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A list of all pages that have property "Background" with value "Gavin's father was a carpenter by trade, and taught him a fair bit befor". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Larissa Whisper  + (For such a supremely confident woman, Lari
    For such a supremely confident woman, Larissa can be surprisingly coy and evasive whenever it comes to her past. Before she became one of the most sought after courtiers in the city at the prestigious Whisper House, she claims that she had an altogether exceedingly boring life as a commoner of House Thrax which provides her ample motivation for becoming (in her very modest opinion) one of the most captivating women of the city. Larissa has pointed out that while her potential as a fishmonger's wife in the bleak shores near House Thrax's ancestral home of the castle Maelstrom will be sorely missed, she believes that her demonstrated ability to capture the attention of the rich and powerful as a courtier might suggest she made the right life choices. When harried for greater detail, her stormy temper and headstrong nature shock many that expect only the refined grace of one of the legendary Whispers. It rarely arises since Larissa is gifted at getting what she wants, even if what she want is allowing the past to stay in the past. And after all, she's hardly the first Whisper to have a past.
    s hardly the first Whisper to have a past.)
  • Seren Walker  + (For the first score of years of her life,
    For the first score of years of her life, Seren knew the road and a wagon as home more than anything else. She was born in the back of one of these traveling homes, and raised by an extended family of Ravashari. It was from these transient prodigals that Seren would learn her joy for life and her passion for instilling that joy into others. First it was with song and dance, two things that she likes to think herself quite skilled in. Later it was with tinkering and small metal repair. Ask any that make their living on the road, however, and you will learn that it's a harsh and dangerous place to be. Luck runs out sometime and when it does, its end is often announced with banditry or starved animals. That was the case for Seren. An early snowstorm caught their caravan before it could make the mountain pass, stranding them in Nightgold lands and making the whole group easy pickings. The first tragedy in Seren's life was the largest. Half the caravan was destroyed when caught unawares by the raiding of brigands. Had it not been for the timely march of Nightgold soldiers then the rest would have followed. Seren was rescued, along with some others, and taken for shelter. With her immediate family lost to her and a rather cute guard offering to help get her back on her feet, Seren spent time, the first time in her life, in one place. She stayed, rested, enjoyed her time with her Merle (The Guardsman) and even took an apprenticeship with one of the local jewelers. But staying wasn't for her, not really. So one day she was off again, to see what was over a different horizon. Now she's come to Arx, ready to tell stories spun from metal and gems, and play a game where she sees how far in the world those baubles can make it.
    ar in the world those baubles can make it.)
  • Evander Kennex  + (For the first seven years of Evander Kenne
    For the first seven years of Evander Kennex's life, almost every letter sent from Stormward included the words: "And young Evander still lives." He was sickly from birth, and was so often ill and so weak even when he was well that everyone expected him to die in childhood. But year after year, somehow, he hung on. Evander's parents, maybe trying to insulate themselves from the inevitable pain of losing him, were never terribly close to him. Oh, they went through the motions, certainly, but there was almost a reluctance to it. And then Evander's mother, Lady Girasol, went missing when he was still only five years old. No one ever accused Evander to his face, of course, but still it was whispered that Lord Wayne's second wife had been unable to bear her son's sickly nature, and had thrown herself from the cliffs into the ocean in despair. But if he lacked in parental affection, his older half-sisters Catalana and Jan doted on him. Catalana was as much a mother to him as an older sister, always checking up on him, always seeing to his needs, and Jan protected him from more than one would-be bully through the judicious breaking of noses. He spent the days when he was well enough to leave his room in the library with Niklas and Elara, although he was always too ill to go with them on their various adventures. Evander grew up with the grim understanding that because of his poor health, most of the wide world would be forever closed to him, and because of this, while Niklas' interests veered towards legends and fantastic tales, Evander devoured non-fiction. History, travelogues, current events, practical books of instruction in esoteric subjects, it didn't matter. He read it all. He didn't expect his life was going to be a long one, and wanted to experience as much of the world as he could in the time he had, even if he could only experience it through books. Against all expectations (even his own), the years ticked by and somehow Evander didn't die. He got close more than once, but either through Victoria's stubbornness and skill or his own iron will, he always recovered. He even felt well enough to travel. Just a short jaunt to a neighboring island, but still the first time he'd ever left Stormward. It was a mistake that almost cost him his life. Evander was on that island, visiting what amounted to a Kennex country home, when Ford freed the thralls with the stroke of a pen, and without warning anyone. The island he was visiting held a large plantation where the thralls rioted, and violence consumed the surrounding countryside. Evander's guards were able to spirit him away in a daring escape just as the rioters closed in, but the whole experience was too much for his fragile health. He caught a fever that came as close to killing him as anything he ever had. But the experience left him more determined than ever to conquer his poor health and to use all of the knowledge he'd built up over a lifetime of reading to help his family. With the death of the Marquis, Evander has decided that it's time to make the journey to Arx, where he hopes to make himself useful -- assuming he can just catch his breath for a moment.
    he can just catch his breath for a moment.)
  • Ailith Ethere  + (For those of humble birth among the many v
    For those of humble birth among the many vassals of House Valardin, the dream of being one of their gallant knights may forever be out of reach. But Ailith as a commoner sought martial training regardless, accepting she might raise no higher than a simple footsoldier among the house guards of the tiny barony of her birth if that was the price she might pay for a chance to strike at the evil foes that threaten home and hearth. She feels it was the will of the gods to spare her from a boring backwater, however, when her barony found itself on the front against an Abandoned warband, a shockingly large makeshift army of several barbaric clans who sought to raid and plunder the weaker borders of House Valardin's holdings. Ailith still remembers the looks of terror on her fellow soldiers faces on the eve before battle, and the disappointment she felt when she realized the seraph assigned to her barony was a terrified old priest who never expected to speak on the eve of a battle. The young woman still recalls being able to all but smell the fear from her fellow soldiers, sapping their resolve, and then something like a whisper to her... something only she could hear, that spoke words of iron and triumph. Ailith, the youngest soldier and lowest of the guards out of the hundreds, addressed her unit. She spoke movingly of faith, of duty, of honor, and what it meant to be a child of the gods and a servant of Gloria. She remembers the fear melting away from her fellow soldiers, the growing cheers as those men and women found their courage and their resolve, and of the fervor that gripped them all as they then faced the screaming hordes of the Abandoned the following day and smashed the enemy host while greatly outnumbered. A lone knight of solace who had been at the battle declared it no less than a miracle, and all but demanded that Ailith be sent to Arx to meet with the Faith and consider joining one of the militant orders serving the gods. Though she was expecting to become a soldier serving with the Knights of the Temple, a meeting with the Dominus himself convinced the young woman otherwise. The earthly voice of the gods spoke movingly of the importance of priestesses that can inspire and remind the faithful of what the gods require of them and to not break when the time comes for their tests of faith. He convinced her that one who can speak with divinely inspired words can do more good in the halls of power than a thousand steadfast soldiers, and assigned her as the personal priestess to the royal family: the palace seraph. Ailith is not entirely comfortable with a role that keeps her from the fighting, but she nonetheless recognizes its importance. How few commoners get the chance to talk to kings, and counsel them on what their faith asks of them? As the palace seraph, it is precisely her task, and she can do no less if that is the path the gods have set before her.
    is the path the gods have set before her.)
  • Fortescue Antoni  + (Fortescue was born the middle child of thr
    Fortescue was born the middle child of three to a close side branch of the Antoni merchant family in Southport. Due to the family's relative privilege as commoners, he was afforded a solid education. He never worried about going hungry, always had a warm bed and a roof overhead. In fact, if you ask him, the great tragedy of his life was how utterly predictable and unmysterious his early years were. But things get hazy around his 14th birthday. He started realizing he could trade information for favors among the customers at his mother's shop. And then he ran afoul of the son of a smuggling operation, which - perhaps luckily - resulted in him being recruited to their cause for a little while. When he turned 16, his father enrolled him in the Southport Academy for military training in an attempt to straighten him out. It was a dismal failure. While he gained only minimal military prowess during his time at the academy, Fortescue did have the opportunity to meet Lord Martino Malvici. Seeing some potential in him, Martino agreed to take Fortescue on as a student once he completed the requisite two years at the academy. The Malvici lord brought the merchant's son in as one of the stewards and coached him on improving the skills he would need. It wasn't long after that Martino took on Lady Medeia Saik as a student, as well. In a wondrous turn of events, Fortescue and Medeia got along great! While Medeia stayed in Saikland Greens and only visited Southport on occasion, the pair exchanged friendly letters to help one another through various concerns about their studies or challenges they were facing. It took several more years, but when Medeia was called to Arx by her baroness, Martino saw the Saik Lady would bee in need of a solid assistant - who better than someone who already understood her? So, he arranged for Fortescue to travel to the city, too. With the pair reunited, they got right to work, with him supporting her efforts to host exciting events, keep a finger on the pulse of the city, and pitching in with the Saik staff. With Medeia poised to marry out, and the timely departure of the former head of staff of Saik Tower, Fortescue has found a new role to step into. How will the city treat him, now?
    ep into. How will the city treat him, now?)
  • Fortunato Grayhope  + (Fortunato has always been a watcher and a
    Fortunato has always been a watcher and a sketcher, although the compulsive drawing was less charming on the household walls. And compulsive curiosity is not always charming when it involves prying into the kind of everyday secrets adults keep from children. But Fortunato survived childhood and his artistic skill got him an apprenticeship quite early. That he then learned what he thought he could from his mentor and promptly struck out on his own may be a factor in being less than financially successful. Fortunato remains on the periphery, if it's an oddly well-connected, adventuresome periphery. (Rumor has it he even ineffectually went after a Bringer or two with his staff.) Other than producing the occasional art show or temple mural, his primary public role is that of a disciple of Lagoma, and he does find fulfillment in helping people with the shifts and storms of their lives. For all his drive to know and experience, he seems to lack any ambition for personal advancement, anywhere. All that matters is the next epiphany, either for him or someone else.
    epiphany, either for him or someone else.)
  • Fortunato Whisper  + (Fortunato has always been a watcher and a
    Fortunato has always been a watcher and a sketcher, although the compulsive drawing was less charming on the household walls. And compulsive curiosity is not always charming when it involves prying into the kind of everyday secrets adults keep from children. But Fortunato survived childhood and his artistic skill got him an apprenticeship quite early. That he then learned what he thought he could from his mentor and promptly struck out on his own may be a factor in being less than financially successful. Fortunato remains on the periphery, if it's an oddly well-connected, adventuresome periphery. (Rumor has it he even ineffectually went after a Bringer or two with his staff.) Other than producing the occasional art show or temple mural, his primary public role is that of a disciple of Lagoma, and he does find fulfillment in helping people with the shifts and storms of their lives. For all his drive to know and experience, he seems to lack any ambition for personal advancement, anywhere. All that matters is the next epiphany, either for him or someone else.
    epiphany, either for him or someone else.)
  • Jhond Langst  + (Forty years ago Ser Ameli Langst was a pro
    Forty years ago Ser Ameli Langst was a proud member of the King's Own. An expert rider and terror in the ring with a spear she had a promising future ahead of her... until a training accident cost her her leg. A wooden waster broke and the splintered wood stabbed into her leg. The would never healed properly, it festered and her leg was lost just above the knee. No longer able to serve she disappeared to the Lower Boroughs to drink her sorrows away. Ameli ended up as a clerk for a disreputable shipping company along the docks and so came to the attention of one of the rare Eurusi that served on a smugger's crew. Their romance was brief and fiery and resulted in the birth of Jhond before his father one day took sail and the ship he served on never returned, presumed lost at sea. And so Jhond grew up in the Lower Boroughs of Arx, raised along by his mother with tales of her past glory filtered through the hard truth of their current existence. It was not a terrible childhood. He had food most of the time and was well liked as a child. He proved to have no fear of heights, excellent balance and a terrible sense of self-preservation so could often be found climbing and leaping from things that would make most peoples stomach turn. There may have been some rumors about him being a second story man, but he was never caught at it. A decade ago he left Arx for adventure, joining with caravan guards and explorers in search of the next thrill. Clambering up ruins or spelunking into caves, he grew to have something of a reputation as a man willing to take chances for the thrill of it (a maybe a little silver). He was good at what he did, loved it, but two years ago his desire for challenge caught up with him and he fell from a crumbling tower and broke his leg. He was lucky the group he was with included a Mercy that tended to him and made it so that his wound healed fully, if slowly, but while he was recovering he was forced to remain stationary in the nearest city. Soon after he was able to walk again, though aided by crutches, his natural charm earned him the friendship of a local Whisper who then had him introduced to the others of the House. By the time he was fully recovered he was a courtesan in truth and some months later a Whisper in title. Now he has come home to Arx to serve in the Whisper House he had only walked by as a child.
    er House he had only walked by as a child.)
  • Isatis Relanah  + (Found by a passing merchant in the cold ar
    Found by a passing merchant in the cold arms of a penniless beggar's corpse, the feverish babe stirred the pity of the man, who took her with him intending to nurse her back to health before leaving her at the nearest orphanage. Her first year in the world was a battle for survival, as she was a frail babe who seemed to be plagued by sickness constantly. The merchant, having devoted an entire year towards sustaining this young life found that, when the babe's condition had finally stabilized and the time came to give her up, could not do so, thus adopting her as his own. Her formative years were relatively peaceful ones; though she would grow to be strong and healthy, her early years were dotted with sporadic bouts of crippling illness. With her father constantly away on trade ventures she was often left in the care of her uncle, who owned an upscale armory. She became fascinated by the focus and dedication of the smiths at work in the forge. She learned as much as she could from them, picking their brains for every bit of knowledge and technique that they were willing to impart. On her 15th birthday, when her father had returned after a venture gone awry, she quietly confided in him that she would like to pursue a career as a smith. She spent the next three years apprenticing at her uncle's armory before finally deciding there was no more she could learn. Leaving her home, she traveled on a journey for knowledge, attempting to learn as many forging techniques as other smiths were willing to impart, which is to say, more often than not, very little. But that was a lifetime ago to her mind; how she had the energy to travel as she did then, she did not know. Now, she's happy to settle down and make her hammer sing.
    y to settle down and make her hammer sing.)
  • Sivard Grimhall  + (Fourth oldest child, and third son of Hara
    Fourth oldest child, and third son of Harald Grimhall, Sivard came into this world minutes behind his twin brother crying and screaming out into the night as a storm raged overhead. After his birth, Sivard spent the majority of his early years at Grimhall Island with his mother and siblings, where he trained and studied as any other Thraxian might with a focus on sailing and warfare. Although while his brothers contented themselves the a more traditional approach to things, training for combat and sparring whenever they had a free moment, Sivard prefered the company of his Mother, in his spare time, where he learned many things that weren't as typical for a son of Grimhall to pursue. When his father was around though, he could always be found nearby, learning about the sagas and heroic literature of the past, which he developed a deep appreciation of over the years. As time passed, Sivard grew discontented with being cooped up on the island, and as such pleaded with his father to take him along on some of his travels. Expressing a desire to see more of the outside world, and experience all the things it might have to offer. At least, in so much as there was on offer in the Mourning Isles. Much of what he experienced was the traditional pursuit of House Grimhall, raiding and reaving, taking what they could and leaving nothing behind. It was during this time that he came into his own in regards to infiltration, something he was more gifted at than his twin brother. Skills learned that were perhaps atypical as a youth have turned out to be something more useful as he has grown older. There was a small amount of bitterness that settled on him when his father refused to allow him off the island during the last war. Was it for his protection? Possibly. But it wasn't just about him, either. He had his mother, and the rest of his siblings that would also need to rely on him, and not everyone could pack up and head out to a battle such as that. However, that has changed, and with the changing climate there is a chance for him now that he didn't have before. He's heading to Arx.
    e didn't have before. He's heading to Arx.)
  • Fray Tirkah  + (Fray was born and experienced their early
    Fray was born and experienced their early childhood in the slums, having to fight for scraps of food and clothing that could barely be called either. She kept to herself but was easily angered when provoked by others, which made some of the kids weary and left her alone, or others that purposely provoked her knowing she'd lose her temper easily. She lived like this for a while until about her early teens when a weathered-looking Knight who belonged to an Order called The Cleansing Blades, who looked the opposite of pristine caught her beating up other kids with a big stick. After it was over the Knight asked the girl why she was beating up the other kids, and she answered that she did it to stop them from harassing others and that she finally had enough of them provoking her and messing with others. The Knight admired her will to seek action and punish who she deemed guilty, so he took her back to his lowly, small, but recognized Order of Knights. She spent the rest of her childhood and teenage years there learning to be a Knight within The Cleansing Blades. There she was taught that everyone aside from the Crownship and gods themselves should be treated equally in the eyes of Justice. She was taught that her existence is to now defend the weak and punish the corrupt using her own judgement.
    unish the corrupt using her own judgement.)
  • Karak Crown  + (From a family of hunter, son of a huntsman
    From a family of hunter, son of a huntsman and a merchant, Karak was a child educated to follow the family tradition, always helping his father with making arrows and butchering. Karak also spent a lot of time time training shooting bows. Except one day, Karak's father died after an hog charged him, wounding him mortally, his mother died soon enough, with nothing to sell. Karak, in his teenage years continued the family tradition, living as an hermit. Days after days, his thirst for gold, and jealousy towards nobility made him become a mercenary, he's now roaming in these lands, looking for work.
    roaming in these lands, looking for work.)
  • Casimir Acheron  + (From a young age, Casimir was marked to se
    From a young age, Casimir was marked to seal a political alliance by marrying out of the family. You see, he never liked the family dogs. He never liked the wilds that much, either. He learned to endure both -- to ride, and to hunt, and to do everything that was expected of a Keaton lord -- but his true passion was found in books: histories and stories captured his imagination as the forests never could. He was still young when his eldest sister took her own life. He watched as Margerie took on the burden of rule with the incomprehension of the young, while his rather idle studies took on sharp new focus as he moved up the line of succession. His relief when he was bumped back down was matched only by Margerie's when Kael was found. The young promise of a political alliance was sealed through a marriage to house Acheron, and off Casimir went to Arx to meet his new wife. He has mixed feelings about setting aside the sigil of a dog's pawprint to take on that of a monstrous wolf-bear.
    to take on that of a monstrous wolf-bear.)
  • Castruccio Fidante  + (From a young age, Castruccio was a brooder
    From a young age, Castruccio was a brooder. Where other children played pranks and made jokes, he was more likely to explore than partake in games. Though plain to all that as he grew older his ambitions were militant in nature, his father directed him instead to theological studies. It left a bitterness in Castruccio to see his cousins and older brother getting to train all day at the sword, though indeed, he did train in secret as often as possible. It didn't help that he received much mockery for having to study and read during the day when others were training outside. His first scandal, and the first of many scandals attributed to his name, was from the result of a duel with a far-removed cousin that resulted in the lad's death. Though ruled accidental, rumours began to circulate, pointing out that the deceased had been the biggest instigator when it came to harassing Castruccio. s he grew older, his father began to send him on diplomatic meetings, which he actually took to with aplomb. Oft times the biggest detractors of House Fidante would find their minds changed to everyone's surprise, though the occasional accident and rise of someone with more sympathetic views to Castruccio's mission occurred more often than might be easily swallowed as coincidence. Still, it left Castruccio with a reputation as an intellectual, as well, though he still railed against the life chosen for him. Until it all changed. No one was sure what the duel was over, but a fight between Castruccio and his older brother left Castruccio two times a kinslayer, for he won the fight. Then he left. Six years were spent as a soldier of fortune, Castruccio building up name and reputation for himself. Six years of carefully selecting alliances, and sometimes fighting for one enemy only to switch to another when the profit was correct. It's only now that the threat of the Gyre is so impending, that Castruccio has returned to his family to take up as a Knight of the Rose.
    family to take up as a Knight of the Rose.)
  • Esera Velenosa  + (From her very earliest memories, Esera was
    From her very earliest memories, Esera was being groomed to rule. For other great houses, such as the bores in House Valardin that drone endlessly on about honor and chivalric virtues, the grooming could have meant careful instruction on the proper morality and dignity expected of a just ruler. In the Lyceum and as the first child of the Archduchess of House Velenosa, that meant something rather else. Esera remembers childhood games based around guessing the motivations of other players, games of trickery and deceit. She remembers the pride of her mother when she managed even simple manipulation, and the lessons of her father that the other great houses respect strength and strength alone and remain vassals of House Velenosa only due to respect and fear. She remembers the lessons discussing other leaders that failed to heed those lessons, and how they brought ruin onto themselves and their families due to not being clever enough, not being strong enough, not being ruthless enough. Duchess Esera has never stopped learning such lessons. House Velenosa possesses neither the strongest army nor the largest coffers. They are surrounded by enemies wearing the masks of friends. But Esera knows despite that, the Fox is still feared, and that is solely due to their well deserved reputation for mastery of devious intrigue and sheer cunning. Even at a young age, Esera feels worthy of that birthright. She has a positive talent for understanding the complicated motivations and intricate interactions between all the noble houses that comprises the political sphere of Arx and her keenly agile mind has an intuitive grasp for the most beneficial way to position her house to take advantage of nearly any conflict. And if she is talented at managing groups, she is an utter master at the manipulation of individuals. Everyone has some weakness that's exploitable, has something they want. She'll find it, she'll use it, and it will be without apology or regret. She has to, after all. House Velenosa cannot afford weakness, and if she falters, they likely all die. Though perhaps it would be rude to admit that she actually rather enjoys playing the game, because she is so damned good at it. So she'll play it, and play to win... for herself, for her family, for her city, and for Arvum, but certainly in that order.
    nd for Arvum, but certainly in that order.)
  • Gabriella Pravus  + (Gabriella is the oldest daughter of Tiberi
    Gabriella is the oldest daughter of Tiberio Pravus, a Sword of Setarco known for his skill and charisma, and a few days after her fifth nameday, she was taken by a deadly malady. Despite all the efforts of House Pravus, and the mountains of silver offered, no physician gave Gabriella a chance. Her mother, Lady Aurora Pravus, would not have it. The headstrong woman gathered her personal guard and rode out of the Silken City and would not return for three weeks. What happened nobody knows, but Gabriella returned sleeping soundly in her mother's arms, resting peacefully for the first time in months. She was cured, a miracle, and Lady Aurora never spoke of it again. From that point forward a fire lit up in the girl. She and her sister Lucrezia were wild together, and Gabriella would find herself desiring to fight. The sisters planned their future together, and while Lucrezia loved the waves, Gabriella dreamt of the battlefield. She would be knighted at the age of seventeen by the ruling Duke then, in the same day her father and the duke were assassinated, and her sister Lucrezia vanished, all thanks to House Argento's machinations. The remainder of the House had no option but to fight back. Viviana would become Sword to protect the new Duchess, the inexperienced Belladonna, while Gabriella took over the command of the Swords of the Evening, her father's men. Consumed by a desire for revenge, Gabriella was vicious in the invasion of Nilanza. None were as cruel or violent as the daughter of Tiberio, something that earned her the title The Butcher's Daughter. War washed her father's honor, but it put a stain on Gabriella's soul. She has become more of a recluse in Setarco, and some say her disease, the one that almost took her life when younger, has returned, but the knight does not confirm or deny it. In the field she looks as healthy as ever, a deadly sin, so what gives?
    lthy as ever, a deadly sin, so what gives?)
  • Gage Grimshaw  + (Gage comes from the Oathlands, born to poo
    Gage comes from the Oathlands, born to poor peasant farmers with little other than the land they tilled to their name. He was the Grimshaw's family only child. His childhood was often spent under the beating heat of the sun, toiling away at the soil and carrying out labor-heavy tasks that eventually formed him into a strong young man. The environs housed other families of whom came one of Gage's earliest friends--the peasant son of another family named Jacobus. He and Jacobus would spend their off-time from work fooling around, and this would continue on for several years as the boys grew up alongside each other. One day, when they were both sixteen, they decided to run off and go on a grand, foolish adventure. They didn't get far into journeying through the wilds before Gage's friend was wounded on the trail, and with the little supplies they had Jacbous could not be saved. When his friend fell, instead of returning home to face his family and the family of Jacobus he continued on roaming and fell in with a mercenary group in time. Years passed as Gage climbed the ranks and accrued the skills necessary for survival. Deciding to call it quits with the group he ran with, he decided to break off from them in the dead of the night one day and traveled to make his fortune in Arx.
    y and traveled to make his fortune in Arx.)
  • Gailin Stonewood  + (Gailin is the second born child of House s
    Gailin is the second born child of House stonewood. From a young age he knew he wasnt going to be marquis but he was always strong of mind spirit and body. Great with a sword, while his older brother was being prepped for taking on the duties of the head of the house Gailin focused on Martial training. Gailin gained all the skills he needed for warfare strateg and tactics. Now that his brother has taken over the head of house Gailin followed his older brother becoming the Sword of Stoneheart.
    brother becoming the Sword of Stoneheart.)
  • Gailin Fireviper  + (Gailin is the second born child of House s
    Gailin is the second born child of House stonewood. From a young age he knew he wasnt going to be marquis but he was always strong of mind spirit and body. Great with a sword, while his older brother was being prepped for taking on the duties of the head of the house Gailin focused on Martial training. Gailin gained all the skills he needed for warfare strateg and tactics. Now that his brother has taken over the head of house Gailin followed his older brother becoming the Sword of Stoneheart.
    brother becoming the Sword of Stoneheart.)
  • Gaius Whitehawk  + (Gaius is the eldest child of Jerome and He
    Gaius is the eldest child of Jerome and Helen Mercier and the only son of the brood. As a result, all the tricks of the Mercier trade were impressed on him as soon as he was old enough to learn them, and he was groomed to follow in the footsteps of his mercantile-inclined ancestors who came before him. It turned out to be a natural fit for him, but a small part of him always insisted on doing things his own way - and he did, when he decided to invest in a troupe of actors and build his own theatre on the south bank of the Gray River as one his first significant business ventures. The theater proved to be a resounding success, and Gaius's property purchases and investments indicate that his association with the troupe made him an independently wealthy man. A few years later he bought one of the largest manors in Bastion. Unfortunately, a fire lit to the thatch of the building and burned the theater to the ground, forcing the company to relocate to Arx's Blackrose Theater and merge with the Black Rose Mummers. Gaius severed his ties with the company, looking to fortify his fortune elsewhere... His next venture saw him building a fleet of sturdy riverboats and trading luxury goods such as gems, silks, furs along the Gray River, which he often bought opportunistically through researching market trends. It went well for him, until 1006 AR brought a trade embargo on Mercier goods in the city of Arx due to the family publically cutting ties with House Grayson, and the family's reputation fell as a result. In response, Gaius adapted and switched gears again: he sold his lofty manor and offered his services as a merchant to his now-ennobled cousin in exchange for joining House Whitehawk. After months of correspondences and negotiations, his cousin finally accepted, and he became Lord Gaius Whitehawk, Treasurer of Hawkhold -- and joined his sisters in Arx.
    Hawkhold -- and joined his sisters in Arx.)
  • Galavan Vizier  + (Galavan Vizer never knew his father, but a
    Galavan Vizer never knew his father, but always wondered if he would hate him as much as his mother Tessa, if he met him. Tessa the Cold was a strong willed, intelligent woman of charisma. But as one of the very few survivors of the destruction of Tyde she was also extremely bitter, pessimistic and hateful. Most of this ire was directed at House Thrax for the direct actions, but the hatred that pained her was the complicity of the Crown which did nothing to save her nation or any of the many people who were killed that she called her friends. This rage spilled out into her upbringing of Galavan, who in turn inherited many of her nastiest traits and resented her for it. In rebellion of his mother, he studied the religion of the pantheon, becoming fascinated with the power and reverance of the gods. When he became of age he left for Bastion to become a priest, hoping to wash his identity of anything that reminded him of his vicious mother, and re-model his image into something more beneficial for his desires.
    something more beneficial for his desires.)
  • Galen Thrax  + (Galen has always been far too refined for
    Galen has always been far too refined for a Prince of Thrax, at least in his family's eyes. Growing up he was particular about his armor and particular about his appearance and particular in so many ways - but his weapon of choice and his skill with it made many teasing comments go unsaid. He built up a particular fondness for a large heavy warhammer that makes his opponents shudder and very often reconsider slights given. He grew up strong and stubborn and, in a final despairing effort to turn him into a proper Thrax man was sent to sea as a sailor on a ship. The ship disappeared in a storm, only to return eight years later with Galen at the helm as Navigator. He has seen the world, or more of the world than most people would, and it has only enhanced his determination to be the voice of civilization in the heart of Thrax proper.
    civilization in the heart of Thrax proper.)
  • Garnet Navegant  + (Garnet grew up loving beautiful things. W
    Garnet grew up loving beautiful things. Whether it was art, fashion, nature, or people, Garnet would most often be found trying to make things around him as beautiful as possible. Growing up, he was the life of the party, creating events for his friends from a young age, and seeing nothing as impossible if it brought people together. None of this changed as he grew up, save that he also developed a social awareness that further motivated him to host amazing events for charity. The masque he hosted in Escuma in honour of the orphans of war in 1005 is still being talked about as setting the bar for events. If there is a party happening, Garnet is almost certainly either attending or planning it. For many years, it was assumed his destiny lay in becoming a Whisper, but Garnet's also fiercely loyal to his family and made the decision to forego that noble profession - he still does love hanging out with Whispers, though! Moving to Arx is the fulfillment of a dream for Garnet. He's with his family, whom he loves dearly, and he gets to be in the centre of arts and culture and parties!
    he centre of arts and culture and parties!)
  • Garret Navegant  + (Garret grew up loving beautiful things. W
    Garret grew up loving beautiful things. Whether it was art, fashion, nature, or people, Garret would most often be found trying to make things around him as beautiful as possible. Growing up, he was the life of the party, creating events for his friends from a young age, and seeing nothing as impossible if it brought people together. None of this changed as he grew up, save that he also developed a social awareness that further motivated him to host amazing events for charity. The masque he hosted in Escuma in honour of the orphans of war in 1005 is still being talked about as setting the bar for events. If there is a party happening, Garnet is almost certainly either attending or planning it. For many years, it was assumed his destiny lay in becoming a Whisper, but Garnet's also fiercely loyal to his family and made the decision to forego that noble profession - he still does love hanging out with Whispers, though! Moving to Arx is the fulfillment of a dream for Garret. He's with his family, whom he loves dearly, and he gets to be in the centre of arts and culture and parties!
    he centre of arts and culture and parties!)
  • Gaston Blackram  + (Gaston, it was said, heard and understood
    Gaston, it was said, heard and understood the tongue of beasts and wild places before he formed his first syllables. Born months after his sister, he grew much more quickly than his siblings, though his elder brother would eventually overtake him. Quick to fight but even quicker to laugh, he was adored and feared in equal measure. For a time Gaston himself despaired, the boy concerned that he was too quick to anger, that he would cause great harm to someone due to his great size and physical cunning. However, his concerns and a great deal of his ferocity seemed to evaporate when allowed to wander the hills and mountains of Stoneburn, or down in the forests west of the River Gray. At the age of fourteen he left the Blackram stronghold, and for several weeks it seemed as if the boy had disappeared, never to be heard from again. Gaston returned however, wrapped in the pelt of a great wolf, his face stained with blood, the majority of which was not his own. Although his parents and his siblings worried for Gaston, they eventually came to terms with his need for solitude and to be away from civilization, and weeks turned to months turned sometimes to as much as a year away from home, returning with the results of great hunts, journals filled with illustrations of beasts, plants, and natural formations of where he had been. He became something of a local legend, alleged to know every trail and footpath north of the Lycene Split and west of the Gray River, able to find concealment in a shadow half a normal man's size, and routinely wrestled bears. One particularly fantastic story claimed that all of the wolves of Valardin and Redrain recognized him as their king. Though Gaston did his best to repute these rumors, the folk of Stoneburn do love to spin a good yarn, and it seemed to be more important to them to believe the narrative they had spun around him. As mortifying as it was, he dealt with it, and was just starting to feel it was time to return to society and attempt to become the best noble he could be when he heard of his father's death. While he sometimes misses the wilds and the serenity he tried to find there, he doesn't miss the bleak loneliness, and looks forward to trying his hand at becoming a true noble of the Compact and a peacemaker that can win stability and honor for his house. Time to be a real noble and a good man. He spent enough time in the wilds to know that the lone wolves die first, after all.
    that the lone wolves die first, after all.)
 (Gavin's father was a carpenter by trade, and taught him a fair bit befor)
  • Gavin Surname TBD  + (Gavin's father was a carpenter by trade, and taught him a fair bit before he died in a fire. He only has his sister now, and will protect her with every fiber of his being.)
  • Gavin Reed  + (Gavin's father was a carpenter by trade, and taught him a fair bit before he died in a fire. He only has his sister now, and will protect her with every fiber of his being.)
  • Gawain Blanchard  + (Gawain never expected a knighthood. He nev
    Gawain never expected a knighthood. He never expected to be Count'sVoice. He never expected to be in line for the Countship. He expected to run amok in the fields with the other younger sons, become a horse trainer, become a soldier, and live a quiet life, marry somebody, have kids, settle down, et cetera. What stood in his way, of course, is Gawain. He was just too awesome to be held back. He had a natural knack with the horses, a ready athleticism as a boy that had him winning most of the races, and then there was the whole deal where the main line seemed not to be producing any likely heirs, which just seemed to bring greatness trippingly into his path. His brother died in a Shav'arvani raid, and Gawain earned a knighthood rescuing other Wyrmguard vassals from a great fire -- which he ran inside a burning building to do, not because he wasn't afraid of fire but because somebody had to do it and by gods, he was the fastest, what was he going to do, let people die? Gawain was toying with a religious bent, as a lay devotee of Gloria, in his youth, but when his brother died, the young knight had to step up to the plate, taking on a role as heir presumptive to his uncle, Count Blanchard. If anything, the new attention only made him want to shine harder and brighter. His uncle is super boring and he's super awesome and hilarious. His real ambition may be to social climb with a glorious princess -- duchess? who knows, who cares -- but he also has hopes of proving himself in war, and maybe rounding out the trifecta by becoming ... no, he hasn't figured that out yet!
    ng ... no, he hasn't figured that out yet!)
  • Gehenna Redreef  + (Gehenna hails from what could be called th
    Gehenna hails from what could be called the 'very traditionalist' branch of the Redreef family tree. She embraced this identity from a young age, far moreso than either of her two siblings. When Baron Landis Redreef died, and his brother Tiberius's claim to the Barony was challenged by Landis's daughters, Ember and Marina, Gehenna was a young woman freshly arrived in Arx. She had excelled in what the Mourning Isles saw as 'women's work' -- administration and diplomacy. Through that talent and her family connections, she had secured a plum role as a diplomatic representative of Redreef Shores in Arx. She was quite certain that Tiberius would make short work of Landis's unruly daughters, that tradition would be upheld, and that things would all go back to normal very quickly. Gehenna was so certain of it, in fact, that she said as much to anyone who asked. The conflict between Tiberius and the daughters of Landis was a long, grueling one, and one that Tiberius eventually lost, after Ember slew his champion in a duel to the death. With Ember firmly established as Baroness, it was more than just an embarrassment to Gehenna -- it was the loss of her job. Gehenna was recalled to Redreef Shores, and since she had been so vocal in her support of Tiberius, she was effectively kicked back down to the bottom of the administrative ladder. As the years passed and Redreef steadily became one of the Mourning Isles' most progressive Houses, Gehenna was aghast. However, that displeasure with the new status quo only fueled her. She worked harder and pushed herself to be more clever than the rest, and climbed back up to the position she once held. Now, having returned to Arx after years away, she is once again a diplomat in the service of Redreef Shores. As she sets foot in the city again, the Mourning Isles is caught between tradition and progressivism, and Gehenna knows which side she'll try to tilt things toward.
    ich side she'll try to tilt things toward.)
  • Gelassen Whisper  + (Gelassen came to the Whisper House after s
    Gelassen came to the Whisper House after several years serving as something of an advisor and companion to a Baron in the Oathlands. He doesn't speak much about his family or past, always gently (and skillfully) turning the conversation back to those he speaks with. This, he says, is a skill he learned during his advisorship, helping the Baron deal with some of the more unruly elements of his demesne (and family).
    ruly elements of his demesne (and family).)
  • Genevra Artiglio  + (Genevra Artiglio was born into the family
    Genevra Artiglio was born into the family of Lenosia's loyal Hounds, meaning that any career she chose would likely be heavily influenced by the city's reigning House. Some might have chafed at that, but Genevra found herself to be quite happy learning to fight with the House Guard with her ultimate goal being to one day lead them as their Captain. She worked hard and mostly maintained discipline. There were a few scrapes here and there, mostly involving some of the involved pranks she would pull. Training and working left Genevra little time to start a family of her own, but she found satisfaction in doing her job well. By the time she was promoted to Captain in her late twenties, fewer people were poisoned in the palace under her watch than had been in generations! Genevra was considered quite success by anyone's terms and settled into a comfortable position in maintaining her charges and continuing to serve with diligence. Then, Archduchess Carlotta Velenosa was killed. Genevra remained in Lenosia to protect the family there. Then, Archduchess Esera Velenosa was killed. Still, Genevra remained where she was, believing that she could best serve the Velenosa by protecting their home. When Archduchess-Consort Deva Velenosa went missing, Genevra struggled to believe that she was more helpful in Lenosia instead of in Arx, where clearly the House Guard was failing in their one, most important task. After hearing more rumors of injury and death befalling members of the Velenosa family, Genevra requested a transfer to Arx to take over from the clearly incompetent House Guard Captain at the Velenosa Estate in the capital.
    ain at the Velenosa Estate in the capital.)
  • Georgine Dubois  + (Georgine Dubois comes from a wealthy merch
    Georgine Dubois comes from a wealthy merchant family in Sanctum, one that deals in the kinds of luxuries and trends that makes an apprenticeship with a jeweler just part of the family business. Even as a child, she always had her head in the clouds, spending hours just doodling pretty things like dresses and tiaras. It was not uncommon for the girl to be carried through the workshops by her father, and she grew into a creative and inspired designer of jewelry. After several years, she decided to leave Sanctum for the very first time. The news of the Cathedral's sad state after the Heretic, Georgine travelled to Arx with no thought but to lend her hands to the effort.
    ought but to lend her hands to the effort.)
  • Gerald Wilkerson  + (Gerald Wilkerson has worked his entire lif
    Gerald Wilkerson has worked his entire life in the business of business. Buying when buying is good, selling when selling is good. Losing it all. Regaining it. His life is tale of ups and downs as can happen with one over the years in a variety of fashions. Still, he takes it with equanimity, being the sort that is rather good at landing back on his feet. Most recently, he has landed in Arx -- not so much retired from business as accepting the fact that he simply doesn't have the desire or, frankly, the stamina to do the sort of running around he might have done in the past. Travel is just not so fun anymore.
    e past. Travel is just not so fun anymore.)
  • Gerrick Bradshaw  + (Gerrick Bradshaw was born to Gabriella Bra
    Gerrick Bradshaw was born to Gabriella Bradshaw of Okahaven, and an unknown man from... somewhere. Growing up without a father, Gerrick would watch the other children interacting with their dads and often come home to pester his mother with his hundred and one questions about his father. Gabriella was always patient and she would spin the most fantastic tales of the man, his deeds and adventures. There was no question she did not have an answer for and Gerrick took these tales to heart, believing in them so completely it fostered in him a nascent belief of the unrealistic and the ability to accept things some others might reject out of hand. As he grew older, instead of abandoning the stories of his youth, he set out to prove them all true. Knowing he would need a specific set of skills to accomplish this, he volunteered to join the Keaton Trackers. His inventive mind was an asset, and he often saw connections that others might have missed. He had a knack for stumbling into clues, and though his interpretation was often... unusual, it typically worked for him. His reputation as oddly effective gained him the attention of Margerie Keaton who had him transfered to her personal guard. She shared with him her belief of the Keaton Curse, and Gerrick's fertile mind dug into the story. He became her personal investigator, looking into stories of Keatons past, hunting down rumors and trying to prove (or disprove... but totally prove) the Keaton Curse was real. When his lady and the new young lord were making plans to relocate to Arx, there was no way the faithful Gerrick was going to let them out of his sight in the big bad city.
    them out of his sight in the big bad city.)
  • Gertrude Grayhope  + (Gertie was born into a common family. She
    Gertie was born into a common family. She was quite sickly and frail growing up, so she spent a lot of time at home, reading. All that time spent not feeling well seemingly sparked plenty of inspiration to become an Apothecary. Anyone meeting her for the first time probably won't hear her shut up about it, the girl clearly very passionate about her work, dreaming of one day making a big breakthrough.
    ming of one day making a big breakthrough.)
  • Gesa none  + (Gesa's life, she has always said, was shap
    Gesa's life, she has always said, was shaped by the bad habits of her ancestors. Somewhere down the line there was a drunkard gambler who managed to get him or herself enthralled. She doesn't know who, and as far as she knows her family always served House Kennex of Stormward. She was born a week before Lord Aethan Kennex, and her mother served as his wetnurse and then nursemaid. Because of this she was always close to the family, but also very separate. She may have played with them, but birth had destined her to a different path. It was a path she had no interest in walking because who wants to walk when one can laze about? Gesa knew she didn't want to toil her life away as a thrall, mostly because she hates toil, and she always envied her noble masters for the fine things they had. Her path became clear at seventeen when a traveling entertainer came to Stormward. There was her easy life, she decided. She would escape and become an entertainer. Escaping wasn't difficult. She stowed away on a merchant ship heading towards Setarco. No one missed her until it was too late. They assumed she was hiding to avoid work as was her habit. Stowing away wasn't so hard, either. Gesa is very good about lazing about, and did so about the cargo. She is also good at making friends and flirting. She secured a friendship with a young sailor and with a few suggestive comments she had no intention of following through with she managed to gain food and water for the duration of the trip. Setarco was rough at first, but it also provided her with a place to learn the skills she needed to be an entertainer. She learned to sing, dance, and tell stories. She also learned how to smile even when it's hard so she could get what she wants. And if you're sad? Well, there is plenty of things to do or take that can be distracting enough to put a smile on your face.
    acting enough to put a smile on your face.)
  • Gesa Whisper  + (Gesa's life, she has always said, was shap
    Gesa's life, she has always said, was shaped by the bad habits of her ancestors. Somewhere down the line there was a drunkard gambler who managed to get him or herself enthralled. She doesn't know who, and as far as she knows her family always served House Kennex of Stormward. She was born a week before Lord Aethan Kennex, and her mother served as his wetnurse and then nursemaid. Because of this she was always close to the family, but also very separate. She may have played with them, but birth had destined her to a different path. It was a path she had no interest in walking because who wants to walk when one can laze about? Gesa knew she didn't want to toil her life away as a thrall, mostly because she hates toil, and she always envied her noble masters for the fine things they had. Her path became clear at seventeen when a traveling entertainer came to Stormward. There was her easy life, she decided. She would escape and become an entertainer. Escaping wasn't difficult. She stowed away on a merchant ship heading towards Setarco. No one missed her until it was too late. They assumed she was hiding to avoid work as was her habit. Stowing away wasn't so hard, either. Gesa is very good about lazing about, and did so about the cargo. She is also good at making friends and flirting. She secured a friendship with a young sailor and with a few suggestive comments she had no intention of following through with she managed to gain food and water for the duration of the trip. Setarco was rough at first, but it also provided her with a place to learn the skills she needed to be an entertainer. She learned to sing, dance, and tell stories. She also learned how to smile even when it's hard so she could get what she wants. And if you're sad? Well, there is plenty of things to do or take that can be distracting enough to put a smile on your face.
    acting enough to put a smile on your face.)
  • Gianna Whisper  + (Gianna doesn't speak much about where she'
    Gianna doesn't speak much about where she's from. Refuses to, really. She sounds and looks Lycene, so that's probably a safe bet. If she has any brothers or sisters, she hasn't said. If her parents are still alive, she hasn't said. If she has any children, she hasn't said. While she arrived in Arx, she spent time playing songs and singing in various inns, taverns, and other public places where passersby might spare a little coin. Gianna quickly made a name for herself by becoming a Whisper and then founding the Bard's College, a social organization for singers, musicians, those hoping to better their musical skills, and supporters of such artists. Her rough edges (mostly) smoothed over, Gianna continues to strive for recognition and riches. Gianna has an eye for shiny things, and is unapologetic about her plans to obtain them.
    apologetic about her plans to obtain them.)
  • Gianna Corvo  + (Gianna doesn't speak much about where she'
    Gianna doesn't speak much about where she's from. Refuses to, really. She sounds and looks Lycene, so that's probably a safe bet. If she has any brothers or sisters, she hasn't said. If her parents are still alive, she hasn't said. If she has any children, she hasn't said. While she arrived in Arx, she spent time playing songs and singing in various inns, taverns, and other public places where passersby might spare a little coin. Gianna quickly made a name for herself by becoming a Whisper and then founding the Bard's College, a social organization for singers, musicians, those hoping to better their musical skills, and supporters of such artists. Her rough edges (mostly) smoothed over, Gianna continues to strive for recognition and riches. Gianna has an eye for shiny things, and is unapologetic about her plans to obtain them.
    apologetic about her plans to obtain them.)
  • Gianna Delvecchio  + (Gianna doesn't speak much about where she'
    Gianna doesn't speak much about where she's from. Refuses to, really. She sounds and looks Lycene, so that's probably a safe bet. If she has any brothers or sisters, she hasn't said. If her parents are still alive, she hasn't said. If she has any children, she hasn't said. While she arrived in Arx, she spent time playing songs and singing in various inns, taverns, and other public places where passersby might spare a little coin. Gianna quickly made a name for herself by becoming a Whisper and then founding the Bard's College, a social organization for singers, musicians, those hoping to better their musical skills, and supporters of such artists. Her rough edges (mostly) smoothed over, Gianna continues to strive for recognition and riches. Gianna has an eye for shiny things, and is unapologetic about her plans to obtain them.
    apologetic about her plans to obtain them.)
  • Gideon Thrax  + (Gideon claims to be the bastard son of the
    Gideon claims to be the bastard son of the last highlord of house Thrax, Prince Donrai Thrax, and a cousin of the current highlord. His father toyed with him, never formally legitimizing him or bothering to explain the reasons for his parentage (and sometimes said he was an adopted ward, casting doubt on his parentage), treating him with callous indifference. He was not often associated with the Thrax family, despite holding the name over his head. Prince Donrai, his possible father, never had him killed, but made it clear he had no interest in the child and that he had no place among trueborn children, supporting him in a minimal way to avoid the condemnation of his enemies among the Faith, and few wanted to associate with him for fear of being in disfavor with the highlord. Finding no place among the people, his journey into knighthood was a long and lonely one. He was persistent in his raising, knowing that, in his position, he had the entire world to prove wrong. On the battlefield he was a monster in his own right, furthering the path of the sword through experience, his destruction only limited by his sense of honor as he waited for each opponent to die before moving to the next. Garrisons and camps became the half-bloods home in the coming days. From an early life he raised his blade to other men, from one battlefield to the next. He adjusted little, having no rights as a young lord, and no experience as the common folk, though this was skin deep. The boy kept expectations low, he drank each night until he fell into slumber, and fought by day if there was a war to be fought. Once he was called to the table he excelled, be it a battle of brain or brawn the low expectations always helped him overcome the obstacles. He was often hateful, and discreet, but always came to be what he needed when times became serious. He had been away long now, returning home after what may have been a horrific event. The man had disappeared on the open battlefield, a crushing defeat rendering him useless with a stray arrow and numerous wounds, initially being presumed dead. Instead, months later the man came back to camp, scars lining nearly every inch of him, and his right eye missing. To this day he hasn't spoken of what had happened to him, a popular story among the men saying he had went off into the woods to find a worthy opponent and gotten into it with a bear. When he came back, in the one battle afterwards he'd fought like a beast, beyond what he had before, his sense of honor slightly diminished. A trail of near fatal wounds were left as he'd carried through, and realizing what had happened he left the advancing army. Knowing that standings within his family had changed and may allow him to return, as well as the cities siege. Be it a sense of duty, or the internal need to assert himself as one of the family, he rode home to find his place.
    he family, he rode home to find his place.)
  • Gilbert Unnknown  + (Gilbert has not lead an easy life, only re
    Gilbert has not lead an easy life, only recalling his mother's touch in his deepest of dreams, the lyceum beauty having passed due to illness when the boy was but four. How this single mother and her child ended up in a sleepy village just inside the oathlands would never be known to the child with the miller and his wife who raised him only referring to his mother as 'that woman'. It was a discontent for his lot in life that lead this youth to rebel and start down a wayward path that would ultimately see him running off and joining up with a group of bandits who preyed on the country roads in his late teens. It was this newfound occupation that he truly excelled in, taking to the spear and banditry like a fish takes to waters and eventually usurping control of the little band by his early twenties. However it was at age twenty five when fortune truly shined on the man when it seemed as if she had totally turned her back. When it looked as if his band had been encircled by Duke Cristoph Laurent's men, the band of knights themselves were in turn ambushed by a war party of shav who sought to wipe out both groups in one fell sweep. Faced by this greater enemy, bandit and knight turned aside their differences and fought back against the greater force side by side, with Gilbert even managing to save Duke Laurent by fighting to drag him to safety after the man had decided he best play pin cushion for shav arrows. With this act Gilbert after a little negotiation managed to find his way into the Duke's men at arms and now had a comfy existence and a meal ticket on the opposite side of the law he'd been running from for years.
    the law he'd been running from for years.)
  • Gildaren Laurent  + (Gildaren grew up on an apiary on the north
    Gildaren grew up on an apiary on the north side of Artshall, the third of seven children. His mother and father were struggling beekepers producing honey for one of the largest meaderies in all of Arvum. His childhood was shaped by long days of hard work harvesting honey, tending to the hives, and enjoying the occasional sticks of honey. His mother died during the birth of his 6th sibling, and much of his formative years were shaped by the influences of his father. Beekeeping in Artshall was cutthroat and rife with favoritism and politics, and Gildaren's father never held much favor with the heads of the meadery, perhaps because he refused to pay the bribes they demanded. As a teenager spending time at the Haven of the Honey Bee, Gildaren found the Faith that would lead him on his life's path.
    th that would lead him on his life's path.)
  • Massimiliano Buccheri  + (Giovanni Buccheri never had much time for
    Giovanni Buccheri never had much time for his only son. He was a hard-working man who did his best to make end's meet on whatever coin a barber could pull in. It was always just enough and never more. Massimiliano's tale was a motherless one at that, so as a child he was largely left to see to himself on the streets of Tor and it was a relationship he grew comfortable with. Unlike some children left to that life he never found himself in much trouble, or if he did it was so unexceptional as to leave little behind him in the way of a reputation. Rather, Massi fell into good hands when he could have been taken in by much worse influences. Early on, in order to afford the things he wanted instead of just the things he needed, the southerner earned a place for himself as a sculptor's apprentice. It was a job that mostly had him hauling materials and running errands and largely wasted his cunning, but it also instilled in him like a seed some deep love for shaping things with his hands - not just the act of it but the whole culture surrounding it - the excitement of someone coming in to gush over a part of their imagination given life or the ways in which daily it would allow him to brush up against various other artisans. It was rare the sunrise that wasn't followed by a much younger Massi being held in awe by the beauty of one work or another whether they were glass blown into the likeness of Tor's famous roses or iridescite being cleverly inlaid into the carved wooden doors of a newly-founded shrine. Tor, very few could argue against, was a city of remarkable beauty playing against the backdrop of the young Buccheri's unremarkable upbringing. In time and with a very rudimentary skillset, Massi absconded from beneath his teacher's wings. He dabbled in other arts, but it was ever and always sculpting where he truly found his comfort and inspiration both. Eventually, with age and experience, people began to look at his creations with the same wide-eyed wonder he remembered feeling while gazing upon those works of his one-time teacher and fellow artisans. The rest has been history, but it's the quiet history of an unassuming man who runs a modest trade in making real the imaginations of those who come to him.
    the imaginations of those who come to him.)
  • Miella Corsetina  + (Girl. That was the name that Miella Corse
    Girl. That was the name that Miella Corsetina went by for sixteen years of her life. There were a few variations to that, but most of the time the title was accompanied with slaps and even kicks to make sure she knew who someone was talking to. Growing up in Arx as an orphan can lead you down various paths. Chance is a wonderful thing. There are various families that you can be absorbed into if you are seeking protection or work. There are odd jobs that some people might trust you with, such as running messages or cleaning. Miella had the chance encounter with a courtesan named Mirari Corsetina in the market one day, and the dark haired Lycene woman took in Miella and gave her a name, family, job and training. Miella might remember where she had come from, and she might know who her old family was, but she'll never say now. She's a Corsetina, for better or for worse.
    he's a Corsetina, for better or for worse.)
  • Giselle Caron  + (Giselle's father was a soldier, gone more
    Giselle's father was a soldier, gone more often than he was home, and though it broke her mother's heart, it was no real surprise that he died when she was eight, leaving her with the memory of strength and gentleness, battle-field stories, and random snippets of advice. Raised by her mother who was a herbalist and avid gardener, Giselle learned the many uses of plants, especially the curative and culinary aspects. However, the lass was drawn far more to the scent and color, the artistic flair that plants can bring to dyes, perfumes, and decor. She apprenticed to an apothecary, learning the skills that she fancied most, as well as the more practical ones necessary to earning a living. Thanks to recent events, she's made her way into the city, to see if she can't learn a little more and refine her skills, making a name for herself in the meantime.
    making a name for herself in the meantime.)
  • Glister Vindrel  + (Glister Vindrel was born in a farming comm
    Glister Vindrel was born in a farming community to loving parents. Gliter's parents were known to be hard and studious workers but also had a love of learning that they instilled in Glister as a child. Glister's favorite thing to do is absorb knowledge. Growing up in a farm community however required hardwork daily to survive. Glister learned to love working with his hands and is blessed to be in good shape form his labors. Glister's parents passed away and almost immediate Glister set out seeking something more.
    te Glister set out seeking something more.)
  • Godric Stewart  + (Godric was born the third son of a third s
    Godric was born the third son of a third son, out in the back of beyond. His parents worked the land for their liege lord, poor but loving, and everyone around the settlement -- in the depths of the woods around Pridehall -- was more or less part of the same sprawling extended family. He was a hard worker, cleverer with his fingers than some of his brothers and sharper with his mind than most, but an odd, quiet boy who didn't really have much use for speaking when he could be dreaming, wondering, or attaching himself to stories of greater things. He learned herbcraft from an old man who lived near the edge of the woods, and when the Father Mercy of Pridehall sent his Mercies to circuit the land with the Knights of Solace for guides, he attached himself to the feet of their robes every year, and learned what he could. When he was old enough to apprentice, he earned permission to tag along, and followed in their train for awhile, but he was disgruntled by the mellow patience of those he traveled with, and demanded reasons for everything, until finally he went his separate ways with the Mercies and attached himself as apprentice instead to a traveling bonesaw named Kiton, Crownsworn, who wandered doing doctoring for pay along the roads and paths, and grew a reputation as particularly creepy for haunting graveyards after funerals and digging up the dead to study their rotting bones. There are doctors who are educated at fancy physicians' colleges, but Godric learned first from the gentle healers and then from the vicious, wandering the world with bright, fascinated eyes and learning what he could, where he could, with the appetite of a young man who wanted to know everything. He knew that Kiton was involved in some darker practices and while he didn't like it, he found he could ignore it in pursuit of his studies of anatomy, the inner workings of blood and bone, the mixtures and tinctures and practices he learned. Many young men have sins, but Godric's worst and defining one was curiosity. He never asked what Kiton did with some of those bodies, though, until one day the Inquisition came. At the end of that night, Kiton had lost an eye to the tender mercies of the House of Questions, and was Shreve Tyde's loyal man for life, as long as that was. Kiton and Godric both worked for the Inquisition after that, and if Kiton ever dug up a dead body again, he definitely never did it where Godric could see him. One night, after patching up a young woman after a particularly brutal round of questioning from several confessors, an Inquisitor of a rather different mindset caught him on his knees, vomiting, on the grounds behind the House of Questions, trying to hide his dismay. No matter how hard he tried to mask and bluff with some of the others, Laric knew him after that for what he was -- a human being with human compassion -- and when the Grayson Prince became High Inquisitor, Godric found that he no longer had to mask and bluff quite so hard. Kiton died with several other Shreve loyalists when the new Master of Questions took over the Inquisition and began cleaning house. That was when Godric found himself promoted to Inquisitor, without fear of the blood on his hands getting there in quite so hideous a way as before.
    there in quite so hideous a way as before.)
  • Graziella Pravus  + (Graziella was born in the most extensive b
    Graziella was born in the most extensive branch of the Pravus family, being the youngest daughter of Tiberio and Aurora Pravus. With years separating her from her other siblings, Grazi's interests laid elsewhere than battle and adventure: hers was a desire for intellectual pursuit, and her acute curiosity was always her defining trait, something that made Grazi Lady Aurora's unofficial favorite child. She was sweet and comely, always smiling, but the twinkle in her eyes was her mother's pride. The Argento matriarch taught Graziella courtly grace and political shrewdness, raising Graziella to be the closest thing to Aurora herself, the power behind any throne and the secret protector of her ever more reckless siblings in Gabriella and Lucrezia. While Graziella learned she always did so out of respect for her mother and a sense of duty to her family, her love for Gabriella and Lucrezia trumping her desire to control anything behind the scenes. Truth be told, the girl just adored to spend her days thinking of fabulous stories and dreaming of times when things such as demons, dragons, powerful queens and elven lords were possible. Unfortunately, when House Argento and its agents struck, the whimsical Pravus was ill-prepared to protect herself, and in the same night her father Tiberio and her uncle, Duke Piero, were murdered, Graziella vanished without a trace. For years, she remained at large, most assuming she was yet another casuality of that coup until, recently, she returned to her family. No scars, no stories, but different, somehow. Her return was unheralded but it was greatly celebrated in Setarco, but in Graziella's eyes there was too much amiss. Her mother was lost in the heart of Setarco, her sister Gabriella juggled responsibilities in Arx and the command of the Swords of the Evening and Lucrezia was half-mad and leading the Black Fleet of Pravus. The world she knew was dead, and in its place there was a broken mirror that Graziella would have to relearn in the following years. Without any fuss the young woman positioned herself by her sisters' side, the less questions asked about her the better, as she reintegrates with a family that thought they had lost her and rediscovers her place among them.
    her and rediscovers her place among them.)
  • Greer Thornburn  + (Greer Thornburn has always lived in the ci
    Greer Thornburn has always lived in the city of Arx. His father worked the forge and his mother was a lower boroughs girl who caught the eye of a man with a job and prospects. The third of four children, Greer was a firebrand in his youth. His youth was one of resistance against his father's rules and desires, rebellion a way of life. That stopped when his mother died on his thirteenth birthday. When he settled down, he became his father's apprentice and learned how to hammer metal and shape it into the armor that protected the armies of the Compact. At first it wasn't a calling but over time the heat from the fires and the pounding of the metal became a part of him. Greer married young, a nice girl from a good family, and they had seven children. He's seen many things in his years but the rapid changes of the recent months - elves and bringers and blood magic - have left him feeling old. So he has recently retired, leaving the work over to his daughter Eithne. He feels he's earned it but a hammer still fits perfectly in his hand and the forge fires still burn inside him.
    and the forge fires still burn inside him.)