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Dmitry Grimhall +Dmitry tries so very hard to be an honorable man. He knows full well the kind of reputation that Grimhall enjoys, and he knows full well that every bit of it was justified. He saw the kind of duchy that his father Taras ran, and the kind of wanton wastefulness caused by the stupidity and brutality of his father. Dmitry was determined to be a far better man than that, and despite (or perhaps because) of the reputation that Thrax and Grimhall enjoys, he has a rare reputation as an honest if grimly determined man driven to improve the standing of his house. He can be ruthless and painfully direct, but the short of cruel malevolence of his brother is foreign to his nature.  +
Doll +Called "Doll", this is unlikely to be her real name, but few seem to have any clue to what it actually is. None seem to care, either. By all accounts she's a trashy, aggressive, promiscuous nobody with an oversized attitude from the lowest planes of society, willing to sell or do anything for the right price. Most who've seen her have also heard her demanding others buy her anything from a drink to an expensive pair of shoes, which often turns to some combination of either bullying, fisticuffs, or occasionally sexual offerings, all of which she's more known for than most anything else. She's rarely fully-clothed, which she's known to use to full effect, and even less rarely seen without a few bruises or busted-up knuckles despite it. Her furious temper and the feminine details of her often-overexposed body are perhaps the most common points of discussion regarding this "Doll". She's sometimes seen with a particularly expensive-looking trinket or piece of jewelry, which she'll call gifts. Speculation on who she stole or conned such things from usually follows.  +
Doll Crown +Called "Doll", this is unlikely to be her real name, but few seem to have any clue to what it actually is. None seem to care, either. By all accounts she's a trashy, aggressive, promiscuous nobody with an oversized attitude from the lowest planes of society, willing to sell or do anything for the right price. Most who've seen her have also heard her demanding others buy her anything from a drink to an expensive pair of shoes, which often turns to some combination of either bullying, fisticuffs, or occasionally sexual offerings, all of which she's more known for than most anything else. She's rarely fully-clothed, which she's known to use to full effect, and even less rarely seen without a few bruises or busted-up knuckles despite it. Her furious temper and the feminine details of her often-overexposed body are perhaps the most common points of discussion regarding this "Doll". She's sometimes seen with a particularly expensive-looking trinket or piece of jewelry, which she'll call gifts. Speculation on who she stole or conned such things from usually follows.  +
Dominic Thrax +If anyone heard him, his voice, grunt-filled whispers into the fey, careless to the reality of aristocracy, womanly troubles. He spoke only to his dogs, massive monstrosities of battle no weaker and no less ferocious than he; salivating at the thought of thrall-hunt. But silence was his primary form of conversation, eyeing others as if you were tantalizing meat ready for slaughter. Pure, unfettered, hardened silence grasping tenuously at the rage that hides beneath. That is his reputation, one cultivated and displayed to keep others at a distance. The truth is that his time away from civilization changed him. It did not make him soft or slow but patient. He expels an air of tranquility that listens and contradicts his large frame.  +
Dominique Wyrmguard +There is surety of purpose, and then there is stubborn will. Dominique embodies both, honestly. She doesn't deny that her lofty ideals are often impractical, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be pursued. The world is a place full of great goodness and beauty, but just as much horror and evil. The Valardin know that better than most, and only their purity of strength stems the tide from their lands. It's not that she doesn't understand the need for compromise, it's just that compromise is for other people to do, to handle. She can't afford to do it, and she carries that burden heavily. She often wishes for the carefree days before her lessons began, but to shirk her duties, especially in the face of tragedy, is an unforgivable sin.  +
Domonico Magnotta +Domonico knows why he was sent to the Fleet and he knows very well what it did for him. The lesson brought home the wise consideration of action and he keeps that at the fore of his mind through much of his day. While he can be the rapid-fire decision-maker on the sea, when it comes to personal and business interactions he tends to be methodical and pragmatic. That said? Like all Malvici's, he grew up in a family built on merit and he prides himself on knowing that he did not fall into his position by accident.  +
Domonico Malvici +Domonico knows why he was sent to the Fleet and he knows very well what it did for him. The lesson brought home the wise consideration of action and he keeps that at the fore of his mind through much of his day. While he can be the rapid-fire decision-maker on the sea, when it comes to personal and business interactions he tends to be methodical and pragmatic. That said? Like all Malvici's, he grew up in a family built on merit and he prides himself on knowing that he did not fall into his position by accident.  +
Donaldo Velenosa +Cheerful and attentive, if quiet, one minute his mood can also be somehow disinterested, even here in the greatest and most exciting city in all the land. Also quick to smile and laugh, nearly as quick to ask a question or explore a cabinet that isn't his, this is a man with some issues focusing on any one thing if there's something else to fancy within earshot.  +
Donato Inverno +Much like his twin sister, Oriana, he is quick witted. However, unlike her he's not as gifted with not being offensive, most of the time it's accidental. He'll tell a joke better suited to the days out on the sea with his crew, and forget that those among the nobility might not appreciate them. Also, unlike his sister he is more prone to quiet observations of other, never quite hitting the brooding stage, but certainly there seems to be something a little darker to him, thousand-yard stare.  +
Donella Redrain +Though a quiet soul who can be overlooked in a glittering throng, Donella's tart tongue has built her a reputation for being clever, even playful company. In political life, she tells it as she sees it, and her candor has won her entry into halls which should have traditionally been closed to her. She has never been without ambition or pragmatism; there is always a method in mind for obtaining her aims. She likes to feel useful and gravitates toward people who know things, and causes she can engage with on a personal level. Failure is taken extremely personally. She has been described even by enemies as a formidable woman, and in spite of rigid self-control, more than once someone has found themselves fleeing her displeasure and temper all the way out of Arx.  +
Donella Thrax +One might expect a Voice of House Thrax to be a cold, calculating woman, or a timid, submissive creature. Donella decided long ago that she would be neither of those things. Well, not wholly so. She skirts a fine line between embodying Thraxian ideals of strength and cold pragmatism (or murderous ruthleness), with being a capable, intelligent woman, able to keep up with the staunchest politicians at court. She rarely speaks out of turn, and never over her fellows, but when she has control of the conversation, she commands respect. She uses her silence, to watch and learn, and then acts decisively, before many realize she isn?t meek and mild. She embraces all aspects of her being - joys, hatreds, respect, tradition, happiness, cruelty - all of it, for she thinks not doing so would provide someone a weakness to exploit. She allows people to see what they expect, and then gets what she wants, however necessary.  +
Donovan Grayson +Professionally, it'd be easy to take Donovan as blunt, short mannered and well on the dryer side of curt. Not that he would blame anyone for that impression either; in work he suffers no nonsense, nor tolerates fools of any class, creed or sect and his dour face reflects this, far too often. The law is paramount and he takes all matters brought to him seriously. This grave, austere nature does bleed somewhat into his personal life, but he is far from unpleasant. Donovan is personable outside of business hours but often treads shyly in social situations, even fumbling through social nuances of aristocratic courtly duties.  +
Donrai Thrax +In a word, 'dangerous'. Ruthless and determined, time has done little to dull the sharpness of Prince Donrai's mind or manner. He is prone to succint, even curt answers, with a cool, regal bearing that does not invite easy familiarity and provides little help to House Thrax's dubious reputation. The rare times the wizened old man seems amiable, even friendly, it meets limited success- most assume (correctly, more often than not), that it is not for a reason they'll enjoy.  +
Dora Malvici +Stubborn to the point of her parents shipping her off to a tiny island for some sanity. From the get go she was given everything she wanted, and left to cause havoc and trouble. So it isn't a surprise she is often spoiled, sometimes stuck up, and almost always coy. The last reserved for when she wants something usually. Yet despite all this she isn't afraid of getting dirty. Literally. An exploring nature and inquisitive mind have led her into no few scrapes, and only made her the more bold. Or maybe it's the fact she simply thinks herself invincible that makes her feel that way.  +
Dorian Champions +Dorian has a very 'Lady's first bad boy' vibe. His genteel upbringing and decent education culminated in a rogueish duelist dangerous enough to thrill without ever seeming truly frightening. It's a thin line but Dorian is sharp enough to keep to it. Bold and quick-witted, Dorian has a slow-burning temper and a surprising amount of patience. He might drop hints as to his underworld connections, or provoke a fight he knows he can win in style, but he's smart enough to keep in the good graces of his noble contacts - some of whom might remember him from before his disgraceful falling out with his family. It works out to his advantage, usually, as those who make the connection know at least he was raised by proper folk, and not some ruffians.  +
Drake Wyrmguard +Friendly and amicable, he has always been one of the more easy going Wyrmguards. Of course, that's a result of his older brother taking the brunt of responsibility, and so he was left free to wander the world and have his own pursuits. He is loyal to his family almost to a fault doing what he can to support them when needed, but sometimes he gets distracted when an aesthetically pleasing person comes along. Still, like his older brother, once you've earned him as a true friend, then he is one for life.  +
Draven Bruvir +To say that Draven is a bundle of energy is quite the understatement of the century. He is almost always on the move and speaking just as fast, as if time may escape him too soon. For those unfamiliar with him, he may indeed be quite hard to keep up with, both physically and mentally. It takes a lot to bring him down and it looks as if he is always pondering or plotting something.  +
Drea Redrain +Drea has the advantage of age and purpose to weather the storms of courtly intrigue. She dislikes playing the games others nobles do and doesn't overtly try to cause waves at court, prefering the simple purity in the North. But woe be unto anyone that comes at her, trying to disparage her people, her Shamanistic faith, or, even worse, her children. Mother Bear does not begin to describe the ferocity the woman can display. Normally, she is a touch stoic, purely confident without needing to be cocky, wise, intelligent, and sure of purpose like few can be. She cares about people, but refuses to let them be weak, or take advantage of those she cares about. She fights with the fury of a storm, and loves just as fiercely. She smiles in the face of fanatic judgment, and simply outclasses any that try to disrespect her. And if she needs to, she?ll put a man through a wall.  +
Drifa Seraceni +Drifa is a prodigal through-and-through. She is fierce and more warrior and thief than any kind of civilized. She often finds herself in her cups or stalking out some score or plot for her next big haul. The thief holds little value in ownership and feels often that if the world were the way it should be that everything that can be taken -- should be taken. As a result, her greed and possessiveness of what is hers (or what she believes to be hers) borders on the comedic. She can be jovial, good-natured, daring, adventurous, and reckless; just so long as she's getting paid.  +
Driskell Stillwater +It is rare that anything seems to upset or alarm Driskell, a man who has served the Thraxan house of Darkwater for many years. He is always socially correct, although at times looks more warrior than steward and has no problems giving dry witty comments when the situation calls for them. He understands that his purpose for existence is to serve and he takes great pride in his work and status so that his employers can focus their attentions and resources without any distractions.  +
Drusila +At first glance Drusila is a woman easily figured out. She likes it when things are orderly, and hates it when things are out of control. She honors her oaths and taxes religiously, possesses impeccable etiquette, and has a knack for structures and hierarchies. Some lord and some serve, the strong eat the weak, the day belongs to the sun and the night to the moon. Simple. It is, however, in the details that Drusila shows the cracks of her immaculate persona. When she is very relaxed, the woman can be flirty and playful, acting her age, showing passion and a vivacious personality that is often reserved for few to see. At times of crisis, however, when her precious structures crumble, her eyes show something vengeful behind them, a fury that burns like a scorching inferno. Her mercurial moods go as fast as they come, but the heights they can achieve are dizzying, enthralling and frightening at the same time.  +
Drusila Masque +At first glance Drusila is a woman easily figured out. She likes it when things are orderly, and hates it when things are out of control. She honors her oaths and taxes religiously, possesses impeccable etiquette, and has a knack for structures and hierarchies. Some lord and some serve, the strong eat the weak, the day belongs to the sun and the night to the moon. Simple. It is, however, in the details that Drusila shows the cracks of her immaculate persona. When she is very relaxed, the woman can be flirty and playful, acting her age, showing passion and a vivacious personality that is often reserved for few to see. At times of crisis, however, when her precious structures crumble, her eyes show something vengeful behind them, a fury that burns like a scorching inferno. Her mercurial moods go as fast as they come, but the heights they can achieve are dizzying, enthralling and frightening at the same time.  +
Drusila Pravi +At first glance Drusila is a woman easily figured out. She likes it when things are orderly, and hates it when things are out of control. She honors her oaths and taxes religiously, possesses impeccable etiquette, and has a knack for structures and hierarchies. Some lord and some serve, the strong eat the weak, the day belongs to the sun and the night to the moon. Simple. It is, however, in the details that Drusila shows the cracks of her immaculate persona. When she is very relaxed, the woman can be flirty and playful, acting her age, showing passion and a vivacious personality that is often reserved for few to see. At times of crisis, however, when her precious structures crumble, her eyes show something vengeful behind them, a fury that burns like a scorching inferno. Her mercurial moods go as fast as they come, but the heights they can achieve are dizzying, enthralling and frightening at the same time.  +
Duarte Amadeo +Charming, affable, with a disarming manner, infectious humor, and quick wit, very few individuals realize how much danger they are in while speaking with Duarte Amedeo. As chief minister of Information and Safety for House Pravus in Setarco, few nobles let alone commoners could rival the man's importance in the Silken City, a fact seldom realized by many of his companions. It's not that Duarte is humble by any stretch- the dangerous and cool confidence in his eyes gives lie to that. He merely knows how much easier it is to get precisely what you want with a kind or clever word... even if it allows one to destroy the person that revealed it. He is in many ways a reflection of Pravus itself- smart, charming, and utterly ruthless.  +
Duarte Amedeo +Charming, affable, with a disarming manner, infectious humor, and quick wit, very few individuals realize how much danger they are in while speaking with Duarte Amedeo. As chief minister of Information and Safety for House Pravus in Setarco, few nobles let alone commoners could rival the man's importance in the Silken City, a fact seldom realized by many of his companions. It's not that Duarte is humble by any stretch- the dangerous and cool confidence in his eyes gives lie to that. He merely knows how much easier it is to get precisely what you want with a kind or clever word... even if it allows one to destroy the person that revealed it. He is in many ways a reflection of Pravus itself- smart, charming, and utterly ruthless.  +