abandoned inflicted upon the Valardin psyche.  +
Alaric Grayson +When his father, King Alaric III was lost at sea during the Tyde Rebellion, King Alaric IV was just a boy- a boy who greatly resented the regency of Duke Gabriel Bisland, a duke who had no intention of attempting to shielding the young boy from the harsh realities of rule, but wound up alienating his ward. After Alaric IV's majority when he came of age at 18, he dismissed Gabriel as regent, ruling as a well liked but intensely frivolous king, who had little interest in the advice of sober ministers and listened to corrupt flatterers- ultimately resulting in the King's Rest, when his tragic trip to the Night Grove resulted in the death of his entire royal retine, and his coma for three years. Finally freed from his illness, the King of the Compact is determined to make right for the sins of the past and prove himself a true king, leading with strength and wisdom as he rules over a hard won peace. A peace that almost certainly will not last.  +
Alarie Harall +"I can barely remember the Saffron Chain. I was but a small child when my family came to the city. My father was a merchant, patriarch of the family. He sought to bring his business here to make a name for himself and the family. Unfortunately, he never quite made it as big as he had dreamed. We really cannot complain though, we have shelter and food. We do not go without our needs. Though,he had always dreamed of more. Mother had a talent with cooking and she always seemed to enjoy providing for the family. She always did father's biding with a smile on her face. Many men envied him for the wife he had. However, she took ill and died when I was twelve. Since then, father was not the same. He drank. He lost interest in the business. The family began to suffer for it. One thing I learned from mother was how to sew. I am actually quite good at it. The actors and actresses come to me for their costumes when putting on their plays. People around the city seek me out to make new garments for them. I have used this to help build the family back up. It all goes back to the family.  +