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Pages using the property "Personality"

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Ember Redreef +Passionate, ambitious and bold, Ember rules by dint of force of personality. She works hard, aggressive and confident, and brooks no disrespect. To be a woman that has lived the life she has lived in the Mourning Isles, strength is required. Image-breaking came naturally to her. She is crisp, acerbic, and allergic to nonsense. Yet she is not without enjoyment in life. She enjoys aggressive men, challenging games of chance, and fights that get the blood hot. Though she has a reputation that suggests merciless crushing of all who stand against her, those who speak to her directly might find that exaggerated: not reckless cruelty, but relentless competence, is her stock in trade.  +
Emberly Crovane +Emberly is confident and gentle, she is as gentle as a leaf, and embraces such things as music and social intrigue. She can be a great companion and knows all the rules of etiquette. Emberly is also assured in her skills as a sailor and gunsmith and has a smidgen of joy when she can help explosions happen.  +
Emberly Crown +Emberly is confident and gentle, she is as gentle as a leaf, and embraces such things as music and social intrigue. She can be a great companion and knows all the rules of etiquette. Emberly is also assured in her skills as a sailor and gunsmith and has a smidgen of joy when she can help explosions happen.  +
Emberly Farshaw +Emberly is confident and gentle, she is as gentle as a leaf, and embraces such things as music and social intrigue. She can be a great companion and knows all the rules of etiquette. Emberly is also assured in her skills as a sailor and gunsmith and has a smidgen of joy when she can help explosions happen.  +
Emele Greenblood +Emele finds the world around her absolutely brimming with beauty. She always was a dreamer, a woman with her head in the clouds, but transferring those dreams to canvas or to metal takes some serious work and she knows it. She's generally happy and enjoys life, finding inspiration in everything and beauty in the smallest things. How could one be sad when the world is so beautiful? She's quick to smile, quick to laugh, and quick to be inspired, but she's learned the value of hard work and focus when it's needed, and isn't shy about applying herself to make things happen.  +
Emeline Smith +Enchanting when she wants something and quite vengeful if she doesn't have her way. Quite the little troublemaker.  +
Emeric Redrain +Emeric is an entitled prince who believes the world is for his fun. It is for romancing men and women, letting things fall as they may. Rarely does he focus on serious things, preferring to spend his time doing things that are fun. Though he'll avoid hard work or things he decides is 'boring' Emeric doesn't shrink his duties, he merely does his best to avoid situations where they are fostered upon him. Once Emeric has been given a task he will carry it through to the end, not letting it slide, unless it falls into something out of his hands. His temper is quick to set off, especially when drinking, but just as quickly he forgives. There is no fun in holding a grudge, after all.  +
Emery Ojitfor +Inquisitive and passionate. Emery wants to know everything about everything, but her loyalties are quite set. She sees herself as a woman rescued, if narrowly, and has a kind of traumatized undercurrent to anything she speaks fervidly about. She's one of those people who is slow to trust, but once she trusts, it is almost unconditional.  +
Emilia Godsworn +Love and adoration, for all her righteous fellows that stand in her rank and file, and for all those that seek her for protection, is the crux of Emilia's personality; And exactly because of this, her righteous fury and hatred for the apostate and heretic is boundless. Emilia is fiercely religious and single-minded in her purpose to protect its teachings and shield the Compact from evil, no matter where it may be-- within or without. But few are those who have seen her so, and many know her as someone who is honest, straight-forward, generous and graceful. Every day she treats like a blessing from the Gods, and every Creature with life she loves equally. She abhors violence, even though she is a master of it, and very rarely will she ever resort to it-- she will sooner run, hide or even prefer to be the one injured than injure another, in hopes of avoiding further aggression. However, should the cohorts of evil, the unrighteous or dishonorable, stand before her, she will not hesitate or show mercy. She strives to be the pillar of stability in every community she ventures into, and selflessly gives to accommodate all within. She never shares her reasons for why she does any of it, and just as surely, she shields the secrets of others.  +
Emilia de Lys +Love and adoration, for all her righteous fellows that stand in her rank and file, and for all those that seek her for protection, is the crux of Emilia's personality; And exactly because of this, her righteous fury and hatred for the apostate and heretic is boundless. Emilia is fiercely religious and single-minded in her purpose to protect its teachings and shield the Compact from evil, no matter where it may be-- within or without. But few are those who have seen her so, and many know her as someone who is honest, straight-forward, generous and graceful. Every day she treats like a blessing from the Gods, and every Creature with life she loves equally. She abhors violence, even though she is a master of it, and very rarely will she ever resort to it-- she will sooner run, hide or even prefer to be the one injured than injure another, in hopes of avoiding further aggression. However, should the cohorts of evil, the unrighteous or dishonorable, stand before her, she will not hesitate or show mercy. She strives to be the pillar of stability in every community she ventures into, and selflessly gives to accommodate all within. She never shares her reasons for why she does any of it, and just as surely, she shields the secrets of others.  +
Emily Deepwood +She is restless. There is something frenetic about her even when she is sitting still, as though she can't wait to be off and moving again. When she speaks she speaks quickly, and jumps from topic to topic as though one is never enough for her to focus on in a single moment in time. When she doesn't speak she is taking in her surroundings, cataloguing everything and saving it for later. Perceptive and intelligent, not much slips by her notice. And though it can be charming, her split focus and interest in everything makes her a little excitable and a little impatient.  +
Emlyn Blackram +Emlyn is forever curious - and he thinks deeply. A subject can consume him for days, hours, weeks, unable to rest until he knows everything about it. He reads books until the spines are cracked and bent, the pages near to being all but torn out, with his own notes written about the page margins and wherever else they'll fit. He is serious, but that doesn't mean he's always serious; laughter and smiles seem to come almost easily to him when in the right setting. He is warm, kind, and eager to fit in where he can - but make no mistake, he is also very ambitious and his goals aren't easily tampered with.  +
Emma Valardin +Emma feels guilty over not having been there for her parents and sisters when the Tragedy happened. She rather have died with them, but she did not, and now this black stain will forever live in her chest. This is also what fuels Emma: her mercy was repaid in betrayal and violence, the Valardin slaughtered like pigs a a butcher's shop, and the fool she was died with them. In her exterior, Emma has finally arrived at the place she was always meant to be, where her parents were concerned: no longer the humble Mercy-to-be, she dresses appropriately to a Princess of Sanctum. Her countenance is impeccable and her presence in the field of battle is nothing short of inspiring. Her knights often say that having her lead them is like having Valar at their backs, and given the trail of fire Emma leaves at times, it is hard to argue the position. Although humorless when it comes to most things, Emma does have a more vulnerable side that she seldom displays, afraid of the weakness it might reveal.  +
Emmelline Harthall +Emmelline is very socialble and amiable. she strives to bring beauty in to the world, through her arts, and often aims to please others. She is not easy to anger, and often attempts to avoid conflicts. Overall, she is very optimistic, and always attempts to see things from all perspectives, should a conflict arise.  +
Emmerly tyde +Jolly and energetic, Emmerly only spends any time completely still if she's asleep or on the job. Her working face lacks the solemnity some manage to achieve, a smile shining even in the midst of battle. Outside of the job, you'll often find an excitedly tapping foot or an arm waving in animated conversation. She's quick with a smile or a laugh, and has a hard time holding a grudge, her temper fading out as quick as it flares up.  +
Emrys Whisper +There are those who charm, who smile and seduce. Those whose very laughter is music, warm like sunlight on a summer day. Emrys is not one such person. Intimidating and with a sharp intellect, his is an authorative presence, a gravitas he uses to ground discussions and negotiations into the world of facts and reason, rather than the one of emotions and petty pride. Disciplined and diligent, he expects the best from his pupils, pushing them past the limits they set themselves, intent on unlocking their full potential. Ever polite in public, a model of etiquette, he becomes far blunter and direct in private, dispensing with the unnecessary formalities to get to the heart of things, no matter the tender feelings that might be trampled in the process.  +
Enid Frost +In first meeting, Enid is a stoic woman. She emits an underlying hesitance to engage, social barriers built as high as the guard walls of Stormheart. Every coin bears two sides though and the Northerner is no different. To her people and friends, the shaman is as warm as a hearth and known more locally as a good ear and counsel.  +
Ennettia Igniseri +If there is a chair in a room, Ennettia will sit. If there is a chaise or bed, she will lounge. If there's a bowl of fresh fruit she'll lament the tragedy that it is unpeeled, and if someone peels the fruit she'll request it also be cut in bite size, aesthetically pleasing portions. Ennettia is, in short, never one to skimp on her own comfort. Words like vain, lazy, narcissistic, self-indulgent and spoiled are scattered before her in a reputation only a Lycene would admire. And yet she's charming despite - or because - of her honesty in regards to her pampered nature. Nor is she materialistic, or greedy: she is generous and affectionate to her friends, loathes only the painfully dull, and has a mind as sharp as her tongue, when she bothers to use it.  +
Enoch Grayson +Enoch, due to his rough past, has a hard exterior and can often come off as cold or insensitive. However, to those who know him best? He's actually an extremely caring and loyal individual. Though he has a habit of only showing warmth to his friends, he's not quite boisterous and tends to be serious more often than not. He enjoys a more grim and subtle sense of humor, often using sarcasm and wit in serious situations to help keep up morale. He's impossibly stubborn, and alas, has a unhealthy habit of taking tremendous and dangerous risks with no regard for himself.  +
Enri Jaeggere +Taking after his patron god, Enri is a very laid back person, hard to anger, even when being personally offended. His desire for freedom has led to a non-interference posture, where he cares immediately about those close to him (his family and fealty, namely) and only then thinks about the consequences that his actions might have to others. This knight is not a man to second guess, carefully planning his decision, but adhering by them with some hint of stubborness.  +
Entropoly Ulbran +The best solution is often the easiest solution, and the easiest solution is often the application of force and violence. Without anything to apply themselves to in this way, they tend to laze about. Blunt application of opinions makes due when there is no opportunity to make a blunt application of objects. They know their lifestyle will likely end short, but they've convinced themselves that it will at least burn bright until it does and so they act to extremes.  +
Enya Blackram +Enya acts like a stereotypical old crazy woman. Consistently speaking in broken sentences, losing her train of thought, and occasionally making no sense at all. However, despite all of this, she surprises from time to time with revelations only possible with the sharpest attention, focus, and wisdom.  +
Enyo De Lire +Gregarious to a fault, one might say. Enyo loves having people around, she loves being in a crowd, and often spends just a little too long in conversations when some might have already moved on. She is friendly, and potentially hasn't ever met someone that she wasn't willing to talk to, whether she likes them or not. But in contrast to that, she is capable of silence as well given the right circumstances, and doesn't seem to need to fill the air with chatter when the time is not right. Thoughtful and careful with words more often than not, but at the same time unafraid to speak up in defense of self, others, or a cause she finds dear. Enyo is also a person who can shift easily between warmth and kindness to cool aloofness given the situation. And when she is particularly riled she also possesses a stubborn streak that often gives itself with a set of her jaw or a sardonic lift of her an eyebrow.  +
Enyo Gilden +Gregarious to a fault, one might say. Enyo loves having people around, she loves being in a crowd, and often spends just a little too long in conversations when some might have already moved on. She is friendly, and potentially hasn't ever met someone that she wasn't willing to talk to, whether she likes them or not. But in contrast to that, she is capable of silence as well given the right circumstances, and doesn't seem to need to fill the air with chatter when the time is not right. Thoughtful and careful with words more often than not, but at the same time unafraid to speak up in defense of self, others, or a cause she finds dear. Enyo is also a person who can shift easily between warmth and kindness to cool aloofness given the situation. And when she is particularly riled she also possesses a stubborn streak that often gives itself with a set of her jaw or a sardonic lift of her an eyebrow.  +
Enyo Malvici +Gregarious to a fault, one might say. Enyo loves having people around, she loves being in a crowd, and often spends just a little too long in conversations when some might have already moved on. She is friendly, and potentially hasn't ever met someone that she wasn't willing to talk to, whether she likes them or not. But in contrast to that, she is capable of silence as well given the right circumstances, and doesn't seem to need to fill the air with chatter when the time is not right. Thoughtful and careful with words more often than not, but at the same time unafraid to speak up in defense of self, others, or a cause she finds dear. Enyo is also a person who can shift easily between warmth and kindness to cool aloofness given the situation. And when she is particularly riled she also possesses a stubborn streak that often gives itself with a set of her jaw or a sardonic lift of her an eyebrow.  +