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Alberic Laveer +%TStanding approximately six feet and three inches tall, Alberic is an individual defined by duality. Though his soft features make him appear easy-going and approachable, he has spent his life in between the commoners and the nobility of the realm. He is often stoic, especially around people of importance, though a smile can break through around those who know him. His clear blue eyes are careful and searching, always studying what is before him in detail. His skin is pale, despite a muscular and dextrous build shaped by years in Naval Service. %TWhat Alberic happens to be wearing depends entirely on his company. Most often he is found in uniform, proudly kept and maintained. It isn't unlikely for him to be found wearing attire suitable enough to be seen in at Court, awaiting an audience to report on his responsibilities or duties, but he is just that: an Admiral reporting to Lords and Ladies.  +
Aldwin Aurum +Though he walks with a slightly stooped posture, and moves with the slow, deliberate gait of the elderly, Aldwin's presence defies age or era. His stark white hair hangs a little longer than is fashionable for the youthful, and he keeps his beard neat, but lengthy, as a badge of office for his many years. His sharp blue eyes sparkle with good humor and a keen intellect above a mouth that never ceases to have at least a hint of a smile. While one would not call him the pinnacle of warrior health, the old man doesn't quite have the frailty of most that live as long as he has, seeming simply to take his time with his movements, rather than awkwardly shuffling about.  +
Aldwulf Unknown +Aldwulf is a mildly handsome man with what appears to be an appearance at constant conflict between refined and rugged. A dark brown mane of unkempt hair compliments a meticulously trimmed, razored, and plucked short-boxed beard. Full lips look ready to either sneer or grin lopsidedly. Lithe and lightly tanned, Aldwulf does appear that he likes to stick the outdoors when possible, but sharp and intelligent light brown eyes give the impression of a bookish nature. This, in turn, is further brought into conflict by his seemingly almost nervous energy, constantly in motion. He is an animated individual, speaking with his hands and further body language more often than not. He is the type who stands out at a bar, slamming his hand on tables, bellowing out laughter and not fully understanding what an inside voice is when he's had a few ales.  +
Alecstazi Halfshav +There is a marked intensity about this man. Tangible in the air around him, coiled and primed to strike. And yet. His is a tall frame, standing well above the average height, and well muscled, he carries himself with pride, determination and a touch of arrogance. Black hair is dark enough to hold a bluish sheen in the light, clipped short on the back and sides, but long enough to be swept back in the front, or to occasionally fall into his eyes. Thick black lashes frame eyes that cannot decide on a hue. Pale and blue as a washed out summer sky from one angle, from another, the visceral blue of northern ice. His face is handsome, angular cheekbones, a strong jaw that tapers to an almost paradoxically delicate point. His nose is a touch too large for his face, and his brows are often the most expressive thing about him. His mouth is wide and prone to sly half-smiles that only accentuate its width.  +
Alecstazi Thrax +There is a marked intensity about this man. Tangible in the air around him, coiled and primed to strike. And yet. His is a tall frame, standing well above the average height, and well muscled, he carries himself with pride, determination and a touch of arrogance. Black hair is dark enough to hold a bluish sheen in the light, clipped short on the back and sides, but long enough to be swept back in the front, or to occasionally fall into his eyes. Thick black lashes frame eyes that cannot decide on a hue. Pale and blue as a washed out summer sky from one angle, from another, the visceral blue of northern ice. His face is handsome, angular cheekbones, a strong jaw that tapers to an almost paradoxically delicate point. His nose is a touch too large for his face, and his brows are often the most expressive thing about him. His mouth is wide and prone to sly half-smiles that only accentuate its width.  +
Alecto Charon +Lord Alecto gets much of his daily exercise from casual turns about the gardens or sudden sprints between offices. Although his posture is nothing to write home about from long hours spent hunched over a desk, he manages to still be mindful of his appearance without succumbing to an excess of vanity. His skin is a clean liquid brown and his hair is thick, growing atop his head in tight coils the color of a raven's plumage.  +
Alejandro Rossetti +Tall, quiet, and unimposing. Alejandro frequently seems to linger in the background. He is a handsome man with the touch of youth in his smoldering dark eyes. Dark hair is kept a touch long and seems to get in his face, casting shadows over bronzed skin while glancing down to play his beloved guitar. His kind, soulful eyes are met with a thin, straight nose that sits perfectly upon his face. A thin moustache is matched with a touch of scruff on his chin that can't quite be called a goatee. Broad shoulders slope slightly as he if might want to make himself disappear but it is sometimes difficult not to notice him there as hard as he might try. It is the unspoken intensity he gets, especially when playing his guitar, that makes the man more than curious; perhaps it makes him a touch dangerous. Or perhaps he just enjoys playing his guitar.  +
Aleksei Morgan +The brightness of fair skin and clear blue eyes provide an air of youthful energy that seems to highlight and encapsulate Aleksei's spirit. The straight slope of his nose suggests he hasn't had it broken nearly as often as he deserves, and he has lips well-suited to smiling which are generous in their frequent curves. His gaze remains eloquent when his wits fail; fringed with black eyelashes, set beneath dark eyebrows, his bright blue eyes are expressive and lively. Their suggestion of energy is echoed in the rumpled tousle of short, dark hair and the coiled strength of his body. His air is one of poised grace and easy athleticism that has come from a lifetime of physicality. While he sports fewer visible scars than his appearance of martial competence might suggest, there is a small but clear line, white-pink and slightly sunken, across the hollow of his left cheek, partially obscured by the close crop of a well-trimmed full beard across his jaw  +
Alessan Fidante +Alessan has short black hair that is greying at the temples, and while his bronzed complexion is still rather smooth there are signs of aging around his shining brown eyes, the wrinkles becoming much more pronounced whenever he smiles. He also sports the short beginnings of a beard, grey hairs making themselves known on the chin.  +
Alessandro Velenosa +Strong bone structure and the lean lines of Alessandro's features combine for an impression of sharp elegance. His cheekbones can probably not actually cut diamond, but it could be a near thing. His eyes are pale and clear, of startling focus and intensity, beneath high-arched, thick, dark eyebrows. Their pale clarity is contrasted with the warm tone of his skin, dotted by occasional freckles. The dark waves of his hair are such a dark brown that they are nearly black, but in direct sunlight glint with deep mahogany highlight. Tall, lean as a rake, and impeccably dressed, Alessandro's looks are dynamic; at rest, features that might be ill-fitted are given an arresting allure by his personal vitality.  +
Alessia Mazetti +Lustrous, dark brown hair cascading in waves frames a face which possess eyes that gleam like that of a serpent. It's not hard to imagine how prey feels when trapped within their beguiling gaze, beneath long lashes and perfectly shaped brows. Her smooth skin is often a sun-kissed bronze with a rosy tint owed to many years growing up under the Ostrian sun. Her frame is supple, and she moves with a near effortless feminine grace. Alessia is indeed lovely to behold, but it's clear that to get too close is not without its danger. It is, as no few men have said, only too easy to lose oneself to her wiles and the curve of her lips when she smiles.  +
Alessio Moretti +A ruggedly handsome man standing roughly six feet tall, with slightly broad shoulders and a well defined build that speaks of plenty of manual labour over the years. Alessios thick, black hair is shaved short on either side and the hair on the top pulled into three long braids that runs back and connects just above the nape of his neck and continues down to end just above the small of his back. The thick full beard covering his angular jaw is kept short and is always well trimmed and groomed. Hazel eyes with large flecks of green set under thin but defined brows always seem to take in every detail around him with a calm and calculating curiousness and a rather large, hawkish nose lends an air of regality and authority to his appearance.  +
Alexander Wyrmfang +Alexander fills out his 6' frame well. He wears the long, elegant muscle that's come to him through years of intensive weapon training as if he was born to it. His core and arms are peppered with occasional scars, both old and new, which stand out along his pale flesh. His bright, cerulean eyes are often described as intense, and his nearly white, platinum blonde hair makes them seem all the more striking. He moves with grace and fluidity, and is overall described as a handsome, if very serious, young man.  +
Alexandre Redtyde +Tall and handsome, Alexandre is both a typical specimen of Wyrmguard, and yet differs on key aspects. Slim rather than large, his is a more elegant strength than brute force. Light on his feet with easy poise, he seems to have been made for the armors and outfits of Blancbier style, further reinforcing the graceful and athletic allure of the man. Fair of skin, his hair is fairer yet, a pale platinum akin to the white gold of his youngest sister, reaching his back and contrasted by the darkness of his eyes. Indeed, at first glance, they are black, and only through the right perspective are the iris and pupil seperated, the former a very dark shade of blue akin to the midnight sky, rather than the full purity of absent light. Still, while the effect might be disquietening, they exhibit little malice. There is warmth in his gaze, a kindness that rarely fades, retreating only when the focus of battle is upon him, and mercy been hardened into unyielding shield.  +
Alexandre Wyrmguard +Tall and handsome, Alexandre is both a typical specimen of Wyrmguard, and yet differs on key aspects. Slim rather than large, his is a more elegant strength than brute force. Light on his feet with easy poise, he seems to have been made for the armors and outfits of Blancbier style, further reinforcing the graceful and athletic allure of the man. Fair of skin, his hair is fairer yet, a pale platinum akin to the white gold of his youngest sister, kept to shoulder length and contrasted by the darkness of his eyes. Indeed, at first glance, they are black, and only through the right perspective are the iris and pupil seperated, the former a very dark shade of blue akin to the midnight sky, rather than the full purity of absent light. Still, while the effect might be disquietening, they exhibit little malice. There is warmth in his gaze, a kindness that rarely fades, retreating only when the focus of battle is upon him, and mercy been hardened into unyielding shield.  +
Alexandros Dawnbringer +Alexandros would be an extraordinarily handsome man; with his sun-streaked blonde hair, his healthily tanned skin, it's just he carries himself in an extremely offputting way. His piercing blue eyes are almost always clouded with fear, and seem to stare right through people as though they weren't even there. He's long, lithe, and solidly built, but always seems tense and rigid at the best of times.  +
Alexio Donatti +A mop of curly brown hair falls from atop this man's head in a messy sort of tousle, falling to near his jawline in length. A tanned complexion graces his features, complimenting high cheekbones and a chiseled jawline, as well as contrasting strikingly with the piercing blue eyes that rest beneath two dark brows. A neat and manicured beard graces his face, lending a sophistication to his bearing. Built solidly, the man stands only a mere 5'9. He is slender, with the build of a runner. And is typically clad in a quality grade of tailored attire, rather than shoddy rags or armor.  +
Alexis Wyrmfang +Alexis has, for most of her existence, been called 'cute'. Close-cropped blonde hair couple with bright eyes in pale grey, and fair skin offset pink lips that easily edge upwards into shy smiles. All of which makes the charge hard to refute. Her body is impressively muscled and she moves with an easy grace and an abundance of energy. Barely hitting 5' 2'', she's compact with feminine curvature to her frame.  +
Alfio Donatti +A beast of a man stands tall and well-built. His bronzed skin speaks of his days spent under the southern sun, as well as the hours dedicated to his task at the forge. His callused and slightly burnt hands echo such a tale. His dark brown hair is often pulled back into a ponytail. His face is framed by a thick but well-tended beard.  +
Alheri Deepwood +Alheri Deepwood stands at a fairly average height, at 5'6'' and with a thick and curvy body. She carries herself with a careful touch, her every movement an economy in motion - until she gets excited, or worked up. This is not as rare as one might think. When so animated, Alheri is expressive in both her face and body, from bright smiles to deep, expressive frowns. She frequently wears her hair in thick plaits or braided twists, or just loose and curled, and she favours presenting a cohesive look - a schooled look. Perhaps even a perfect look.  +
Alina Redreef +Alina's face is oval and is framed by long, black hair that cascades down around her shoulders in lustrous waves. Her eyes are a brilliant blue. Unfortunately, that is where the potential compliments end. The woman's height is rendered uncanny by her gaunt frame; her skin has an unhealthy pallor. The sapphire of her eyes is marred by the sunken shadows that so frequently surround them, and her lips are thin and narrow.  +
Alis Valardin +Shorter than most, with a compact and curvy frame, Alis is not an intimidating figure at first glance save for the boundless determination often set on her still-young countenance. Her once soft features have matured into a more athletic mien, but the remnants of less stressful times still make her look younger than she is. Her white hair of the most noble bloodlines of House Valardin is usually held up by some type of hair piece, or twisted into an informal top knot to keep out of the way. And despite her frequent boldly determined visage, her youth and appearance still make it all too easy for many to dismiss her at a glance. At least, until she turns the vivid green of her eyes onto someone who has caused her displeasure.  +
Alise Farshaw +Alise is a short young Lady, and has long blonde hair. Exposure to the sun has helped bleach carmel colored hair to honey and amber hues as well. She has a mischief filled smile and bright cerulean eyes. Her limbs are corded with lean toned muscle and she is just soft enough to help round out feminine curves. {w({nHer hair is done up in a messy bun.{w){n  +
Alistair +The young Inquisitor with an old soul and old mind, Alistair has a strength to him that comes from the hardest of lives. He doesn't have the bulk of a knight, or the lithe grace of an athlete. His is the strength that comes from life in the wilderness, practical and innate. His dark, intense eyes seem cold to the unfamiliar, but never cruel for cruelty's sake. He keeps his dark hair cut short, close to his head, never allowing it to grow more than a shadow. His beard is kept extremely neat and accentuates the sharp lines of his strangely handsome face. When he speaks, he speaks quietly, but with such intensity he can cow the most rowdy mob.  +
Alistair Crown +The young Inquisitor with an old soul and old mind, Alistair has a strength to him that comes from the hardest of lives. He doesn't have the bulk of a knight, or the lithe grace of an athlete. His is the strength that comes from life in the wilderness, practical and innate. His dark, intense eyes seem cold to the unfamiliar, but never cruel for cruelty's sake. He keeps his dark hair cut short, close to his head, never allowing it to grow more than a shadow. His beard is kept extremely neat and accentuates the sharp lines of his strangely handsome face. When he speaks, he speaks quietly, but with such intensity he can cow the most rowdy mob.  +