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Aurus Wyrmguard +Aurus was ever happy to do what was expected of him. He was, truth be told, everything that Stuart Wyrmguard could want in a son: skilled with a blade, purposeful in his quest to excel, stately, and a bright shining star of the family after Caras's fall. He had never spared a second thought to being a younger son, confident in his own abilities and goals. He was also much unlike his cousin Damon, who tended to want to stick his nose into books and histories, rather than into the thick of things and make it himself, and in this, too, he strove to take up the mantle of everything his uncle had wanted. And though he and Damon were unlike in many ways, he still felt a great affinity towards him. Strangely, in the wake of the tragedy of Sanctum and secondarily Damon's untimely death, Aurus seemed to be one of the least affected. Some think that's because his smile is too bright to falter, or, as some have disapprovingly thought, that the young knight is just not as serious as he should be. With the turn of threats to the Compact to the east, the young crusader has come to Arx proper to support his sisters and cousins, and join the ranks of the beleaguered defenders of the Crown.  +
Austen Ferron +Austen Ferron is the baby of the family, though he may look far from it. He and his family resided in a small hamlet within the Oathlands and he spent most of his youth doing farmwork and growing strong through manual labor. The older youths of the village would often pick on him, until one day he shot up and wasn't quite so scrawny any more. Then he beat them up. Austen did not particulary want to become a farmer, nor did he wish to become a smith like his eldest sister Ida, so when the opportunity arose he joined the military as a soldier. It did not take quite as well as he thought it would: after running afoul of a vengeful noble he was discharged, but at that point he was just about done with that foray anyway. He returned home, still a teenager longing to be something more in the world. One day, a perfect opportunity arose: on his trek to the nearby city he came across the beleaguered caravan of a knight, and after helping fix the wheel the knight offered him a position as his squire. He happily accepted, and for the next two years accompanied the knight errant on his travels, learning what he could. Early into his eighteenth year he was knighted to little fanfare, but knighthood fit much better on Austen than farmerhood. He arrived in Arx and joined the Iron Guard at the recommendation of a friend of a friend. The intricacies of city law still puzzle him, but he is slowly getting the gist of it.  +
Austin Goddard +Austin is not terribly well-known outside of his personal circle; he grew up the son of dirt-farmers, scrabbling to provide for their family. His brothers became petty thugs; his sisters became either disreputable, or married off quickly to any man who could piss in a pot. Austin, however, had no intention of living in squalor. Growing up, he viewed his peers as petty, reckless fools, and had little love for them, regarding them as more children than proper adults. Thankfully for him, he also found that they rallied around any figure who could make an empty promise--also like children. He took his time sowing his wild oats in the lower boroughs of Arx. Those who know him know of his past of petty thievery--and the occasional transfer of currency from the pockets of others into his own. He was known to associate with criminals of various levels of repute. Often, he recruited other young folk to help carry out his dirty deeds, most desperate to make something of themselves despite their dismal life prospects. But thankfully, by some miracle, he straightened himself out by his young adulthood to enter legitimate social circles. He clawed his way into the middle class by gathering a small company of sell-swords and hirelings, known as the Letters of Marque, which he still operates out of the lower boroughs to this day.  +
Avak Zadarra +Born in arx in a poor neighborhood, avak zadarra lived hard. His parents were soldiers, and good ones, but they used all their money on equipment. At a young age, avak knew he wanted to be like them. He applied as soon as he could, and after being accepted, he was tested. He was found to be weak, but good with a sword, so they took him anyway. Now he fights as a soldier, even though he is weak.  +
Avaline Velenosa +Avaline often heard stories about the winter storm that blew the day that she was born, one chilly February night. Never one to wait for long, she arrived early, while her mother was still on business in Farhaven. Snowed in from the storm, she came into the world defiantly screaming out her protests, fists clenched in her tiny fury with hair as white as the snow that cascaded outside. So that was how she came to spend her first months in Arvum in Oathlands, until finally she was old enough to travel back home. Time back in Granato was typical of a southerner of her station. From a very young age she took a great interest in strategy games, and began looking in earnest into the history of wars and great strategists. Many war games were set up with her siblings, games of strategy and tactics. Eventually she began to see herself as the general of all of her sisters and brother, and it turned into a very real interest in becoming one in earnest. Of course becoming a general isn't something that is just handed to young women, so as she grew older she knew she would have to be a soldier. She trained with her blades as surely as she honed her craft as a strategist, and over time she really did find that she had a knack for it. She squired from a young age, until finally when she came of age swore her oaths as a knight. It was her calling, and her life's passion. She quickly made a name for herself in small skirmishes as a talented fighter, adaptable and ferocious. She eventually gained true renown as a commander when she picked up the banner of a fallen commander, while surrounded by enemies. Outnumbered and outmatched by a much larger force of shavs than they had been expecting, Ava pulled the remaining soldiers back, only to press forward once more when she'd found more favorable conditions. Her victory was well regarded and earned her the attention of a young Velenosian prince. It was a whirlwind romance, and perhaps due to her own renown in the previous battle she was allowed to marry into the family where she continued her service as a Lycene Knight-Princess, serving to drive back the silence in her own campaigns, enjoying the brief respite to birth two children of her own, and with the new threats looming from Darkwater, Avaline finds herself travelling to Arx with her children to reuinte with her siblings, and assist the increasingly disparate situation bearing down upon them.  +
Avary Ashford +Born a cousin of the main branch of the Ashfords and the older sister of Addison, Avary had the distinct honor of being noble by blood, at least. She was a reckless youth, as many Ashfords are known to be, flinging herself head first into any kind of adventure. She loved her home, she loved her family, and she was loved in return. Yet, at the age of 19, something changed suddenly for the young noblewoman. She shut out her family and walked away from her title and claims to join the priesthood without a word of explanation why. She was a different woman after that; she applied herself fiercly to the studies of the Faith and the questions of it, but she withdrew inward. She travelled, seeking out answers, even as she devoted herself to the Sentinel, never seeking out her Ashford family despite their closeness to Arx. She only returns now, called back by the Faith that took her in, to step into the shoes that Legate Orazio has left behind to become Archlector of the Sentinel.  +
Avasyn Culler +Avasyn has never been the luckiest of sorts. Raised in a very poor family devoted to the House of Valardin, she's lucky enough to even know how to read and write. Her father a drunk and her mother a lowly maid, Avasyn grew up as the youngest amongst her family, with three other siblings. She was the last, an unfortunate mistake on their part, and they looked down on the girl with an unhealthy amount of resentment. After all, she was another mouth to feed. But their dislike of her went far beyond regret, and bordered on near mad superstition. They weren't the brightest of people, and living with one foot in the gutter, the other in the grave, was enough to drive most of them mad. It was no surprise, but somewhat strange, when a thirteen year old Avasyn retreated to the heart of Arvum to forge out her own life without her family, alone, penniless and scared.Swearing fealty to the Crown, she was taught by an old healer and mixer of posions, learning everything she knew before she passed away. And she found sanctuary with the Cullers, who opened their arms for her, and became more a family to her than our blood family ever were. But still, the events that drove her away still haunts her, along with the ache of being loathed so by those she'd spent her childhood years with. It leaves a deep, bleeding ache there, and the guilt can sometimes be seen in her eyes before they turn cold and secretive.  +
Averie Ashford +Of a lesser known noble family of Ashfords, Averie is the youngest of five. Her father, Wilheim Ashford, was known as a great explorer in his time. He would often return from places far afield with stories and trinkets for each of this children. Averie was the unvoiced favorite, the apple of her father's eye. This created some consternation and jealousy amongst the other children, particularly the eldest son. It came to pass that all the best tutors and mentors in the world could not keep Averie contained, whether by physical or mental measures. She was a dreamy-eyed child, always ruminating over foreign lands through a window while her frustrated tutor approached with a pointer stick keeping tempo with the palm of his hand. To keep her solidly grounded in the present became a source of aggravation for many. On other occasions she would simply be missing, having disappeared into the woods or down a curve in the river where it was dangerous to tread. Upon adulthood, Averie began traveling with her father and his ship to different lands. There was always something new to see and experience, and like an addict she could not stay on shore. Afraid for her daughter's well-being, Averie's mother saw to it that an arranged marriage was quickly sorted to a fellow of a more grounded disposition. Thus, Averie returned home to land and reluctantly took her place as a bridge for a fellow that better belonged permanently in a library stacking books; this was not the dashing pirate captain she would have preferred. Chaos ensued after the wedding, and the rest is unfortunately still playing out.  +
Aviana Bertram +Aviana growing up was a happy child, her parents worked hard to give her what they could. Growing up she listened to her mothers teachings on how to sew and as she got older she was able to use that to sell at the local market to help her parents. Growing up a only child was good in ways but bad in others, it meant a lot on pressure of Aviana but she seem to handle it. Her mother would tell she had a calm soul a lot because in times of stress Aviana would be able to stay calm. One of the things she enjoyed very much was watching the nobles and knights sparring and jousting, but her mother use to tell her all the time to get her head out of the clouds that she was the daughter of a farmer and a tailor and she two was just like them a commoner it was a harsh lesson but Aviana down deep understood.  +
Avita Seraceni +On the surface, Avita's life looks pretty average. Certainly she has spent the majority of her youth in the lap of luxury, going through the mundane routine of the noble born; an education of politics and propriety, of economic and militaristic interests, of subterfuge and secrecy, all of that mind-rotting nonsense one is expected to know to be a fine represtative of the Ischian nobility. Whatever that means. She was being groomed to be an emissary of sorts, a political anchor in the storm that has raged and ebbed like an angry tide what seems to be a thousand times over by now -- that of the long-standing conflict between her people, and those of Skal'daja. Of course, it would take time for her to hone her craft before she was truly prepared to serve in such a capacity, but she had always shown an aptitude for swaying favour and inspiring ire at a whim. It wouldn't be long before her life would truly begin. Her talents were first truly noticed when she aided in rallying support for Seraceni's efforts during the Gyre War. Her involvement might have been minimal, but one does not have to scream just to make a point, do they? A war requires able bodies, an army needs supplies, and she would be instrumental in providing both. As success began to shine on the horizon, and victory seemed all but won, she was ushered on to her next great political adventure. She expected a new war, to swell the might of Seraceni, to broker the impossible bargains that would see them as an economical, political and militaristic powerhouse to rival the ducal houses of the compact. She thought she was getting what she wanted. She had gained some acclaim by this point as a shrewd negotiator, a soft voice that carried the gravity of consequence behind her sweetly worded speeches, and artfully written missives. She had found herself well in the thick of it, wading defiantly into the turbulant tides of war once more, as Skal'daja's agents grew bolder, and louder than ever before. Now was her chance. Now was her time! She must strike whilst the iron was ... what do you mean, that's not what's needed? ... What do you -mean-, 'politically sound union'?? Yes, she thought she was going to be the new name in all things political. That they would use her skills in the diplomatic arts to bolster their numbers, and send the Skal'dajani scuttling back to their castles in the sand. Instead, like her father before her, she was meant to wed a member of Eurusi nobility, that they might further strengthen their oft tenuous bonds in hopes of a more peaceful, unified future for Ischia. A Prince, in fact, that for reasons yet to be discovered was to be joined to Seraceni as a supposed boon granted. How strange. Regardless, marry she did. She's still not sure how she feels about it. Oh well. The show must go on!  +
Avovorinth Seraceni +Avovorinth was born to a Pirate Lord by the name of Zothar and a prodigal mother from a people who hail from an island in the middle of the sea that nobody has ever heard of. Avorina, the mother of Avo, became a fortune teller, a false one of course but such is the way of the Darkcrows. This worked for a time and Avorina was able to provide for her child till he became of age to sail and do the work that sustained the Clan, this was when the little guy was first able to set to sea by his papa's side. Avo's father was infrequently involved with business at sea. Some might call raiding or thieving but others called providing, but none could say he was anything but a good father. Often, he would return after many months with small treasures and tall tales and his son was entranced by these tales and imagined his father as a heroic adventurer. One day a woman entered Avorina's home and asked for a reading. Avorina did as always, telling her what she wanted to hear, or so she thought. This woman was in fact a truly talented woman with mystic insights that bordered on the impossibility. She was furious with Avorinas deception and in her rage she cursed her child and his entire bloodline, or so the story goes to explain away the whimsical fate of madness beset upon the boy. Avorina was horrified, and slipped into a deep, unnatural sleep. For one month she was bedridden and had constant nightmares until eventual she died, nearly a week before Avo's father returned. Zothar had finally become captain of his own prize and was joyous upon his return, only to find Avo crying in a corner covered in blankets and his wife dead from wasting sickness. So they said. The father of this unfortunate child knew no other remedy, and thinking the entire situation too strange to deal with he took the child and brought him onto his ship and left the Roost. Avo was a small boy, not deemed very much of a sailor from appearances sake, but nonetheless gained favor with the crew by quickly picking up several of the tricks of the trade. He would traverse the ship with swiftness and grace, helping here and there with the tasks that needed doing. All the while he suffered from madness which struck him blind and senseless on occassion. The sailors were uneasy at first and thought him tainted by the red waters but of course his father's stature and the fear he cultivated from his men kept them from tossing the boy overboard. After several years on his father's ship, he had learned to do nearly everything that needed done on a ship. The crew loved Avo despite his odd nature and strange mannerisms. So it was only natural that when Zothar was aged he was promoted to captain. By this point his madness had grown into a core part of his being and through it he gained a reputation for being insightful in ways that bordered on the impossible and yet still he turns to drugs, drink and the embrace of solace to deal with his problems. Not a bad thing at all and for this very reason his family line managed to avoid much of the extinguishment that the rest of the Darkcrows suffered beneath the hands of the Seraceni's righteous steel and the flames of war. Perhaps this is why he serves the House today, coming all the way from the Roost to serve the interests of the Clan and the House alike.  +
Axel Culler +Despite his nature, not knowing much about his parents never really bothered him. In fact, growing up as an orphan and seeing other kids be -- quite literally -- used and abused, made Axel come to the conclusion that most blood ties, are just as superficial as the brown-nosing beggar on the street; the one that gives you praise and calls you their best friend, but spits behind your back the moment you pass by without paying them any attention. That mentality, which developed relatively early on, helped him pay little to no mind to the position he ended up in. The struggles he went through were no different from the other orphans, but they didn't bother him that much either. What bothered him though, is how frustratingly little he knew; the adults surrounding him -- always up to something. From the tavern wench whispering yet another shady patron's ear off, to the rare noble scurrying along the Lower Boroughs in the cover of the night, hoping to stay unnoticed. Whatever it was, the young Axel felt left out. It was just plain unfair! And since wallowing in self-pity and feeling betrayed by the rest of the world around him, wasn't something he was particularly fond of, he decided to do something about it. While the rest of the kids were busy getting into trouble for a loaf of bread, Axel would rather starve than pass up an opportunity to stick his nose into someone's business. He honed his skills and learned the ins and outs of the boroughs, by getting caught over and over again, or by running away and hiding from people who found out that he knows a little too much for their liking. He didn't neglect his mental faculties either, making sure to study at the boarding school he went to with the rest of the orphans, developing his ability to think analytically. Being young helped him in his ventures, as people tend to pay little attention to a clueless orphan, roaming around the streets. But, the ones that have keen eyes and wield power in the Lower Boroughs eventually took notice of Axel. The Cullers were the ones to catch him snooping about, ready to dash away with one of their secrets he'd just found out, but instead of punishing him, they offered to take him in as one of their own, which he accepted. They nurtured his developing abilities and let him become the man he is today. Quiet and calculated, Axel works for them as an investigator of sorts, taking on a wide array of tasks to repay his debts to the family.  +
Azhan Arrynfield +As a young child, Ahzan was tutored under a teacher named Merrin. In the beginning he had no real interest in learning, not only that he would regularly try to find away out of having to be taught. Eventually his teacher decided to sit him down, showing him what he can do with simple techniques such as writing and reading, allowing him to open his eyes to a new world. He started to spend more time studying and learning, leaving his previous kid ways of life for a more distinguished and set path. Evere since then, he has always upheld the uses of the scholarly pursuits, although definitely never pressing it onto others.  +
Azolla Nightgold +Growing up Azolla was a sickly child. This meant she was kept inside alot. She spent her time drawing, painting, playing music and singing when she was feeling well enough. Her family worried and doted over her till she finally was strong enough to overcome her illness. She now is ready to fulfill her duties to her family.  +
Azova Darkwater +Azova was a treasured daughter who grew up with the pampered life of a noble and yet found it left her empty and cold. Instinctively conscious of her privilege even at a young age, she observed her family’s place in the world with a certain level of native uncertainty for its justice, and focused hard on her studies with the seraph on anything that she could learn that might justify her position. So it was not that surprising, as she blossomed into an earnest, educated young woman, that she blossomed into one with a keen desire to find ways to give back to the world and to help others. Well-intentioned idealism is not the only pathway to the physicians’ guild and the Mercies of Lagoma, but it is a well-traveled one, and there were friends and mentors to help guide Azova on her way. With the support of her family and a dewy-eyed hope about the future, Azova ventured forth to Arx. During the Silent War, she cut her teeth on battle, and saw horrors that quenched her initial idealized version of being a battlefield medic in blood and terror. Others might have wilted back and sought a quieter life, a quieter service, when subjected to such early trauma in their career, but not Azova. She was a noblewoman, a daughter of House Darkwater, a lover of Lagoma, and above all other things, a healer. She had studied to be a doctor where she was most needed, and this was a trial by fire that left her with grim determination to succeed.  +
Babette Grayson +By the time the second daughter and third child rolled around no one was really that impressed with children in general and definitely not with another girl. So Babette was mostly left to nannies and tutors and her own devices and she absolutely and totally thrived. Being the youngest meant that she had to be loud and somewhat pushy to get attention and she did that by just constantly talking. Non-stop. Her cheerful but endless chatter endeared her to even the hardest of hearts at home, although when she got to be too much she was shuffled off to the library. Babette would dive into the lore of the Crownlands, soaking up everything she could, learning the old ghost stories and tales of the surrounding forests and organizing ghost hunts with her older siblings that would both terrify and intrigue her. When her cousins came to visit she would cook up mysteries for them to solve and was often the scourge of Varan's existence as it was always him that was stealing the cookies from the cookie jar. She learned of the Inquisition at a young age and was determined to join once she was old enough, throwing herself into her studies so that she could impress them once she got there. As Jerrica and Varan set out on their own paths, Babette decided to be a little more dramatic and, in the dark of night, hid herself and her bag in a passing carriage bound for the city. By the time she was discovered it was too late to turn around and her first stop with her bag in hand was the House of Questions as soon as she arrived in Arx.  +
Baelor Keaton +Far from the chance to inherit, Baelor grew up knowing that he had flexibility in the decisions he would make in adulthood. Of course, he would squire. Sent to Bastion at the age of 15 to find himself a squire for a Prince of some repute. He was knighted at the age of eighteen and was Knighting about for Keaton while Marquis Kael was still a young pup. He joined a knightly order in his youth, spending most of his time with the organization until his marriage sent him south into Velenosa. Two childless years before his wife passed away from a wasting disease that swept the county. He spent another few years there before moving back to Keaton Keep.  +
Baelos Redrain +As the youngest of three sons of a non-ruling branch of the Redrain, Baelos had a childhood unburdened by duties or significant expectations. Instead, his devout focus on swordplay, soldiering, adventure, brawling, taverns, and trouble made him something of a minor celebrity among Farhaven's soldiering classes, if not a favorite of his father. Blood on his blade, ale on his lips, and a pretty girl by his side - from all appearances, Baelos was more than satisfied with this life. This all changed after both of his brothers left Farhaven, and both found themselves dead. Now, with his father Vigsi grief-stricken and near death, Baelos for the first time is laden with duty - duty to represent his family in Arx, to serve the Prince of Farhaven at court, and to make his mark in the South.  +
Bahiya Mathali +Bahiya grew up a beloved child of minor nobility, her peaceful, idyllic childhood marred only by a singular accident that robbed her of her sight. Adaptation required a strength of character that bloomed easily and surpised no one; sightless or not, her family found it hard for her to be anything less than independent and gracious. Well loved and well educated, there wasn't anything she didn't want to learn, the girl having an especially keen ear for language fostered early. It's very difficult to grow up loving your life, your people, your place in the world, even the path that unfurls before you, when you disagree so heartily on something so fundumental to it all: slavery. It's a dangerous thing to disagree with salvery among the Eurusi, but from a young age Bahiya struggled to keep her ideals hidden. Life as a courtier, an influencer, and an advisor, settling into the official role of diplomat came naturally to the educated young woman. Finding her words weighed seriously by members of court, both the respected and the powerful, it was Prince Damik'uhl'daja who eventually brought her into his retinue. Kenjay, her bodyguard, was a slave in her service until they came to Arx, Bahiya's first order of business to free him gaining her an unexpected companion in this foreign country. His freedom is a release of her own as well, as she no longer needs to hide her formerly forbidden ideals among the people of the Compact.  +
Baldessare Velenosa +As a boy, Baldessare's energy was often stoked by the fires of competition. Reared on legends of his House and often witness to the efforts - academic and athletic - of his cousins, he always wanted to prove that he was as good as any of them, and frequently pushed himself to terrible extremes to prove himself. Especially as an adolescent, he pushed himself. He wanted to be the top of his class, the best fighter, the best racer, the best everything, but of course, the perfection that he demanded of himself was impossible, and in those days, he threw fits and tantrums often, furious that he wasn't measuring up to his own self-image. Eventually, he settled down and evened out. The perfectionism would remain with him, but it was tempered by reality, an understanding of human limitations, and the patience of tutors. The older he grew, the more he demonstrated focus, and fierceness. He learned to control his temper and to channel it, so that the outbursts grew fewer and further between. His favorite way to blow off steam was on horseback, and he would ride out in solitude for hours, communing with the animals and feeling the freedom of their gait beneath him. His father took both Benedetto and Baldessare to sea in their early teens to teach them how to behave, and assigned their squirage as cabin boys on several voyages that were designed to look more adventurous and exciting than they were. Baldessare stuck to his father's elbow like glue, wanting to learn everything there was to learn about being a sea captain and caring for his men as a protector and a commander. He also learned that grog will knock you on your ass, especially when you're fifteen. As an adult, his generally attentive and ambitious nature proved useful to the family, as would that of any aspiring, aggressive military officer with an eye for horseflesh. As his sister's social star climbed in Arx, he and Benedetto were dispatched to Arx. Baldessare has high ambitions for demonstrating his prowess in service of his House. As far as he is concerned, the capital hasn't seen anything yet.  +
Baldwin Fidante +A cousin to the current Duke, Baldwin was from the start a deeply spiritual individual. It was this spirituality of his, this faith, that tempers the occasional impulses for which he was known in his childhood. After all, what little Baldwin loved more than to hear the stories of warfare and House Fidante's many glories was to brawl his relatives, or play-pretend with wooden swords a little too aggressively. As he grew, a certain contemplative nature also came about, and he would often be found in the various temples, meditating and praying when he wasn't compulsively training for what he believed was his true calling. He was fostered with a Southerner Knight Templar, then, both to complete his training and to assist the man in his fight against the Abandoned menace. Many years were spent as the young man flourished into a martially-inclined, highly competent adult, thanks to the spartan upbringing that ensued. Once he was knighted, following a particularly harrowing attack by the Abandoned at a westward holy site the newly-made knight decided to ride back south, after hearing of unrest in Tor. Once there, he joined forces with the Duke against the pretender Count. His training paid off; riding at the vanguard, his mettle was proven again and again in the field of combat, although some whisper of carefully measured brutality visited upon the foe, concealed beneath the veneer of valor at arms. Once Duke Leo was reinstated, he pledged his sword to him, willing to serve House Fidante against enemies without and within, as his liege requires.  +
Baltus Darkwater +Baltus Darkwater was born to the life of the sea, like many of the Saffron Isles. Being a man of the sea goes is in his blood for it goes back generations. His love of the waters might be aided by the fact he was born on the Isles, more specifically Cielos Encantadores. There he was raised, mostly by his mother, along with his siblings. He was taught a mix of being a proper nobleman and sailor, making him both regal and crude, yet charismatic as a leader. When he was old enough he started travelling with his father on the seas, learning the way of a future captain of a ship. He spent his times in port in the arms of a woman he could seduce with his confidence and charm, though, because he was on the more serious side his choices were limited despite his looks. When his mother died at the birth of his youngest sibling Baltus and his father agreed that Baltus would spend a little more time on shore attending to his siblings to assure they were properly raised. He still spent time on the sea but less until his younger siblings were old enough to take care of themselves. During one of his times at port in Arx, a very brief port, Baltus met his wife to be. A Whisper and the epitome of beauty, at least to him. During his time in Arx he spent every available moment with her, trying to woo her. He managed to woo her enough to get her to agree to keep in contact via letters and to meet each time he managed to get to Arx. Baltus took every trade he could to get to Arx and spent his time there with the Whisper, Carita, and with her he built a grand romance. He had to fight to make Carita his wife, for she was common - even though she was a Whisper. Carita was his grand love. With her he has, thus far, had one child. And yet things took a dark turn soon enough, and they went from a grand romance, to estranged, to divorced. Still she remained a Darkwater, something very difficult for Baltus to understand - particularly when she was made a Voice over him. But all of that seemed less important after Darrow died defending Darkwater against the Fleet. Though Carita had ordered the place evacuated, still this was his home, and now he has determined to spend his efforts showing what a true-born noble can do - rebuild his home, strengthen his people, and lead well into the future.  +
Barbrey Blackwood +Nearing her seventh decade, Barbrey has lived a long life of courageous feats. Born near sixty years ago as the younger child of the Chief of the Blackwood Tribe in an age remembered by few in the realm. A proper woman of the north, she took to the sword and spear as soon as she was six: and with such skill and valour she did. Inspiring awe in her clan from her adolescent years, all were sure that she would be the one to lead her brother's armies to battle, and defend the Blackwoods with courage and passion once he inherited. And so they were right -- a barbarian strength, sheer willpower and devotion to the spirits led her as an advisor first to her lord brother, and then after his passing, to his son Geraint. She never married, nor had children, but nonetheless remained a valiant figure in her house. Blackwood's bending of the knee to the Crovane duchy, however, is a recent move that Barbrey is somewhat divided over. While she respects the spirits and knows there must be practicality in these hard times-- she is a traditionalist at heart and finds a pride in her millennia-old lineage, who never bent the knee to the Compact or anyone else. Still, she tries to devote herself to her house and family as much as she can.  +
Barik Reed +Barik's life begun in the Western oathlands that belonged to the Kingdom. His family was one of proper means- his father an auspicious, and beloved bard who went from home to home leaving little crumps of happiness, and sometimes more than that. His mother wouldn't complain, he always came home with coin, and for a woman who had spend her whole life in poverty it was sufficient for her. The inherently independent Barik took to hunting rather than singing; he took to trekking through the wilderness and adventuring to far-gone townships rather than inherit the legacy set by his lascivious father. Since his departure from family grounds, Barik has been on a quest of acquiring meaning- meaning that hasn't been manifested, yet hopes to find in the very Capital of the continent.  +
Barric Grayson +To be born royalty is a dream for most, with all the pampering and easy life that entails, but it never suited Prince Barric Grayson. Barric was a driven young man, who from his earliest memories badly wanted to rise to the equal of the greatest knights and heroes of the Compact. He remembered the mutters of the men-at-arms and commoner soldiers as some of his relatives (including the crown prince, Prince Alaric IV) would ignore practice and embrace idolent passtimes and worthless pursuits, while the true warriors would drill for future battles with the shavs. He remembers the other soldiers holding their peace but clearly regarding their future king as a faineant, while Barric and his cousin Dawn would drill relentlessly with Duke Bisland or Lord Commander Dayne Valardin. Moreover, Barric saw first hand the inspiring mettle of the forces of the Faith, the templars and the knights of solace, working alongside the forces of House Grayson to drive back brutal shav forces from the Gray Forest and noted how it seemed like so few of the commanders came fro the highest of noble blood. It was crushingly depressing to Barric to see how many vassals of House Grayson clearly idolized Duke Gabriel Bisland or servants of the crown, or had great veneration for the old king Alaric III, but or had tremendous respect for the old king's illegitimate daughter Dawn, but no true born Grayson of the newest generation was inspiring that same loyalty. It drove Prince Barric with a grim determination to be the equal of the great knights that had come before, and he took shameless advantage of being distant enough from the line of succession as a mere second-cousin to the king to be bold on the field of battle. A campaign against the shavs of the Gray Forest was enough to win Prince Barric the renown and respect from Grayson soldiers, and personally slaying a shav warchief in single combat earned him a truly embarrassing amount of praise and recognition from his distant cousin, King Alaric IV. Barric didn't particularly want fame and didn't desire anything more than to become a great knight, but Alaric IV almost capriciously named him the Sword of Bastion, making him the ceremonial champion of House Grayson. In many ways, it was everything Barric ever wanted, but in other ways it almost infuriated him. He's now wielding the same sword as Queen Alarice the Great and he felt all he had to do it was to kill one drunken Abandoned chief in a duel. He took the sword, but having that high an honor bestowed upon him just so Alaric IV could win more applause from the people of Arx still grates upon him, feeling like he could hear the whispers of the common soldiers how he got the honor too young and too fast just because his last name was Grayson, and maddening to Barric knowing that it was partly true. But he took the sword, and now he'll show that he is worthy of it.  +