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Augustus Grayson +Tall, at over six feet in height, this man has the bearing of elegance and refinement. He is an older gentleman, looking quite well for his age. Sandy-blonde hair, much of it turning to white, brushed back over his head to reveal a dashing widows peak. He has a short, well maintained beard that wraps around his mouth and extends up both sides of his jaw to form sideburns that meet his hair, with his cheeks kept clean shaven. His nose is rather aquiline in appearance, a traditionally noble masculine feature. His eyes are a deep blue-green colour, and are almost always totally devoid of humour, there is always a clear, cold and calculating intelligence hidden behind those eyes.  +
Aurelia Pravus +Aurelia's sunkissed skin never darkens more than a few shades past pale, and constellations of freckles erupt in erratic patterns across her form. Although most concentrated about her shoulders and arms, a few wayward motes color the apples of her cheeks and the curving bridge of her nose. Fair brown hair spills to mid-back in a tumble of subtle twists and curls that assert themselves near the end of their lifespan. She has a narrow, delicate face with bright green eyes that seem to thirst for a light to make them sparkle with mischief. Thin, tender lips share color with pale pink coral. Although slender and slim bodied, her lean legs and narrow waist lend the contours of her hips a loftier presence contrasted against the gracility of her silhouette.  +
Aurelian Valardin +Standing at five feet eleven inches (1.8 meters), this young man looks to be in his early twenties with bronzed skin, dirty-blonde hair, and strikingly pale blue eyes. His skin tone appears to be the result in time spent outdoors rather than nature, and his hair is left at jaw-length but well groomed and clean.  +
Aureth Grayhope +Once wiry and lean, the basic concept of Aureth's frame remains the same, but years and privilege have made inroads the slim lines, thickening about his waist. His fair hair is lighter than once, dusty gold lightened by pale silver to a spun sheen of electrum in bright light, worn long and thick. His eyes are gray, hinted with blue if he dresses for it. His thick, defined eyebrows and neat, well-kept beard match the sllvery blond of his mane. His skin is a little weathered, marked by lines at the corners of his mouth, crow's feet crinkling the corners of his pale eyes. His fair skin tends to freckle. He has a strong jaw and a bold nose, and the faint pinch of a frown at his brow rarely entirely fades. When it does, it is to a wide, brilliant smile that transforms and youthens his face, and invites the observer to join him.  +
Auriela Malvici +Sculpted elegance. The Lady Auriela Malvici holds herself and her appearance to a high standard at all times. A face and posture that has been well cared for like a fine Lycene Red, the Lady Auriela's features exude the meticulous care that she has put in. Tumbling locks of rich brown hair kiss upon her shoulders and chest to frame her wide-set icy-hued eyes. Well kept eyebrows are drawn over her eyes, a small angular nose. Full red lips spread across Auriela's mouth, cheeks toned in slight drawing across to a small flat chin. Slender in arms, rakish in hips, there is not a touch of fat to the body of the elegant Auriela.  +
Aurora Thornburn +Curly wisps of rich red auburn hued hair frame Aurora's heart shaped face, casting an approachable appearance to the woman's already sociable demeanor. Her emerald eyes take in her surroundings with an air of naivete, a sense of wonderment and excitement projecting from her gaze at any new things she may come across. Her eyes, matched with her full lips, leaves very little hidden as to what sort of mood the woman may find herself in.  +
Aurus Wyrmguard +A tall and austere man, he may well have been broken from a block of august marble. Well defined cheek bones, a square cut jaw, and aquiline nose lend to the strict, classically distinguished look that tends towards the severe. Vibrant blue eyes, the color of rich ultramarine, his eyes are flecked with silver and fill a sharp, attentive gaze. His fair complexion is smooth alabaster, with almost absolute lack of pockmarks or scars. The most distinguishing feature, however, is his shocking golden ash-blond hair, cropped close and styled carefully in a kempt sweep above his forehead. The muscles of his well-toned upper body are starkly delineated, as are the honed cords of muscles in his legs, suggesting an extremely well-honed physique.  +
Austen Ferron +A man of tall height and physical rigidity, Austen is imposing for someone so young. His set of rust brown eyes beneath tufted brows seem to look right through a person, carrying within them an eerie amount of intensity. His dark hair is cropped close to his scalp, longer on the crown of his head and tapering shorter on the sides. His nose is slightly crooked due to having been broken and healed awkwardly, but otherwise his facial features are unblemished, if not considered plain. He has the lean, muscular appearance of somebody accustomed to hard training.  +
Austin Goddard +Austin isn't the most handsome branch of the...branch...bunch? Bunch of branches? Sure. We'll go with that. He definitely fell far, far from the top of the ugly tree. And he sure hit plenty of ugly branches along the way. It's pretty unfortunate, really. He looks pretty unfortunate. He's naturally lanky and spindly, like a bean pole, but looks like he does a lot of push-ups to compensate. Only a more ambitious upstart would think to try his luck against him. Especially coupled with his natural swagger and cartoonishly confident smirk. But his face, it's really too bad--to start, a poor mouth-to-face ratio, accented by caterpillar eyebrows and snaggleteeth that turn into a jack'o'lantern whenever he grins. Which is often. He really needs to do something about those teeth. As per his dress, he wears common clothing day-to-day, but keeps it unusually well-kept and properly fitting; it looks like it was tailored specifically for his figure.  +
Avak Zadarra +This tall man stands 6 feet 7 inches, and is lightly muscled. His body is verry scared, with 1 long scar on his forarm, 2 on his palm and a small one on his left wrist. He has short black hair with hints of red, and his skin is quite tan from exposure to the sun. His eyes are a bright blue, and his eyebrows are quite bushy. He has long limbs, and his fingernails are well trimmed.  +
Avaline Velenosa +A critical evaluation of the young woman would describe her form as compact and efficient; petite in height, and comprised almost entirely of lean muscle. Though softer in their construction, her facial features seem similarly sculptured; high cheekbones, a defined jawline, and a delicate aquiline nose. Avaline’s full lips rest naturally upturned, giving the sense of a constant secretive smile, which only amplifies the curious spark in her eyes. Her hair is a nod to fashion and function, the great length of the large soft curls of hair swept off her neck in braids and twists, yet never managing to fully confine the long bangs that frame her face.  +
Avary Ashford +Only slightly veering on the side of short rather than tall, this woman nevertheless manages a regal bearing with lean, sharp lines of limbs and pale ivory skin. Her hair is a golden blonde that touches to platinum in the light, kept in loose curls to her shoulders and framing a strong face. A high forehead and thick, arched brows frame wide, hooded eyes that shift from blue to green. Her cheeks are full above a blunt, square jaw. Bowed lips are pink and her nose is small and short.  +
Avasyn Culler +The first thing you see of this woman is her gleaming white hair, reflecting the light radiantly. It cascades right down to her lower back and over her shoulders in gentle waves and curls like a waterfall, with stray strands sweeping across her brow over contrasting dark eyebrows. Her large eyes, framed by full dark lashes, hold ones attention, dragging them down into their sapphire blue depths, filled with strong emotions of melancholy and cold reservation. But her face seldom gives off emotion, constantly neutral besides for the occasional arch of a slender brow or mild frown. Dark pink, full lips stand out on her pale unblemished skin, her face graced with gentle features. She lacks the confidence to be stunning, and the frequent appearance of dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep mars her features, but she still carries a mysterious and gentle beauty about her. Perhaps it's her hair, which seems almost ethereal with its strange colour. Her body is slender, lacking in any form of muscle tone, and padded enough to give her feminine curves but not overly large breasts. She seems weak, perhaps overly so, hinting to some kind of illness. She doesn't talk much, but when she does her voice is musical and gentle, never raising to a shout as it remains cool and nonchalant. She moved with fluid grace, and she carries the aroma of many herbs from working.  +
Averie Ashford +An athletic musculature on a wiry frame makes up the core of Averie. She has long, flaxen blonde hair that ends at mid-back, the tips slightly darker than the roots. Her cornflower blue eyes are a dominating feature of her face, fiercely angelic, but the thin slash of her mouth makes apparent the determined nature deep within. Her nose bridge is small, ending with a pert tip, and her face shape is a sensible oval.  +
Aviana Bertram +Aviana is a beautiful girl, with a full face, and cascading dark brown hair that seems to naturally curl. Hazel eyes, and her common serious look are often able to transfix those she watches. Standing at 5'3", she is not very tall but seems to be well built for her size and age. She's got well sculpted curves, in all the right places, giving her a serious, but mature, womanly figure.  +
Avita Seraceni +There is an air of mystery and intrigue about her fine features and smoldering amber gaze; a glint of mischief in those curious, attentive eyes that's easy to miss and hard to ignore all at once. The impish image cultivated there loses nothing in the coy curl of lips in suggestive smirk, or charming devil-may-care grin so commonly worn. Her skin is youthful perfection, the colour of over-creamed coffee, free from blemish of battle or sign of senescence, her cheeks rosy with a fetching blush of life. Her hair is a tumble of warmest black, loose curls that shine with a healthy luster until they meet their terminus just above the hip's swell, often decorated by precious metals and over-precious gems meant to catch the light and the eye alike. She is a graceful figure, tall and long of limb with the dignified stride of a dancer taking the stage, and a presence that suggests the show is about to begin.  +
Avovorinth Seraceni +Avovorinth is a very androgynous looking young man. He has long black hair with strands coming in as a deep and dark red. He has facial painting in red dye. Many consider him to be pretty, but with his cursed vision all he see's is a monstrous horror. He is a lithe and graceful person moving with precision and dexterity. Despite this he often twitches in a full bodied panic for moments at a time.  +
Axel Culler +Fair skinned and standing at about average height, Axel seems to be lean and fit enough to take care of himself on the streets, but not enough to impress anybody. His gray eyes, while not as piercing as the brighter shades, make up for it with the inquisitive gaze their owner usually holds, and his thick, striking eyebrows draw all the more attention to them, only adding to the effect. The right eye has a large scar going over it, starting from the edge of his hairline, all the way down to his cheek. The black hair of his beard is, generally, somewhat well-kept, unlike the messy ponytail that covers his head. His lips are somewhat thin and often curl into a curt smirk, instead of putting on a smile. Overall, his facial features are relatively simple, but when put all together, they make for a rather handsome individual.  +
Azhan Arrynfield +Set above his hawkish nose are a pair of large bright grey eyes that are narrowly-spaced from each other. His facial features are generally gaunt and spare, with high-set cheekbones that are accentuated by his thinness. Reaching the nape of his neck is wavy dark hair that looks to be ever tousled, completely covering his forehead. Thin lips stretch across this young man's face, and when revealed, his teeth are nearly neatly aligned with a little crowding on the bottom half. Holding his head aloft is a rather slender neck that shows a large Adam's apple jutting out. Long, wiry arms stretch out from his pinched-in shoulders, with his hands bearing calluses. He is of a severe thin frame, with his ribs poking out and most movements of his body showing tendons twitching or just bone. From his slender hips are a pair of tenuous legs, bearing enough strength to carry his weak body.  +
Azolla Nightgold +Soft ebony hair frames the young woman's heart-shaped face and it has been delicately braided with adornments of charms and beads. Dark lashes accent her emerald eyes and soft rosy skin. She has the frail frame of someone who suffered childhood illness. She moves with an alluring grace and is often times found undertaking some new artistic endeavor.  +
Azova Darkwater +There is a subtly elfin quality to Azova's features: high, thinly angled bones, with a delicate point to her chin and her nose a pert snub. Her hair is fine, too, a silky fall of amber, gossamer and straight. Her eyes are large and bright, a clear blue whose brilliance suggests sea and sky in the frame of thick, pale eyelashes. Her mouth is thin and pink, and the apples of her cheeks flush with some frequency due to the treachery of her fair, fair skin. Prone to alert, gazelle-like stillness, Azova can often be seen looking up and away, listening, before plunging into a dynamic flurry of activity, leading with swift certainty in her slim, long-fingered hands.  +
Babette Grayson +Red-gold hair has been swept back away from her face in a simple ponytail, allowing her large green eyes to take everything in. Her skin is pale from a lack of sunlight, likely due to spending hours in doors. She is of average height with an athletic build and a nearly ever-present smile on her face.  +
Baelor Keaton +A man of some height and strong bearing, Baelor isn't one to slouch in public. Coming from good Oathlands stock means he is burly and wide chested. But something skewed him and set him apart from his brethren, near platinum white blonde hair is pulled back from his face and wound at the nape of his neck. When he moves, there is a stiffness to him as if he hadn't made it free of his battles without his own share of injuries  +
Baelos Redrain +Baelos is unmistakably northern in features - fair skin, deep auburn hair, and clear blue eyes. He wears a full beard that is a deeper red than his hair, which disguises both a strong jaw line and his expression when it serves him. He often flashes a devil-may-care smile, which wins over both northern and southern alike. Tall and athletic, he moves with a self-confident bearing that borders on swagger.  +
Bahiya Mathali +There are no hard edges to Bahiya. Feminine and soft, she moves with a dancer's grace and economy of movement. Golden skin and abundant curves, with dark gray eyes and a mane of thick, dark brown hair, she is both dignified and inviting in her manner. Sightless eyes are sometimes unfocused when she shifts her attention, her expressive features are quick to light up with a smile, and her neutral expression one of warmth.  +