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Alberic Laveer +Despite mysterious origins and a strong sense of duty, Alberic is only as complicated as it is required to bridge the gap between nobility and those under Naval Command. To those who would harm others he may appear to have saltwater in his veins, but to those who hold true to law and peace, there's always an open chair at his hearth.  +
Aldwin Aurum +For most, providing counsel and perspective to potential enemies would make someone an enemy themselves, mistrusted and suspect beyond redemption. Aldwin escapes all that, perhaps simply by sheer longevity. Few people could be as devoted to the Realm as a single entity, even beyond the King himself, than the Archscholar of Vellichor. In his eyes, every living, breathing soul has as much right to learn, grow, and succeed as any other, so all that come to him are met with unfailing kindness, wisdom, and a perspective that would not otherwise be considered. He treats young nobles as if they were his own grandchildren, and older ones, well, pretty much the same way. He's not reluctant to call out folly, but does so in a way that edifies, rather than tears down the student he instructs. His only ambition seems the betterment of the Realm and those who walk through his doors.  +
Aldwulf Unknown +Aldwulf likes to come across as having a roguish exterior. He is quick with his hands in pulling tricks, enjoys gambling, and wearing clothes that are well beyond his means. He is quick to drink, likes to appear witty, and has said on many different accounts that he simply wants to be famous and live a life of luxury without having to have some family title to go along with it to bring down all the fun by adding in responsibility. Under it all, Aldwulf has an appreciation for the academic side and is simply a lovable scoundrel. While not quite having a heart of gold, he does care about others and does not wish to do harm to others. In turn, he does really wish to feel loved, though he would never admit it even when put to the rack.  +
Alecstazi Halfshav +Precise. That is a good word to sum up this Thraxian prince. Well mannered, courtly, every movement is thought through, practiced, polished, decorous. He can be charming in a sharp way, his wit dry and sometimes pointed. Not the kind to begrudge an apology if his barb is too sharp, there is, however, an unflinching expectation of station, of behavior and etiquette. When breached he can be frosty and disapproving, proving just how much of his charm is deliberate. To say he is a bit of a traditionalist is an understatement. He is Thrax through and through, to the core.  +
Alecstazi Thrax +Precise. That is a good word to sum up this Thraxian prince. Well mannered, courtly, every movement is thought through, practiced, polished, decorous. He can be charming in a sharp way, his wit dry and sometimes pointed. Not the kind to begrudge an apology if his barb is too sharp, there is, however, an unflinching expectation of station, of behavior and etiquette. When breached he can be frosty and disapproving, proving just how much of his charm is deliberate. To say he is a bit of a traditionalist is an understatement. He is Thrax through and through, to the core.  +
Alecto Charon +Beneath an elegant and handsome exterior lurks an academic with a bit of a cowardly streak. Wartime has taken its toll on Alecto's nerves, amplifying a once-abated squirreliness that plagued him in boyhood and now manifesting in frequent hand-wringing and fidgets. Entirely endearing if not sometimes downright comedic, his worrisome nature and the associated preparedness that comes along with it have lead to Alecto being a brilliant improvisor when problems actually do arise. As a result, he has routinely found himself promoted to positions he doesn't feel the least bit qualified for, even if the irrationality of some of his more imaginative concerns have given others reason to doubt his intuition in the past. Although Alecto's true motivations are generally kept private, it can be said that he values his relationships over his achievements, and when something threatens someone he cares about, he has been known to use all the means at his disposal to extinguish that threat.. barring putting himself in actual physical danger, of course! Hahaha! He is gentle and good when his environment allows, but he does recognize that these virtues aren't always compatible with solving certain problems, and he does fancy himself a problem solver.  +
Alejandro Rossetti +A Lycene man of passion and fire, Alejandro puts his heart and soul into all he does. A perfectionist when it comes to his own abilities and actions rather than others, he can tend to obsess over himself in an effort to improve. This may come across as being full of himself or self-important but his intention is always to make himself better. To play his guitar with more skill. As one might expect of both a Lycene and a skilled guitarist he is a charming and suave man. Quick with a witty reply or a smooth remark. Though common, he has spent his life amongst the nobility of House Fidante and it shows in his refinement, grace, manners, and charisma.  +
Aleksei Morgan +It's a wonder that Aleksei hasn't been throttled yet. Bright and gregarious, he can be the life of the party, but he has a remarkable habit of high-level obnoxiousness combined with a frequent inability to even know what he did to piss someone off. That said, he can be quite charming, and there's a draw to his energy. A natural thrill-seeker, he's certainly not a coward; he's just spent most of his life allergic to responsibility. While he likes to eschew his Oathlander roots and all of the stereotypes they involve, he has a core of morality and honesty that belies his protests.  +
Alessan Fidante +Soft-spoken and always smiling, Alessan prefers to stay out of the center of attention as much as he can. Even when performing, he can look as if his mind has wandered off to another place, letting the music take him where it wishes to take him. And it's a good thing too, he'd much rather his music be the focus of another's attention than himself.  +
Alessandro Velenosa +Alessandro has mastered elegance the way artists master their craft, and it shows in everything he does. He pursues knowledge for its own sake, an eclectic, thirsty mind with a keenly energetic spirit behind it, and always has a spare pair of reading glasses in his pocket so that he can take them out and clean them with a monogrammed silk handkerchief. His will is indomitable and contrarian. He is fiercely passionate about his work, and fiercely, intensely protective of his family. He also has a keen sense of the ridiculous, and a deep -- if buried -- ability to recognize his own paradoxes and make fun of himself. But privately, if you please. Dignity is key.  +
Alessia Mazetti +Silk over steel. As tired as the trope may be, and Alessia admits that it is tired, it is nevertheless an appropriate descriptor. Rather than immediately meet opposition with brute force, she prefers to win both friends and enemies over with her charisma, subtle wit, and cultured Lycene refinement. That said, there comes a time when none of those things are the right tool to reach for...  +
Alessio Moretti +Alessio is a calmly jovial and easy-going man with a deep passion for his work, his wife and his hobbies. He is quick to smile, if not outright laugh, and has a natural talent for making people feel comfortable in his presence. He is kind of heart and always ready to help those in need should he have the chance. Beneath the calm exterior there is a burning need to succeed, to become the best at his trade, a fire lighted within him by his father from a young age. He can seem hard to figure out at first, but people who earn his trust and respect will find in him a fiercely loyal friend and a stalwart ally.  +
Alexander Wyrmfang +Alexander is often seen as dark and brooding. More often than not he wears a far off expression, considering some issue of philosophy or the tactics of a long forgotten battle. When focused on the moment, however, he is as sharp as the blade he carries at his side. He isn't one for small talk, and when he speaks he is intelligent and concise, often described as being wise beyond his years. His family and its honor are of the utmost importance to him, and he actively works to bring as much of it as he can not only to the family, but to himself.  +
Alexandre Redtyde +Very much a Wyrmguard, Alexandre exhibits many of the virtues of Oathlands chivalry. Perhaps the strongest among them is the belief that every man, woman and child are worthy of kindness, generosity and dignity, no matter their station in life. It is displayed in his interactions with noble and commonfolk, as Lord and Knight of Solace, protecting travelers and Mercies upon the roads of the Compact. He has a special liking for the latter, sharing many of their ideals despite his more martial path. He takes the duty of protecting them and other practitioners of the healing arts very seriously, and few things anger him more than those who would do them harm. It is there a limit to his mercy and compassion might be found. All must make their choices, and while the occasional bad choice must be forgiven, especially if moved by good intentions, those who willingly choose a path of destruction and hate against their fellows must be stopped. It is fair to say Alexandre is an idealist, if a quiet one. He's not the type to seek the attention of others upon himself, and will usually seek to downplay or redirect admiration towards his person to another, uncomfortable when the subject of praise. Humble, selfless, the Knight of Mercy is a dreamer, one untouched by the horrors of the wars and battles he's waged. The light of hope burns bright within him, and shows no signs of dimming.  +
Alexandre Wyrmguard +Very much a Wyrmguard, Alexandre exhibits many of the virtues of Oathlands chivalry. Perhaps the strongest among them is the belief that every man, woman and child are worthy of kindness, generosity and dignity, no matter their station in life. It is displayed in his interactions with noble and commonfolk, as Lord and Knight of Solace, protecting travelers and Mercies upon the roads of the Compact. He has a special liking for the latter, sharing many of their ideals despite his more martial path. He takes the duty of protecting them and other practitioners of the healing arts very seriously, and few things anger him more than those who would do them harm. It is there a limit to his mercy and compassion might be found. All must make their choices, and while the occasional bad choice must be forgiven, especially if moved by good intentions, those who willingly choose a path of destruction and hate against their fellows must be stopped. It is fair to say Alexandre is an idealist, if a quiet one. He's not the type to seek the attention of others upon himself, and will usually seek to downplay or redirect admiration towards his person to another, uncomfortable when the subject of praise. Humble, selfless, the Knight of Mercy is a dreamer, one untouched by the horrors of the wars and battles he's waged. The light of hope burns bright within him, and shows no signs of dimming.  +
Alexandros Dawnbringer +Alexandros, templar of Gloria, is convinced that unknowable forces in the world are trying to destroy him. From the beginning of his service to the faith, he was tormented by unfounded fears and nameless terrors that preyed upon his mind. For years, he was able to function more or less normally despite his growing paranoia. As time passed, genuine bouts of panic began to intrude upon his psyche. These bouts lasted longer and longer, paralyzing him for minutes, hours, sometimes even days. Every few years he puts a new name to these forces-- demons, shivs, the smiling shadows or some other identifiable target becomes the imagined source of his fears for a time. He does his best to prove the wrongs of these imagined enemies, and anyone who has even a passing resemblance to the target is persecuted until the next delusion grips him. Occasionally, one can get a glimpse of the kindhearted man he once was.  +
Alexio Donatti +An opportunist in near every aspect of life, Alexio will likely try anything once if he thinks that it will help him, or those that he cares about, get ahead. He is a social creature, and thrives in such environments, as opposed to those where brawn is valued over wits. He enjoys the finer things in life, likely because growing up he did not have any of them. As such, he values that which he has and does not wish to see anything go to squander that he has earned or been given him.  +
Alexis Wyrmfang +Alexis is generally hopeful by nature, with easy smiles and wide-eyed and bright appreciation for the world. She's idealistic to the point of naivete, aspiring to be the very best she can be, and to make her family and house proud in the process. She possesses a deep-set sense of honour and stakes her behaviour on the chivalric code of the Oathlands.  +
Alfio Donatti +A people pleaser and a charmer like most Donatti. Alfio, often, finds himself getting involved in the business of others, and, generally, trying to find a way to help them while benefiting himself. He is, much like his siblings and kin, a determined, cunning, hardworking and ambitious man eager to prove his finesse and make himself known in the world.  +
Alheri Deepwood +She cares. She really does. It's just that reality is disappointing. You talk to someone and there's a flaw in their plan and you're either complicit because you say nothing or a naysayer if you do. Someone's dress is beautiful but a stitch was dropped and that gemstone is just a fraction misaligned and you know they'll laugh at her if you say nothing. Far better to help out. Of course, people are never grateful. They'd rather be laughed at by a thousand behind their backs than told they were wrong to their face. So she takes the brunt of that. It's a heavy burden. And somewhere along the way she started to like it.  +
Alina Redreef +Alina has the knowledge of a vast encyclopedia, and the social skills of the same. Law and gold are quite easy to the lady, but people? People are a puzzle. She struggles, quite visibly, to understand subtleties that virtually all others grasp. She does enjoy company... when company is willing to be found.  +
Alis Valardin +When she first arrived in Arx, Alis had the fervent determination of the very young, seeing matters in clear cut moral absolutes and one who holds chivalric ideals above all else. And while the now older and more experienced woman that she's grown into still holds fast to chavalric ideas, honor, duty, and faith... time, battle, betrayal, and further loss have both tempered her expectations of others and made her even more determined to uphold Oathlands ideals as a good example. That she is over-protective of her family and those under her care is well known, as is the chill of her temper when she's truly risen to anger. But, otherwise, she handles her responsibilities with an even keel, a slightly wry humor, and an eye towards preserving the traditions of her home. If she is a even more somber now than she has been in years past, it is no doubt the weight of duty that she finds herself bearing.  +
Alise Farshaw +A descendant of the youngest sibling in the family which was to hold Westrock Reach, Alise was given a lofty name, modeled on that of Alarice, but instead has grown up only distant cousins from those in the line of succession. This has given her a bit of prickliness about her heritage, making her proud but simultaneously uncertain of her own worth in some lights. She holds a grudge, and polishes it like some might steel. She is quick to laugh and cry, her emotions worn on her sleeve. With minor slights, she can be incredibly forgiving, but anything that reflects poorly on her personal sense of honor is unforgivable. She has a good sense of humor, but dislikes "mean" jokes. She is devoutly faithful, and has a tendency toward charity, when it doesn't infringe on trade.  +
Alistair +Alistair possesses the solemn bearing of a man who refuses to have his path dictated by fickle passions, however deeply felt. His quiet, stern intensity holds little room for joy or despair, having given himself to a fervently pricinpled pursuit of justice to banish the ghosts of his past. The Prodigal has seen the true face of darkness as only one who has lived among the Abandoned could, and it has made him determined to the point of quiet fanaticism. His control over his emotions is beyond masterful. His position in the inquisition causes him face terrible situations, and he is painfully aware that all but a handful of his fellows care little for justice, forcing him to pragmatically attempt to do the best he can with a terribly flawed situation. He can show compassion, when it is right in the sight of the gods, and will do so despite orders if necessary? and especially then. His faith is less an evangelical calling, and more simply so pervasive in his life and mind, that he doesn't need to preach. Every word and deed is a prayer, an offering to the gods that have brought him to Arx, and he squanders neither on proselytizing.  +
Alistair Crown +Alistair possesses the solemn bearing of a man who refuses to have his path dictated by fickle passions, however deeply felt. His quiet, stern intensity holds little room for joy or despair, having given himself to a fervently pricinpled pursuit of justice to banish the ghosts of his past. The Prodigal has seen the true face of darkness as only one who has lived among the Abandoned could, and it has made him determined to the point of quiet fanaticism. His control over his emotions is beyond masterful. His position in the inquisition causes him face terrible situations, and he is painfully aware that all but a handful of his fellows care little for justice, forcing him to pragmatically attempt to do the best he can with a terribly flawed situation. He can show compassion, when it is right in the sight of the gods, and will do so despite orders if necessary? and especially then. His faith is less an evangelical calling, and more simply so pervasive in his life and mind, that he doesn't need to preach. Every word and deed is a prayer, an offering to the gods that have brought him to Arx, and he squanders neither on proselytizing.  +