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Aldwin Aurum +Of all the orders of the Realm, perhaps the Scholars of Vellichor are the most respected. Every great house welcomes the men and women who dedicate themselves to learning, to the safeguarding of knowledge, and to the healing arts under the auspices of the Faith. And of that revered order, none are as held in as great esteem as the first of their order, the Archscholar of Vellichor. Aldwin has been acting as Archscholar for at least a generation, and is such a fixture at court giving his kind, reasonable and wise counsel that more than one peer jokes that the man has always been there. He is perhaps the only significant political figure without any true enemies- after all, the man offers his advice to any that seek it without reservation, is conscientious to a fault, seems to have no political ambitions whatsoever, and his order has no interest in power at all. A kindly old man that offers no threat to anyone is not likely to make very many enemies, and more than one high born noble thinks of the gentle elderly scholar as a sweet old grandfather (which, knowing the life most nobles lived, is odds on more likely kinder than any grandfather they ever knew themselves).  +
Aldwulf Unknown +Little is known about Aldwulf's younger days. He makes claims to being from nobody farmer parents whom he barely remembers, found deep within a minor barony owing allegiance to Ashford. When he was old enough to make his own decisions, he left because the farming life just wasn't for him. His first stop was the watch stations that dot the Ashford lands. Two years of that was more than enough for the man who developed wanderlust at a young age. After that, it was time to travel. A young man with very little money set out. Apparently, he picked up some classical education at some point (perhaps a mentor while he served in the watch, perhaps through an individual after his military career), because odd jobs like cartography and archeology lept out at him and he was able to do more than other typical poor hires. These were the type of things he would seek, serving as a helper or a short-lived apprentice before moving on to the next thing. It was during this time that he developed his explorer skills, whether it was unmapped lands or runes of cultures just after the Reckoning, Aldwulf was drawn to them. It's known that he wants to become famous, to discover things that others haven't and write about them. Arx has called to him as a place that perhaps he can make this happen. Other than that, it's also known that Aldwulf tends to live outside of his means. He is a regular at the inns, wearing clothing of quality that is higher than a commoner's wear, but older, perhaps even a little threadbare. He is a gambler and loves to learn new games. His time as an explorer has turned him into a bit of a risk-taker, whether with dice or deep in the woods.  +
Alecstazi Halfshav +Son of Donrai's youngest brother Weylan Thrax, Alecstazi was born into power. Or at least within the aura of it. Even as a child he was measured, perceptive and quick to learn the art that was surviving in Donrai's court. He studied his uncle well, and modeled himself after the most successful courtiers in the Mourning Isles. He did not speak unless spoken to, his answers were short, accurate and politely given. He studied the way of the sword and hid his dislike of boats, because showing weakness was not the path to victory. And victory? Meant surviving. Alecstazi was twelve years old when the Tyde Rebellion began and Donrai's fury threatened to turn the seas permanently red. Too young to fight, Alecstazi studied the battle reports, drank up stories of the fighting, listening at Donrai's knee. Three years later, he was horrified to discover that his father, Weylan and his older brother Rotan were traitors, working to try to smuggle some of the last remaining Tyde children to freedom. He immediately called for guards and told his uncle of his father and elder brother's crimes. The sentence was to be death, but at Alecstazi's suggestion, he had them made thralls instead. Death is a swift punishment with no chance to really atone for one's betrayals, he reasoned. Thralldom... well. Isn't that the worse punishment? Apparently, Donrai agreed. Alecstazi earned his uncle's favor and was able to navigate that into being allowed (with no small amount of eye rolling) to cultivate a small number of cavalry soldiers in Maelstrom. Again, he argued, if ever there was a need to fight on the mainland, better to have an idea and some preparedness than be caught flatfooted and landlocked. He enjoyed the benefits of Donrai's favor, cultivating his persona at court, continuing his education in martial training, tactics and doing his cavalry drills. When the old man died and Victus defeated Dagon, that was a blow that left him reeling. He's continued to work towards the betterment of Maelstrom, though the direction the fealty has been taking, the move away from tradition has been growing more and more concerning. This last proclamation, about the end of thralldom, well. Things have got to stop. It is time for Alecstazi to head to Arx and see for himself what is going on.  +
Alecstazi Thrax +Son of Donrai's youngest brother Weylan Thrax, Alecstazi was born into power. Or at least within the aura of it. Even as a child he was measured, perceptive and quick to learn the art that was surviving in Donrai's court. He studied his uncle well, and modeled himself after the most successful courtiers in the Mourning Isles. He did not speak unless spoken to, his answers were short, accurate and politely given. He studied the way of the sword and hid his dislike of boats, because showing weakness was not the path to victory. And victory? Meant surviving. Alecstazi was twelve years old when the Tyde Rebellion began and Donrai's fury threatened to turn the seas permanently red. Too young to fight, Alecstazi studied the battle reports, drank up stories of the fighting, listening at Donrai's knee. Three years later, he was horrified to discover that his father, Weylan and his older brother Rotan were traitors, working to try to smuggle some of the last remaining Tyde children to freedom. He immediately called for guards and told his uncle of his father and elder brother's crimes. The sentence was to be death, but at Alecstazi's suggestion, he had them made thralls instead. Death is a swift punishment with no chance to really atone for one's betrayals, he reasoned. Thralldom... well. Isn't that the worse punishment? Apparently, Donrai agreed. Alecstazi earned his uncle's favor and was able to navigate that into being allowed (with no small amount of eye rolling) to cultivate a small number of cavalry soldiers in Maelstrom. Again, he argued, if ever there was a need to fight on the mainland, better to have an idea and some preparedness than be caught flatfooted and landlocked. He enjoyed the benefits of Donrai's favor, cultivating his persona at court, continuing his education in martial training, tactics and doing his cavalry drills. When the old man died and Victus defeated Dagon, that was a blow that left him reeling. He's continued to work towards the betterment of Maelstrom, though the direction the fealty has been taking, the move away from tradition has been growing more and more concerning. This last proclamation, about the end of thralldom, well. Things have got to stop. It is time for Alecstazi to head to Arx and see for himself what is going on.  +
Alecto Charon +A lawyer and dabbling-merchant specializing in maritime affairs, Lord Alecto Threerivers served as Voice to the late Count Trevor Threerivers and momentarily as Count-Regent in the days immediately following that man's death and prior to the new Countess of Highrock announcing herself. That Alecto sided with Magaen's succession claim over that of her sister in what he charmingly refers to as 'the trouble with having twins' was considered a big coup for her by outside observers, but privately the pair had been quietly allied for quite some time. Much of the influence Highrock enjoys on the system of nearby riverways crisscrossing the Northern-Oathlands border can be attributed to Alecto's efforts on behalf of his former house. It gives him no satisfaction to see that influence wane in the absence of his nuanced stewardship. Now, Alecto has the prosperity of Glacial Grove to concern himself over. With House Charon inheriting a virtually uninhabitable tower castle, decrepit defensive walls, a crumbling infrastructure, and a withering Prodigal population, the newly conquered holding is bound to keep this consummate worrier up at night.  +
Alejandro Rossetti +Born in the city of Tor to a house servant of House Fidante, Alejandro Rossetti was the first of three children born within three years of his parent's marriage. Precocious from a young age, he was considered by some to be a musical prodigy at the age of four. There was talk that the Whisper house in Arx was interested in him but by that time his path had already been laid out before him. By luck and hard work he was being raised with Lady Calista, the very young daughter of Duchess Giancinta Fidante. There was tragedy that saw Giancinta killed and Calista's brother Leo eventually becoming Duke but neither Alejandro nor Calista could well remember those times. He was raised and educated by the same tutors she was and the pair grew close. The boy's musical talent blossomed and he became well known in the gardens of Tor for practicing his guitar and trying out new songs on both the Duke's sister and anyone else that would come past. His relationship with Calista grew to one of constant companion and confidant. A convoluted series of events saw more change come to House Fidante when Alejandro had moved to Arx and Calista ascended to her brother's seat as ruler of Tor. The Duchess of Roses, they called her. Numerous were the songs he wrote in honor of his friend and now liege. Alejandro is content with his life of service and is honored with the role he plays for the young duchess, chief among them being friend.  +
Aleksei Morgan +Aleksei was born a middle-child to a well-respected commoner family serving in Sanctum which a long history of service for House Valardin. While his father had earned a place of trust and respect as Captain of the Guard in the city, and several of his children siblings seemed certain to follow in similarly honorable footsteps, Aleksei was -- a bit of a trouble. He took to the sword with a truly obnoxious amount of skill, but by the time he was sixteen he had grown too restless under the pressure of potential honor; he packed his things and left. Over the years since he traveled up and down Arvum, serving as a mercenary, man-at-arms, random muscle, and general adventurer. As luck would have it -- and luck often seems to have it where Aleksei is concerned -- he was back in his homeland of the Oathlands when he rather inadvertently ended up saving the children of one of the smaller noble houses there. It was their gratitude that had them thrusting a knighthood upon Aleksei; it was not long at all after saying the vows (vows?!) that he was making a break for his next adventure, heedless of whether he'd be confirmed by the high lord or not. It was Arx that he eventually made his way to; it had enough diversity and diversions to satisfy his cravings for a few years serving as a duelist, Champion, and occasional instructor for those with less skill and more money than him. It was something of a shock when he decided to take his vows and join the Faith as a Godsworn seemingly out of nowhere. Sir Aleksei became Brother Aleksei, despite all previous evidence of irresponsibility and general distraction from any matters of the divine. There were even some rumors around the end of the Siege of Arx in 1006 that he served as some sort of Paladin against Tolamar Brand, leader of the Silent Army, but what exactly that entailed is less than clear. It wasn't long after the siege ended that he was named Archlector of Skald, one of the three newly-returned Lost Gods of the Pantheon. To a lot of the senior Faith, the appointment came rather ridiculously early in his career -- particularly for someone who wasn't exactly known for his devoutness before taking his vows -- but they couldn't exactly refuse the decision from the Dominus himself. He's taken to some parts of the priesthood...more than others. During his tenure as Archlector, he raised millions of silver the Faith used to liberate some several thousand thralls and set up a new Faith initiative to help care for all those freed from bondage moving forward: a chance to start their new lives with Faith support wherever in the Compact they chose. It didn't make him many friends among the Mourning Isles, but it did help prepare the Faith to be able to respond when House Kennex suddenly abolished thralldom in their lands. In January 1009, Legate Orazio announced Aleksei's resignation from the Faith "due to certain personal needs." The announcement was rather sudden and without warning, as well as less formal scuttlebutt that a hitherto unknown son might the catalyst of the decision, and brought with it thirteen days kneeling in front of the Shrine of Limerance as penance. In the end, he returned to the life of a commoner, now without rank or title, to start the next chapter of his life.  +
Alessan Fidante +Alessan's beginnings were quite humble. He was born to a father who was a fledgling poet and a mother who worked as a seamstress fashioning dresses that some of the members of the ruling family wore from time to time. If it had been up to his mother, he might have found himself in the life of a crafter, but there was another path for him. He grew up on his father's poems and stories and they fascinated him, there was always something about the construction of a poem could convey so many more meanings than the words themselves could. As he reached his adulthood, he struck out from Tor to travel around the duchy in order to experience what life had to offer. He spoke to everyone he could in order to discover their own life experiences and in one small village he came across a bard. The man was older and had a way of entertaining folk with stories, song and other small tricks. Alessan found himself captivated by the older man and set off from the village with him. Their travels took them all over the lands of House Velenosa, but Tor was always home for Alessan and after ten years of travelling with the old bard, he returned home and began to make a name for himself around the city and the duchy with the skills he picked up on the road. He's spent some years doing this, but now he finds that the call of Arx is loud and he wants to see what new adventures his life has to offer.  +
Alessandro Velenosa +Alessandro was a youth who pushed limits. He got into trouble a lot, and set his overbearing will against the dominance of his elders generally and his parents in particular. He was a handful, a struggle; generally, a big pain in the neck. As he grew older, his mischief grew more obscure and intellectual. His favorite game began to be pitting his intellect against that of instructors he believed couldn't keep up with him. Of course, when he was 12, it turned out he was rarely right about this -- the amount of knowledge an active preteen can absorb, no matter how much time he spends in libraries and harassing scholars for information, is not really a match for most trained adults. But he never really lost his taste for the game. He hated sword lessons. He hated learning about poisons and antidotes. He was fortuitously allergic to horse dander and exaggerated his allergy to get out of more and more things so that he could spend more time with his books. He learned etiquette and mastered it expressly so that he could push the limits of being rude, and, enchanted with his own cleverness, earned himself several enemies in Lenosia's court. At least one of them is dead now, and it can't actually be traced to Alessandro at all, but he's always been on the lucky side. Theology lured him, especially the theology of doubt, and while his cousin Isolde soared into the panoply of the Mirrormasks and reached heights of elevation as a disciple leader, he personally found much more lure in the practicum of their craft, and focused himself almost entirely on the scholarship of law and politics. By the time he defended his first case as a Mirrormask serving in the Court of Lenosia, he was certain he couldn't lose, because he knew the law that well. It turns out there is more to defending a case than being right, though, and Alessandro learned some humility in practice that he had never had before. A perfect record is impossible as a defense attorney, but defending the indefensible is the greatest challenge of Faith for a Mirrormask, and Alessandro grew skilled in the balance of ego and humility, doubt and certainty, necesssary for the work. He also learned very valuable lessons from his family about the critical impact that sartorial perfection can have on one's effect.  +
Alessia Mazetti +For Alessia, one of her happiest days came at thirteen. A precocious child, Alessia had always known she was destined for great things. Becoming a glaivedancer was just the first step on that path. The years of training required, however, tempered that youthful pride with instruction that shaped core virtues rather than simply training the body in the ways of a warrior. Today, Alessia knows that greatness doesn't come without hard work and dedication - whether in the field, or in the court of politics. There have been setbacks, of course, such as that time when her scheme to win favor with a particular lord fell into disarray when he discovered she had been seducing his son as well. She admits that it was poorly done, but surely the man should have known not to conflate business with pleasure. Then there was the time Vitalis asked Dianna to travel with him into that Shav-infested valley and didn't ask her...but they have agreed not to talk about that any more. These days, Alessia has set her sights on Arx. With a few of the Mazetti doing the unprecedented and leaving their beloved Walled City on the Sea, she has made sure that her uncle includes her name in that number. After all, they couldn't possibly get by without her.  +
Alessio Moretti +Alessio Moretti was born in the twin cities of Gemecitta as the third and last child to Niccolo Moretti, a kind and passionate jeweler of some renown, and Fiore Moretti, a struggling artist with a big heart and a frail mind. It was a tumultuous childhood at the best of times for young Alessio. Between his apprenticeship in his fathers shop, a mother who was slipping into her own world for long periods of time more and more frequently and a sister who had inherited her mothers fragile psyche and was more or less constantly depressed and needed taking care of, there wasnt much time for friendships or fun. One of the few friends he did have was Vittoria, the daughter of a tailor living only a few houses down the street from his own. Their fathers were good friends and her mother often came over to help with things around the house, bringing Vittoria with her. They quickly bonded and the bond only grew tighter as the years passed, the two of them spending most of their waking hours together when daily work and chores had been seen to. She was four years his younger but every bit as smart, a sharp-minded and determined young woman even from an early age. His father was a warm and kind man, but also a ruthless perfectionist when it came to his craft and it wasnt easy being his apprentice. It was, however, a highly effective way of learning, even if it meant many sleepless nights studying or trying to perfect yet another of the delicate techniques needed for the craft to meet his fathers expectations. The rigorous training and mentoring proved not to be lost on Alessio, as he quickly rose in both skill and understanding of the art of jewelry making. At age twelve the first creation made by his hand was sold in his fathers shop and at the age of 15 he was starting to rival even the skills of his father and mentor. As the years passed, little changed save for Alessios ever increasing skill at his craft and his bond with Vittoria growing closer and into something more than just friendship. He would work, take care of his mother and sister and spend what free time he had by Vittorias side. But then, one day, things suddenly did start to change. The relationship between himself and Vittoria had kept growing and had evolved into more than mere friendship to a degree where none of them could hide or deny it any longer. Roughly 4 years ago, shortly before his twenty-eighth birthday, they were married after a very short period of being together as a couple. They didnt need more time, they already knew everything about each other from a life spent by one anothers side. Not long after the marriage, Fiore, Alessios mother, recovered from her ailments seemingly overnight, returning to the real world once more and not long after that, his sister started to recover, even if at a more modest pace than their mother. No one could fully explain how, but the little family didnt seem to care about such things as why or how, too busy caught up in the joy of finally having mother and wife, sister and daughter, returned to them. It was a happy time and the following years went by fast. About two years ago, Vittoria approached him with the idea of Moving to Arx to start their own business and their own family. To get a new start in a new place, to define a future for themselves, a future forged by their own hands. Alessio was hesitant and not immediately ready to leave his home and family, still unsure whether his mother and sister would remain in good health and continue their recovery from all those years lost to them. He wasnt completely opposed to the idea, he just.needed a little more time. Vittoria didnt give up or abandon the idea, however, and over the following two years she slowly convinced him that it was the right thing for them to do. With his mother and sister not showing any signs of relapse and the increased passion and longing in his the eyes and words of his wife, he finally agreed. And so, the two of them would set out on the longest journey either of them had ever undertaken, traveling halfway across the country to the capital city of Arx to start their new life.  +
Alexander Wyrmfang +Alexander and his twin sister, Alexis, were born to Alphonse Wyrmfang, then the Sword of Blancbier. Coming from a respected family of Knights, both of the siblings were raised in the martial tradition, destined to become Knights in their own time, and the importance of the family traditions of honor, loyalty, and service were drilled into them at a very young age. Alexander was always the more skeptical of the two, and tended to take the tales they were told with a grain of salt, though the lessons they were designed to impart were certainly not lost on the deep thinking young man. When not out on the training field, Alexander could usually be found in his youth with his nose buried in a book - the older the better. History and philosophy fascinated him from a very young age, and he studied both topics intensely, sometimes even to the detriment of his other training responsibilities. This isn't to say, by any means, that he didn't take his martial training serious as well. He has, for as long as he can remember, been a natural with a blade in his hand, and has always tended towards smaller, faster weapons, making good use of his keen agility and long reach. Coming to Arx after the death of his father, Alexander has every intention of pursuing both his martial and intellectual skills, set on finding a place and position where he can make good use of both talents. He intends to do whatever he can to help and support his twin as well, who, after the death of their father, was named the new Sword - a fact which has garnered no ill-will from Alexander. He had resigned himself at a very young age to the fact that he would not be named as the Sword, and truthfully, has always felt his sister to be better equipped to handle the charge.  +
Alexandre Redtyde +Born between his siblings Reiker and Sorrel, Alexandre proved to be difficult to predict as to what kind of a man he would become. Displaying admirable intellect from a young age, medicine proved to be an early passion for the young Wyrmguard. It would not be altogether uncommon to find him in the company of Mercies, with questions aplenty about something he'd read, or about their current work. Such curiosity in the youth was encouraged, and might have led him down the path of becoming a Mercy himself, had it not been for a fateful day. Fateful, for on that day the young Alexandre witnessed an injustice. He was still young, and had not yet learned the harsher truths of the world, when he beheld such. An older boy, more man than child in physique, the reverse in spirit, bullying a younger and far smaller girl. Alexandre didn't ask what it was about, and certainly didn't ignore it. Instead, he threw himself at the boy, intent on fighting the boy off. Predictably, it didn't go well. Alexandre had yet to receive any martial training, and the boy had the advantage of size, strength and experience. Still, Alexandre never yielded once throughout his trashing, getting back up every time he was slammed down. It might have continued, and might have caused permanent harm, had someone not saved him. Dame Anna Redwood, Godsworn Knight of Solace, quickly broke up the fight, and once Alexandre had said who he was, escorted him back to his family. On the way there, she faced the usual deluge of questions the child usually kept for Mercies, about who she was, what she did, and interrogations about the Knights of Solace that his education had not yet covered. Her answers found a receptive mind, and by the time they reached his parents, he had asked her to teach him, and made the same request to his parents when they arrived, a tad worried to see their son in such a state. Dame Anna could not stay, of course, but she made a promise. She would return when she could and, if Alexandre's parents allowed it and he was still interested, would teach the young Lord and, when he was older, would take him on as a squire. Children being what they are, perhaps those involved expected Alexandre to discard this momentary distraction with time and return upon what truly interested him. Yet the opposite occured. He was still interested in medicine, devoted much of his time to it still in fact, but it was now equalled to more martial pursuits. Even as his understanding of the healing arts grew, so did his understanding of riding, the sword, and matters of war and leadership. His education was completed by Dame Anna's visits, when, as promised, she would further not only his understanding, but the virtues of the Pantheon, nurturing the compassion and kindness she saw in him, as well as the protective nature that had made her notice him. Time passed, and eventually, the time came for the second part of Dame Anna's promise to be fulfilled. Alexandre left his family and Blancbier at the age of fourteen, to serve as the Dame's squire. From her, he learned not only the duties and demands of knighthood, but also the dangers that awaited the those traveling upon the Compact's roads and paths, dangers the Knights of Solace were sworn to guard against. It was a harsher life than the one he had lived thus far, yet Alexandre only seemed to thrive, the fire within him brightening. It was during that period of time that he would visit the Cedar Vale most often, whenever Dame Anna would visit her Redwood family. These were pleasant times, and even to this day, Alexandre cherishes their memory. Yet all good things must come to an end. Eventually, Alexandre became a man, and it was time for the Lord, no longer a squire but not yet a knight either, to return home. There, he spent the next few years serving his family and Blancbier, his concern for the people seeing him involved in not only charity, but tangible efforts to improve their lot as well. Indeed, he'd often be seen joining the city patrols on their rounds within the fortress city and beyond. He also joined the Knights of Solace at the time as a disciple, though he did not see Dame Anna Redwood again, not till the Silent War begun. At once, Alexandre volunteered to join the Compact's efforts against Brand, and actively participated within the war, one among countless others fighting back against the evil that had spilled forth from the North, and threatened the Compact itself. Refugees came in drove, often sick and wounded, requiring Mercies and the Knights of Solace to care for them. It was during one such event that Alexandre and others, including Dame Anna, were tasked with sheparding such refugees to a local haven, where Mercies awaited with supplies. Unfortunately, the enemy was aware, and sent a force far outmatching the Knights of Solace and the local garrison to destroy the haven and take its supplies. Shav forces struck at dawn, and though the defenders rallied to face the attackers, they were outmatched. One after the other, Alexandre saw his brothers and sisters in arms fall, the burden to protect weighting heavier on the survivors with every death. For they knew those within would find no mercy. The enemy had come to kill, the only thing they would take with them were the supplies. Evening came, and of the local forces, few remained. The Knights had been reduced to two, Dame Anna and Alexandre. Hope was bleak, even as the enemy pulled back, giving defenders some respite. Not for long. The next clash saw Dame Anne Redwood die, slain by an archer with too much luck or skill. The last of the defenders were forced to push back into the local shrine of Lagoma, the only stone building large enough to contain the refugees and the Mercies that still stood. Alexandre felt despair then, for the first time in his life. He knew he would die. Knew there was no hope, no way out. Thoughts of flight crossed his mind, desperate plans to escape. And as the dread threatened to overwhelm him... He saw them. Families clinging to each other, parents comforting their children though they knew what awaited. And the Mercies, still taking care of their charges, even now holding true to their oaths. Moved by the light of Gild and the warmth of Laghoma, by the selfless sacrifice of those dead and those that yet lived, Alexandre strode forth, and met the enemy's full might in battle. He spoke to his fellow defenders with such conviction, that when he told them to hold the line, they did. Against the Abandonned intent on the destruction of those they were charged to protect, they held the line. Against the horrors of Silence, they held the line. One after the other, they fell. But they did so holding the line. Yet it was enough. When reinforcements came to the rescue, they found Alexandre wounded and battered, his sword broken, more dead than alive. But still holding the line. Alexandre collapsed soon after being told the area was safe, and for a time, it was uncertain whether he'd live or not. Yet he recovered, sent back to Blancbier after the war's end. It was there he was knighted for his actions, though he did not remain for long. New threats arose, banners raised to face the Gyre, a Holy War proclaimed against those that would bring an end to not only the Compact, but the Faith itself. He joined others from the Oathlands to defend Stormwall, surviving the costly victory as far too few did. Now, he has come to Arx. With a light and fire brighter rather than dimmed, he comes to serve House Wyrmguard, the Faith and the whole of the Compact. Not as the sword to pierce the black hearts of demons, but as a shield. To protect all beneath the Compact's aegis, and hold the line.  +
Alexandre Wyrmguard +Born between his siblings Reiker and Sorrel, Alexandre proved to be difficult to predict as to what kind of a man he would become. Displaying admirable intellect from a young age, medicine proved to be an early passion for the young Wyrmguard. It would not be altogether uncommon to find him in the company of Mercies, with questions aplenty about something he'd read, or about their current work. Such curiosity in the youth was encouraged, and might have led him down the path of becoming a Mercy himself, had it not been for a fateful day. Fateful, for on that day the young Alexandre witnessed an injustice. He was still young, and had not yet learned the harsher truths of the world, when he beheld such. An older boy, more man than child in physique, the reverse in spirit, bullying a younger and far smaller girl. Alexandre didn't ask what it was about, and certainly didn't ignore it. Instead, he threw himself at the boy, intent on fighting the boy off. Predictably, it didn't go well. Alexandre had yet to receive any martial training, and the boy had the advantage of size, strength and experience. Still, Alexandre never yielded once throughout his trashing, getting back up every time he was slammed down. It might have continued, and might have caused permanent harm, had someone not saved him. Dame Anna Redwood, Godsworn Knight of Solace, quickly broke up the fight, and once Alexandre had said who he was, escorted him back to his family. On the way there, she faced the usual deluge of questions the child usually kept for Mercies, about who she was, what she did, and interrogations about the Knights of Solace that his education had not yet covered. Her answers found a receptive mind, and by the time they reached his parents, he had asked her to teach him, and made the same request to his parents when they arrived, a tad worried to see their son in such a state. Dame Anna could not stay, of course, but she made a promise. She would return when she could and, if Alexandre's parents allowed it and he was still interested, would teach the young Lord and, when he was older, would take him on as a squire. Children being what they are, perhaps those involved expected Alexandre to discard this momentary distraction with time and return upon what truly interested him. Yet the opposite occured. He was still interested in medicine, devoted much of his time to it still in fact, but it was now equalled to more martial pursuits. Even as his understanding of the healing arts grew, so did his understanding of riding, the sword, and matters of war and leadership. His education was completed by Dame Anna's visits, when, as promised, she would further not only his understanding, but the virtues of the Pantheon, nurturing the compassion and kindness she saw in him, as well as the protective nature that had made her notice him. Time passed, and eventually, the time came for the second part of Dame Anna's promise to be fulfilled. Alexandre left his family and Blancbier at the age of fourteen, to serve as the Dame's squire. From her, he learned not only the duties and demands of knighthood, but also the dangers that awaited the those traveling upon the Compact's roads and paths, dangers the Knights of Solace were sworn to guard against. It was a harsher life than the one he had lived thus far, yet Alexandre only seemed to thrive, the fire within him brightening. It was during that period of time that he would visit the Cedar Vale most often, whenever Dame Anna would visit her Redwood family. These were pleasant times, and even to this day, Alexandre cherishes their memory. Yet all good things must come to an end. Eventually, Alexandre became a man, and it was time for the Lord, no longer a squire but not yet a knight either, to return home. There, he spent the next few years serving his family and Blancbier, his concern for the people seeing him involved in not only charity, but tangible efforts to improve their lot as well. Indeed, he'd often be seen joining the city patrols on their rounds within the fortress city and beyond. He also joined the Knights of Solace at the time as a disciple, though he did not see Dame Anna Redwood again, not till the Silent War begun. At once, Alexandre volunteered to join the Compact's efforts against Brand, and actively participated within the war, one among countless others fighting back against the evil that had spilled forth from the North, and threatened the Compact itself. Refugees came in drove, often sick and wounded, requiring Mercies and the Knights of Solace to care for them. It was during one such event that Alexandre and others, including Dame Anna, were tasked with sheparding such refugees to a local haven, where Mercies awaited with supplies. Unfortunately, the enemy was aware, and sent a force far outmatching the Knights of Solace and the local garrison to destroy the haven and take its supplies. Shav forces struck at dawn, and though the defenders rallied to face the attackers, they were outmatched. One after the other, Alexandre saw his brothers and sisters in arms fall, the burden to protect weighting heavier on the survivors with every death. For they knew those within would find no mercy. The enemy had come to kill, the only thing they would take with them were the supplies. Evening came, and of the local forces, few remained. The Knights had been reduced to two, Dame Anna and Alexandre. Hope was bleak, even as the enemy pulled back, giving defenders some respite. Not for long. The next clash saw Dame Anne Redwood die, slain by an archer with too much luck or skill. The last of the defenders were forced to push back into the local shrine of Lagoma, the only stone building large enough to contain the refugees and the Mercies that still stood. Alexandre felt despair then, for the first time in his life. He knew he would die. Knew there was no hope, no way out. Thoughts of flight crossed his mind, desperate plans to escape. And as the dread threatened to overwhelm him... He saw them. Families clinging to each other, parents comforting their children though they knew what awaited. And the Mercies, still taking care of their charges, even now holding true to their oaths. Moved by the light of Gild and the warmth of Laghoma, by the selfless sacrifice of those dead and those that yet lived, Alexandre strode forth, and met the enemy's full might in battle. He spoke to his fellow defenders with such conviction, that when he told them to hold the line, they did. Against the Abandonned intent on the destruction of those they were charged to protect, they held the line. Against the horrors of Silence, they held the line. One after the other, they fell. But they did so holding the line. Yet it was enough. When reinforcements came to the rescue, they found Alexandre wounded and battered, his sword broken, more dead than alive. But still holding the line. Alexandre collapsed soon after being told the area was safe, and for a time, it was uncertain whether he'd live or not. Yet he recovered, sent back to Blancbier after the war's end. It was there he was knighted for his actions, though he did not remain for long. New threats arose, banners raised to face the Gyre, a Holy War proclaimed against those that would bring an end to not only the Compact, but the Faith itself. He joined others from the Oathlands to defend Stormwall, surviving the costly victory as far too few did. Now, he has come to Arx. With a light and fire brighter rather than dimmed, he comes to serve House Wyrmguard, the Faith and the whole of the Compact. Not as the sword to pierce the black hearts of demons, but as a shield. To protect all beneath the Compact's aegis, and hold the line.  +
Alexandros Dawnbringer +Alexandros once strived to be a sterotypical boyscout. He was polite, honest, brave, and obedient to his social superiors. He served a few years as a rather unremarkable though dogged Templar, often going on pilgrimages to help those in need and to right perceived wrongs, only it's become apparent to those who know him best that he's withdrawn into himself and is now an empty shell of what he used to be. Where he was once a cheerful lad with dreams of heroism, he's become something of a crestfallen recluse that seems to be married to his letter of his job and has grown oddly apathetic and listless to the spirit of it.  +
Alexio Donatti +Born and raised on the streets of Southport, Alexio was the youngest of three siblings. His mother passed with his birth, leaving his father to raise him and his siblings. Work on the docks of Southport hardly paid well, and the silver that it did pay didn't go far when the first thing on his father's priority list was booze, and not his children. Alexio and his siblings pretty much raised themselves, for better or worse. With no authority figure at home, it is little surprise that the three children ended up on the streets. Alexio himself developed a certain knack for the acquisition of things he did not have through particularly sticky fingers. As he got more skilled with his thievery, and what he sold became more valuable, he turned to selling the things that he nicked, rather than simply for survival. What started as a means of survival, soon turned into a means of helping himself and his siblings attain the things that had evaded them for so much of their lives. As he came of age, he learned to use the skills that he had learned on the streets in matters of more legitimate trade, and soon discovered that he had a knack as a businessman. As such, he has made the journey to Arx where he hopes to expand upon his business opportunities and see what he can make of himself.  +
Alexis Wyrmfang +Legend has it that a century or three ago, Wyrmfang split off the main March of Wyrmguard as a cadet branch, slowly diminishing in importance from second sons and third daughters, until they were far enough removed to in essence become a highly respected family of knights. For the last few generations, ever since one Cristoph Wyrmfang turned an-almost defeat into an astounding victory, the Wyrmfangs have also had the honour of holding the Sword of Blancbier for the Wyrmguards. Alexis and her twin brother was born to the then-Sword of Blancbier, Alphonse Wyrmfang, and the children were raised on the family traditions of loyalty and steadfast service, served up with constant tales of Oathlands chivalry and ambitions, of meritorious rises and rewards for serving the ideals that the gods of the pantheon represent. And Alexis swallowed it all rather wide-eyed. When she was nearly old enough, she became rather insistant on squiring, including at one point running away from home to find herself adventure (and a knight to squire to), and eventually her father acquiesced. Small, but fierce, she favoured larger weapons such as two-handed swords and glaives in combat, which may in part have been inspired by her father's position. She was overjoyed when, for about a year, she spent time in the same group of squires as one Princess Alis Valardin, and the even smaller woman left a deep impression with her tenacity. One duty that Alexis picked up as a squire was the mending of armour, and to this day she uses the beating of steel as a form of meditation, slowly learning the craft of the smith. Her knighting ceremony took place at her 18th birthday, while she was part of the force protecting Blancbier and anxiously awaiting news from Arx about the siege and the Army of Silence. In the last battle of the siege, her father took a grave wound protecting the Marquessa. The wound festered, and Sir Alphonse was sent home to Blancbier, but expired on the way. When the Marquessa Dominiqe next visited Blancbier, there was a small ceremony in which Alexis found herself becoming the keeper of the Wyrmguard heirloom blade, as her father, and her father's mother had before her. She swore the oath to protect her family gladly, and now, after having grieved and seen her father to his final rest, she comes to Arx. An untested blade, but eager to prove herself.  +
Alfio Donatti +Born and raised in the city of Southport, Alfio was the middle child of three siblings. His mother passed away after giving birth to his youngest brother, and his father was pretty much absent --spending most of what he earned on drinks. Practically an orphan, just like his siblings, he did whatever he could to survive.  +
Alheri Deepwood +Alheri was born to the Melaeris family, far from Old Oak. Her mother served as lady-in-waiting to Princess Kellen Grayson, and when the Princess married the Marquis Melaeris, Lady Maira struck up a friendship with his cousin, Maleck. After a few years there was a proper courtship - and after that, a marriage and eventually four children, of which Alheri is the oldest. And then there was the tragedy of Old Oak. For as long as she can remember, Alheri has faced various disappointments in life - early dreams of romance were quashed by the pragmatic love her parents held for each other, and for their children. Her desire for a sister never quite manifested. She didn't quite have the aptitude for blade and battle that would let her be a storybook knight. And her friends would fail her in various ways as well. In short, Alheris accentuated the negative. The world was a disappointment. Only in her dreams - and in her ideals - could she find the perfection she craved. But even that wouldn't last long. She had a natural touch for brush and clay, but despite others declaring her genius, she could always find a flaw. Always find something to be unhappy with. She has striven for all of her (admittedly short) adult life to chase perfection. Eventually, she decided that she'd rather seek it at Deepwood. The Conscience of the Peers was far from perfect, but in Samantha, Alheri saw someone who might wish to attack the flaws she saw, rather than be made uncomfortable with them. Besides, Deepwood needs the numbers, and Alheri is happy to oblige. And her family, of course, were happy to return her and strengthen the bonds between Melaeris and Deepwood, and the two fealty chains (in theory). Alheri has barely been in Old Oak for a year, but she's ready to make changes. And ready to assist the Marquessa in making changes. And maybe, just maybe, she'll set aside some time for herself, to chase perfection. Arx is the melting pot of the Compact. If it can be found anywhere, it can be found here. Right?  +
Alina Redreef +Alina was born to an unimportant branch of House Redreef and raised in an almost painfully ordinary manner, as befits any noblewoman from the Mourning Isles. When other children played outside, she was taught to balance ledgers. When her siblings went out sailing, she stayed and studied the great lawgivers. And so it was that when a great dispute arose one day, between two utterly unimportant members of the nobility, Alina Redreef stepped forward to settle the dispute. And there it was that a great secret was revealed to all: Knowing a lot about the law doesn't mean that you know the first thing about people. After the great embarrassment that was her first foray into society, Alina's parents discreetly shipped her off to Arx. Returning without substantial improvements in station, it was quite strongly implied, was not an option.  +
Alis Valardin +Like every scion of House Valardin, Alis was weaned on the stories of high chivalry and heroism that have been core to the identity of the great house since time immemorial. There have been great heroic female warriors of House Valardin from history, such as the famed heroine Dame Sugan who saved the West during the Reckoning, but yet there was still a continued pervasive discouragement from young women pursuing martial careers and being expected to serve the House as diplomats or priestesses. Alis, born of short stature and a slight frame that her lord father found extremely ill-suited for the rigors of the field, found far more discouragement than most from her dreams of knighthood. But she would not be dissuaded. As a teenager, she was the most willful of all her siblings, rebelling constantly against the lessons and continually demanding to be given the same training as a squire. Of all her siblings, she was the only one that dared to get into screaming matches with her lord father, and he once declared in exasperation that she was the most willful person in the entire Oathlands for him to deal with. Her father became resigned to her determination and gave her his extremely reluctant blessing to train as a knight. It still felt something like a punishment to be sent to Arx to do so, an exile away from her home, even if she could hardly complain about training under Dayne Valardin, the Lord Commander of the King's Own and best knight of the realm. The training made her keenly aware of her shortcomings, but ferociously determined to make up for them. Though she'd never admit outwardly that maybe her parents had a point about her physically being better suited to non-martial service for the family, she is all-too-aware of how hard she's had to train to compensate. As she neared the end of her training and wrote to her lord father in the hope he would visit Arx and personally attend her being dubbed a knight, she read the reply in disbelief: her parents and all of her siblings save Edain had been slain fighting a barbaric tribe of Shavs. She returned home a knight, and knows it is irrational to feel guilty that she wasn't there when her family was attacked, knows it is foolish to think one extremely young newly minted knight would have made any difference when hundreds of soldiers did not, but she can't quite help it. The deaths might have aged her in many ways, but she is still young enough where she thinks in bold absolutes. She is a princess of House Valardin, and a knight. She will protect what remains of her family and her people. That's what knights are for.  +
Alise Farshaw +Alise is the youngest of three daughters, one of which has married into the Thrax fealty and another into the Grayson fealty. Her mother was a Lycene Lady, and as such, she was sent to foster in the Lyceum when younger. She was to marry a Fidante, when she was sixteen, a contract involving a route to trade roses and pomegranates in the offing but since the recent skirmishes between the Lyceum and the Oathlands sprung up, the contract has been annulled before they were properly wed, and she caught the first ship to Arx to get out of the islands before things could escalate. She cannot help but think of those years as the best of her life, but cannot even bring herself to take pride in that side of her heritage of late, and wants even less to be married into a future there. She has opted to keep some of the fashion, but has a deep seated loathing for the /expected/ treachery of the politics, viewing it as dishonorable and beneath anyone aiming to call themselves noble. This is something of an irony as she has the unfortunate reputation of haggling like a fishmonger. This is actually rooted in her refusal to make it look like she is not involved in anything she is involved in. In fact, she has a tendency to both macromanage and micromanage coin around her, and feels that using a go between to make it look like she doesn't is just dishonest.  +
Alistair +It is far from easy for an orphan to grow up amidst the poverty of the Lower Boroughs of Arx, but for a prodigal to survive it requires a powerful will to survive. 'Prodigals', the exceedingly rare handful of barbarous Abandoned who have returned to the civilization of the Compact of Arvum, are not well cared for by society at the best of times, and Alistair's situation was a far cry from that. Born among the Gray Forest Howlers has seen first hand the kind of brutal savagery embraced by the most terrifying tribes of the Abandoned, watching as a child as the Howlers preyed upon travelers daring to penetrate the depths of the Gray Forest. Even as a child, he felt the murderous savagery was wrong, but when the chieftain declared after a fruitless raid that their dark gods needed a blood sacrifice and selected Alistair as the offering, the life threatening predicament added an extra incentive for the young man to make his escape from the tribe as barely a teenager. He eventually wound up in Arx still as a teenager. Life in Arx was harsh and unforgiving, though he was able to survive partly by hiring himself out as a tracker and hunter to the city folk as well as begging in the streets. Despite his miserable existence, he still remembered the face of evil he'd witnessed as a child and was determined to grow up and make a difference, somehow. That drive to combat the demons of his past pushed him to a very unlikely calling- the Inquisition. Of course, Alistair learned very quickly that he might be one of the very few 'true believers' inside the entire Inquisition. He rapidly learned as a confessor, the grunts that aid inquisitors in their bloody work, that very few members of the Inquisition think something like 'demons' exist and are quite comfortable being members of a political organization. On one occasion, Alistair enraged his superiors by declaring a rich merchant innocent of all charges of witchcraft, after discovering the merchant's only crime seemed to be possessing no political patron or allies that could protect him while hurting the business interests of some powerful lords. Alistair was given poor assignments afterwards for a time, assigned as a liaison to the Iron Guard in their investigations who famously have contempt for the corrupt Inquisition. If their goal was to have Alistair have an accident, though, it might have backfired. He has one of the rarest reputations- that of a conscientious, honest inquisitor. It might not really be the life Alistair was looking for, but it's the one he has, and at least his reputation is judged useful by his organization.  +
Alistair Crown +It is far from easy for an orphan to grow up amidst the poverty of the Lower Boroughs of Arx, but for a prodigal to survive it requires a powerful will to survive. 'Prodigals', the exceedingly rare handful of barbarous Abandoned who have returned to the civilization of the Compact of Arvum, are not well cared for by society at the best of times, and Alistair's situation was a far cry from that. Born among the Gray Forest Howlers has seen first hand the kind of brutal savagery embraced by the most terrifying tribes of the Abandoned, watching as a child as the Howlers preyed upon travelers daring to penetrate the depths of the Gray Forest. Even as a child, he felt the murderous savagery was wrong, but when the chieftain declared after a fruitless raid that their dark gods needed a blood sacrifice and selected Alistair as the offering, the life threatening predicament added an extra incentive for the young man to make his escape from the tribe as barely a teenager. He eventually wound up in Arx still as a teenager. Life in Arx was harsh and unforgiving, though he was able to survive partly by hiring himself out as a tracker and hunter to the city folk as well as begging in the streets. Despite his miserable existence, he still remembered the face of evil he'd witnessed as a child and was determined to grow up and make a difference, somehow. That drive to combat the demons of his past pushed him to a very unlikely calling- the Inquisition. Of course, Alistair learned very quickly that he might be one of the very few 'true believers' inside the entire Inquisition. He rapidly learned as a confessor, the grunts that aid inquisitors in their bloody work, that very few members of the Inquisition think something like 'demons' exist and are quite comfortable being members of a political organization. On one occasion, Alistair enraged his superiors by declaring a rich merchant innocent of all charges of witchcraft, after discovering the merchant's only crime seemed to be possessing no political patron or allies that could protect him while hurting the business interests of some powerful lords. Alistair was given poor assignments afterwards for a time, assigned as a liaison to the Iron Guard in their investigations who famously have contempt for the corrupt Inquisition. If their goal was to have Alistair have an accident, though, it might have backfired. He has one of the rarest reputations- that of a conscientious, honest inquisitor. It might not really be the life Alistair was looking for, but it's the one he has, and at least his reputation is judged useful by his organization.  +
Alistair Masque +It is far from easy for an orphan to grow up amidst the poverty of the Lower Boroughs of Arx, but for a prodigal to survive it requires a powerful will to survive. 'Prodigals', the exceedingly rare handful of barbarous Abandoned who have returned to the civilization of the Compact of Arvum, are not well cared for by society at the best of times, and Alistair's situation was a far cry from that. Born among the Gray Forest Howlers has seen first hand the kind of brutal savagery embraced by the most terrifying tribes of the Abandoned, watching as a child as the Howlers preyed upon travelers daring to penetrate the depths of the Gray Forest. Even as a child, he felt the murderous savagery was wrong, but when the chieftain declared after a fruitless raid that their dark gods needed a blood sacrifice and selected Alistair as the offering, the life threatening predicament added an extra incentive for the young man to make his escape from the tribe as barely a teenager. He eventually wound up in Arx still as a teenager. Life in Arx was harsh and unforgiving, though he was able to survive partly by hiring himself out as a tracker and hunter to the city folk as well as begging in the streets. Despite his miserable existence, he still remembered the face of evil he'd witnessed as a child and was determined to grow up and make a difference, somehow. That drive to combat the demons of his past pushed him to a very unlikely calling- the Inquisition. Of course, Alistair learned very quickly that he might be one of the very few 'true believers' inside the entire Inquisition. He rapidly learned as a confessor, the grunts that aid inquisitors in their bloody work, that very few members of the Inquisition think something like 'demons' exist and are quite comfortable being members of a political organization. On one occasion, Alistair enraged his superiors by declaring a rich merchant innocent of all charges of witchcraft, after discovering the merchant's only crime seemed to be possessing no political patron or allies that could protect him while hurting the business interests of some powerful lords. Alistair was given poor assignments afterwards for a time, assigned as a liaison to the Iron Guard in their investigations who famously have contempt for the corrupt Inquisition. If their goal was to have Alistair have an accident, though, it might have backfired. He has one of the rarest reputations- that of a conscientious, honest inquisitor. It might not really be the life Alistair was looking for, but it's the one he has, and at least his reputation is judged useful by his organization.  +