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Elyid Acheron +A dense crown of thick dark hair shines atop Elyid's head, fanning voluminously upward as would a halo. His light brown complexion grows richer with exposure to the sun, as does his general demeanor. Often self-styled with tasteful incorporations of bone, feather, and fur, this young nobleman embodies a controlled type of wilderness, a youthful Northern ferocity that's been focused and is betrayed only in the briefest flashes of his eyes.  +
Elyse Crown +Elyse is a little over average height, but she's whip-cord thin and lithe enough that the height is often overlooked. Her skin is pale, although frequently her cheeks are sunburned from exposure to too much light. Wide blue eyes are often dancing merrily with some joke or another, amusement at the world and all that is within it a hallmark of her very personality. The crowning jewel of her appearance is the long, thick dark red hair that has very obviously been well kept, and tends to be brushed back from her face.  +
Elysio Forza +As lovely as the heavens for which he was named, Elysio's gaze is easily one of the most pleasing things about him. Framed by long feminine eyelashes, his green eyes are flecked with swirls of bronze. The curve of his mouth is unguarded. His cheeks are high and wide, the slope of his nose is flat, and his complexion carries the heat of summer even in the dead of winter. His dark hair is just long enough to be unruly in the breeze. Build lean, he holds himself with the quiet of contentment: not inclined to bristle or posture in response to a threat, but rather to bend. The young man's formative years spent living on the Oathlands-Lyceum cusp are brought to life in his armor, augmented by strips of flowing silk and daringly placed panels of exposed tan skin.  +
Emara Grayhope +Emara grew up from a skinny kid into a woman with a body shaped by hard work and travel, though not without curves to add a little interest. Long, dark hair is usually tied back in a braid to keep out of her face and there is a perpetually world weary expression in her dark eyes, as if bracing herself for whatever trouble someone is going to give her next. Her olive toned skin bears a few tattoos, which indicate that she's perhaps wandered into unconventional territory in her travels around the Compact.  +
Ember Redleaf +One might initially look at Ember and underestimate her, a tiny and petite woman, but close examination shows a frightening look in her eyes. Fiery, passionate, and completely unabashed, her style of dress is often very unlady-like, and her posture the same. Having a fair share of scars from battles fought, she seems to inspire fear in the hearts of the men and women who stand beside her, as much as loyalty.  +
Ember Redreef +Official portraits of Countess Ember Redreef show a woman with sun-bronzed skin, dark hair, and amber eyes, an athletic figure with a scar on her left cheek and a baleful glare. To see her in person, without her armor or cloak hiding her from view, one would be forgiven for thinking that this is not the same creature. Broadly shaped like a human, Ember's skin is a deep red, and her hair is as white as pristine snow. Her eyes are solid yellow in color and literally glow in the darkness. Large, long ears come to knife-tip points. Her fingers and toes end in brutal claws, and her teeth are sharpened, with visible fangs. A thick, long tail sways behind her, its top edge ridged with low nubs of bone emerging just past the surface of her hide. And from her temples sprout great, black, wickedly curved ram-like horns. Surely, this monster could not be Ember Redreef -- but the scar on her left cheek, the blunt and clipped way of speaking, the fierce sternness... there's really no one else it COULD be.  +
Emberly Crovane +She has flowing firey hair that is well maintained. The red locks often are tied up in an updue to keep her hair from her eyes, but strands of wayward embers flit and flutter on the wind. She stands at an avarage height for Arx, about 5'7" Not overly tall or short, her jaw is sharp, and lead to high cheekbones. Her eyes are a startling icy blue that peer out into the world under dark voluminous lashes, a small nose sets just right on her face, bringing attention to her lush lips. Her skin is lightly tanned and she has smaller curves to her body, her frame was more willow then curvy, and her breasts also small and rounded, the curve of them hugged under her clothing.  +
Emberly Crown +She has flowing firey hair that is well maintained. The red locks often are tied up in an updue to keep her hair from her eyes, but strands of wayward embers flit and flutter on the wind. She stands at an avarage height for Arx, about 5'7" Not overly tall or short, her jaw is sharp, and lead to high cheekbones. Her eyes are a startling icy blue that peer out into the world under dark voluminous lashes, a small nose sets just right on her face, bringing attention to her lush lips. Her skin is lightly tanned and she has smaller curves to her body, her frame was more willow then curvy, and her breasts also small and rounded, the curve of them hugged under her clothing.  +
Emberly Farshaw +She has flowing firey hair that is well maintained. The red locks often are tied up in an updue to keep her hair from her eyes, but strands of wayward embers flit and flutter on the wind. She stands at an avarage height for Arx, about 5'7" Not overly tall or short, her jaw is sharp, and lead to high cheekbones. Her eyes are a startling icy blue that peer out into the world under dark voluminous lashes, a small nose sets just right on her face, bringing attention to her lush lips. Her skin is lightly tanned and she has smaller curves to her body, her frame was more willow then curvy, and her breasts also small and rounded, the curve of them hugged under her clothing.  +
Emele Greenblood +Emele stands around 5'8", making her rather tall for a woman of Arx. Her dark bronze skin glows with health but is often speckled with little bits of paint here and there. It can also sometimes be seen in her black curls; the tight tiny spirals are often held back with a ribbon to keek them out of her face. She's slender and a hint on the dainty side. Her darkly golden haze eyes are framed by dark lashes and often hold a far off dreamy look to them.  +
Emeline Smith +As Emeline stands before you the first thing you might notice is that she has milky white skin. Or perhaps you first notice her long straight black that cascades down to the middle of her back. Her eyes are an icy blue that are rested below perfect black eyebrows. Though below her eyes is a perfect nose and a soft and full lips. She's a short little athletic thing standing only at 4'8" with soft feminine curves upon her form.  +
Emeric Redrain +This man is over six feet in height and he is quite muscular. He falls more on the bulky side for his build but it is all muscle. His brown skin is complemented by dark brown hair and black eyes. His limbs fall more on the long side and he moves at a slow steady pace. He is what many would call handsome and his facial features are ore angular.  +
Emery Ojitfor +A young woman with large, bright eyes and a wiry frame. Her jaw is pronounced, her features blunt and open, her dark hair is cropped short, and her hands and feet are broad and dexterous. She tends toward loose garments and sandals, even in the winter. She also tends toward gesticulation that's oddly tentative.  +
Emilia Godsworn +Emilia's appearance can be one of paradox. She may, and often does, appear saintly honey-sweet and poised, like the vista of a dew-covered mountain at the dawn of a beautiful spring morning, and yet, sometimes, like the waning and the waxing of the moon, she may appear disciplined and commanding, like the frozen rays of twilight dancing over turbulent and violent storm clouds-- Because despite her beauty and mellow features, her tiny form exudes martial prowess and military bearing. Her eyes are almond-shaped and deep, brimming with goodness and heart, and there are many who, uninterrupted, stared into them for quite a while, lost in those deep blue pools. Her silky golden hair, almost luminous as if fashioned from sunlight itself, is long and made into a thick braid that reaches down to just above her knees. She carries herself with a humble grace that easily tempers the martial fire that lives inside her will.  +
Emilia de Lys +Emilia's appearance can be one of paradox. She may, and often does, appear saintly honey-sweet and poised, like the vista of a dew-covered mountain at the dawn of a beautiful spring morning, and yet, sometimes, like the waning and the waxing of the moon, she may appear disciplined and commanding, like the frozen rays of twilight dancing over turbulent and violent storm clouds-- Because despite her beauty and mellow features, her tiny form exudes martial prowess and military bearing. Her eyes are almond-shaped and deep, brimming with goodness and heart, and there are many who, uninterrupted, stared into them for quite a while, lost in those deep blue pools. Her silky golden hair, almost luminous as if fashioned from sunlight itself, is long and made into a thick braid that reaches down to just above her knees. She carries herself with a humble grace that easily tempers the martial fire that lives inside her will.  +
Emily Deepwood +Lean and wiry, Emily is built for the life of a long range scout. She is lithe and agile, her eyes shining with interest and betraying her curiosity about the world around her. Her long black hair is thick and frizzes easily in humidity, but there's often a ready smile on her face and her skin is smooth and unlined save for one scar that starts on the back of her hand and tracks its way up her arm almost to her elbow.  +
Emlyn Blackram +Lithe and lean, Emlyn is not the picture of a great Northern warrior - or a great Blackram warrior, for that matter. He is still athletic and sinewy but his body type speaks of speed and agility rather than sheer muscle power. Messy waves of golden red sweep down across his forehead, usually brushed and coifed - even if it doesn't look that way by the end of the day. His features are relatively easy going, with a generous smile that spreads to the cerulean blue eyes.  +
Emma Valardin +Emma always possessed a beauty best described as immaculate, something ethereal that almost defies definition. While Damiana was always considered gorgeous, to Emma were ascribed qualities such as regal and elegant, every line in her face perfectly placed, her eyes blue like the sky and high cheekbones painting the perfect picture of a commanding scion of Valardin who demands attention by virtue of simply standing in place. Her one blemish is that her perfect looks might distract from the intense energy within her eyes, the piercing things sharp at best, and baleful and furious at worst, but always burning.  +
Emmelline Harthall +This woman stands at about five and ahalf feet tall. She appears to be in her early to mid-twenties. She has straight midback length blonde hair, which flows gracefully down to the middle of her back. She has a small oval face, with a high forehead, followed by a pair of sky blue eyes. She has a small button nose, full lips and a sharp chin. A long neck preceeds a pair of narrow shoulders. Overall, she appears to have a slim build, which sports a graceful hour glass figure.  +
Emmerly tyde +Freckles. Nearly every inch of this woman's visible skin seems to be covered in the tiny sun-kissed spots, warm brown against her pale skin. She is a bit taller and carries more muscle than the average woman, and there is not even a hint of sway in her stride. Those who might call her pretty are usually referring to the full cupid's bow in her lips, for none of her other features are at all remarkable. Her eyes are plain blue. Her hair is light brown, and usually braided and pinned to her head to hide its length.  +
Emrys Whisper +Though Emrys is a tall man, he is not especially physically imposing. Thin, his hair greyed with the same age that saw the lines of his face deepened, he is a man past his prime. Yet, he remains properly dressed and groomed, maintaining the same habits and discipline he has drilled into so many of his students. It only serves to strengthen the authorative presence of the Eldest Whisper, a weight to his gaze that grounds and commands attention. He rarely raises his voice, hardly needing to when its depth ensure it will be heard, yet when he does, it booms like thunder, with the promise of as much mercy as offered by the storm.  +
Enid Frost +Even at a glance it is easy to discern Enid is a woman of the North. Lean, but muscled, she depicts a fearsome figure with a mane of coarse platinum hair knotted & braided adding to a more typical display of a Prodigal of the mountains. Ice blue irises offer her a rather piercing gaze set deeply in the frame of oddly dark lashes and brow line. Her skin tells the tale of exposure to the outdoors, calluses running the expanse of slender fingers. {w({nEnid's hair is a wild tangle per usual, though today a few braids are used to tame the white mane back and away from her face and knotted amidst various feathers and trinkets. She also wears her customary face paint: a thick strip of deep blue across her eyes giving a mask like appearance, a coat across her upper lip and a thumbprint in the center of her lower lip.{w){n  +
Ennettia Igniseri +She is a painting in warm colors: a portrait in warmly golden olive skin, with a backdrop of dark, dark hair hinted with whispers of auburn that tumbles in waves past her neck and shoulders to cascade over her back. Languid eyes of hazel, deep and dark, center her features, beneath the sooty veil of lashes. The soft bow of her full mouth is lush, especially when tilted in a wicked curve, sensual and languorous. Lissome grace informs her movements, flowing in an indolent elegance, as though she does not walk about the world so much as pour through it.  +
Enoch Grayson +The man before you stands at exactly 6'0" tall, with beautiful blue eyes that easily bring reminiscence of an aquamarine jewel, and raven black hair that falls to about his shoulders. His facial features are simple and sharp, giving him the visage of an extremely beautiful young man. Physically speaking, Enoch is a specimen. Even for his young age, he's physically extremely fit and has the body of someone who put in a hellish amount of exercise and other physical activities intensely every single day. Every muscle perfectly defined and well grown, not having even a single scar on his body. In terms of clothing, Enoch takes his role as a member of the King's own extremely seriously, often keeping his sword(s) on hand with him at all times as well as always wearing the proper armor. Though he often enjoys wearing casual clothing.  +
Enri Jaeggere +A man with an imposing physique, Enri has a somewhat short hair for a northman, cropping his blond strands just above his ears and parting it to the side, just above his pair of bushy eyebrows. His pair of green eyes are usually inexpressive and quiet. A small curve on the upper part of his nose denotes it might have been broken at some point during his life.  +