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Branwen Stormfeather +She would much rather surround herself with nature and animals then with people. But, feeling that the spirits need her to help her fellow humans, Branwen reluctantly seeks out venues where she can offer her assistance to those in need. If there is an animal in distress that she can help, all the better. She comes across as quiet, but stubborn. And sometimes off in her own little world, though if one were to ask her a question she would surprise them with a detailed response. Whatever else may be happening around her though, she tries to be thoughtful and thorough, even when she has no wisdom to offer.  +
Brass Not anymore +Brass is just full of personality! Funny and sarcastic without the meanspiritedness that would make him truly snarky, he can't quite conceal his mostly good heart, even if his brash enthusiasm sometimes causes him to make rash (and unkind) decisions. See, he's cocky, and arrogant, and even if it started as a way to conceal his gooey, uncertain, vulnerable insides...after centuries, it stuck.  +
Braxas Songweaver +Braxas loves nothing quite so much as his freedom. He goes where he wants and does what he wants, he doesn't care what people think of him. He can be a bit mean or abrasive at times, he has a silver tongue but sometimes it just...turns off. Braxas is the kind of bard parents warn thier children to avoid. But just because he is selfish and a loner at heart doesn't mean he lacks talent.  +
Breccan Malere +Known to smile often and with an infectious personality that seeks to get a grin from even the most austere, Breccan is unabashed in all sorts of company. Not one to seek confrontation, he instead searches for reasoning and solutions. While not easily given in to anger with a patience that has been tested through many trials, there are very few who have been able to push him far enough where wrath is presented - but Pantheon bless the poor soul who does.  +
Bree Harthall +Bree's family always said that ever since she was born the sun was just a little bit dimmer, because it gave part of its light to Bree. She has always been addicted to stories, and becoming the hero of those stories. She is radiance and generally the most optimistic person in the room. It is hard to dim her mood. It is extremely difficult to take away from her jubilance. Bree is extremely talented at finding the silver lining in things. And also extremely good at shrugging things off. If people don't like her upbeat attitude, she is rarely offended. She is aware that she is somewhat naive that her bright and excitable nature could lead some to take advantage of her... But she's pretty sure that won't happen! Why would people do that when you're nice to them! She takes everything about Gild VERY seriously, and is a firm believer that all problems in the world can either be stabbed to death with her blade, or hugged to death. But not really death. Just until it's brought around. Even with her upbeat attitude, she's still a soldier. So at times she can be slightly offputting when she's being so cheery after she's just felled an enemy of the compact, blood still on her blade.  +
Breidaia Ferchyn +Breidaia has a booming, wide personality that takes the world by the horns. Not for her the days of living quietly at the fireside, shrinking away from the plate full of delicious possibilities. She has gained refinement over the years, but that hasn't dulled her enthusiasm more than a shade. The expectations to pony up and behave well with a crew rather than acting the freewheeling hellion still have their effect. Beneath the polite graces, a veneer only skin deep, lies the vigorous fire that will sail to unknown shores and go where others might fear to sail or tread. She has a thorough appreciation of risk and an appetite for adventure. But Breidaia too is the leader and mother hen over those under her charge, and she constantly takes measures to assure their safety. She isn't reckless or irresponsible, but an irrepressible force no more contained than the sea.  +
Brianna Halfshav +Brianna never quite settled into the role of a proper lady. She is courteous, graceful, demure when needs be, and knows all the steps of the courtly dance, but it's all practice, rather than natural ability. She loves to laugh at raunchy humor, and dance a bawdy dance. She loves living in Arx, because it lets her dress in the nigh-scandalous fashions of the Lyceum - which show more skin than is practical in the cold North. She's rarely inappropriate and never so by intention, but she loves how the Velenosa skirt that line, and the rich sparkles of the Grayson mines. She can be vain, cruel, and terrible when she needs to be, but mostly she simply wants to experience life like few can. She made for warfare and the adventures that go with it, and she makes her own adventures in the wilds of the city life. Little ignite the wild fury she feels like the Shav that terrorize her homeland, and she becomes completely irrational when talk turns to them and their ilk.  +
Briar Marjawn +As a child he was called 'wild child'. That wild has transformed into a fierce sense of loyalty and duty. That applies to his vocation just as well as the rest of his life. But he is also fierce in everything. In his joy, in his anger, in his pain. Though he may wish, it is a struggle for him to leash his enthusiasm and seemingly endless energy.  +
Bridget Pravus +A flighty young woman with half a brain, or perhaps slightly less than half. She enjoys books, but rarely finds herself reading them all the way through. She also tends to forget the stories, so it doesn't really matter if she finishes them anyways. She is somewhat clumsy, has a bad taste in fashion, and is generally tone deaf, but despite her odd qualities and grim life, she is pleasant enough. She is generally in good spirits, and has a refreshing air of whimsical innocence to her. If kindness and enthusiasm were admirable qualities, she would have a rating of 10 out of 10, but they aren't. If she were a peasant she would have been food for the wolves, but luckily the girl was born into a noble family, so instead she is food for the mindless politics of noble houses.  +
Brier Crovane +While Brier is more subdued since the death of her late husband, there is still a fiery passion inside of her that is tempered by a strong will and hot headed streak. There is no doubt that while Brier is capable of playing up her role as a Lady, there is even less doubt that she would prefer nothing more than to just be rough housing or shaping iron and steel.  +
Brigid Inverno +A quiet presence, there was something to be said about the silence she often holds when in conversation or working stringently with the hooved beasts she trained, as all she had to say was in the set of her eyes, the quirk of her mouth, or the power of her stance. Given to words that held a lesson or meaning, it was rare for her to blunder into a situation without giving it some forethought and the same is to be said about outward emotion. While not visibly cold, some might describe her as lukewarm until they get to know the true woman beneath the layers of polite reticence.  +
Brigid Moore +A quiet presence, there was something to be said about the silence she often holds when in conversation or working stringently with the hooved beasts she trained, as all she had to say was in the set of her eyes, the quirk of her mouth, or the power of her stance. Given to words that held a lesson or meaning, it was rare for her to blunder into a situation without giving it some forethought and the same is to be said about outward emotion. While not visibly cold, some might describe her as lukewarm until they get to know the true woman beneath the layers of polite reticence.  +
Brigida Fidante +Brigida has lived through it, whatever it is. Loss, death, war, love, tragedy, dreams dying aborning, dreams awakening: she's been there. She knows. Her wisdom is cut with no little vinegar. She is fierce and bold behind an iron propriety that has been cultivated with age, and only occasionally is breached to deliberately shock people. Tough, tough-minded, and without compunction about doing what needs done, she is socially extremely perceptive, clever, and can be as manipulative as an entire league of grandmothers working in concert.  +
Briseis Morgan +Briseis is very much the product of her dual heritage. From her Oathlander father, she learned determination, honor, diligence, fidelity. From her Northerner mother, she learned wit, stubbornness, confidence, and an overabundance of, for lack of a better word, sass. Briseis sparkles: not just with the warmth of an extrovert who enjoys people, but with the keen, determined insight of a sharp mind. Her manner is often light and friendly, even bubbly and effusive at times, but she has a fiercely tempered core of steel to her that comes out in defense of her family, those close to her, and her own ideals and convictions. The fact that her occasional bursts of righteous indignation can sometimes be a bit comical due to her smaller stature and youthful appearance is a continual frustration for her, but her tongue can be so sharp at those moments that people rarely laugh for long.  +
Brogan Nightgold +Brogan is larger than life: big, roaring laughter, a lusty temperament, and the wild abandonment of a man who refuses to sink into gloom or sadness. When the going gets tough, Brogan finds a new way to go. In the past, when doom and depression threatened him, he embraced an entirely new life philosophy to avoid it. He is his own unique kind of adaptable. He loves drinking, fighting, smashing tables, gambling, screwing, dancing, singing, throwing people into walls, wrestling bears -- well, okay, that was one time -- and generally, being an uproarious and outrageous fellow. There are depths to Brogan and to his passions, but he spends most of his time doing his damnedest to just be one hell of a guy.  +
Bron Aisling +Generally amiable and happy go lucky, it's when challenged that Bron's competitive streak comes to the fore. A former soldier he is fiercely loyal to those who prove worthy of it but views cowadice as the gravest of sins. While he can work with others he is fiercely self reliant, a useful trait in the wilds of the North.  +
Bruce Valardin +Bruce was a rowdy child. Despite his rigorous training and studies, he was a big personality, always quick to laugh and have fun. Ambitious, driven, focused. He was an accomplished squire, a talented horseman and a skilled swordsman. The Tragedy and abrupt death of his parents shook him, but he braved it. Shrugged it off, smiled and inspired confidence in his family and friends. He was studious, pious, courageous, exceptionally big and strong. Everything a family could ask for in a young knight. When he rode off to fight for months at a time in the Silent War, Gyre War, or in the countless campaigns against hostile abandoned, it slowly steeled his resolve. He proved himself time and time again in fiery combat. He survived. But it changed him. He became more quiet, reserved, stoic. The smiles came farther and fewer between. After High Hill, Bruce never returned to his former self. He's grizzled, stern, a bit distant. While there's still life to the veteran knight, it takes time to bring it out.  +
Bryndis Nightgold +A being of pure action, there is no hesitation, no reluctance. She is always focused on the next step, the next improvement, and while much of that can happen through physical action, she doesn't always forget that book knowledge also proves to be helpful. In addition to being goal oriented, she's pleasant, cheerful, and outgoing in a way that matches the rest of her focused drive when she's not lapsing into quiet bouts of melancholy. The changes in behavior from forceful personality to quiet storm cloud can be slow progressions or quick changes, sometimes with nothing explaining why the sudden change.  +
Brynja Blackwood +Brusque, churlish, rude - or just bitchy, if one doesn't want to bother with propriety - are all attributes friends and foes alike have ascribed to Brynja at some point or another. She is friendly and can hold her drink, too, but she sets high personal standards for herself and doesn't suffer the lamentations of fools easily. She is a fierce protector of her family and friends, even if she doesn't like them much; this is likely to get her into more trouble than anything else in the new world she resides in. Also, she has a fondness for wolves. Who would have guessed?  +
Cabrera Godsworn +Clever and quick, energetic and vivacious, Cabrera's is the kind of charm that can be hard to keep up with. His sass could get him in trouble more often if his smile were less winsome, but his engaging humor and bright eyes are welcoming, inviting, encouraging people to join him in the laugh, whatever it happens to be. More a wordsmith than a prankster, he prefers not to punch 'down', and tries to keep a bright, upbeat approach to life and service, encouraging people to embrace life with both arms. Passion is his watchword, service his focus, and life his reward. While he is a serving priest and serving soldier, he's also a devil-may-care punster, ribald roisterer, and stylish man about town. Turn down no opportunity, leave no stone unturned for what curiosity might reveal beneath, and definitely never leave a party without dancing.  +
Cade none +Cold and uncaring. These two words couldn't be any more accurate in describing Cade. Having no experience in truly expressing one's self, Cade comes off as someone who is boring and abrupt, due to this, those who have encountered him once usually steer clear. Not that it matters to him for he does not stay in one place for too long. Despite this, Cade's work ethic is commendable, doing odd jobs in the most efficient ways, earning the respect of his short-term employers.  +
Cadenza Fidante +Cadenza Velenosa is an Adventurer with a capital A, a capital A for alacrity, abandon, audacity, or maybe just awesome. There's some measure of arrogance there, too, of course; but it's not like she doesn't have the public cachet to back that up. She is, after all, a Princess of the Lyceum, and with her sense of timing, she has a measure of patience, a measure of composure, of control -- or maybe has learned to fake composure by raw force of will. It's true that she never saw a swash she didn't want to buckle. Life has gifted her with not so much caution -- who has the time? -- but a sense of timing keyed to a self-preservatory instinct, so that her ambition and her lust for life drive her, but do not rule her. She doesn't charge headlong into trouble; she calculates precise angles of trouble and /then/ sidles obliquely into it, instead. One of nature's gamblers, Cadenza would probably have to admit, if pressed, that she finds risk to be a seductive lure in and of itself.  +
Cadenza Velenosa +Cadenza Velenosa is an Adventurer with a capital A, a capital A for alacrity, abandon, audacity, or maybe just awesome. There's some measure of arrogance there, too, of course; but it's not like she doesn't have the public cachet to back that up. She is, after all, a Princess of the Lyceum, and with her sense of timing, she has a measure of patience, a measure of composure, of control -- or maybe has learned to fake composure by raw force of will. It's true that she never saw a swash she didn't want to buckle. Life has gifted her with not so much caution -- who has the time? -- but a sense of timing keyed to a self-preservatory instinct, so that her ambition and her lust for life drive her, but do not rule her. She doesn't charge headlong into trouble; she calculates precise angles of trouble and /then/ sidles obliquely into it, instead. One of nature's gamblers, Cadenza would probably have to admit, if pressed, that she finds risk to be a seductive lure in and of itself.  +
Cadern Blackwood +Cadern thrives in the cultural mishmosh of Arx. Chameleonic, he has subsumed himself entirely into the role of the playboy man-about-town, progressive and aggressive in his sampling of new things and his embrace of cultures beyond his own. Impish, good-humored and mischevious, he never found a good or bad joke he didn’t like, and he laughs just as much when he is the butt of a prank as when he masterminds one. He is clever and quick, witty and resourceful, and has an uncanny knack for when to use puppy dog eyes to good account. Fast talking, fast walking, with a short attention span that speeds him from interest and hobby to interest and hobby at breakneck speed, he is at home everywhere, and inclined to make friends with everyone. It’s very easy to find him obnoxious and like him anyway.  +
Cadern Ravenseye +Cadern thrives in the cultural mishmosh of Arx. Chameleonic, he has subsumed himself entirely into the role of the playboy man-about-town, progressive and aggressive in his sampling of new things and his embrace of cultures beyond his own. Impish, good-humored and mischevious, he never found a good or bad joke he didn’t like, and he laughs just as much when he is the butt of a prank as when he masterminds one. He is clever and quick, witty and resourceful, and has an uncanny knack for when to use puppy dog eyes to good account. Fast talking, fast walking, with a short attention span that speeds him from interest and hobby to interest and hobby at breakneck speed, he is at home everywhere, and inclined to make friends with everyone. It’s very easy to find him obnoxious and like him anyway.  +