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A list of all pages that have property "Personality" with value "Generally taciturn and seemingly devoid of a sense of humor, Agnarr keep". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 25 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Gailin Stonewood  + (Gailin is Snarky, cocky, arrogant, brash and abrasive. But he is also caring kind and loving these he keeps down deep.)
  • Gailin Fireviper  + (Gailin is Snarky, cocky, arrogant, brash and abrasive. But he is also caring kind and loving these he keeps down deep.)
  • Galavan Vizier  + (Galavan is cynical, stubborn, self righteo
    Galavan is cynical, stubborn, self righteous and dismissive. While he acknowledges and respects the authority of the divine, his respect for his fellow man is tepid at best. However he is a hypocrite, though he would be very critical of others, he will show traits of spite, greed, rage and pride fairly often. He is also not above deciept and manipulation to further his own interests which he will rationalise as the ends justifying the means.
    ionalise as the ends justifying the means.)
  • Galen Thrax  + (Galen is a strong man with a strong person
    Galen is a strong man with a strong personality. He's headstrong when he knows he's in the right, and he is an independent thinker. He'll listen to other people but he's adamant about making his own decisions. He is brave and bold and forthright, but where on others this might come across as bossy and rude, Galen is charming and friendly. He is a civilized man, a man of refined tastes - and a dashing moustache - who is very concerned with doing things the proper way. Like reasonable people. He is still a Prince of Thrax, believing that men should be raised to be strong and warlike, but allowing women to learn to fight and carry arms and lead forces and sail isn't upsetting to him either. In his mind, a man is a man if he can do these things, and whether a woman can or not is irrelevant to the point at hand.
    or not is irrelevant to the point at hand.)
  • Julia Grayson  + (Gallows humor can lead to grim determinati
    Gallows humor can lead to grim determination. Grim determination to guttural laughter and enjoyment of the moment. To try to pin down Julia's personality with one word might leave a person only with: mercurial. Yet that doesn't encompass all of it either. She's steadfast; if she's promised she's going to do something she will. She's true to her word in all things. And she's fast to come to the defense of friends, and equally quick to let them know their failings as she would anyone else.
    w their failings as she would anyone else.)
  • Gareth Grayson  + (Gareth is a man who has little time or ene
    Gareth is a man who has little time or energy for beating around a bush. Well, unless a person is tied to that bush and under suspicion of consorting with demons. He is relentless in the pursuit of truth, and to wipe the scourge of darkness from the face of Arvum. For all his fierce and sometimes violent acts in the name of the Inquisition, he gets no joy out of it. It is a duty, a necessity, and not one to revel in. He sees people on the street and catalogues them in their minds, how he would extract information, and what their sins may be. Most people stay away, simply because his scarred body is intimidating. He uses their fear when he must, and hardens his heart to keep him strong. Perhaps saddest of all, he does feel joy, he can still laugh, but it takes a rare person to bring that out of the places he's buried it.
    ing that out of the places he's buried it.)
  • Garnet Navegant  + (Garnet is the life of the party, and where
    Garnet is the life of the party, and where there is no party established, he seeks to create one. He is outgoing and friendly, quick to make an accquaintance. He moves through social circles and strata with the ease of a dancer moving through his routine, and finds few people he'll not share a drink and a story with.
    he'll not share a drink and a story with.)
  • Garret Navegant  + (Garret is the life of the party, and where
    Garret is the life of the party, and where there is no party established, he seeks to create one. He is outgoing and friendly, quick to make an accquaintance. He moves through social circles and strata with the ease of a dancer moving through his routine, and finds few people he'll not share a drink and a story with.
    he'll not share a drink and a story with.)
  • Gaspar Velenosa  + (Gaspar Velenosa is cheerful, curious and c
    Gaspar Velenosa is cheerful, curious and carefree. There's no place that he isn't comfortable either in court or out of it. Lust. That encompasses nearly all of Gaspar's drive. Lust for love, excitement, knowledge, intrigue. There is never enough for him, never enough hours in the day to do all that has to be done for someone who will only be satisfied when the world itself is tied around his finger. Gaspar is the quintessential jack-of-all-trades. Seemingly touched by the gods themselves, all that keeps him from turning a passion into a the newest passion born of tomorrow. How can the voice be mastered with the temptation of a lady on the mind? What chance does diplomacy have with the call to finish that painting?
    ave with the call to finish that painting?)
  • Gaspar Tessere  + (Gaspar Velenosa is cheerful, curious and c
    Gaspar Velenosa is cheerful, curious and carefree. There's no place that he isn't comfortable either in court or out of it. Lust. That encompasses nearly all of Gaspar's drive. Lust for love, excitement, knowledge, intrigue. There is never enough for him, never enough hours in the day to do all that has to be done for someone who will only be satisfied when the world itself is tied around his finger. Gaspar is the quintessential jack-of-all-trades. Seemingly touched by the gods themselves, all that keeps him from turning a passion into a the newest passion born of tomorrow. How can the voice be mastered with the temptation of a lady on the mind? What chance does diplomacy have with the call to finish that painting?
    ave with the call to finish that painting?)
  • Gaspard Blackram  + (Gaspard is VERY comfortable out on the fie
    Gaspard is VERY comfortable out on the field, whether he's leading the charge or just participating in the line. Its when you throw him on the social battlefield that he doesn't do so well, and he's not entirely convinced he really should be here and not back out in the field. While he's not CRANKY, his default might be...brooding and quiet.
    his default might be...brooding and quiet.)
  • Gaston Blackram  + (Gaston is a man terrified of his own tempe
    Gaston is a man terrified of his own temper. Through most of his life, he lived in self-enforced exile in the hopes that isolation would help grant him control and serenity, and never was able to forget that he could present a terrible danger to those he cared about just by being near them. He found, however, that he truly enjoys the company of others and self-imposed isolation might have been slowly driving him mad, so it was time to try a different tack. He is now determined to be a good noble, someone that can try to overcome his flaws and be a better man, and draw other people together. A man willing to turn the other cheek if it wins compromise and solidarity, he's a natural peacemaker- it wouldn't be urbane and cosmopolitan to say he views it as keeping the peace in a wolfpack, but it's how he thinks.
    ace in a wolfpack, but it's how he thinks.)
  • Gavin Surname TBD  + (Gavin is fairly gregarious, and tends to go with the flow. He does, however, have a mean protective streak when it comes to his little sister.)
  • Gavin Reed  + (Gavin is fairly gregarious, and tends to go with the flow. He does, however, have a mean protective streak when it comes to his little sister.)
  • Gawain Blanchard  + (Gawain expects the most from life. Good-hu
    Gawain expects the most from life. Good-humored and ingenuous, there's a degree to which is vanity and arrogance are charming just because they are so innocent. It's not that he puts himself forward; he expects to already be forward, and is puppyishly hurt on those occasions when he is not. His natural charisma is a not insignificant force, and he has the raw potential to be a good leader someday maybe ... if he can overcome a few of those hardships, like trying to be all things to all men and women, showboating until he falls off the boat, and being fundamentally incapable of refusing a dare ("--what do you mean you don't think I can drink five shots and still hit the target?").
    nk five shots and still hit the target?").)
  • Gehenna Redreef  + (Gehenna knows quite well that she has a wa
    Gehenna knows quite well that she has a way with words, and is proud of her talent. She's a true believer in the traditionalist values of the Mourning Isles. She's also a skillful diplomat, so she knows better than to go around starting screaming contests or shoving matches. Her unhappiness with the progressive trends of recent years tends to find release in acid-tongued gallows humor. That, and sometimes turning 'a drink with lunch' into 'multiple drinks with lunch.'
    lunch' into 'multiple drinks with lunch.')
  • Lynn Romano  + (Generally a laid-back, easygoing sort of p
    Generally a laid-back, easygoing sort of person, quick to smile, quick to flirt, and slow to anger, and it can sometimes be a major endeavor to get her to take something seriously. Likes to spend most of her time lying in the sun or in bed, with or without that week's girlfriend, sipping rum and occasionally playing a tune or two. That said, when she does get serious, she commits. Her playful and laid-back demeanor is quickly replaced with a focused, no-nonsense attitude, and the jokes and come-ons cease until the task at hand is dealt with - and then she's right back to getting drunk and laughing, like someone flipped a switch on her back.
    like someone flipped a switch on her back.)
  • Bron Aisling  + (Generally amiable and happy go lucky, it's
    Generally amiable and happy go lucky, it's when challenged that Bron's competitive streak comes to the fore. A former soldier he is fiercely loyal to those who prove worthy of it but views cowadice as the gravest of sins. While he can work with others he is fiercely self reliant, a useful trait in the wilds of the North.
    a useful trait in the wilds of the North.)
  • Helle Waters  + (Generally characterized as gloomy, depress
    Generally characterized as gloomy, depressed, anhedonic, Helle is a rain cloud of pessimism at the best of times. She can typically be found sulking against a tree somewhere, staring morosely into the distance, or complaining how fast the time flies and how life used to be so much simpler when she was a tree. The working theory is that the woman might be off her rocker. Hardly ever happy, and even when she is, she's still sardonic and a bit cynical. Ironically, Helle actually seems to enjoy being gloomy to an extent and sees it as the essence of her very being. Nevertheless, she seems genuinely appreciative of the effort her friends put forth to cheer her up and does her best to be a true friend in return.
    es her best to be a true friend in return.)
  • Archibald Kitt  + (Generally embittered by life, Archibald considered none his friend. Too much has been taken from him already.)
  • Vernan Culler  + (Generally fun-loving and adventurous, Vern
    Generally fun-loving and adventurous, Vernan's disposition can change as quickly as the weather at sea. He's charming, he's playful, he's sometimes ruthless, all depending on the situation. While on land, he tends to embrace drinking, carousing, and other unhealthy hobbies. Always up for a party. There's been many a night he's been drug back to his ship after a night of destruction and beligerance. On the other hand, once on a ship, he changes. He knows ships. He becomes focused, efficient, driven. A man who doesn't back down. He's passionate about ships, and the sea is just as intoxicating to him as a mug of ale.
    st as intoxicating to him as a mug of ale.)
  • Rastifer Redrain  + (Generally outgoing and friendly, Rastifer
    Generally outgoing and friendly, Rastifer is a man of refined tastes preferring to keep to establishments capable of satiating his palate and expectations. While at times he can be found in larger parties generally off to the side forming business relationships with the other nobles present, he shines in closer atmospheres where he can watch and interact with everyone.
    e he can watch and interact with everyone.)
  • Lewis arterius  + (Generally reserved, but becomes animated a
    Generally reserved, but becomes animated and passionate when discussing philosophy and theology. Seeks to unveil the world's wonders, as these reveal the handiwork of the gods. Is quick to gain companionship along his travels, but true friendship is not something given away so easily. Wry sense of wit.
    ng given away so easily. Wry sense of wit.)
  • Agnarr Frost  + (Generally taciturn and seemingly devoid of
    Generally taciturn and seemingly devoid of a sense of humor, Agnarr keeps largely to himself, at least on the surface, pragmatically earning his coin through the profession of arms. He expresses a deep faith in the spirits and an unyielding nature: his appearance is apt, considering his temperament.
    rance is apt, considering his temperament.)
  • Agnarr  + (Generally taciturn and seemingly devoid of
    Generally taciturn and seemingly devoid of a sense of humor, Agnarr keeps largely to himself, at least on the surface, pragmatically earning his coin through the profession of arms. He expresses a deep faith in the spirits and an unyielding nature: his appearance is apt, considering his temperament.
    rance is apt, considering his temperament.)
 (Generally taciturn and seemingly devoid of a sense of humor, Agnarr keep)
  • Amanda Morgan  + (Generous but not necessarily kind. Loving
    Generous but not necessarily kind. Loving but not precisely warm. Amanda is an oddity. Often, she smiles and laughs and shows open affection, but just as often she's cool and distant. The latter speaks more to her actual persona. As a child, Amanda was quiet and withdrawn. She'd often interact with others only when it was necessary, or she had some great desire. She was more often reading or drawing or "playing" with her dolls (which included making them wait in line and scolding them for their rude behavior and impiety). But as an adult, she learned the value in socialization and how a display of empathy can be much more effective than an explanation of cold logic. It does not mean she's any less cold and logical at her core, nor does it make her caring smile fake. She simply offers to a situation what she believes is needed. After all, what's the harm of in putting on a bit of a show if it helps push someone toward acting properly and piously? Of course, those that know her closest will surely see that, outside of a necessary situation the woman is nothing if not impassive.
    ion the woman is nothing if not impassive.)
  • Jenna Whisper  + (Gentle and soft spoken often thought of as a touch meek.)
  • Odile Nightgold  + (Gentle with a cool wit, Lady Odile Nightgo
    Gentle with a cool wit, Lady Odile Nightgold's bedside manner is colored with an all too often under-appreciated dark humor. Still, the young woman's aura of unshakable self-confidence and contagious nonaggression cannot be matched for putting the infirmed at ease... and getting everybody else out of her way.
    and getting everybody else out of her way.)
  • Elora Whitehawk  + (Gentle, quiet, ingenuous. Elora prefers th
    Gentle, quiet, ingenuous. Elora prefers the company of animals, knowing them to be open and honest, never causing her to guess their intentions. The woman has a harder time when it comes to opening up and trusting people. However, once you have her trust, you have a friend for life. She will protect the people that she loves with all of her ferocity. A kitten's ferocity, but ferocity nonetheless.
    tten's ferocity, but ferocity nonetheless.)
  • Elora Ravenseye  + (Gentle, quiet, ingenuous. Elora prefers th
    Gentle, quiet, ingenuous. Elora prefers the company of animals, knowing them to be open and honest, never causing her to guess their intentions. The woman has a harder time when it comes to opening up and trusting people. However, once you have her trust, you have a friend for life. She will protect the people that she loves with all of her ferocity. A kitten's ferocity, but ferocity nonetheless.
    tten's ferocity, but ferocity nonetheless.)
  • Ainsley Grayson  + (Genuine in all he does, it seems almost as
    Genuine in all he does, it seems almost as if Ainsley cannot lie. In truth he simply prefers not to. Finding the pressure of being a political body from his family too much he tends to seek other paths while still doing the Grayson name proud. Politics, lying, and intrigue is far too much effort and work. He would rather throw himself into exhausting physical labor than have to remember what web has been weaved. He would rather be a protector than a rule. There is honor, he finds, in being the guard and the knight. Ainsley takes a straight forward approach to most things. His moods may be mecurial at times but they are all genuine and honest, to be otherwise is too much work.
    honest, to be otherwise is too much work.)
  • Geralt Crovane  + (Geralt is as tough as the Everwinter, but
    Geralt is as tough as the Everwinter, but at least he is not as bitterly cold. He's spilled enough blood and watched enough of his own men be returned to the Wheel that he does everything in his power now to love life in excess - he eats too much, drinks too much, gambles away too much of his money, and thoroughly enjoys every second of every day that he still walks among the living. He has a fierce love of the North and a passionate loyalty for the men and women who have offered to lay down their lives in service, forming strong and often unbreakable bonds with those he considers his friends and allies. But for all the things Geralt is, there are many things he isn't - and one of those things is charming. In fact. he is severely lacking in the refined polish of nobility, having spent the time that might have been saved for etiquette lessons on honing his skill with the blade.
    essons on honing his skill with the blade.)
  • Gerard Dastrid  + (Gerard epitomizes the uncommon virtue of t
    Gerard epitomizes the uncommon virtue of the common man, regarding himself simply as a soldier who left his common roots to answer the call to arms. With a strong sense of duty, he's never sought after glory or fame, instead feeling as though the honors he's been given are simply a reflection of fulfilling his duty as a Telmar armsman. The man is plain-spoken, polite, and compassionate; an honest worker's demeanor with a soldier's sense of purpose. Gerard approaches his role as a teacher with a clear passion for the subject matter, presenting the difficult realities of combat with a practiced grace produced through the crucible of experience. He knows the seriousness of the dances he teaches, and is willing to be resented for being insistent as a teacher in order to ensure his pupils know the proper steps.
    o ensure his pupils know the proper steps.)
  • Gerry Taken  + (Gerry is a hard man, ruthless and without
    Gerry is a hard man, ruthless and without scruples, who will do just about anything if it's made worth his while. When his temper takes him there's a darkness in it, an embittered hate against the world and his lot in it. He has a shrewd mind, cunning, and for a common trader he is uncommonly educated. When the going is good, though, he is generosity itself, showering everybody around him with the spoils of his good luck. He will make a fortune, spend a fortune, the work his ass off to make another just so he can squander it away again.
    her just so he can squander it away again.)
  • Gesa none  + (Gesa is always the life of the party. She
    Gesa is always the life of the party. She enjoys the pleasant aspects of living. Good drink, good company, and good times are her priorities. That isn't to say she isn't capable of hard work. She absolutely is. How else could she afford to gamble and drink near constantly in her spare time? Her labor is expended only for the pursuit of revelry. She is impulsive, and she rarely stays still or in one place for very long. She likes having a good time, and if you're a downer she will try to turn your frown upside down with partying. She is generous when it comes to having a good time. After all, if it works to keep her sadness at bay surely it should work for you?
    ness at bay surely it should work for you?)
  • Gesa Whisper  + (Gesa is always the life of the party. She
    Gesa is always the life of the party. She enjoys the pleasant aspects of living. Good drink, good company, and good times are her priorities. That isn't to say she isn't capable of hard work. She absolutely is. How else could she afford to gamble and drink near constantly in her spare time? Her labor is expended only for the pursuit of revelry. She is impulsive, and she rarely stays still or in one place for very long. She likes having a good time, and if you're a downer she will try to turn your frown upside down with partying. She is generous when it comes to having a good time. After all, if it works to keep her sadness at bay surely it should work for you?
    ness at bay surely it should work for you?)
  • Gianna Whisper  + (Gianna has a sharp blade and a sharp tongu
    Gianna has a sharp blade and a sharp tongue. Both are employed in her defense. She is not a soft-hearted girl; she knows what she wants and she will do what she needs to do to get it. Ruthless? Maybe. Gianna comes across as cool, maybe even aloof; that just means the rare displays of charm or emotion are all the more puissant. Even when she's smiling, she's just a little guarded.
    he's smiling, she's just a little guarded.)
  • Gianna Corvo  + (Gianna has a sharp blade and a sharp tongu
    Gianna has a sharp blade and a sharp tongue. Both are employed in her defense. She is not a soft-hearted girl; she knows what she wants and she will do what she needs to do to get it. Ruthless? Maybe. Gianna comes across as cool, maybe even aloof; that just means the rare displays of charm or emotion are all the more puissant. Even when she's smiling, she's just a little guarded.
    he's smiling, she's just a little guarded.)
  • Gianna Delvecchio  + (Gianna has a sharp blade and a sharp tongu
    Gianna has a sharp blade and a sharp tongue. Both are employed in her defense. She is not a soft-hearted girl; she knows what she wants and she will do what she needs to do to get it. Ruthless? Maybe. Gianna comes across as cool, maybe even aloof; that just means the rare displays of charm or emotion are all the more puissant. Even when she's smiling, she's just a little guarded.
    he's smiling, she's just a little guarded.)
  • Ophira Seraceni  + (Gifted with an infectious spirit of charmi
    Gifted with an infectious spirit of charming wiles and sultry stares, there was very little that seemed to break the carefree exterior, pleasant companionship found in those ranging from low to high birth - for weren't they all slaves to the Wheel? Every smile was a serpentine suggestion to beckon one closer, the plunge of absinthe flecked gaze was evocatively familiar in the way it lingered too long on any particular person, as if foretelling some prophecy that had only been revealed to Ophira herself. All in all, she was a calculating individual whose mind was always a step ahead - ready for any storm. Whether it be the thunder of applause as her voice graces the ears of many, or the gale that comes her way in the midst of oceanic warfare.
    s her way in the midst of oceanic warfare.)
  • Ophira Blackshore  + (Gifted with an infectious spirit of charmi
    Gifted with an infectious spirit of charming wiles and sultry stares, there was very little that seemed to break the carefree exterior, pleasant companionship found in those ranging from low to high birth - for weren't they all slaves to the Wheel? Every smile was a serpentine suggestion to beckon one closer, the plunge of absinthe flecked gaze was evocatively familiar in the way it lingered too long on any particular person, as if foretelling some prophecy that had only been revealed to Ophira herself. All in all, she was a calculating individual whose mind was always a step ahead - ready for any storm. Whether it be the thunder of applause as her voice graces the ears of many, or the gale that comes her way in the midst of oceanic warfare.
    s her way in the midst of oceanic warfare.)
  • Gilbert Unnknown  + (Gilbert is a man of simple pleasures, he e
    Gilbert is a man of simple pleasures, he enjoys good drink, pretty women and a comfortable spot to rest at night. His wry, often sarcastic humor and pessimistic outlook which combined with the man's expertise in the art of sloth can lend to a rather negative perception of the man to those who only know him at a glance. At his core though he is dedicated and unendingly loyal to those who manage to earn it.
    ngly loyal to those who manage to earn it.)
  • Gildaren Laurent  + (Gildaren is friendly and often talkative,
    Gildaren is friendly and often talkative, but frequently taking long moments of contemplative thought. A life of travels has offered him wisdom, which he's prone to saying is a burden to bear, but an honor to offer to others. His empathy and characteristic patience are broken only for those who he deems deliberately sinister or purposely foolish.
    eliberately sinister or purposely foolish.)
  • Gilroy Grayhope  + (Gilroy Grayhope is engaging, friendly and
    Gilroy Grayhope is engaging, friendly and convivial. Always smiling, always with a joke, so damn friendly one might miss that he has no friends. He doesn't let people getting close, cutting them off entirely if they do. But for everyone else? Gilroy's a man with an answer for everything, a story for every situation and a lie for every question.
    ry situation and a lie for every question.)
  • Gio Malvici  + (Gio diMalvici has the refinement of an int
    Gio diMalvici has the refinement of an intelligent, educated man, but he also has an ascerbic, devil-may-care charm that keeps him from looking entirely aristocratic. A honed political sense lets him move with ease through many walks of life, from the Lowers where he buys the haze that he uses to control the pain in his back (and also uses because haze is fun) all the way to the most rarified halls of power. In all places, his manner is generally laconic, his banter is quick, and his sense of humor is always, always dry. But Gio's cutting wit sometimes cuts too deep, especially when it's directed at someone he genuinely doesn't like. Words can be weapons, and looks can be poison, and Gio diMalvici is an expert wielder of both.
    io diMalvici is an expert wielder of both.)
  • Giorgio Pontelaeus  + (Giorgio is a man of practicality, ambition
    Giorgio is a man of practicality, ambition, passion, loyalty, and utter creativity. Where others without his ability to see the world the way he does might not see an opportunity he is already finding ways to turn it into another. There is a cool, collected air of calm around him that is practically unshakeable. When one comes from a family as distinguished as his own, it's quite easy to forget that he is not a member of the Peerage and is in fact a prodigal for his refinement and poise. Very rarely when pushed far enough one might be unlucky enough to see the man's dark temper.
    lucky enough to see the man's dark temper.)
  • Giorgio Proscipi  + (Giorgio is a man of practicality, ambition
    Giorgio is a man of practicality, ambition, passion, loyalty, and utter creativity. Where others without his ability to see the world the way he does might not see an opportunity he is already finding ways to turn it into another. There is a cool, collected air of calm around him that is practically unshakeable. When one comes from a family as distinguished as his own, it's quite easy to forget that he is not a member of the Peerage and is in fact a prodigal for his refinement and poise. Very rarely when pushed far enough one might be unlucky enough to see the man's dark temper.
    lucky enough to see the man's dark temper.)
  • Gisele Aurum  + (Gisele isn't shy, not exactly. She maintai
    Gisele isn't shy, not exactly. She maintains an interest in other people that was seeded during her training as an acolyte of Vellichor. But she is a gentle creature; some might even call her too soft or too tender for the world. A retiring and unpresuming woman, she is most comfortable when at home, surrounded by the books she loves and illuminates.
    ed by the books she loves and illuminates.)
  • Giulio Mazetti  + (Giulio is, at heart, the epitome of the ur
    Giulio is, at heart, the epitome of the urbane politician. He never relies on vulgarity and maintains a certain degree of composure at all times. He tends towards a wry sort of humor -- a sort of humor that descends into the sardonic with ease. Cultured. Urbane. Cool. All of these apply well to the man.
    Cool. All of these apply well to the man.)
  • Giulio Corvini  + (Giulio is, at heart, the epitome of the ur
    Giulio is, at heart, the epitome of the urbane politician. He never relies on vulgarity and maintains a certain degree of composure at all times. He tends towards a wry sort of humor -- a sort of humor that descends into the sardonic with ease. Cultured. Urbane. Cool. All of these apply well to the man.
    Cool. All of these apply well to the man.)