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Agatha Redrain +A solid wall of corded muscle and fierce strength, Agatha dominates rooms merely by entering them. Her martial stride, broad shoulders and lofty height make her impossible to miss, and the waves of her richly auburn hair make of her not just a giant but a fire giant, sparking with energy and life. The visible strength of her muscular arms suggest that she'd as soon dead hang as stand straight. Her eyes shine brilliant blue as a summer sky, framed by pale reddish lashes, and snap with intensity or sparkle with humor. It's easy to read her face: strong jaw, bold cheekbones, a profusion of freckles dusting skin too weathered a fair to be creamy or pale.  +
Agnarr +Nothing about this northern-blooded fellow indicates his growth is not a natural one : Agnarr's physique is broad, but not overdeveloped, with strong thews and symmetrical proportions. Standing above six and a half feet, and typically augmented by a helm and thick boots, his bearing is difficult not to notice. His face isn't quite as attention-catching; his straight nose bears a notch of a scar, his jaw juts slightly, but otherwise his mien is long and solemn, save for his pale eyes that tend far more towards grays rather than blues in the light. His crown is dusted with neatly-trimmed locks of an unremarkable blond, but his equally-groomed beard veers more towards the reds of hair color. Overall, he maintains a well-kept appearance, with his nails filed regularly, his teeth picked free of leftovers, his battle-scars kept covered more often than not, presenting an image of stalwart health - or alternatively, a form of advertisment for the trade he plies.  +
Agnarr Frost +Nothing about this northern-blooded fellow indicates his growth is not a natural one : Agnarr's physique is broad, but not overdeveloped, with strong thews and symmetrical proportions. Standing above six and a half feet, and typically augmented by a helm and thick boots, his bearing is difficult not to notice. His face isn't quite as attention-catching; his straight nose bears a notch of a scar, his jaw juts slightly, but otherwise his mien is long and solemn, save for his pale eyes that tend far more towards grays rather than blues in the light. His crown is dusted with neatly-trimmed locks of an unremarkable blond, but his equally-groomed beard veers more towards the reds of hair color. Overall, he maintains a well-kept appearance, with his nails filed regularly, his teeth picked free of leftovers, his battle-scars kept covered more often than not, presenting an image of stalwart health - or alternatively, a form of advertisment for the trade he plies. {w({nHe's got a few plaits woven into his beard in a northern fashion.{w){n  +
Agostino Alonso +Somewhat on the tall side, Agostino has a lean build that lends itself to quick, even graceful movement, and his tanned skin suggests a fair amount of time spent outdoors. High but subtle cheekbones and a slightly pointed nose make for a handsome face, with dark brown eyes that are often intense, whether it is with mirth or focus on some task or another. His jaw and chin are often covered in a beard, though he typically keeps this trimmed and groomed to match the dark, shoulder-length hair on his head that never seems quite as well-tamed as he might hope for. His manner of dress tends toward functional over stylish most of the time, as one might expect from one of his humble roots, though he is not averse to dressing up should work or other escapades take him somewhere that it seems suitable to do so.  +
Agric Leary +Combed, pitch black hair covers this man's head in a consistently clean and well groomed state. Pair this with a smooth, shaved face and a crisp, focused demeanor gives clear evidence that Agric is a man who favors practicality and detail. Plump, full lips draw the most attention to his face, often enough to distract those who listen to him when he does speak. The attention those lips demand is offset by those bright green eyes of his, which are inadvertantly seductive with a meer glance.  +
Ahmar Nightgold +Ahmar is a bit above average height and somewhat slight of build considering his occupation. He isn't big but he is strong considering his size, well toned muscle to account for his above average strength, but lean enough to be quite agile even when fully armored up. His dark brown hair is a wild mess of curls growing mostly up and out rather than down. His beard matching in color, but not wildness. He is somewhat pale and his face usually looks like a man who doesn't sleep that much, his eyes usually with some darkness under them. He is of standard nobility good looks, but he does a good job of hiding it with his somewhat scruffy wild appearance.  +
Ahriman Grayson +Ahriman Grayson is a pale figure that stands six feet tall. He appears to be in his late forties and he keeps his beard and hair long.vvThe dark strands are well cared for and add an almost stern countenance to his visage. His body is thin and a little gaunt but his frame suggests he was once more able and muscular; his body was clearly very able to support a more athletic and mobile build once upon a time. The man's movements come with a limp and he keeps most of his body covered save his face. He often wears high collars and other fashionable choices that hide his neckline from view. He strikes an imposing and authoritarian figure when he wants to do so.  +
Ahrsen Damane +Just over 6'6 and built something like a pit fighter. He has the good looks to go with it too, a firm jaw and a short length beard to give him that 'wild and rough' look. Long brown hair with lighter streaks falls around his face and well past his shoulders, it's wild and tangled as if he just got out off of a fast sailing vessel. He looks every bit the part of a bad boy, a half smile that always seems to be on his lips, almost a smirk as if everything is amusing to him. His dark blue eyes gaze hungrily around him, intense and soulful.  +
Ahven Granger +In another life, Ahven might have been a noted beauty. There's a smokey quality to her liquid dark eyes, thickly lashed and framed by dark brows. She has a gamine build, lissome and graceful, and the lush curve of her bowed lips is stained by the blush of youth. In this life, however, those delicate lips part for a hellion's grin, and her dark eyes are bright with challenge. There's startling power in her frame: strong calves, powerful thighs, and the kinds of arms and shoulders that have made challengers rethink their duels. She's nearly as quick on her feet as she is with her tongue, and this saves her from most of the troubles that her tongue earns her.  +
Aibek Grayson +Aibek is a bit shorter than most at 5'8", but his regal bearing and graceful gait have him looking just a hair taller. His frame is lithe with just enough visibile definition to betray that he isn't as lazy and carefree as his demeanor portrays. Aibek's hair is always cropped close, and his face clean shaven to reveal more of his youthful visage.  +
Aiden Grayson +While this man boasts a rangy build that stands him to 6'1" tall, it's the incredibly light gray eyes creating a dynamic contrast against his light mocha complexion which steals the show. These gray eyes are tucked underneath thick brows and set above prominent cheek bones that soften downward into leveled cheeks and an angular jawline, face being tipped at the end with a jutting round chin. Aiden's expression is often intense and focused. When he smiles it lights up his face and makes him appear boyish that a lack of facial hair adds to. As for hair, it is black with spiraled tips turning a shade of chestnut as it hangs around in a riot of springy curls that are often home to feathers or bits of down. He doesn't have a particularly muscular build but neither is he overtly skinny. He has the build of one who spends time outdoors, but does not devote his life to physical training. His hands and arms are home to a lattice work of scars from avian talons.  +
Aiden Rubino-zaffria +While this man boasts a rangy build that stands him to 6'1" tall, it's the incredibly light gray eyes creating a dynamic contrast against his light mocha complexion which steals the show. These gray eyes are tucked underneath thick brows and set above prominent cheek bones that soften downward into leveled cheeks and an angular jawline, face being tipped at the end with a jutting round chin. Aiden's expression is often intense and focused. When he smiles it lights up his face and makes him appear boyish that a lack of facial hair adds to. As for hair, it is black with spiraled tips turning a shade of chestnut as it hangs around in a riot of springy curls that are often home to feathers or bits of down. He doesn't have a particularly muscular build but neither is he overtly skinny. He has the build of one who spends time outdoors, but does not devote his life to physical training. His hands and arms are home to a lattice work of scars from avian talons. {w({nAiden's hair is braided in rows and tied up in a bun.{w){n  +
Ailith Ethere +Sweet faced with eyes full of fervor, Ailith seems a dichotomy unto herself. Taller than many men, with a strong build, she has the look of a warrior, but the face of a sweet lady, with large bright blue eyes that see the world in wonder and faith. Her bow mouth often smiles serenely, lighting up her face, until a fury comes upon her that can cause the staunchest warrior to be taken aback. When speaking normally, her voice is soft, melodic in a way that inspires peace, and then booms like a cacophony of holy trumpets when she proclaims with divine inspiration. She puts forth a confident aura when others are around, but if you can catch a glimpse of her alone, she might be staring up at the grandeur of Arx, looking small, and overwhelmed.  +
Ailys Grayson +Ailys stands tall for a woman, with a slender frame and relaxed bearing. Her midnight hair often is held back in a braid, but when it is "down" it is a riot of spring black curls that grow as much up as down her shoulders. Ailys's skin is a smooth light brown with an even complexion. Her eyes are a soft dove gray color, framed by thick black lashes; large and expressive with an earnest, sometimes solemn look to them. Her mouth is wide and her smiles bright, showing off perfect teeth that contrast well against her dark hair and dusky skin. Ailys carries herself with poise and grace, but also a measure of intent curiosity thinly veiled by propriety.  +
Aindre Grayson +Height is the least measure of a man but Aindre Grayson rises high regardless, rounding out at six feet tall. There is a broadness of shoulders and thickness of arms that implies strength over quickness but despite that he moves with a surprising ease of grace. The stormy blue-silver of his eyes creates a striking contrast against the smooth light brown of his skintone, making them one of the man's more notable features. They're surrounded by thick brows and prominent cheekbones that both help to lend a noble bearing to his face. A strong jawline which rarely is allowed to forego a clean shave cradles generous lips well-suited to the large and earnest smiles he's capable of whenever they're not pursed in serious thought or dedicated to looking disappointed in someone. If let go, his thick black hair would be capable of riots and for that reason he keeps it cut close and respectably shaped to match the rest of his meticulous grooming.  +
Aine Halfshav +A war between her Southern and Northern roots wages on Aine Halfshav's features, each winning their own battle in a precariously pleasing way. Her hair is a brown with tinted red tresses when the light hits it, holding soft curls to frame her strong jaw and cheekbones. Her eyebrows are wild and thick, over almondine eyes of deep, dark brown. Her nose is a petite, short button over a perfect cupid's bow of a mouth. Her limbs are lean and supple, but hold very little muscle.  +
Ainsley Grayson +Around six foot tall, with light brown skin and gray eyes Ainsley Grayson holds himself with a Knightly bearing. His black hair is often shaved shorn and cropped close to his skull. A hint of stubble there on occasion. His form is athletic and lean; full of muscle without being bulky or too broad.  +
Aisha Inverno +Delicacy describes Aisha quiet perfectly. From the subtle waves of her strawberry blonde hair to the way she carries herself. Though her posture and movements have a regal bearing to it, there is something about her that makes her seem as if the wind can blow her away. The graceful movements of her porcelain hued body adds to the feeling of her being fragile and noble. When getting a chance to look into the abyss of her dark eyes there is a kind fierceness to them. Though a whimsical woman Aisha clearly gives off the aura and impression of being on track for her life.  +
Aislin Ashford +Tall, svelte and possessed of an elegant bearing, Lady Aislin Ashford is a striking woman. Emerald green eyes are bright with intelligence and curiosity. Rimmed with dark, long lashes and smokey kohl being her only attempts at wearing makeup. Her hair is a platinum color, so blonde it is white. Usually worn in a loose bun or pulled back out of necessity. Revealing a light smattering of pale freckles across her nose and a scar down her left cheek that lends her a rugged credibility to a life well traveled and frought with dangers. Perhaps for it, she is slow to genuinely smile at times. When she does it is hard to deny she is a stubborn beauty. Walking with a purposeful grace, carried by an innate confidence of someone who has traveled to places near and far, safe and dangerous, living to tell the tales about it all.  +
Ajax Tyde +Standing of a tall height, this adult man possess a body that appears to be accustomed to a hard days work and play. His shoulders are certainly bulky as he moves with economic footsteps to make himself seem taller then he is. His head is clearly shaved, however not to the point of balding as the top of his head is cropped with a thin black hair that draps down to his forehead, lined slightly with age and show two prominent eyebrows. Underneath those thick brows are two eyes that are light brown in color giving many of his expressions perhaps a gentler feel. A pronounced nose helps shape his square face as well as even lips that lead down to a clef chin that is covered in a thin stubble. Leading down from his face, his neck is thick and bulky as expected of someone his size and mass. A thick vein can be seen from its left side whenever he is under physical and mental duress.  +
Akamos Cyrto'ani +Maybe a touch above six feet in height and broad shouldered, this man cuts an imposing figure, his long dark hair falling past his shoulders, either loose and wavy or secured in a long braid down his back. His tanned and weathered skin indicates a lifetime exposed to the sun, sea and wind. He holds himself with confidence and perhaps just a touch of bluster and smiles come easy to him.  +
Akio Nagamine +The long, silken strands of onyx black hair fall in straight lines down to mid-back, cut neatly but in a way that offers no hints to this person's gender. Nor does the face help solve that puzzle, with smooth skin, a delicately defined jaw, and medium cheekbones. Black brows arc over brown eyes and his nose bears the bump of having been broken once. The figure is ethereal, given to slender fingers and long, almot dainty limbs.  +
Aksel Nygard +Broad of shoulder and long of limb, Aksel bears a physique of pronounced musculature and sinew made for violence, his every movement purposeful and precise as though to conserve energy for the perfect strike. A chiseled jaw shrouded in a well-trimmed beard, and mussed dark hair that beckons a lady's fingers, his is a strikingly handsome visage, marred only by the slice of a scar that goes across his left cheek. Gold-flecked green eyes often betray their emotion within, whether it be frightening moments of fury or a boyish zeal for the simple pleasures of Northern life. And when he smiles, a lady must truly beware its roguish charm lest they find their hearts stolen.  +
Alantir Valardin +The man is tall, thin, and built like an athlete trained to sprint. Chin and cheekbones are concealed beneath a well-kempt beard. Features have been weathered by countless campaigns and skirmishes, but soften frequently when in the presence of close associates or blood. A passerby would describe him as ruggedly handsome. No matter his company, he is seldom seen without meticulously maintained platemail and longsword.  +
Alaric Grayson +With his golden hair and strong-jawed, attractive features typical of the male line of descent from Queen Alarice the Great, King Alaric the Fourth looks every inch the classic Grayson monarch. Vibrant in a way that makes him seem taller than his six feet of height, he has not a single ounce of fat on his toned and impressive frame. Since the days of the King's Rest, subtle changes mark his passage through that terrible trial; he's cut his hair down to a more mature yet still stylishly moppy length, and he now effortlessly possesses a sober and regal bearing that commands a room. Yet in his less guarded moments, hints of the frivolity of his younger days still shine through: his easy, infectious smile, the twinkle in his eye when he makes a playfully subtle joke.  +