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A list of all pages that have property "Background" with value "Dorian shamelessly garners sympathy from noblewomen by casting himself a". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Dayton Grace  + (Dayton isn't one to discuss his history. H
    Dayton isn't one to discuss his history. He has a penchant for redirecting conversations regarding anything truly personal to a different topic of conversation. What is known of the gentle leatherworker is his youth was spent at sea under Admiral Denholm Kennex's command. His early twenties was spent upon a merchant ship mastering his trade and the minutia of the distribution portion of business and his late twenties have him back in Stormward seeing to his family and acting as a liason and occassional counsel to the young Marquis Kennex.
    ional counsel to the young Marquis Kennex.)
  • Deacon Pateris  + (Deacon Pateris was born in Setarco during
    Deacon Pateris was born in Setarco during a time of relative peace. His mother and father were both palace servants, so he grew up in and around the palace in Setarco. As he grew, Deacon showed a nack for socializing as well as music. Both of his parents were beloved servants of Piero Pravus, so the then-Duke paid for Deacon's schooling as a courtesan. When school was over, he returned to the service of Pravus as a newly-minted courtesan. The two would later become friends and confidants before the far more wild and free Deacon left Setarco to travel. Deacon's travels were almost always met with some form of calamity. He was first shipwrecked on an island in the Saffron Chain inhabited by an Abandoned tribe. While others on the ship were discouraged, the young Pateris refused to accept defeat and offered his help around the Abandoned community. At first they found him to be soft and weak, but his infectious optimism and his willingness to put his all into everything he did endeared him to them in the end. He wound up staying well past when his other fellows fled back to the mainland. Deacon made his way up along the coast, encountering a variety of people he traveled with for a time before moving on to the next thing that caught his fancy. For years, he lived without a care or a single thread of responsibility. The constant state of leaving started a nagging in the back of his head, but it was the news of Piero's death that guided him back to where he started.
    that guided him back to where he started.)
  • Decius Meridius  + (Decius Meridius is a fairly simple man who
    Decius Meridius is a fairly simple man who had dedicated most of his young and current life to the forge and the plane, with what some have whispered as "Gods Touch". Many of his detractors call his work "plain", but in the end they cannot argue with the oft perfection of his vision and his skill with metal, leather, and wood. It is an odd combination, but when Decius is not at the forge, his is in his workshop working on his next piece of furniture or wood carving, using this skill to provide the income to his other passion, the creation of armor. It is not too much a wonder for his there was a great aunt or some other relative of the Thornburn family. His work has a reputation of its own, and like many others has arrived at the City to set up shop, earn a living, but at the same time making certain those who will be in future fights or stuggles will be equiped to face them.
    or stuggles will be equiped to face them.)
  • Deimos  + (Deimos was born in the chaos of a storm-to
    Deimos was born in the chaos of a storm-tossed sea. The ship groaned against beating waves, the frantic crew above thundered to action, their calls drowned by a torn sky. But from Deimos, not even a whimper. He entered the world in chaos, and rocking upon the waves, found comfort in it. He and his mother had been cast away from Lycene shores, from the privilege he might have known in a just world where men like his father braved the fallout of an illegitimate child. Deimos was instead raised to see the world for what it was, its harsh truths peeled before his eyes. Most memorable of them was the loss of his mother when he was only twelve years old, her life ended for a dispute over unpaid debts that had kept her son from starving. Without one bleeding heart among those responsible, Deimos was dragged from his mother before she'd gone cold and pressed into service on a merchant vessel. He grew into adulthood on that ship, with each crack of the lash and pull of the oar in the name of his masters strengthening resentment and resolve equally. In the shadow of men who thought themselves giants, Deimos' whispers of dissention spread among the thralls. How it is that men in chains overcame their well-armed captors and what transpired thereafter is a secret that rowed away from the sinking wreckage with its lone survivor: Deimos. Unshackled, he made his way to Port Defiance, and there found his calling as a corsair. He learned from the exploits of the merciless pirates that ruled the seas with fear. He found his own name joined among the likes of the most vicious among them. Surrounded by the threat of nations, the rage of the sea and the betrayal of men, Deimos thrived. Despite all of this, the birth of his daughter sparked whispers that the insatiable captain was losing his once-keen edge. Lending support to these whispers was what some perceived as a flight from Port Defiance in the midst of his conflict with an up and coming cutthroat who'd made himself an obstacle to Deimos. A secluded cove used by Caina's illicit enterprises became his port of harbor, where he could frequently visit the Cainite woman who'd captured his heart and given him the one treasure he valued above all others: his daughter. Deimos' crew started to resent him and his attachment to this island. They felt a change in the wind, and in their captain, so they hatched a plan to 'strand' him on Caina, to mutiny and abscond with his ship. One loyal sailor apprised Deimos of this plan, and so he devised a clever scheme to win Caina's favor by 'exposing' the threat of his previous crew and sailing a ship out to crush them. He got his vengeance on the mutineers, and Caina got its 'hero.' And so he has grown in the island's esteem, built a reputation amongst the stubborn citizens of the black cliffs, and turned to more legal work in Caina's navy. With the shifting of the tides, Caina's growth to a March, and the new ruler, he heads to Arx to see what fortune has in store for him there.
    e what fortune has in store for him there.)
  • Delia Whisper  + (Delia has always loved stories, great and
    Delia has always loved stories, great and small. Ever since she was a child, one of many in a lowly commoner merchant family in Arx, she remembers talking about about the pagentry and glamor of the court and picking out the stories that excited everyone to hear. What noble was doing what to whom, what a noblewoman said that caused gasps, the ebb and flow caused by developing relationships... it all captivated her. Even the things that were tragic contained an element of drama that was a delight to her, if at one stage removed. She knew from a young age that she absolutely wanted to become one of the elite courtiers of the Whisper House, to move around the highest echelons of nobility and watch first hand the drama as it unfolded. In many ways, the Whisper House is everything she ever dreamed of, but she was privately shocked at how many nobles were... really, really bad at being nobles. Even some otherwise crafty Lycene nobility would occasionally just say something truly unfortunate in a White Journal and then be absolutely shocked when they were suddenly a social pariah, and it stunned Delia to see how many of these paragons of grace and refinement were remarkably ungraceful and truly unrefined when it came to maneuvering around socially. As a courtier, she started reaching out to individuals that were dying socially of impressively massive self-inflicted wounds and was surprised how remarkably easy it was to help individuals come back with the right explanation, with a little bit of deft care in saying the right apologies to the right people, and getting them back on track. Now, she's a highly sought after Whisper by individuals who really, really cannot seem to avoid alienating people they really cannot afford to alienate, which is where she comes in. While dramatic meltdowns in the White Journals might not be the highest example of nobility at its best, it does provide someone with a little more finesse the opportunity to make an excellent living as an apologist.
    make an excellent living as an apologist.)
  • Delilah Whitehawk  + (Delilah is the oldest daughter of three bo
    Delilah is the oldest daughter of three born to Jerome Mercier and the older sister of Kenna. She was, arguably, her father's favorite -- and it shows it many of her habits. Her wanderlust was obvious from a young age and her father frequently indulged her by allowing her to accompany him on his business trips up and down the Gray River. She picked up his penchant for thorough record keeping, as well as exceptionally neat writing. When she was sixteen she was allowed to go on her own forays with the small family river boat. She befriended a fellow adventurer, Bridget, during her first 'adventure' to Whitehold. They quickly became thick as thieves and explored much of the northern Crownlands together... until a deadly miscalculation on her part left Bridget dead and herself traumatized. What happened? She hasn't told anyone -- not even Bridget's bereaved family. She returned home and became a recluse, cutting herself off from most of the outside world, to simply digest what had occurred and to grieve. During this period, she distracted herself by working in a minor capacity with the Inquisition, writing at length about what she'd seen in her travels to help with with their investigations at home, and she considered joining as a junior rank as a confessor. She eventually climbed out of her depression with the diligent attention and care of her little sisters, and emerged from her room humbled and wiser from the experience. The wanderlust remained, and she answered the call once again. When she heard her sister Kenna left home to join their ennobled cousin's household, Delilah was flabbergasted, having been unaware of just how much her sibling admired the new baron. When she had some rest afforded to her from her adventuring and studies, she decided to follow as well -- particularly when she heard that the Nox'alfar were given an embassy within Arx. It's not every day you see an elf... or is it, now?
    every day you see an elf... or is it, now?)
  • Delilah Shepherd  + (Delilah is the oldest daughter of three bo
    Delilah is the oldest daughter of three born to Jerome Mercier and the older sister of Kenna. She was, arguably, her father's favorite -- and it shows it many of her habits. Her wanderlust was obvious from a young age and her father frequently indulged her by allowing her to accompany him on his business trips up and down the Gray River. She picked up his penchant for thorough record keeping, as well as exceptionally neat writing. When she was sixteen she was allowed to go on her own forays with the small family river boat. She befriended a fellow adventurer, Bridget, during her first 'adventure' to Whitehold. They quickly became thick as thieves and explored much of the northern Crownlands together... until a deadly miscalculation on her part left Bridget dead and herself traumatized. What happened? She hasn't told anyone -- not even Bridget's bereaved family. She returned home and became a recluse, cutting herself off from most of the outside world, to simply digest what had occurred and to grieve. During this period, she distracted herself by working in a minor capacity with the Inquisition, writing at length about what she'd seen in her travels to help with with their investigations at home, and she considered joining as a junior rank as a confessor. She eventually climbed out of her depression with the diligent attention and care of her little sisters, and emerged from her room humbled and wiser from the experience. The wanderlust remained, and she answered the call once again. When she heard her sister Kenna left home to join their ennobled cousin's household, Delilah was flabbergasted, having been unaware of just how much her sibling admired the new baron. When she had some rest afforded to her from her adventuring and studies, she decided to follow as well -- particularly when she heard that the Nox'alfar were given an embassy within Arx. It's not every day you see an elf... or is it, now?
    every day you see an elf... or is it, now?)
  • Denica Thrax  + (Denica cannot remember much from her earli
    Denica cannot remember much from her earliest childhood, but she does remember the feelings of love and encouragement freely given from two kindhearted parents. She can also recall a sense of shattered joy when her parents were killed in the Tyde rebellion, and the years it took to recover from a malady of muteness. During that time, she learned to appreciate the beauty of the world, and how to capture such beauty for all eternity. Painting became a favorite hobby, but sculpting and carving and sewing also enchanted her for numerous long hours of her life. Upon reciting written lyrics in the middle of Thraxian court, the curse of shy silence had been lifted. Soon enough, it was the odd noble that didn't come away from her grandfather's palace without a trinket or two made by the artistic princess. As if trying to experience all her lost childhood in one go, Denica also began painting pictures on guest's blankets or stealing favorite rings from jewelry boxes. A girl on a mission to wreak mischief, she interrupted important meetings and frightened the servants with her theatrics more than once. Occasionally, she gallivanted into the city, causing nearly as much havoc as back home. She quickly earned herself the charming moniker of the 'Little Devil of Thrax.' However, with that nickname, many guardsmen and local nobles soon wizened to her schemes, and even Grandfather Thrax brought her before the throne for a stern lecture. Throughout the chaotic era of her life, Denica's antics burned away most of the sympathy accumulated by her previous morose condition, leaving only a few close friends. With maturity came an epiphany, a realization that she lived almost entirely outside the social sphere. Partly out of a desire to fit in, but mostly because she wished to be more than a mere 'wild child,' she at last tempered into something vaguely resembling a proper Thraxian noblewoman. Brash recklessness developed desperately into clever charm and a keen insight of the human mind. In appreciably subtler ways, she displayed her artistic talents and devious intellect for the benefit of acceptance and even admiration among her peers. For her nineteenth name day, she managed to convince her grandfather that she could be safely seen in the wider public, allowing her to take an adventurous trip to the grand city of Arx.
    adventurous trip to the grand city of Arx.)
  • Desma Magnotta  + (Desma came into the world rather unexpecte
    Desma came into the world rather unexpectedly to parents who believed their family was complete with their first-born. The second daughter of Darko Blackram and Wendy Malvici, she was born at the Cloudspine where the family had retreated to following the outbreak of the Southport-Tor war. A handful of years younger than her sister, she grew up in Dora's great golden shadow, but whereas her sister had been doted upon as a single child and had duly become somewhat spoiled, her parents were better prepared a second time around. Despite the heavier hand that her parents took in her raising, it'd be fair to say that Desma lacked for nothing in her formative years. Her tutors saw to it that she was pushed in her in scholastic and physical endeavours, and she enjoyed the love bestowed upon her by parents that all too often despaired of her sister's behaviour. She saw first-hand the misery and embarrassment that her sister visited upon her parents with her reckless behaviour, and she resented her for it. It was a resentment that was, in no small part, due to the fact that Desma also possessed an adventurous soul, but thanks to Dora's wild ways her own adventures were curtailed to days in the forests with huntsmen and wardens. She took what she could however, knowing that her own time would eventually come, and she learned to shoot a bow true, and to track and hunt the animals of the forests that lay around their home. It was on one such trip as she neared her seventeenth birthday that she found a fledgling osprey which she'd go on to take home and raise by hand. It would be difficult to say who is more devoted to who; the bird to Desma or Desma to the bird, but one thing is certain and that is that he is next to useless for hunting anything but fish. She's been told far too many times by her reckoning that she should have found herself a kestrel or a hawk, a bird that'd be useful, but those that suggest such find themselves on the receiving end of her ascerbic wit or subjected to a look that could kill. So it was with Desma, as with others of the Malvici line, that she enrolled for her military service at the age of eighteen. Her affinity with a bow placed her firmly amongst the ranks of the Southport army archers and she served time on many occasions on the Southport Fleet. It would come as no surprise to anyone that sailing with the fleet would throw her directly into the path of her cousin Domonico, and she naturally held a great depth of respect for him, not only as her cousin, but as Admiral of the fleet. Gradually she saw where her future would lie. She wasn't content to wallow as a mostly insignificant and distant relative within House Malvici, so set her sights on being a bigger fish in the smaller pond of House Magnotta. Like her sister before her she pinned her colours to her cousin's house, but whereas Dora hadn't committed herself heart and soul, Desma did. She bears the name of Magnotta with pride and comes to Arx determined to do her utmost to see the small island cluster on the southernmost reaches of Arvum thrive and flourish.
    most reaches of Arvum thrive and flourish.)
  • Calista Fidante  + (Despite a tragic past, Calista is not a bi
    Despite a tragic past, Calista is not a bitter woman. Not that she wouldn't possess considerably justification to be bitter, in her humble opinion. When your stepfather murders your mother after your birth to attempt a coup by declaring himself regent over you, and your elder brother leads a revolt that kills the man even before you learn how to walk, it's not the most auspicious beginnings to a bright and shining happy childhood. But she's not the only noblewoman to be raised nearly entirely by tutors instead of family, due to her lord brother the Duke barely ever having time for his only surviving sibling. So no, Calista is not bitter, but she also has no intention of letting her life be dictated to her by an older sibling, no matter how well intentioned. Who to see, how to speak, how to act due to how she might be perceived, what to wear, what hobbies to pursue, and on and on and on to 'live up to the standards of the Fidante family', when House Fidante is mostly well known for how her stepfather murdered her mother and started a war. She damned well will decide exactly what it means to be a Fidante, and to her that means having fun how she wants, when she wants, anyway she wants it despite the opinions of anyone else. Political power and scheming and intrigue is fine for some people (especially old boring ones), and it's hilarious to have the movers and shakers of society try to guess devious cunning plans behind the random things she does, but she doesn't really set out to cause trouble. Well, mostly. Some people deserve trouble. But she really isn't trying to give her brother the Duke of Tyr a heart attack, she just refuses to be reined in and bow to the public perceptions of the oppressively boring and old that cluck their tongues in disapproval at daring behavior or gasp in horror that someone used the wrong spoon at a royal feast. For those people, she is only too happy (gleeful, really) to be considered 'a problem' or 'trouble' and if she can make their lives more difficult without getting into real trouble for it, she will gladly take it. Maybe she'll settle down and get serious about playing the games of power and politics that older nobles enjoy, maybe she'll even make her ideas of fun benefit her in that regard, but for now, she mostly is just about a good time.
    now, she mostly is just about a good time.)
  • Rastifer Redrain  + (Despite being of the illustrious Redrain f
    Despite being of the illustrious Redrain family, Rasifer grew up far from politics. From a young age he was trained in the arts of sailing and swordsmanship and at first opportunity he went off to sea to explore the world as his ever growing curiosity pulled him further and further from home. Fully expecting to be disowned by his family at the abandonment of his duties, he was happily surprised to find that though he had been removed from the line of succession he maintained his title and position in the family upon his return many years later.
    e family upon his return many years later.)
  • Quintin Ashford  + (Despite being the only child Quintin someh
    Despite being the only child Quintin somehow managed to be a kid brother tagalong, always getting underfoot. He accomplished this by pestering his cousins, whom he admired greatly, for stories. As a child, he had a wooden sword that he took everywhere, even to bed, and dreamed of becoming a master swordsman - House Sword, in fact. Stories of battles were his bread and butter, and he was always interested in tales of trickier swordsmen who used their brains to gain advantage over their opponents. It turned out he had a head for tactics and strategy, and one of the few things that could get him to sit still were strategy games. Otherwise always moving, Quintin had a habit of poking about and climbing around places he really shouldn't; a trip to one of Ashford's manned watch stations up in the trees resulted in a tumble when climbing and a very hard landing. He broke his leg. Badly. And then he was bedridden for a time, a young, restless boy just barely into his teenage years. He thought he would die of boredom. It slowed him down a lot, but in some ways, it was a blessing. It meant he finally spent enough time in one spot to pay more attention to lessons and reading, to the delight of his rather scholarly father. It turned out he had to be a captive audience to become interested in practical things like economics and diplomacy. A scholarly acquaintance snuck him some tales of adventure, which he eagerly read, and soon enough, he was devouring the written word. He maintained this love of reading even after he recovered; he also gained a new understanding of the importance of a bit of caution. Just a bit. He's still happy to climb just about anything. When he was seventeen or so, his interest in tactics and swordsmanship abruptly declined. He still enjoyed swordplay, but only with the aim of sparring. It seemed his interest in becoming House Sword had also waned; he turned more toward scholarly pursuits, becoming interested in history. History was a series of adventures, he thought, and he wanted to know about those adventures, about the people involved in them. And so he neglected his familial duties for a time, opting to travel down south instead, poking about ruins and exploring. As of late Autumn 1010 AR, he returned to the fold and took up residence with the rest of his family in Arx.
    idence with the rest of his family in Arx.)
  • Faye Ruger  + (Despite growing up a commoner, Faye Ruger
    Despite growing up a commoner, Faye Ruger was treated with a degree of respect and even fear that she never could grow accustomed to. The daughter of the previous Master of Questions of the Inquisition, her father was responsible for ferreting out the threats to the Compact and bringing the enemies of the Crown to justice, and Faye quickly learned as a child just how feared the Inquisition truly was. It pained her to see innocent men and women legitimately afraid of the institution, and deeply offended her that some would imagine that her good and honorable father would be capable of the kind of arbitrary maliciousness that some ascribe to the Crown's investigative arm. Certainly the Inquisition has to make difficult, even cruel choices at times for the good of everyone, but she never saw her father be capricious or unjust, and she grew up expecting to follow in his footsteps to safeguard the Realm. Her father Berthold Ruger's death a decade ago solidified that vague expectation into a burning desire, and there's perhaps no more dedicated investigator inside the entire Inquisition. Certainly that's what her partner and constant companion Prince Laric Grayson feels about her, with his freewheeling and imaginative nature a perfect match for her dedicated, calculating resolve. It's not easy, and she's had to do plenty of things to protect the realm that can make one lose sleep at night, but this is what she was born to do.
    ight, but this is what she was born to do.)
  • Samantha Deepwood  + (Despite her youth, Marquessa Samantha Deep
    Despite her youth, Marquessa Samantha Deepwood's moving speeches before the Assembly of Peers has some nobles referring to her as 'the conscience of the Peers'. This is faint praise, as she stands nearly alone as one of the few nobles whose oratory consistently has focused on the plight of those beneath the nobility, but her unique background allows many of the more indifferent nobility to forgive her stranger notions on matters such as social justice for commoners. A uniquely tragic background, in fact, and the rest of the peerage is likely to give her some understanding because of it. When she was but a child, House Tyde rose up in bloody rebellion against House Thrax in the far east and threw the Mourning Isles into civil war. King Alaric III grew alarmed that the bloodshed could spread, and wished to bring the unruly vassals to heel and settle the conflict, gathering his banners to argue from a position of strength. House Deepwood, as vassals of House Bisland and thus to House Grayson, answered the call along with the rest of Grayson's servants, but the elderly Marquis Deepwood sent his sons and most of his forces while staying home with just a token honor guard and family to watch the Deepwood lands. Unfortunately, the Gray Forest Reapers heard of the sudden vulnerability of the marquis' lands. The powerful Abandoned clan struck while the family was nearly defenseless, slaughtered the handful of defenders and commoners at the estate, and took the very young child Samantha Deepwood hostage for ransom. Samantha's family did not survive, and while Duke Gabriel Bisland led a rescue and put the majority of the Gray Forest Reapers to the sword that shattered their power for a generation, the badly traumatized child was left to be raised by tutors and regents as the future Marquessa of Deepwood March. Now the young woman has grown into adulthood and is a full Peer of the Realm, but she has never forgotten the deaths of all she knew when she was a child. She feels a bone deep obligation to do right by the dead and build a better realm for tomorrow.
    ead and build a better realm for tomorrow.)
  • Axel Culler  + (Despite his nature, not knowing much about
    Despite his nature, not knowing much about his parents never really bothered him. In fact, growing up as an orphan and seeing other kids be -- quite literally -- used and abused, made Axel come to the conclusion that most blood ties, are just as superficial as the brown-nosing beggar on the street; the one that gives you praise and calls you their best friend, but spits behind your back the moment you pass by without paying them any attention. That mentality, which developed relatively early on, helped him pay little to no mind to the position he ended up in. The struggles he went through were no different from the other orphans, but they didn't bother him that much either. What bothered him though, is how frustratingly little he knew; the adults surrounding him -- always up to something. From the tavern wench whispering yet another shady patron's ear off, to the rare noble scurrying along the Lower Boroughs in the cover of the night, hoping to stay unnoticed. Whatever it was, the young Axel felt left out. It was just plain unfair! And since wallowing in self-pity and feeling betrayed by the rest of the world around him, wasn't something he was particularly fond of, he decided to do something about it. While the rest of the kids were busy getting into trouble for a loaf of bread, Axel would rather starve than pass up an opportunity to stick his nose into someone's business. He honed his skills and learned the ins and outs of the boroughs, by getting caught over and over again, or by running away and hiding from people who found out that he knows a little too much for their liking. He didn't neglect his mental faculties either, making sure to study at the boarding school he went to with the rest of the orphans, developing his ability to think analytically. Being young helped him in his ventures, as people tend to pay little attention to a clueless orphan, roaming around the streets. But, the ones that have keen eyes and wield power in the Lower Boroughs eventually took notice of Axel. The Cullers were the ones to catch him snooping about, ready to dash away with one of their secrets he'd just found out, but instead of punishing him, they offered to take him in as one of their own, which he accepted. They nurtured his developing abilities and let him become the man he is today. Quiet and calculated, Axel works for them as an investigator of sorts, taking on a wide array of tasks to repay his debts to the family.
    of tasks to repay his debts to the family.)
  • Deva Redrain  + (Despite the best efforts of Deva's parents
    Despite the best efforts of Deva's parents and dedicated legions of servants, the young Redrain princess was always an unruly wild child. Deva learned early on that her father found her outbursts and fits of rebellion privately hilarious and adorable, even if his responsibilities as the Prince of Farhaven and high lord of House Redrain meant he was well aware how problematic the young hellraiser might be in the future. By her teenage years, Deva's mother had finally managed to find tutors that could make limited strides towards turning the young hellion into a 'proper young noblewoman', though it's still a rare individual that risks the fiery princess' temper by telling Deva she cannot do something. Though she'd never admit it, her parents efforts were far more effective than they know. Deva has a firm awareness of the responsibilities of a high born princess of House Redrain, and knowing that the wrong word or scandal could bring down ruin upon her house weighs heavily upon the fiery young woman's mind. But she rankles under the notion that she has to become as repressed and boring as every stodgy southerner, and she can't help it if shocking their sensibilities is hysterical. House Redrain did not become one of the five great houses and control the North by meekly copying southern fashions, as far as Deva's concerned. While she might vehemently deny caring what southerners think about her, she has been careful to avoid creating too embarrassing of a scandal. While publicly Deva might give her twin brother Darren grief for possessing the audacity to be born a few minutes before her and rob her of a chance of ruling over House Redrain, privately the young woman knows that heavy is the head that wears the crown. More to the point, watching her father constantly get into exhausting meeting after exhausting meeting, being high lord seems like no fun at all. Just no one better tell her that she's incapable of leading if she wanted to. That would sound suspiciously like a challenge, and Deva likes nothing more than a challenge.
    Deva likes nothing more than a challenge.)
  • Deva Velenosa  + (Despite the best efforts of Deva's parents
    Despite the best efforts of Deva's parents and dedicated legions of servants, the young Redrain princess was always an unruly wild child. Deva learned early on that her father found her outbursts and fits of rebellion privately hilarious and adorable, even if his responsibilities as the Prince of Farhaven and high lord of House Redrain meant he was well aware how problematic the young hellraiser might be in the future. By her teenage years, Deva's mother had finally managed to find tutors that could make limited strides towards turning the young hellion into a 'proper young noblewoman', though it's still a rare individual that risks the fiery princess' temper by telling Deva she cannot do something. Though she'd never admit it, her parents efforts were far more effective than they know. Deva has a firm awareness of the responsibilities of a high born princess of House Redrain, and knowing that the wrong word or scandal could bring down ruin upon her house weighs heavily upon the fiery young woman's mind. But she rankles under the notion that she has to become as repressed and boring as every stodgy southerner, and she can't help it if shocking their sensibilities is hysterical. House Redrain did not become one of the five great houses and control the North by meekly copying southern fashions, as far as Deva's concerned. While she might vehemently deny caring what southerners think about her, she has been careful to avoid creating too embarrassing of a scandal. While publicly Deva might give her twin brother Darren grief for possessing the audacity to be born a few minutes before her and rob her of a chance of ruling over House Redrain, privately the young woman knows that heavy is the head that wears the crown. More to the point, watching her father constantly get into exhausting meeting after exhausting meeting, being high lord seems like no fun at all. Just no one better tell her that she's incapable of leading if she wanted to. That would sound suspiciously like a challenge, and Deva likes nothing more than a challenge.
    Deva likes nothing more than a challenge.)
  • Thiri Peyton  + (Details of Thiri's life are not well known
    Details of Thiri's life are not well known or documented. Insofar as anyone can tell she was the daughter of a baker (mother) and upholsterer (father). Her early life consisted mainly of helping in the bakery or sweeping up nails and fabric scraps and growing up in Setarco. She entered combat training in her teenage years and found a living in illicit street fighting. She had a pretty good thing going for her in those circles, but quit suddenly without any known reason. She did go back to the bakery and simply became her mother's helper. When the armies of Setarco and Thrax came to Nilanza to rout out House Argento she found herself suddenly enlisted as a competent fighter. She was spotted hacking away at enemy combatants by Duarte Amadeo, and apparently she left enough of an impression. It wasn't but a few months later when she was asked to travel to Bravura in Setarco and agreed at Duarte's insistence to serve House Amadeo as sword. She didn't get a fancy weapon though. A real bummer. When she caught wind that Duarte was up and leaving Bravura for Arx she insisted on coming along. What is she going to do in Bravura, after all? Yes. She invited herself. Who's going to stop her? Pfft.
    ed herself. Who's going to stop her? Pfft.)
  • Dianara Whisper  + (Dianara was born one of half a dozen child
    Dianara was born one of half a dozen children to a successful smith in Sanctum but showed no particular aptitude toward the craft. Her clever nature seemed to suggest a career in the Faith for the girl and was definitely the course her family intended for her. Yet, before any vows could be taken, her own drive took her in the direction of the Whisper House to which she arrived with nothing but the clothes on her back and an eagerness to be trained. She learned quickly and developed a reputation for good humor and pleasant company. Eventually, her career took her in the direction of teaching. For a decade, she has traveled the length and breadth of Arvum, finding many noble and wealthy common families across all the fealties who desired a Whisper for instruction on etiquette and good manners. Her genial nature and thorough instruction have earned her a stellar reputation and her services have been in very high demand. Yet, despite that popularity, Dianara has decided to return to Arx and the Whisper House with the twin aims of offering her support and assistance to the new Radiant while also renewing her acquaintances in the city.
    so renewing her acquaintances in the city.)
  • Dianna Mazetti  + (Dianna was born just as the sun was cresti
    Dianna was born just as the sun was cresting the horizon, and her mother always said that the birth of her and her sister - who was just moments away - truly brought light into her life. As far as childhood goes, the twins had something approaching idyllic. Of course, this was shattered with the onset of the Tor-Southport war, though not in ways dramatic or outlandish. While the Mazetti suffered loss and hardship, what stood out most in Dianna's mind was the new found grimness of her older relatives, and a sudden lack of what had formerly been abundant. It took some growing for either herself or her sister to truly comprehend the cost the war had demanded of all those it affected, but it was a grim lesson of life that Dianna never let part from her. At thirteen, Dianna and her sister were introduced to an ancient, highly respected institution amongst House Mazetti: the glaivedancers. They were not members, not even close. It would take years of rigorous training in both the mental and the physical before they were finally inducted into that exclusive body of men and women. When that day came, however, it was a proud moment for the twins, as well as for their family. While her main duties typically saw her remaining in Ostria, with the rest of the Mazetti, Dianna has accompanied Vitalis on two of his more wild (dangerous) adventures. She was more than glad to prove that a glaivedancer is not simply a warrior one calls upon to cut down obstacles, but also an individual capable of employing a mixture of diplomacy and charm to win through tense situations. Her latest challenge has come in the form of leaving Ostria behind to engage in the game that is life in the capital of Arvum. Dianna, naturally, is confident that she will prove herself more than capable. As any change in circumstances may inevitably have unforeseen results, the return to Arx has had a greater impact on the woman than any may have ever suspected, and circumstances have led Lady Dianna Mazetti to trade of her duties as a glaivedancer in exchange for oaths of a higher nature - as a godsworn Mirrormask, extremely rare in the city. Reactions by her family have been varied, but resulted, inevitably, in Dianna’s surname being replaced by ‘Godsworn’; and, with the release of her duties to family, Dianna is embarking upon profoundly new territory in service to the Faith.
    dly new territory in service to the Faith.)
  • Diego Leary  + (Diego always had a good head for maths. He
    Diego always had a good head for maths. He liked to build things with blocks and, at one point, attempted to dig a giant tunnel fort into the earth at the estate of Southport. It's not really clear what he planned to /do/ in this tunnel fort, beside lay traps for the unwary -- the building was the thing. That and getting himself as covered in dirt as possible, as far as his nannies and watchers were concerned. Much of his childhood was like this, building forts, making them defensible-- His youth was shattered by war and chaos in snapshots as a young teenager, as war in the Lyceum raged between Tor and Southport, but Diego was too young to fight, and not fierce enough to pretend to adulthood. He spent the days of the war being nervously squirreled from place to place. Perhaps it was the memories of this that would make Southport eventually seek marital, martial alliance with allies beyond the Lyceum. The first time he was at Arx with his mother, it was winter and it SNOWED, which provided ample opportunity for snow warfare. Diego loved the city and he loved the cold, and romanticized it for the rest of his life. Maybe that was why he was so ready and willing to sign a marriage contract that would send him to the Learies in his twenties -- although, of course, part of that had to do with becoming the consort of a March rather than the younger cousin of a March. Social ambition was never Diego's pinnacle, but it remained a lure. He did not love Hianara Leary, particularly, but he thought they could grow to enjoy each other in time. Their marriage was short, though, before she died, and they had no heirs. Diego remained with his new family, finding he could be of great practical use to the armies of the March, and also finding that the stable vassal relationships between Leary, Laveer and Ashford were ... so much safer than what he could remember from his youth.
    han what he could remember from his youth.)
  • Dierdre Fallow  + (Dierdre grew up the child of spice merchan
    Dierdre grew up the child of spice merchants who made their home in Westrock Reach. They had a decent amount of money and she didn't want for a lot or education. While her parents wanted her to follow in their footsteps, she found other passions. On voyages she preffered to spar with the men on deck than pour over columns and tables for supplies or do math with her father. Her distaste for the business of merchanting got to the point, when she was younger anyway, that she started throwing screaming tantrums. It didn't last long. Rarely does a child enjoy being lowered in a harness, while at sea, to scrub the sides of the boat. Realizing their daughter would be hard pressed to take over they focused on her younger brother instead. Who was much more apt and interested than she had ever been. This left her free to pursue her martial training. It was in her teen years that the family had to hire protection during a particularly problematic priate epidemic. So they hired a squadron of Crimson Blades mercenaries. Dierdre took to them instantly, asking questions, mimicing their strict and regimental behavior. On their off time the hires marines sparred and told her stories. To say she was hooked was an understatement. So as soon as she could she joined and prove an apt student. But where her true talent lay, she soon found, was in teaching and helping her fellow Blades improve their own skills. So she was assigned to Iron Company eventually. Spending most of her time in Arx, when not out on a contract, she does travel back and forth training and working. But she is no stranged to actual conflict as well.
    is no stranged to actual conflict as well.)
  • Dismas Scratch  + (Dismas grew up in a remote, no-name villag
    Dismas grew up in a remote, no-name village within the county of Oakhaven, born to a man good with his hands and a woman good with her words. When he was twelve, a terrible illness swept through the village, claiming the life of his father and rendering his mother sickly. He'd already learned enough from his father about family and work ethic to understand that it was his responsibility to take care of his mother and little sister from then on. Despite her lingering illness, his mother continued--and continues to this day--to serve as a voice for their village, helping to lead their people. As he grew older, ready to set down his own path, this duty to watch over those he loved limited his options, denying him the chance to become a proper knight as any oaths of service he would be required to swear would keep him from his family for extended periods of time. So, he turned to odd, short-run jobs which would see him returning back to his village quickly enough, usually guarding caravans. When other, more lucrative--and less strictly legal--opportunites presented themselves, allowing him to make more silver and spend more time back home? How could he say no. If he was able to pick up a trinket for his momma and sister on each run, all the better. He'd been running with the same crew for years when they fell on bad luck, most turning up dead or disappeared in the sort of way that sometimes happens when the Inquisition gets involved. Rather than stick around and try to find work after that fiasco, he finally took off to forge his own path, trusting his mother's caretaking to his little sister. Arriving in Arx, he's signed on with the Champions, ready to train and to prove himself, ready to make something better than the life he left behind.
    thing better than the life he left behind.)
  • Saro Uliveto  + (Dogged by bad luck and poor decisions, Sar
    Dogged by bad luck and poor decisions, Saro is a woman who seems perpetually to be trying to leave one life behind for a new one, trailing a string of battered cast-off existences in her wake. Her origins lie in the warm, dry farming country of the Lyceum, and it's certain that she's been by turns olive grower's daughter, ship's deckhand, farrier's assistant, and street entertainer, but she also seems to have been involved in a number of failed or elsewise simply disagreeable ventures that she prefers to leave in the past. Whatever else she may have been and however fickle her fortunes, she chanced happily to find a trade she truly loved when she become a luthier's apprentice in the city of Bravura. With a deft hand, a delicate touch, and an eye and ear alike attuned to beauty, she is in a fair way to become a carpenter and luthier of good reputation in Arx -- with luck.
    er of good reputation in Arx -- with luck.)
  • Donato Inverno  + (Donato was born a whole three minutes befo
    Donato was born a whole three minutes before his sister, which makes him the oldest. However, unlike her he's a little bit less invested in staying put, and has been prone to getting into wild adventures from an early age. When he was fourteen he ran away from home, joined a crew sailing out of Nilanza and went by the name Vinnie for several years before putting in to port at home in Caina once more. By then he'd explored the islands, fought his share of battles, and lived a rather colorful life. However, the whole time he maintained contact with his sister, sending her letters whenever he could, even though he never told her where he was, he always told her where to send the next letter so he could pick it up. When Argento fell, he was there, but he was not part of the fighting itself. His sister refused to allow him to participate, and he didn't want to break her heart by ending up the way the Argento's did anyways.
    ding up the way the Argento's did anyways.)
 (Dorian shamelessly garners sympathy from noblewomen by casting himself a)
  • Dorian Champions  + (Dorian shamelessly garners sympathy from n
    Dorian shamelessly garners sympathy from noblewomen by casting himself as a victim of circumstance, but few of the women that fall prey to his charms ever realize just how willingly the rogue embraced those exact circumstances. Born the son of a knightly paragon of chivalric virtue, the rogue realized very early that unless he acted quickly he'd wind up doomed to an extremely tedious and quite possibly fatal existence as a nameless man-at-arms in some lord's service or if he tried excruciatingly hard like his father, another nameless knight to die in some backwater fighting shavs. That was not in the least bit appealing to Dorian, who realized that while fighting skills could certainly be handy, who he knew and who he could win over seemed to matter an awful lot more... especially if he became a champion. To the rakish young man, it was the perfect calling. Gorgeous (and rich) women looking for men to fight their honor against foes of questionable quality, and if he put on a show, it would just win over more. Just defeating a few louts in 'honorable combat' and duels for show gained him far more than soldiering ever would, and he hardly sees having to spend time with noblewomen over soldiers as a drawback. No, he might never be hailed at the newest and greatest knight, but if it wins over someone beautiful, well born, and willing to marry a commoner...? He'd take being a champion any day.
    er...? He'd take being a champion any day.)
  • Oona Seliki  + (Dowager Countess Oona is the mother of Orr
    Dowager Countess Oona is the mother of Orrin and gandmother of Peri and Kaldur. What her son and grandchildren learned of statecraft, for the most part they learned from her. After her first husband, the Count died, she secured her son's seat as Count and elected to enjoy a life of leisurely retirement. She married twice more between then and the present, but in both cases, her husband passed away before her. After her daughter-in-law died of sickness, Oona returned to Orrin's court, agreeing to take up the role as serving as his Voice. While she loves her grandchildren very much, she is well aware of Peri's strong calling away from being heir, and Kaldur's raw potential for being a successful one. Sometimes people just need a push...carefully, so they're unaware of it.
    ush...carefully, so they're unaware of it.)
  • Draven Bruvir  + (Draven was born into one of the great trib
    Draven was born into one of the great tribes that Volkov oversaw and cared for. Then the rival tribe came riding in and destroyed everything, leaving very few survivors. With Draven being one of them and only a young boy, he was taking in by the main family of the Volkovs and trained to become a house servant. Over time he was assigned to tend to and look after Aahana since she was often sneaking away from the camp to eavesdrop on her lessons. And as time grew, she encouraged him in his experimenting and dabbling in the apothecary things. She even sent him to the apothecary college with hopes that he would be able to create something absolutely amazing with his schooling. Now that Aahana is in Arx and his schooling is far completed, he is coming to aide her and the rest of the Volkovs within the city of Arx.
    est of the Volkovs within the city of Arx.)
  • Drifa Seraceni  + (Drifa was a young girl upon a shav longshi
    Drifa was a young girl upon a shav longship when the Seraceni corsairs boarded the small vessel. She had been a capture prize from a neighboring small village that had been wiped out from the raiding party. Led by the father of the Marquis of Seraceni she was taken in and afforded the protection of the House. As far as Drifa knows, she is the last of her village to survive and so she stayed with the Seraceni and learned their ways. Drifa mourned the loss of the Seraceni Marquis and Marquessa. She was frequently used by the family to scout and steal when necessary against Corsair targets. She became a capable corsair herself and was given her own longship to crew and command. Drifa owes her life to the Seraceni. She is loyal and does her best to not let the wild ways that still linger in her disposition to reflect poorly on her House. Although at times this can be a struggle as she has grown older she has also grown a bit more accepting. Drifa is loyal to the family and dependable. She also loves being a Corsair and depriving people of their fancy goods whenever possible. She has become a trusted ward of the family.
    e has become a trusted ward of the family.)
  • Duncan Hawkmour  + (Duncan Hawkmour inherited the House from h
    Duncan Hawkmour inherited the House from his father at the age of 22. Eldest of four children, though only one of his brothers and his only sister remain alive, Duncan has been raised to his position from his first breath. Admittedly..he did not always see eye to eye with his father, the most public instance of such disagreement having been around the Tor-Southport War. A war that his father had only desire to stay neutral in. Duncan, friends with Leo, and with a sense of 'right' that gave him no other choice, left to support his friend in the war and eventually his father was forced to declare Hawkmour's full partisanship. Both his parents succumbed to the same sickness, some four years apart, his mother dying not long after Duncan's 18th birthday and his father on the day of his 22nd. His brother, Erik, nearest in age to him died in the Tor-Southport war, leaving him with a brother and sister remaining: Thomas and Sarah.
    er and sister remaining: Thomas and Sarah.)
  • Llewella Melaeris  + (During Melaeris's isolation, while trying
    During Melaeris's isolation, while trying to hold strong and avoid the destruction that Donrai Thrax might visit on them, Princess Kellen Grayson set sail to visit relatives in the Isles. A storm would see that her ship was dashed against rocks and luck would have Darius Melaeris find her upon the shore more than half drowned. As Kellen recovered under the care of Melaeris, Darius would stop in many times to visit and a bond grew. From that bond, a wedding. From the wedding, a child: Llewella. Llewella would spend most of her time in Astarrea with frequent visits to Bastion. Many of the Island vassals would grumble that it was the Grayson attitudes responsible for influencing the girl to constantly try to change things. If it were anywhere but Melaeris, this constant push against tradition might have earned her far more trouble. Thankfully, it earned her tutors to teach her a better way to get things done than just asking, "Why?" and whining. As she matured, Llewella was given more responsibility. Her sharp mind and constant need to improve things would see her take on a mantle akin to steward. She saw to the logistics of trade and war, learned to run a household and look out for the people around her. And she was relatively content to stay in Astarrea with some visits to the mainland. But now Vera's taking a break and someone has to be in Arx.
    king a break and someone has to be in Arx.)
  • Rikako Tyde  + (During the Tyde rebellion, her parents had
    During the Tyde rebellion, her parents had fled to the mainland. Even though they were just commoners, they weren't quite trusted enough to fit in peacefully to their new home, so they traveled about seeking temporary work until eventually her father joined the Redwood Mercanry Company and survived the brutal training. Rikako was five when a dangerous mission claimed his life, leaving her, her mother, and her baby brother to struggle alone. Around a couple years later, her mother remarried, but Rikako never got along with her new step-father. Having grown up of tales of her father's exploits, she dreamed of the Redwoods and pretended to search for them in increasingly adventurous excursions to keep her out of his sight. Years later, her pretend turned to an earnest search and the skills she had gained eventually set her on the trail that led to her meeting Ajax and joining the Redwoods she had sought for so long.
    g the Redwoods she had sought for so long.)
  • Dustin Nidhogg  + (Dustin does not know much of his people bu
    Dustin does not know much of his people but he remembers his father, uncles, his aunts, siblings, and his mother. The way they wore the dirt on their skin and walked the earth barefoot from island to island. Always on the move, it was crucial that he and all of those in his family knew how to haggle and while Dustin was too young at the time to hold any real responsibility, the children of the family were always kept close for them to learn. They found the hospitality of a mountainous clan who unknown to them were amidst a dispute with Donrai's Thrax over ownership of a neighboring mining colony. Overextending themselves, the Clan attacked the mining colony only to be wiped out by Thrax's retribution. Dustin's family found themselves caught in between the two, unable to get away. Those that were not killed, were thralled and put to work in the mines. From a child to an adult, this was Dustin's life. He rose up before the sun and left home after nightfall. Living hard sharpen Dustin and made his skin thick but even when he could barely afford a candle a night, he worked on his mind, engineering ways to make their life easier. He was rewarded with more books and the more he read, the more he yearned for the world and to be outside in the sun. He used his strength to compete among the other thralls and their wardens, knowing that fighting in the pit was the only real way of leaving this life behind because you either left in a coffin or were savage enough for an Islander noble to take notice of you. Still young, he established himself as an up and comer, only for the fight of his life to be canceled after the news of the abolishment of Thralldom reached their colony. Unable to support itself, the mining colony collapsed and the miners were given the option of taking some silver as reparation and a free boat ride to Arx. Knowing that someone like him had work anywhere, he took the silver and left his old life behind, hoping to learn more about designing and smithing to make a profession and a name for himself.
    make a profession and a name for himself.)
  • Edward Stormbreak  + (Dwindling in familial size, the Redreefs w
    Dwindling in familial size, the Redreefs were not a populous House, having lost a great many of its members to piracy, accidents, and murder over the years; leaving just Tiberius and his brother - the former Baron of Redreef. Tiberius' marriage to Martha, a merchant with the power of a lord, brought in a merchant fleet to the House to help increase its economic weight, and to try and shed House Redreef of some of its pirate past.
    House Redreef of some of its pirate past.)
  • Echo Redrain  + (Echo was born into a large family, the you
    Echo was born into a large family, the youngest of five and fourth of four daughters. She idolized her older siblings, who doted upon her in turn. She became a steady fixture in their lives, a constant loyal shadow trailing them from dawn until dusk. The sound of her tiny feet pattering behind them from room to room became commonplace. None of her siblings can agree upon which of them first called her Echo, but Echo -- their constant following companion -- she remained. From Amarantha she learned the importance of doubt. That nothing should be taken at face value and that the world can be more cruel and dark than a child could imagine. From Astraea she learned the value of kindness. That in a world brimming with pain and injustice, kindness is a rare strength and, more than that, a duty. Apollis taught her that life is short and deserved to be enjoyed. He taught that all things should be questioned. Her eldest sister Avaline's influence left her with a sense of determination and the motivation to never back down in the face of defeat. So it was no surprise to anyone when she answered the call to take up arms like her sisters. Nor was it startling when she eventually came to love and marry a northern man. Tragically, like, the majority of her siblings, her marital happiness was short-lived. Within half a year of their wedding, her husband lost his life on a wilderness scouting mission. The world can be cruel. But when the months of mourning had passed and the sun rose for her again, Echo stepped back out into the world determined more than ever to be stronger and kinder than it could be cruel.
    tronger and kinder than it could be cruel.)
  • Edain Valardin  + (Edain is a knight. For all his life, that
    Edain is a knight. For all his life, that is all he dreamed of being and all he dedicated his training towards, and he never imagined he would be anything more than another proud knight in the service of his family. True, he was born the son of the high lord of House Valardin, the ruler of all the Oathlands and one of the five greatest nobles in the land. But he was born as a fourth child and he was quietly grateful that he was so far from the crushing responsibility of rule, that he could embrace the simple purity of service with a sword and that he could win glory and honor in the name of his house. That he could be a knight. That was before the Tragedy at Sanctum. Edain didn't truly grasp how easy his life was before the attack, the popular and handsome prince that had no greater designs than serving as a knight. He never imagined that he could one day rule. He never imagined that his elder siblings and parents could all be slain in one devastating attack that would leave him as the new high lord, the Prince of Sanctum. He never spent a day training for the possibility, never joined his elder brother in all the lessons from his father on how to properly rule or to deal with House Valardin's vassals, he never even expected to sit upon the Assembly of Peers and watch the political turmoil of the Realm. Then all at once, in one bloody night, it was his responsibility. His duty. He wishes it was not so. He never wished to rule, he never wanted the responsibility or burden of leadership, but it is his now and he takes his obligations seriously. He'll lead House Valardin to the best of his abilities and try to become better with each passing day. He just wished that the confidence he felt as a swordsman extended to how he felt as a ruler.
    rdsman extended to how he felt as a ruler.)
  • Edelma Pierce  + (Edelma was born the daughter of a commoner
    Edelma was born the daughter of a commoner knight, a riding valkyrie in service to the Sannas. There were rumors, especially due to a few suggestive lines of facial structure, that her father was not actually her father, but the rumors of her bastardy were never brought to the fore as anything more than whispers, in part because her father and her mother seemed to love each other so devotedly, and more, because they never seemed to love the March's family any less. If there was something there, it never caused any kind of rift between their families. It was at her parents' hands that she received her first training, and as she grew, she showed a natural inclination for weapons and along with a natural bravery that made it supremely easy for her to join the scouts of the snows riding out as soon as she was old enough in service. The old Sword of Giant's Reach, Sir Jolor, was an institution of the mountains, essentially, a man who had held the post so long that few could imagine anyone else in it. Young and fierce, Edelma found his years rendered him too slow to act in defense of the House. Generally he was left alone while other, younger knights did the real work of defending Giant's Reach, but the passivity of this position was too much for Edelma. In one battle with a tribe of Shav'Arvani on the mountainside, Edelma saved Jolor's life by fighting off two who were attacking him and covering his retreat. When they were alone, she demanded his recognition of her bold act, and out of shame that so young (26!) and comparatively small a fighter (a full foot shorter than he) had so plainly surpassed him, he refused. Edelma challenged him to a duel for the insult to her pride and defeated him handily. After he lost this public duel, Jolor knelt before her and asked March Cirroch to transfer his ancestral Sword to Edelma. It was done, and she took the role with pride and strength, and began working to train young squires and knights of the March into a squad to follow her into battle and share the Sword's acclaim. She called them the Axes of Giant's Reach, and they became among the most loyal young fighters in the March.
    he most loyal young fighters in the March.)
  • Einarr Charon  + (Einarr is the last of the Bjornkrigare sha
    Einarr is the last of the Bjornkrigare shav clan, called the Bearwarriors,a warrior clan who worship the bear and fight with nearly no regard to themselves. They are the masters of the bjorn svettes, an alchemical mixture of narcotics and stimulants that allows the warriors to feel no pain during battle. They train in the snow and ice to toughen their bodies, and are trained from a very young age. His particular clan was wiped out while he was a young man of 15 and he has been on his own ever since. Einarr was found by Tigarus Charon in his travels, he was near mortally wounded in a battle with dire wolves in the wilds of the Northlands. Einarr, in debt for owing his life to Tigarus, has pledged himself to House Charon.
    arus, has pledged himself to House Charon.)
  • Eiran Laurent  + (Eiran grew up without much expectation of
    Eiran grew up without much expectation of responsibility: a child of privilege and wealth, a child of parents who were also children of privilege and wealth. He never found much interest in duty, for all the workhorse reputation of his family and the long line of duty-bound Oathlanders that surrounded them. As a boy, he liked to play. As a young man, he still liked to play. He was only middling in most areas of his education because he was irresolute and lacked focus, and no one really forced him to be attentive to any of his lessons. The only area of his real focus was one of his tutors, who instructed him in language and the arts, and he primarily was interested there because the said tutor was _incredibly attractive_. He became fascinated with love as game and machination and source of artistry, and the courtly ballad, sonnet, and the kind of magic that comes in the right word in the right place became his study. That was how he ended up becoming a Devotion of Limerance. It was another infatuation that encouraged him to apply himself to the art of the sword -- really, the art of the mace and shield, a satisfying and pounding combination with a heavy crack of one on the other -- and really that has been the entire pattern of Eiran's life: ridiculous crush on someone, throw himself whole-heartedly into a new life path. Who knows what will come next? Maybe one day he'll fall in love in a direction that encourages him to make the most of himself. You never know, right?
    he most of himself. You never know, right?)
  • Eirlys Greenmarch  + (Eirlys has been used to a life of independ
    Eirlys has been used to a life of independence and a measure of self-sufficiency for as long as she can remember. Her mother died when she was little more than a babe in arms, and with her father having suffered crippling injuries in a battle a number of years prior, she was allowed to run a little wild and largely decided for herself the path that her life should take. As befitting a resident of the Greenwood, she learned the use of a blade, and fervently defended her clan's home from those who might seek to usurp the lands they had held for centuries. Yet, while is proud of her heritage, she saw only opportunity when the Greenmarch Abandoned bent the knee in fealty. She had always been fascinated by the idea of the city of Arx and loved any stories that she heard about what life was like there. Now, she gets to see for herself the reality of the place, fully embracing this new adventure and prepared to realize all the potential she believes she was born to - without ever forgetting who she is.
    n to - without ever forgetting who she is.)
  • Eleyna Velenosa  + (Eleyna Velenosa started her life as just a
    Eleyna Velenosa started her life as just another Princess in a very large family, destined to be offered in marriage to create treaties between the House of her birth and its chosen allies. With no living mother and a mostly disinterested father, she was at the mercy of her ambitious aunt. Three times, she served in such a role. Three times, it ended in tragedy. Even the most spotless reputation cannot withstand the rumors that accompany three dead husbands. In the Lyceum, they called her the Black Widow of Lenosia. They sought to shame her for the tragedies that befell her. Eleyna took an insult meant to humiliate her and turned it into something to fear. If they wanted her to be a spider, she would be a spider. It was the spider's machinations that brought her to Arx in the wake of the King's Rest. That same spider built webs to climb from disgraced Princess to valued Voice and, eventually, all the way to the Grand Duchess' throne. It's amazing how power seems to wash away the sins of past. So, while the sharp mind and ambitious nature remain, the Black Widow is no more now that Eleyna has both remarried and ascended to the pinnacle of power within her House and within the Lyceum. Lenosia is the City of Flowers, so it makes sense that Eleyna would be the White Lily, the palest of blooms but also the one symbolizing rebirth for her and her people.
    ymbolizing rebirth for her and her people.)
  • Eliana Steinmaison  + (Eliana was born to a couple of bakers. Th
    Eliana was born to a couple of bakers. They were poor, but happy. She has three brothers and a sister, and she's the youngest of them all. The baby. Fortunately, all of her brothers and her sister were very capable. They grew up to help the parents take over the business, and sprout wings and become successful in the many endeavors they attempted. They were all sharp, intelligent, and capable. Unfortunately, Eliana was not able to bloom in the manner her parents wished. She has the worst luck anyone has ever seen. If something bad will happen, it will happen over 90 percent of the time for Eliana. She's come to expect bad things occuring. She trips constantly, always has scrapes due to falling or running into something or something falling on her randomly. People consider her a clutz. There is nothing she can do about how people perceive her, so Eliana decided at a very young age to ignore them and to just look at the good things in life. There's so much bad that she's overwhelmed by it, the good is much more interesting to her, it also helps her to stay happy. Once, when she was in the kitchen attempting to help her mother bake some bread, she turned to grab a spoon, knocked over the container onto a lamp that just happened to be by there, shattering it and sending oil everywhere, which just happened to fling a drop towards the lit fire on the stove, and caused a chain reaction that literally exploded nearly the entire kitchen. Her parents have banned her from the kitchen since that time. She's too dangerous to be in there, she might kill someone someday with her luck. With all the whispers, and wards against evil signs against her, Eliana had a lonely childhood. Nobody really wanted to be her friend, so she grew up entertaining herself, and learning new things. She enjoyed figuring things out, it was something she was actually good at, and for once, it felt good to be good at something and not just a walking disaster. So, while she may have been lonely, she was never bored, she always had interesting and new things to do and explore, which made her quite the cheerful child. Her parents loved her, but she is hard to deal with sometimes. When Eliana turned 21, her parents were in a deep depression on what to do with her. They had no idea how to turn her into a successful person and nobody was interested in taking the 'Cursed Baker's Daughter' as a wife, so she still lived at home, turning into an old maid. Her parents could not really afford a freeloader like her, especially when she destroyed almost everything she touched. She was expensive! On one day, an Inquisitor came in for some baked goods and they had a discussion about the latest escapades of Eliana. She was becoming a town legend in her own right, just from her awful luck. The inquisitor suggested that he send her to them, to become an apprentice. She'd make good money, and her mind was sharp, she would do well and support herself as well as help the parents. At least repair the latest stove she destroyed. Her father agreed, very happy with the idea, and soon enough, Eliana was sent off to become an apprentice Inquisitor! She has absolutely no idea what she is getting into, but she trusts her parents, and feels very guilty about being at home. This is a new opportunity for her, and she's eager to do well and prove that she's good at -something-!
    and prove that she's good at -something-!)
  • Eliza Lavann  + (Eliza was born in Arx, to a moderately suc
    Eliza was born in Arx, to a moderately successful shopkeekper and his wife. At a young age, she began to be tutored by a priest of Vellichor, who saw great potential in the clever young girl. But while she proved an avid student, her original ambition to join the Scholars of Vellichor eventually came to naught: she was too undisciplined, too unfocused to truly be an ideal scholar. So instead she took various jobs as a scribe and tutor to earn her living, all the while continuing her personal study of folklore, which had always been a passion of hers. Then, the strange happenings around the Silent War began to reveal that the old tales of magic might not be mere myth. Even though Eliza was only able to snatch second-hand rumors at first, she was nonetheless deeply fascinated, and her personal studies took a decidedly occult bend.
    onal studies took a decidedly occult bend.)
  • Elpenor Ru-Taul  + (Elpenor was born to a couple of Thralls in
    Elpenor was born to a couple of Thralls in service of Redreef. He had earned his freedom and joined up with a crew of pirates quickly earning their trust and friendship through his good humour and hard working attitude. He is fiercely loyal to his crew and was even appointed to be the ship's quartermaster. After some time as quartermaster the ship received letters of marque making them privateers and also the crew given pardons for any and all past actions.
    iven pardons for any and all past actions.)
  • Elrych Holzfahller  + (Elrych was second born to house Holzfahlle
    Elrych was second born to house Holzfahller, the head family belonging to a small nomadic clan of woodsmen and warriors who wandered the Oathlands. His people were superstitious and weary of outsiders though still retainers to the House of Lyonesse. Long ago the Lyonesse were in battle with one of the other five Great Houses. Elrych's people were sought for removal and genocide. The Lyonesse helped them fight off their would be conquerors and as thanks and tribute, all non-heirs were to serve the Lyonesse and report to Lyon's Redoubt to train as Knights and Warriors and serve in the Oathlands armies under their Liege's command. Elrych spent his first 12 years learning the ways of his people, as was customary. He was expected to make his family proud when he went off to Lyon's Redoubt as generations did before him. His previous experience allowed him to excel among the other students rousing admiration and respect in some, and Disdain from those with more privileged backgrounds. Regardless of how many fights he got in, he was able to overcome and make the best of the situation. He was offered leadership positions in his units all throughout his squiring. Finally graduating, he was assinged to a detatchment and marched around the Oathlands with the Army. Making his way up the ranks and gaining experience in combat and leadership. Now, upon his 26 years--he is a veteran Knight loyal to the Lyonesse, wise with years of combat and ready to take on the challenges presented to him by his Liege.
    challenges presented to him by his Liege.)
  • Elsa Shepherd  + (Elsa began life as a Laurent, a cousin to
    Elsa began life as a Laurent, a cousin to the Duke, but far enough removed from the line of succession that she could largely do as she please. Provided she attended to her lessons as any proper Oathlands lady should, of course. Which gave her free reign to ride her horse across the fields of Artshall and plan hunting trips to the woods around Acorn Hill and what is now Duskshire. Her youth was very nearly idyllic, so far as Elsa was concerned. It was a shame adulthood had to go and ruin it. Her father arranged a match for her with a perfectly pleasant, if bland, young man from the Shepherd duchy... in the Crownlands. While she really had no interest in marriage or in leaving her home, she would never in a millenia dare to go against her responsibilities as a noblewoman. Her adult life was largely filled with gatherings, parties, the duties of a wife and soon enough, a mother. But she never quite lost that love of the wilds, of a fast horse or a good hound, of a falcon sent skyward. She merely shifted her focus, turning towards the breeding and training of the Shepherd duchy's stock. As her children grew, so did her freedom and Elsa found herself once more able to slip away to ride and hunt. The woods were farther away this time, limiting her trips to once or twice a year. But it was during one of those that her husband, having come along, suffered a fatal accident. A sudden attack by a wild boar left their horses startled. Elsa's mastery of her mount allowed her to retain her seat, but her husband fell from his stallion as the fierce beast reared and stomped at the boar, snapping his neck instantly. After the funeral, Elsa and her children stayed close to home, and while she helped to train the Shepherd troops in how to handle their mounts in battle, she never went into battle herself. The Silent Wars largely passed her by, though after, she did decide to bring her children to Arx to help round out their education, and bring herself closer towards the Gray Woods and the Lodge of Petrichor just outside the city. When the Gyre War came around, once again, Elsa helped to train Shepherd troops, but stayed home and ran fundraisers to help cover costs. When the Lodge was attacked, Elsa finally said enough was enough and joined the ranks of the archers helping to defend the Lodge. She took some hits, garnered a few scars, but came out the other side still breathing.
    t came out the other side still breathing.)
  • Elsbetta Farshaw  + (Elsbetta Farshaw is the younger sister of
    Elsbetta Farshaw is the younger sister of Duke Ryhalt Farshaw, a Lady of Westrock Reach. She serves as the duchy's Minister of Morale. From an early age she was an optimistic child; bright and cheerful. Happy in all of the things that she did. However, as she grew and she began observing the world around her she began to understand the darker side of life. Before her uncle Warwick Farshaw died and her brother inherited the Duchy, she was witness to an uprising against one of their vassal houses. A local Baron had been mismanaging Barony, and had been acting somewhat tyrannical. Her uncleHer uncle felt that it was properly the duty of the Count the Baron was sworn to, and so did not intervene until there was a mass revolt and the Baron was killed by an angry mob. This left a lasting impression on her young self, convincing her of the importance of keeping up the morale and trust of the people. When she was old enough she began to work with the new Baron and the people of that Barony to build trust back up in the nobility. It was this work that let her to petition the King for a place in the Observers. It is also this work that has lead her to be the Minister of Morale for Westrock Reach. She knows very much the cost of low morale and distrust of the people for the nobility, and she does everything in her power to prevent this lost of trust.
    n her power to prevent this lost of trust.)
  • Elyse Crown  + (Elyse was born pretty poor, her father wor
    Elyse was born pretty poor, her father worked in a stable in the Lyceum and her mother had died when she was fairly young. It was a day to day struggle to get by, and Elyse fell in with a bad crowd fairly quickly, one that she honestly really never moved away from. There was two problems with this. Elyse felt she was too smart, and too clever, to waste her life away clawing and digging for even enough to survive. And two, well, two and one are really one in the same. Because of that, she joined up with the Valorous Few as soon as she was able to. Glory, money, adventure? It was the best options that she saw for the direction she wanted her life to go in. She cut her teeth on the jobs they had in the Lyceum, and then left with them when they moved on to different jobs. She started saving her money, determined to never be poor again. Admittedly, after Audric moved up to the Captain-General, she's gotten a little more free with her spending. But even still, she's fairly close-fisted with her money.
    she's fairly close-fisted with her money.)
  • Emara Grayhope  + (Emara's life started in the Lower Boroughs
    Emara's life started in the Lower Boroughs, the daughter of a Grayhope and a woman she knows very little about except she had a brief relationship with a married man and left her newborn daughter in his care before skipping town for parts unknown. For all that rough beginning, her childhood was a happy one since her father and his wife accepted her into their family without a qualm and raised her alongside their own daughter, Tanith, born only thirteen days after she was. Growing up in the Lowers meant that Emara had to learn to think fast, especially since she developed a smart mouth along with a quick mind. While she never really learned to avoid revealing her observations to the world, especially the less pleasant ones, she did learn how to fight and how to run. In order to keep out of trouble, much of Emara's early life was spent in the family garden, particularly once she showed evidence of a talent for getting things to grow. As she grew older, her skills in the garden were coupled with training as an apothecary and an ambition to become the foremost perfumier in the Compact. That ambition meant traveling to various locales in search of rare scents and flowers to add to her intoxicating concoctions. With her rarified sense of smell, she never lingers around cities for long since she finds them a little unbearable, but for her family, she makes exceptions.
    but for her family, she makes exceptions.)
  • Ember Redreef  + (Ember and Marina were born twins, daughter
    Ember and Marina were born twins, daughtering a father who needed someone to inherit. The politics of the question were always a struggle, and it was always his plan to marry in men for the twins and ensure the continuation of the bloodline. Still, his legacy was very important to him, and both his daughters were aggressively competent, defying convention to learn to fight as well as administrate land. When her father died, he was still daughtered, and although Ember was not the rightful heir under the law of the land, she held the land by virtue of the loyalty of her father’s men, and through political sway and fierce intensity managed to have herself declared ‘regent’ for her father’s spendthrift brother. She held the barony by the skin of her teeth, defeating two duellists on her uncle’s behalf who challenged her claim, and under her iron grip Redreef thrived. While her sister captained the first ship of the Redreef fleet with skill and verve to fight off all comers, Ember held her ground and held the land. When the law of the land changed and women were deemed eligible to inherit land under the Mourning Isles, hers was the first suit — by blood and by the choice of the Baron — in the Court of the Mourning Isles to confirm her claim. The case was settled in a publicly vaunted occasion for trial by combat, and Ember personally defeated her uncle’s chosen champion in a fight to the death, against all odds. Her uncle yielded and retired in ignominy, while Ember solidifed her rule and developed her reputation crushing revolts against her authority with an even-handed fist and the aid of her sister as her strong right arm.
    aid of her sister as her strong right arm.)