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Kanduo Enlau +An eager, outspoken, and lively character. Animated in every action he takes. Not a single amount of lethargy or fatigue resides in his motor-mouthed voice, spluttering and speaking with undue haste. He is jovial and almost overly-friendly. Despite this, however, he can oftentimes be crude, rash, ill-tempered and emotionally reactive.  +
Kanean Ironfoot +Kanean Ironfoot is a young man who has seen too much. Done too much. He must now make up for the sins of his father, Tuscak Ironfoot. He regrets his part in almost instigating war between the Oathlanders and the Abandoned Tribes. It's his sincere intent to serve under Count Athaur Rivenshari whom he's given his oath of fealty to. For a young man with so much darkness in his past, he still has hope and seeks the light.  +
Kara Voslage +Kara is a welcoming person if approached directly. She smiles easily, and seems always ready to make a new friend. Although good at hiding how she feels, her eyes are often an easy read. With a penchant for vanishing into the background if allowed, the blonde seems used to being by herself.  +
Karadoc Saik +Karadoc is a laid back, easy-going, and extremely likeable man. Few, if any, have ever seen him roused to anger, let alone annoyance. In fact, this care free attitude most often tends to engender annoyance in other people who seem to think he should experience emotions as they do. Like his parents, these people will oft find themselves disappointed.  +
Karadoc Tessere +Karadoc is a laid back, easy-going, and extremely likeable man. Few, if any, have ever seen him roused to anger, let alone annoyance. In fact, this care free attitude most often tends to engender annoyance in other people who seem to think he should experience emotions as they do. Like his parents, these people will oft find themselves disappointed.  +
Karak Crown +Rough, tight-fisted and reckless, but always appreciate a bit company. Karak is generally seen doing whatever, mumbling, never doing nothing when he's alone. He's more familiar when he isn't doing business, but courteous when dealing with his clients, also trying to keep a nice reputation and image. He almost never succombed to extreme emotions. His rough words sometimes ended up in a fight.  +
Karina Seabright +Karina is a creature of passions, and she shies from none of them. She defies the common image of introverted artist sketching in the corner, and is as charming as the most seasoned courtier when she wishes to be. Genuinely interested in those around her, she freely asks questions and can be engaged in conversation about the driest nuances of law and the most salacious gossip of court with equal enthusiasm. Her friendship when offered is fast and fierce, her loyalty stronger than iron, and her bad moods as damaging and uncontrolled as fire on dry wood.  +
Kasa Clearlake +Kasa's personality can be abrasive and intense at times. She doesn't like to be in the dark about things, and resents that others are smarter or swifter or stronger. Kasa's moral compass can be strongly affected by religion. Signs and omens are extremely important, and her emotions can swing on external stimuli. She is a very zealous woman, which can augment her mood. This can work for and against her. Cheerful and happy when things are good. Dark and grim when things are bad.  +
Kasinopi none +Better moving than standing, but scanning than watching, Kasinopi is a woman of few pauses. Despite her energetic nature there is a youthful shyness in larger crowds and around abrasive personalities. She's quick to intrigue and slow to mistrust, but easy to offend which isn't terribly hard to spot with her expressive nature. It's generally easy to pickup that the common girl has a fancy for the finer things, especially rare or unique things. She might not go 'oooo' but her widening eyes have a hungry excitement when presented with luxury.  +
Kassandra Marin +Kassandra is usually a very quiet and peaceful woman who has her nose in some research or another. She is apt to find a good corner to sit and people watch, observing the world around her...until she finds a mystery to solve. Then, the quiet mousy woman becomes a very determined woman who will stop at nothing until her curiosity is satisfied. It is this persuit of knowledge for the truth that makes her come alive.  +
Kastelon Keaton +He is a man of rare smiles, though he is not without humor. He is simply wary, and guarded, aware that attack might come at any time, often when least expected. Despite his proclivity towards gruffness, his is a generous heart, a protector of all things innocent. He would be the last to say he is a good man, but those that know him speak of his loyalty to family, to Compact and to the gods.  +
Katarina Al'Muraq-Sabbat +One would think a foreign princess so far removed from her home would be inclined to sulk and pout about her current lot in life, but that most certainly isn't so with Katarina. Quick to smile and slow to anger, she is one to disregard her own travesties and misfortunes to embrace positivity in all its forms around her; be it the delight of yet another small discovery in her time immersed in a culture so very different from her own or cresting the tumultous waves of the high seas on another explorative expedition, there is very little that can incite her ire. That being said, if there is one thing she cannot stand, it is one who shamelessly inflicts wrong-doing and injustice upon those undeserving.  +
Katarina Valardin +One would think a foreign princess so far removed from her home would be inclined to sulk and pout about her current lot in life, but that most certainly isn't so with Katarina. Quick to smile and slow to anger, she is one to disregard her own travesties and misfortunes to embrace positivity in all its forms around her; be it the delight of yet another small discovery in her time immersed in a culture so very different from her own or cresting the tumultous waves of the high seas on another explorative expedition, there is very little that can incite her ire. That being said, if there is one thing she cannot stand, it is one who shamelessly inflicts wrong-doing and injustice upon those undeserving.  +
Katarzyna Morgan +A light-hearted, breezy disposition marks Katarzyna as someone that is not easily settled in one place for very long. She is amiable and engaging yet there is a keen layer beneath the surface that cuts whenever she is provoked. Her sense of survival and independence keeps her from relying on those around her, and she is quite skilled at figuring out solutions on her own. There are times when she would rather suffer in silence than ask for help, which means there is a very stubborn and persistent side of her personality that rears its ugly head whenever she is frustrated or upset. She doesn't necessarily lash out when she is in a bad head space, but she does choose to be alone to avoid conflict. Whenever she is feeling nervous or anxious, she is nowhere to be found. Deep inside is a soul that yearns to be outdoors and on the road, and she feels most alive when she is not tethered to people or places.  +
Katherine Moore +Katherine is a clever, capable young woman, though at times may come across to others as superficial, interested most in frivolous pleasures and pastimes. Casual conversation is navigated with ease, though topics trending toward a deeper, more thought-provoking nature might lay bare her inexperience with life and all of its complexities. Still so young and uncomplicated; the burdens of Arvum have yet to weigh heavily upon those delicate shoulders. In due time, and with the right guidance, she may acquire the wisdom to discern which situations most require the proper amount of gravitas over imprudent levity. In spite of any such critique, this young woman commands a pleasant synthesis of a quick study, empathetic friend, and impish socialite, and carries herself with a languid poise expected a learned Peeress.  +
Katryn Blanchard +A list of priorities, by Katryn Blanchard: (1) FOR GLORIA! (2) FOR THE FAITH! (3) FOR PERSONAL HONOR! (4) everything else, I guess. Passion and verve, vivacity and drive: life defines Katryn, a buoyant wellspring of it, surging warm from the depths of her heart, undampened by reality. She loves, and she loves hard: glory, honor, the gods, the world, she _loves it_. She is not without an understanding of the darkness of the world, for she is a knight and a soldier first and foremost, and innocence dies quickly upon the battlefield. But she is a woman of dawn and hope, for whom victory _is_ the battle fought. A principled idealist with a warm strain of compassion and mercy well at hand, Katryn is stubbornly sunny, applying a considerable raw force of willpower to problems -- paired with a powerful imagination that has rarely failed her in situations where it became likely it was time to think 'outside the box'. Orthodox need not mean rigid, and Katryn is flexible about her thinking in ways she need not be flexible about her honor and morality, which are the bedrock on which all is raised.  +
Katya Grimhall +Approachable and friendly, there is a joyfulness to her that goes slightly against the grain of a typical Grimhall. But despite her outgoing, friendly demeanor she is just as capable of lapsing into thoughtful silences when she's got a puzzle to solve, or a knot to untangle. Openly curious she is unafraid to pick at things until she gets answers, or manages to irritate someone in the pursuit of those answers. Beneath the friendly curiosity, beyond the quiet inquisitiveness, there does lurk the more typical behavior of her family, but it tends to come out more in moments of intense stress than day to day life.  +
Kaya Unknown +A bit soft spoken and shy when you first meet her but once she starts talking you can not get her to stop. Those who know her well are a bit concerned if she falls a bit to quiet. She is known to be a bit distractible and some may call her a bit of daydreamer but when it matters her focus can be deadly. Not a girl to be underestimated. She is tough, strong and a force to be reckoned with.  +
Kedehern Fortier +At first glance, many people might assume Kedehern's a rather serious individual. Frankly, those people would be right. Those who take the time to know him however, soon realize that underneath the somewhat dour demeanor is a sense of humor that's just waiting to come out at the strangest times, as well as a warmth of spirit even if it's not often shown to just anyone.  +
Kedehern Laurent +At first glance, many people might assume Kedehern's a rather serious individual. Frankly, those people would be right. Those who take the time to know him however, soon realize that underneath the somewhat dour demeanor is a sense of humor that's just waiting to come out at the strangest times, as well as a warmth of spirit even if it's not often shown to just anyone.  +
Keely Grayson +Keely wants to think the best of everyone. Her gentle heart is sometimes undercut by awkward privilege - have you tried just not being poor? What if we just let the shav'arvani alone and asked them nicely to stop killing our trade caravans? - and a well-intentioned awkwardness that leads some of her tries at social excellence to be more dithery than not. She has high hopes and a tendency to expect a lot from herself, to which she often applies Capital Letters of Real Importance. Her worst enemy is her own embarrassment, over which she is determined to reign supreme ... somehow. Kind, hopeful, and full of fond wishes, she is excellent at finding way to like people, and it is this type of charisma that makes it easy to like her. Naturally inclined to introverted pursuits, she finds herself wishfully lurking at the corners of the ballroom, dreaming of being a woman for whom the splendor she loves comes easier.  +
Keely Keaton +Keely wants to think the best of everyone. Her gentle heart is sometimes undercut by awkward privilege - have you tried just not being poor? What if we just let the shav'arvani alone and asked them nicely to stop killing our trade caravans? - and a well-intentioned awkwardness that leads some of her tries at social excellence to be more dithery than not. She has high hopes and a tendency to expect a lot from herself, to which she often applies Capital Letters of Real Importance. Her worst enemy is her own embarrassment, over which she is determined to reign supreme ... somehow. Kind, hopeful, and full of fond wishes, she is excellent at finding way to like people, and it is this type of charisma that makes it easy to like her. Naturally inclined to introverted pursuits, she finds herself wishfully lurking at the corners of the ballroom, dreaming of being a woman for whom the splendor she loves comes easier.  +
Kendrick Keaton +Kendrick is kind, loyal, and honorable. He is unafraid of meeting new people and enjoys spending time among those close to him. While he is often seen with a relaxed tone, his personality is shadowed by a serious and unwavering will. When the situation calls for it, he can almost seem like a different person, taking control of the situation with his own hands.  +
Kenemir Crown +Kenemir is taciturn, gruff, and stern, but in a way that leaves perfectly obvious that he does ridiculous things like leave milk out for stray cats and sends mice and bugs outside rather than kill them. He can be impatient with people, but is capable of unrelenting focus in his craft. He is not charming, but he has a compelling force of personality.  +
Kenjay Redrain +Kenjay is one of those irritatingly comptent people, tending towards the cool, calm and collected on his own time. Laid-back and with very little to prove to anyone, he's a warm sort of person with an easy laugh and a bright smile. Self-assured and self-reliant, with the capacity to laugh at himself and the situations he finds himself in, he's loyal and conscientious. All that changes when he's in front of people. A natural showman, Kenjay knows how to play a crowd and play it well; he becomes a larger-than-life figure, one that may be cheered or booed but rarely goes ignored.  +