Zyxthylum Karthrite

Revision as of 15:06, 8 May 2021 by Arxbot (talk | contribs)

Zyxthylum Karthrite
Social Rank 9
Fealty Pravus
House Karthrite
Gender Male
Age 48
Religion The Faith
Vocation Commoner
Height 6'4"
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Skintone Pale
Authored By / Featured In


Even hunched this man stands a few inches over six feet. Called the 'Duke of Limbs' throughout his youth for his lanky, ungainly appendages, his size is in stark contrast to his mettle. The emaciated and scarred quality of his flesh tells the story of a hard life better then any tapestry could. One of these injuries was so vicious it left one of his eyes milky and took a piece of his upper lip. Altogether a wretched looking creature, it looks as if someone has recently begun to take pity on him. Well groomed and with a freshly dyed head of hair, perhaps his luck has recently changed.


Zyxthylum was born in the Lowers to a family that already had too many mouths to feed. Often there was no dinner and no place to sleep for the poor boy, so he took to spending his nights at the graveyard. He was also forced to hunt rats, birds, even insects in dire situations. Abuse and neglect made the boy lonely, so he started creating his own family and friends out of the remains of his dinners. At first this was simply bones assembled with fishing line. Eventually however, the boy became a man, and the man became talented. His creations began to take on a second life under his care and the strange hobby began to draw morbidly curious eyes.

Still forced to take any job people would let the odd fella do, he happened to attract a mysterious benefactor that changed the natural course of his life. Instead of scrubbing chamber pots and collecting bounties on rats, he is exploring his hobby as a legitimate trade. Business might not always be booming but he is grateful for his chance to sit indoors and work in peace.