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Pages using the property "Personality"

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Kenna Acheron +Full warm, genuine smiles, a kindness to all and a desire to do good, Kenna Whitehawk is an idealist at heart. She's more likely to be found cheerfully looking for a solution than she is to give in to despair. She's youthful and energetic, but not quite to the point of buoyancy. She's bright, thoughtfully warm, and effervescent in her youthfulness.  +
Kenna Whitehawk +Full warm, genuine smiles, a kindness to all and a desire to do good, Kenna Whitehawk is an idealist at heart. She's more likely to be found cheerfully looking for a solution than she is to give in to despair. She's youthful and energetic, but not quite to the point of buoyancy. She's bright, thoughtfully warm, and effervescent in her youthfulness.  +
Kenrith Rylas +Kenrith is, to say the least, cheerful. He has an optimistic worldview, a predisposition to be joyful rather than sorrowful, plus he always seems to be able to find something to be happy about. He is quite sociable, willing to talk to whoever will listen to him, and in some cases maybe even those who don't want to hear him ramble on will be treated to a outpouring of pleasant and cordial chitchat. When working on one of his projects, he tends to become rather focused on whatever it is he is doing, often becoming distracted from whatever else may be around him. No matter what, quitting doesn't seem to be in Kenrith's nature. He perseveres through virtually anything, always trying his best to achieve success.  +
Kent Harthall +For Kent Harthall nobility is not simply a name for the class he belongs to but a description of behaviour he seeks to embody and expects of others. For him words like loyalty, honour, and duty mean a great deal. He is shrewd with money yet charitable, pious but not saintly, scholarly but not bookish. He is extremely committed to advancing the station of his house but he is also a man with his own goals and not unwilling to compromise his higher virtues to achieve them if the opportunity presented itself.  +
Kerr Deepwood +Fierce, passionate and a little dramatic, Kerr is driven by a need to excel. His ambition is to prove himself, past humble roots, past death and ruin. He has a cold streak born of angst, and a sardonic sense of humor that goes from gray to black. His personal strength and moral suasion are such that he tends to look down on people who need props to get by, be they drugs, alcohol, meaningless sex, prayer, whatever: his independence is too important to him. He has a deep egalitarian streak, but with that comes a strong sense of loyalty to the Deepwood March and their potential.  +
Kerr Redsteel +Fierce, passionate and a little dramatic, Kerr is driven by a need to excel. His ambition is to prove himself, past humble roots, past death and ruin. He has a cold streak born of angst, and a sardonic sense of humor that goes from gray to black. His personal strength and moral suasion are such that he tends to look down on people who need props to get by, be they drugs, alcohol, meaningless sex, prayer, whatever: his independence is too important to him. He has a deep egalitarian streak, but with that comes a strong sense of loyalty to the Deepwood March and their potential.  +
Keryeth Oudet +Cunning, adaptive, manipulative, ambitious, opportunistic, malicious when angered, loyal, maternal, compassionate, sensual, sensitive, frank yet tactful, hedonistic, adventurous, rebellious, awkward, and mannerly. Enjoys an argument or banter just for the sake of sparring wits. Egocentric but insecure.  +
Keyser Whitehart +Keyser is charm personified, warmth in human form, with just a dash of devilish wit for good measure. She's ready with a sharp quip when called for, but just as quick to help someone in need. To Keyser, the ends often justify the means, and she will go to great lengths to right a perceived wrong or save a tortured soul.  +
Khanne Halfshav +Khanne is one of those rare creatures that are entirely comfortable in their own skin. Whether her hair is upswept elegantly or flowing loose and wild, she carries herself with a certainty that makes others second guess themselves. She's hardly imposing however, and in fact is empathetic almost to a fault. Her smiles are for everyone, though that smile turns cold indeed if talk turns toward disparaging the Northlands or her deeply-held shamanistic beliefs. To those not charmed by her waifish demeanor, she can seem a bit eccentric, but such judgments don't seem to bother her at all.  +
Khari Ru'Taul +Khari is a quite woman. And rather cold and calculated too. She appears to lack any real sense of humor, and tends to bury herself in work. The lack of emotion on her face easily translates to her tone when speaking to people. Although she is quite dedicated to the Seraceni, she rarely shares anything about her work, and often less about her own self.  +
Kheun Harrow +Very shy when it comes to being around a group of people but she always has a welcoming smile. Kheun has a sweet way about her in the way that puts people at ease while in her presence. Always quick to make a friend and very personable, she is always ready to offer help. Kheun has a very big and kind heart that seems to shine even through tough times.  +
Khloe Ulbran +Life is hard. Life is unpredictable. Life is unfair -- all truths that any schmuck that calls the slums of the Lower Boroughs their home knows all too well, but few would dare translate the suck into something so fabulously chic that it becomes something all their own - and fewer still do it all as well as Khloe. Truly, she is a joyful little thing, and the list of things that can rain on her parade are few and far between. Instead, hers is a mission to bring light into a world so very dark, no matter what it takes.  +
Kia Cyrto'Ani +A woman who exudes innocence and curiosity. Smiles come easily to Kia's features, always finding a way to put her best foot forward. She is cunning and resourceful, but a bit naive and trusting. The way she speaks, with gentle intrigue, pulls trust from those who encounter her too. Whatever it takes to get the job done, Kia will find a way to do it. Fate, in her eyes, bends to her will.  +
Kiaaleia Waters +Kia'aleia is a plain spoken woman, and while talkative enough, communicates more by action or example. She is practical in outlook, and sometimes surprisingly honest. She is dedicated to her artisanship, be it her smithed works, her deft use of a blade, or some much needed advice. She places little value on flattery or form, instead respecting and sometimes showing unexpected kindness to those who try to earn their place. While she makes her living selling well made weapons and other items, she is peculiar about what can and cannot be bought.  +
Kiano Sanna +Some thing him to be all business or even downright scary with his focus on protecting those he cares for, if they have only seen him at official meetings and the like or in dangerous situations, but those who get to know him, will find a sense of humor, and quite a kind heart under his hardened exterier.  +
Kienna Commoner +Kienna has the wild, thrill-seeking heart of the northerners, but tempers that edge with a scholarly, bookish facade. In truth she hides her low birth behind a mask of refinement. She feels insecure about her youth and rank compared to many of the other lawyers, and pursues her cases with a ruthlessness one might not suspect by her size and demeanor. Keinna plays dirty, and loves every second of it.  +
Kiera Wyrmguard +Kiera is a scholar for certain, prizing knowledge greatly yet taking care to balance that search with adhering to the knightly virtues that the family is known for loyalty honor and truth. Not your typical shy bookworm, she has an affable social personally and is extremely trustworthy. This can be both an asset and liability in the treacherous waters of court, but she feels that where a shining jewel of truth is rare and knowledge used as a weapon it must be both sought and preserved. She is not however above holding a secret or bending the truth when lives depend on it. She is quite kind and lacks the hardline approach of inquisitor. If anything will be her undoing, it is her curiosity and zeal for adventure.  +
Kieran Redrain +Kieran strikes a balance between his two older siblings. Like his sister, Deva, he loves having the freedom to live life as he wants; however, unlikes his sister, he is a troublemaker through-and-through. He gladly adds grey hairs to the heads of friends and family. He manages to avoid much repercussion for his actions, though, because, like his brother, he always knows what to say and to whom. Kieran serves as a good companion to both of his siblings because of this. Deva and he can head out for a wild night on the town, and the next morning he can be with his brother comfortably engaging in the politics of court. In the end, though, he is always keeping an eye out for opportunities - for fun, for trouble, and for ways to advance his and his family's agendas.  +
Killian Ashford +Some might despair at times of ever getting Killian to take anything seriously, a mischevious and quick-witted nature his usual. Flirtatious and outgoing, he seems to have a knack for asking too many questions and being too interested in basically everything, especially if it sounds like an adventure.  +
Kima Saik +Kima is known as a fiery, passionate woman. Which is a polite way of saying that she chases after that which gives her pleasure with little regard to what others may think about it. It's not that she wilfully disregards such concepts as honor or loyalty, rather, for Kima, those things are much more fluid than they are to some others. By and large she is stalwart and dependable, just don't expect her to cleave to the traditional notions of chivalry.  +
Kincade Blanchard +Kincade is usually happy and willing to listen to anyone. He never rushes and always thinks through his decisions. Kincade is jovial and often will be found with a pint in his hand or a plate full of food nearby. However when it's time to be serious, when battle starts, or when someone he cares about is threatened Kincade is a centaur of man.  +
Kiral Unknown +Kiral is a rather solitary, but nonetheless courteous individual, he often seems rather distant and off in his head. This problem does not persist when celebrations are in order, though he does not do well speaking to groups of people. This can be helped with drink, or the right herb, or even the wrong one. A deeply spiritual individual, Kiral follows the Shamanistic practices of the north and thus can often be seen speaking in rather odd ways, sometimes having spells of altered states in which he communes (or at least believes he communes) with spirits, and they speak through him, or join with him and help him in battle, which can make him seem quite animalistic. He is a very instinctive individual, though not entirely an illogical one. Despite his curteous demeanour, he is not very socially aware and is rather blunt, and is honest to a fault. Despite this all, and his work as a mercenary, he holds a lot of good will for his fellow man and is very understanding of individual differences.  +
Klaus Laurent +Klaus is an amusing guy that takes shots at himself as much as other people. While he's generally pretty nice, his sense of humor tends to be dry and a touch sarcastic. He's a capable soldier, horseman and a decent diplomat with an even temperament and a penchant for thinking things through rather than going on gut hunches.  +
Klaus Thrax +Klaus is an amusing guy that takes shots at himself as much as other people. While he's generally pretty nice, his sense of humor tends to be dry and a touch sarcastic. He's a capable soldier, horseman and a decent diplomat with an even temperament and a penchant for thinking things through rather than going on gut hunches.  +
Konstantine Harrow +Konstantine has a rough exterior, being a relative hard case and rule stickler. Though that's only due to his deep care for the world around him. Konstantine's only goal is to live a long life serving Gloria, the Crown, and the Templars, as he swore to do, accepting any challenge that may lie in his path.  +