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Karadoc Saik +Karadoc was *that* son. The prodigy, the bright rising star. There was nothing his proud parents could not put before him that Karadoc could not grasp. Logic, history, arithmetic, religion, law - all of it - seen, appraised, and grasped with an aptitude that was stunning. The future was bright for Karadoc Saik. Was. To this day, his parents remain frustrated and baffled by their son's sudden drop off the proverbial cliff. At some point after returning from Southport and the two year training regimen there, Karadoc simply ceased to care...about anything. His invitation to attend to prestigious academy in Tor? Ignored. The various offers coming from Southport, those martial and intellectual? Declined. And, to this very day, his mother still cannot talk about the potential marriage contract used to catch cat vomit without flying into an apoplectic rage. He eventually left home one misty morning, disappearing for a few years before returning suddenly. During that time, Karadoc has less and little to say, though it is widely assumed amongst the family he lived as a half-starved vagrant. Nor did he remain home for long! Almost as soon as he settled in, his uncle the Baron, died. Then, but a few short months later, his cousin the Baron, died. Finally, his cousin the Baroness, summoned him to Arx. To the surprise of all, Karadoc accepted.  +
Karadoc Tessere +Karadoc was *that* son. The prodigy, the bright rising star. There was nothing his proud parents could not put before him that Karadoc could not grasp. Logic, history, arithmetic, religion, law - all of it - seen, appraised, and grasped with an aptitude that was stunning. The future was bright for Karadoc Saik. Was. To this day, his parents remain frustrated and baffled by their son's sudden drop off the proverbial cliff. At some point after returning from Southport and the two year training regimen there, Karadoc simply ceased to care...about anything. His invitation to attend to prestigious academy in Tor? Ignored. The various offers coming from Southport, those martial and intellectual? Declined. And, to this very day, his mother still cannot talk about the potential marriage contract used to catch cat vomit without flying into an apoplectic rage. He eventually left home one misty morning, disappearing for a few years before returning suddenly. During that time, Karadoc has less and little to say, though it is widely assumed amongst the family he lived as a half-starved vagrant. Nor did he remain home for long! Almost as soon as he settled in, his uncle the Baron, died. Then, but a few short months later, his cousin the Baron, died. Finally, his cousin the Baroness, summoned him to Arx. To the surprise of all, Karadoc accepted.  +
Karak Crown +From a family of hunter, son of a huntsman and a merchant, Karak was a child educated to follow the family tradition, always helping his father with making arrows and butchering. Karak also spent a lot of time time training shooting bows. Except one day, Karak's father died after an hog charged him, wounding him mortally, his mother died soon enough, with nothing to sell. Karak, in his teenage years continued the family tradition, living as an hermit. Days after days, his thirst for gold, and jealousy towards nobility made him become a mercenary, he's now roaming in these lands, looking for work.  +
Karina Seabright +Karina Seabright is the youngest in a family of four, with two older brothers and an older sister. Her father Pyotr is one of House Grimhall's most steadfast naval captains, having commanded a medium sized fleet from Grihem's Point for most of his career. Her mother was Dolores Grimsea, the younger sister of Anneke Grimhall nee Grimsea, the wife of the future Duke Harald's. Unfortunately, Karina's mother Dolores managed to run afoul of the tyrannical former Duke Eugine Grimhall over a minor slight, who pressured her to marry Pyotr under threat of attainting and utterly destroying the Grimseas if she did not comply, but Duke Eugine's cruelty was undermined by the fact that Dolores and Pytor had long been fond of one another and she was not particularly troubled by losing her noble title. No childhood in the Mourning Isles is idyllic, the threat from pirates constant even during times of relative peace, yet Karina's came close. Though she missed her father when he was away keeping Grimhall waters safe, he always came home, and in her younger years, she would be the first one running down the docks to meet him. Her family was as traditionalist as any in Grihem's Point, though they kept only two thralls, a married couple with small war debts that were paid off within half a decade. They chose to stay on, and thus Karina's experience with the practice was that of family and warm memories. Such traditionalism may have meant the young woman aspiring to wed a worthy warrior, bear sons, and little else, yet Karina was indulged with more. Oh, Pyotr would have put his foot down hard had she asked to train with the fleet, or taken up a blade for the Legion, yet she yearned for neither. What she craved was art, and the girl had a gift for it. From the age of five when she was given her first set of charcoal pencils and a pot of paints by a doting salt parent she was drawing realistic images of the world around her. Landscapes of such quality that one imagined walking right into the canvas, and portraits that could capture the very essence of who sat for them. Many claimed her touched by Jayus, for by her teen years her work began to eclipse those with lifetimes of training and experience. As her artistic skills progressed (and as her parents' marriage cooled), her parental bond seemed to shift from father to mother. Granted, it may not have been entirely by choice. The more promise Karina that showed, the more intent Dolores became on shaping her directly. By the time Karina was sixteen, Dolores was devoting the majority of her time to her youngest, becoming Karina's most constant companion and pushing her at all times to excel. Opposition to this rigorous lifestyle came not from her father, who was spending more and more time away, but from a local of Karina's age, Yvgeny Saltcliffe: a commoner of no renown, average ability, and a relaxed take on life. And he was as wildly in love with Karina as she was with him. The more time that she spent with Yvgeny, the more her studies faltered, but her happiness was self-evident. Everyone expected to see them grow old together. At the start of the Gyre conflict, however, they appeared to fall out, and Yvgeny was last seen shipping off to join the fight, his vessel one of many that sank to the bottom of the sea off the coast of Setarco. After Yvgeny's death, Karina withdrew. Friends stopped coming by, and the extended family stopped asking for news of her when it was always the same: she was painting. Wandering. Uncharacteristically quiet. Alert and gregarious in all previous years, the young woman would now hover at the periphery of gatherings like a ghost. Eventually, Karina was sent away from Grihem's Point to the mainland, accompanied by the written request of the Admiral that House Grimhall take her on as a lady-in-waiting to the Duke's son's new wife, Vanora. The claim was that only in Arx could Karina find teachers whose artistic skills she had not already surpassed, and while this may have been true, it was also self-evident that something had to change. Still, all agree that since the loss of her beloved, her art has moved from exceptional to masterpiece.  +
Kasa Clearlake +Kasa has grown up heavily influenced by whatever the Shamans taught or offered. Growing up in mountainous regions was a hard life, especially when the foe was other clans or the Compact. Kasa never had the knack of actually becoming a Shaman, but still holds them in very high regard. So while she couldn't become one (honestly, she was never suited), she became their biggest fangirl. She defended the religious beliefs so strongly through a foul tongue or bruised knuckles that she naturally became a person who found fulfillment in leaving a mark physically rather than spiritually. She's been good at getting into a scrap and whipping up the emotions of others. When Kritr was shown to be the kind of man she could really get wide eyed and fervent about, she offered her sword arm as quickly as she could, no matter where his travels took him. When Kritr was off on a new path to Arx, she was the zealous hound that followed closely at his heels.  +
Kasinopi none +Kasinopi was born in the Whitehold lands of the North where the snow never really melts and sometimes it can feel as if things are unchanging and frozen in time. She was born in the main holding Whitehold and as such she has as urban an upbringing as one might expect from a northerner. She saw markets with southern merchants and wrote her White Journals every week despite the shamanism that still lingered within Halfshav lands. In truth Shamanism seemed old hat to Kasinopi, they've been doing it forever and nothing ever felt like it changed. She liked the Pantheon especially Vellichor, Lagoma, and Gild. Why? Well the young Kasinopi would tell her parents frequently Vellichor is for knowing where you've been and what you've done so you can be excited about where you're going. Lagoma is about change and progress which is what she wished for the most in the world. Gild was easy, who doesn't enjoy kindness and luxury. In her early years she managed to get into the Halfshav Household as part of an effort for the family to ensure they had plenty of members of the Faith on staff. No one wanted to seem anti-Faith right? So Kasinopi began in the laundry and got to see the finery the nobility got to live in, even if she was just washing them. From there she moved from the laundry to Housekeeping attending to young Lords and Ladies rooms while they were with their tutors and the like. She often compared her childhood to theirs and wondered what things could have been like if she'd had such nice toys and interesting stories told to her. Eventually she reached a position within the house through dogged determination and maybe a bit of luck where she was sent to Arx to serve the main branch of the family at the Halfshav Hall in the Redrain ward. She's heard she's assigned to the Sword of Whitehold but really she hopes to prove she's above all that housekeeping busywork and she has just the plan to make it happen.  +
Kassandra Marin +Kassandra is the middle daughter of a merchant. She is not a great beauty like her elder sister, nor is she a charmer like her younger sister. As a child, she was left to her own devices and she found the world in books to be more her preference than the 'real world'. She is a voracious reader, soaking knowledge like a sponge. When she was of the appropriate age, she was was married to a neighborhood boy who was a soldier He died in battle before they could conceive a child. In her grief, Kass returned to the comfort of books and learning. It was in reading that she found her first mystery to solve. Just a blank page where none should be. The persuit of what should have been there brought her out of her corner to try to find an answer. She discovered that she likes mysteries.  +
Kastelon Keaton +Born a distant cousin to the ruling branch of the Keaton family, Kastelon never considered the necessity for all the political niceties and simply focused on the good, honest work of keeping the people of Oakhaven safe. He easily took up the skills of a Huntsman, efficient with both sword and bow, trained to walk stealthily through forest and field. He was good at his work, and soon found himself in need of a challenge. So it was that he began hunting more dangerous game. Not just bandits and poachers, but the creatures found deep in the woods, the sources of rumor, of legend and myth. Mostly he finds really angry, really messed up bears. Sometimes he finds things he'd rather not speak of. After a particularly difficult mission, he has decided that he's earned himself a bit of a rest and a chance to recuperate with his family in Arx.  +
Katarina Al'Muraq-Sabbat +It's quite the tale how Princess Katarina Al'Muraq-Sabbat managed to find herself in the position of a ward of the ruling family of the Oathlands, who have been nothing but gracious hosts since that faithful day she quite literally made an explosive debut upon their shores after being outnumbered one Eurusi vessel against two pirated 'Arvani ships. The youngest born daughter of the King of the Dune Kingdom of Suj'Abbat, Katarina was raised amidst the strife and inner turmoil of a territory struggling to turn itself around after a violent usurping of the previous royal family saw her own crowned with new authority. It was a tumultuous and dangerous time for much of her young life, but one only perceived from behind gilded walls and the sanctum of a heavily-guarded compound. The suffering and maltreatment of the commoners subject to the mercurial whim of the Magisters of the Mirror incited a desire for peace and change, but beget a restless fervor and frustration when it was not to be done so by her hands. It was such desires to do good upon others beneath her station that saw her absconding away in the cover of night to seek foreign lands west, though what drove her to do so and her life before are not often spoke of, if at all. After losing nearly half of her skeletal crew left wearied from such a long and arduous voyage, it was with quick wit and gracefully outmaneuvering them through an outcropping of treacherous rock that one ship was taken down before she herself wrecked and off-loaded with her surviving members in a rickety rowboat and fled to shore where she encountered a war party headed by Princess Alis Valardin returning from an expedition. Held at sword point (or spiked flail in this case), it was a peaceful exchange that saw her an unexpected plus one along to the City of Sanctum where she would find herself the recipient of gracious hospitality, insofaras the Highlord took her in as a royal ward under his protection. It's been naught but a few short months since that faithful day, and to say that her time spent in exploration of the distant continent of Arvum has been anything but eventful has been spent learning of new customs and repaying the kindness shown to her while she adjusts to her life as an Arxian.  +
Katarina Valardin +The daughter of the last true and current Suj'Abbati ruler, Katarina was born amidst the turmoil and upheaval of an entire kingdom still reeling from the aftermath of a failed attempt to usurp the throne that left many of her kin slain, and many more taken by the Magisters of the Mirror in the months to come for retribution of their crimes against the throne. Hers was thusly a childhood spent confined behind gilded walls of the palace, where her days were seldom spent beyond the watchful eye of the few entrusted with her care.  +
Katarzyna Morgan +Born into a commoner family that has a long history of serving House Valardin, Katarzyna (pronounced: kah-tah-SZIH-nah) (which is often too difficult for people to pronounce, so she also goes by Kat or Kitty) had a decent upbringing as the youngest in a brood of four children. She grew up as the only daughter in her immediate family which meant that her brothers' footsteps were quite large for her to follow. Living close to aunts and uncles also meant that Katarzyna had the chance to grow up alongside her cousins where she learned an array of skills thanks to their passions and interests. It's also how she discovered that her place was to be in the medical field. Her brothers always had need of bandages or medicinal tinctures, and more than once she had to help apply salve to her cousin Holden's bruises, or clean Aleksei's knicks from a blade, or concoct a remedy for Briseis's headaches, or help ease the stomach pains of those that ingested some of Warrick's confections. It was a calling, her mother said. Katarzyna was meant to help people. She apprenticed with physicians as soon as she turned the proper age to begin medical studies. As an apprentice, she excelled and showed promise with her attention to detail and calm demeanor under pressure. Physicians often called upon her to assist with procedures when they felt that she was ready to do more than observe, which was more often than not. She was always eager to do rather than watch. When she became a full fledged physician, Katarzyna was sent to a southern duchy to work alongside a local Mercy. The pair ended up traveling to surrounding counties and baronies to visit those that had need of medical attention and treatment. Katarzyna learned the ways of the road as she traveled and embraced with gratitude her ability to practice medicine while seeing the diverse regions of Arvum. She did this for a handful of years until the battle at Stormwall drew her north where she served as a medic and then served again when crisis struck the Lodge of Petrichor. Having since returned to a 'quiet' life on the road, recent news led her back to the city of Arx where she now hopes to find purpose helping those in need.  +
Katherine Moore +Growing up, Katherine never really wanted for anything, for life lived among her Fidante relatives was, in a word, baroque. As an only child born of a union between Dario and Aela Moore, it was to be expected that she should enjoy not only all the luxuries afforded to the sole recipient of parental affection, but also those inherited by her aristocratic station. Had she a single complaint, it was likely inconsequential in nature. That is, until the day of her father's untimely passing. The manner of Dario's death was regarded as suspicious by his wife, though a lack of convincing physical evidence and a clear motive failed to prompt further inquiry into the matter. It was ultimately ruled an accident. Aela unraveled in the wake of her husband's demise, growing paranoid and emotionally unsound, and ultimately clashed with the Fidante family when it was clear they disagreed with her assessment that Dario's accident was no accident at all. This great divide in opinions stoked discord, and resulted in Aela's unilateral estrangement with everyone around her, including her daughter. After many unsuccessful attempts to mend the relationship, Katherine resigned herself to the reality that her mother was a lost cause and began to cultivate a sense of self-reliance and confidence that had, up until that point, remained underdeveloped. Some months later, when Katherine was only twelve years old, Aela returned home to live among her own family in the Oathlands, leaving her daughter behind to be cared for by her cousins. However hurtful the departure, it was still a preferable arrangement to Katherine to remain in Tor. After all, she had that point maintained only light, casual discourse with her Moore relatives, and had no desire to give up a bustling city for a rural countryside. The years passed by, and Katherine moved forward with her life. She completed courtier school, and even spent a short stint as a member of the Bard's College to cultivate skills that might compliment her natural aptitude for music. Everything was going perfectly well, though her thoughts often drifted toward her mother. The only way she remained informed on Aela's wellbeing was through her Moore cousins; a letter here and there detailing her health and status. After each successive update, Katherine would feel the sharp pangs of abandonment, but never allowed herself to dwell upon it for very long. Katherine had just celebrated her eighteenth birthday when stories circulated about destruction of Acorn Hill and the Moore family massacre. She learned some weeks later that Aela Moore was named among the deceased. The news jolted Katherine to her core, and resulted in a period of agitation wherein she desperately filled her days and nights with distracting social events: parties, masques, plays, anything that could keep her mind off this new source of distress. For the first time in her life, she was unable to simply will away the pain. In time, she put an end to all avoidance and allowed herself to grieve, not only for her mother's violent death, but for having her opportunity for reconciliation abruptly stolen away. In the immediate aftermath, Katherine developed a budding interest in her distant Moore family, and what legacy they left behind in their wake. Perhaps, she thought, learning about their lives might bring her some much needed closure. A letter was sent to Marquis Kael Keaton to request an audience, and, when the reply contained within a polite invitation, Katherine packed her bags, kissed her cousins goodbye, and left for Oakhaven, not knowing when she might return. She could have never known what might be revealed by making such a visit: the knowledge that she is the last Moore alive who might consider pressing a claim for the Barony of Acorn Hill, and that the Keatons might even be inclined to grant it to her.  +
Katryn Blanchard +Song and story, legend and hymn: what makes a knight in the Oathlands grin? Prayer and focus, derring and do, she raises her spear and charges true! Raised as a daughter of a cadet branch of the Blanchard family, Katryn had few marital ambitions, even though they were to what she ought to have been born. Though her duty was to her family, even as a very young girl, she embraced legend and tale, dreaming of paladins. Boldness was her favored trait in the heroes she worshipped, but not only bravery but the panoply and pomp of knighthood. Parades lured her whenever there was one, and whenever she could wheedle campaign tales from soldiers and cavalrymen around the holding, she would carefully sit by the fire and illustrate them with colored ink and paper, her imagination free-wheeling far beyond the truth of the matter into the fantastic. The embrace of religion need not be the embrace of dourness. There is a beauty in service, and a wondrous inspiration that can come of serving something greater than you are, and it was these that drew Katryn to the Church. It was a sad parting, from her family, but not an unexpected one, for her many hours at prayer and illustration were consistent, and any ambitions her family might have had to make an advantageous match were thwarted by the driven passion of Katryn's own will. As a young templar, she cut her teeth in conflicts with the Shav'Arvani, and the glowing pennants of her optimism were cut with the shade of reality; in her years of service since she has taken her oath, she has come to understand the darker side of war, the parts of the story soaked in blood and sorrow. But never has she lost the glamour of the knight, nor the brilliance of her dreams of Gloria. Story and legend, power and song, how does a Templar right what's wrong? Faith and fierceness, honor beheld, she stands and fights til the enemy's felled.  +
Katya Grimhall +The rebelliousness of her sister didn't just begin and end with Cordelia, but because Cordelia was so much more unpredictable and blatant about it a lot of Katya's behavoir was able to slide beneath the notice of the rest. There was still attention paid to her lessons, she rarely escaped and ruined a dress, and she never once back-talked an adult. It was far more quiet, her rebellion. While everyone was focused on her sister she would find books to read that tutors always told her were not proper books for a young lady to be reading, or that she wasn't old enough for them. Subject matters of war, economics, records of religion, the occult. It didn't matter what subject matter was available, if she could get her hands on it, she went out of her way to read it. To learn everything. By the time her sister had run away she had read everything available at home, and begun bargaining with those that came through Grihem's Point to bring her new books to read. Then one day, much like her sister, she stepped onto the deck of one of those ships and sailed away. Unlike her sister she never got caught and drug back home, simply left alone to travel and explore. It could possibly be the fact that her father was just busy with other things, and then there was the messy business of treason and abdication, then death. It was a very good reason to stay gone for as long as she did. During her time gone she'd remained in casual contact with family, sending letters to let them know where she was, or what she'd seen. Supposedly she was near the events that had recently been happening in the waters around the islands, both the Mourning Isles and Saffron Chain, at least the ship that she was last reported to have been on was sighted during those times. But for whatever reason she's recently decided that it's time to set foot in Arx and rejoin her family properly.  +
Kaya Unknown +Growing up in the lowers alone with no familly as a girl who was always a bit small, she had two options get tough or die. From a very young age it was obvious there was more to Kaya than meet the eye. Never letting her size hold her back she grew up tough and basically did whatever it took to survive. Where life will take her now that she has grown, who knows.  +
Kedehern Fortier +Kedehern was born the youngest son of the now deceased Duke Acel Laurent. When his father died, his brother Edmund, sent him to the Redmarches to be fostered with the Telmar. The boy was considered a sweet, shy youth by most of his family when he left Artshall for the Telmarch. Duke Arn's armsmen spent much of his formative years training it out of the boy, at least on the surface. Once he was old enough, he earned his knighthood in the Red Mountains, fighting against the Abandoned. When the Silent War came, he was in the field taking arms against Brand's forces. Later, he spent his time in the Oathlands, rooting out insurgents when the call to arms sounded for the Gyre War, and he found himself on the walls in Setarco. And then again in the thick of things during the troubling affair with the Lodge of Petrichor. When rumors of an insurgent house making war on his family's duchy began to surface, he found himself in Arx looking to make himself useful once more.  +
Kedehern Laurent +Kedehern was born the youngest son of the now deceased Duke Acel Laurent. When his father died, his brother Edmund, sent him to the Redmarches to be fostered with the Telmar. The boy was considered a sweet, shy youth by most of his family when he left Artshall for the Telmarch. Duke Arn's armsmen spent much of his formative years training it out of the boy, at least on the surface. Once he was old enough, he earned his knighthood in the Red Mountains, fighting against the Abandoned. When the Silent War came, he was in the field taking arms against Brand's forces. Later, he spent his time in the Oathlands, rooting out insurgents when the call to arms sounded for the Gyre War, and he found himself on the walls in Setarco. And then again in the thick of things during the troubling affair with the Lodge of Petrichor. When rumors of an insurgent house making war on his family's duchy began to surface, he found himself in Arx looking to make himself useful once more.  +
Keely Grayson +A young princess flowering in a well-tended garden, Keely is cursed by little more dire than a preponderance of sisters. Well-educated in the palatial family estate at Bastion, Keely grew up a wistful child, dreaming of a different kind of _more_ than the kind that might populate the dreams of those without her advantages. A quiet life is not a Grayson direction, and Keely always found some of her more adventuresome siblings honestly more worrying than not. When her older sisters removed to Arx to make their way in a world that embraced their heritage, Keely stayed home, studying with the seraph of Bastion and learning about different dances and the history of her House, all the while her elder sister, Liara, rose to the challenge that House Grayson had to offer her and accepted the mantle of High Lady from His Majesty. When Keely set forth for Arx, it was as a sheltered, privileged girl, hoping to reach for womanhood in a capital city full of the shades of reality that she never really saw before beyond her garden walls. She wishes to grow into the kind of powerful woman who dominates a dance floor, a courtier of Renown and Poise. Up until now, she has not been great at Poise. A young girl with powerful and diverse sisters, she has always been shadowed by their accomplishments, but one day, perhaps she shall grow into something fantastic in her own right.  +
Keely Keaton +A young princess flowering in a well-tended garden, Keely's childhood was cursed by little more dire than a preponderance of sisters. Well-educated in the palatial family estate at Bastion, Keely grew up a wistful child, dreaming of a different kind of -more- than the kind that might populate the dreams of those without her advantages. A quiet life is not a Grayson direction, and Keely always found her more adventuresome siblings honestly more worrying than not. When her older sisters removed to Arx to make their way in a world that embraced their heritage, Keely stayed home, studying with the seraph of Bastion and learning about different dances and the history of her House, all the while her elder sister, Liara, rose to the challenge that House Grayson had to offer her and accepted the mantle of High Lady from His Majesty. When Keely set forth for Arx, it was as a sheltered, privileged girl, hoping to reach for womanhood in a capital city full of the shades of reality that she never really saw before beyond her garden walls. She wished to grow into the kind of powerful woman who dominates a dance floor, a courtier of Renown and Poise. A young woman with powerful and diverse sisters, she had always felt shadowed by their prolific and profound accomplishments. However, since her arrival to the capital, Keely has undergone remarkable growth, embracing the tapestry of the city and its inhabitants. Deep wells of empathy have been unearthed within her, allowing her to forge unbreakable bonds with the diverse souls she encounters, and her unwavering compassion has become her trademark. Now, united in matrimony with Oathlander Marquis Kael Keaton, Keely stands as the Marquessa-Consort of Oakhaven, embarking on a new adventure by her husband's side. Together, they lead and protect their people, embracing the challenges and joys that come with their noble duty. Keely's journey of growth and self-discovery is far from over, as she continues to learn, evolve, and unravel the depths of her own potential in the ever-unfolding world at her feet.  +
Kendrick Keaton +A brother of Kastelon, Kendrick joined him in helping protect the people of Oakhaven. While he was inclined to become a huntsman alongside him, he quickly noticed the difference between him and his sibling. He realized that he would be an ideal fit for a Knight - the strength of arm and personality that were required were clearly found in him. Growing up with his brother, they diverged paths, with Kendrick realizing he had a different plan to serve the Keaton family, and the Compact at large. As a young adult, he serves House Keaton, protecting Oakhaven with his martial prowess, obtained through years of training. He continues to grow in strength, hoping to achieve his goal of obtaining Knighthood.  +
Kenemir Crown +Kenemir is too old to have any illusions about his place in the world. He has outlived his wife, his children, and his family who have fallen to the ills of poverty and time; his closest brush with wealth and prestige came with the patronage of a Tyde noble. That ended with the rebellion, and it's taken him some time to work himself out from beneath the shadow of association. He has built his craft slowly, steadily across the decades of his life, and seeks now to leave behind a legacy.  +
Kenjay Redrain +Kenjay's life was normal - well, as normal as life ever gets for a Prince of House Redrain - up until he was ten years old or thereabouts. He was travelling with his parents when the caravan got attacked, and despite House Redrain's best efforts the survivors were never recovered. Sold to the Eurusi, Kenjay was brought across the ocean to Skal'daja. The spirited boy caught the eye of a trainer, and he was sold to a gladiator school. At first he fetched and carried, but as time went by and he grew towards manhood, he became a gladiator himself. And he excelled at it. After fifteen years in the arena and victory after victory, Kenjay was bought by the royal family of Skal'daja. Now, when he wasn't training, he was guarding. The life of a renowned gladiator had been a good one, for a slave; the life of a royal guard was better. And then, when he was given as a birthday present to one woman four years ago, life got even better than that. Bahiya was a kind and generous owner, and when she had the chance to go to Arvum in the service of the Crown Prince of Skal'daja, she brought him with her - and freed him when they set foot on Arvani soil.  +
Kenna Acheron +Kenna Whitehawk was born Kenna Mercier to Jerome Mercier and his wife Helen-- their youngest daughter. She has three older siblings-- Delilah, Gaius, and Evonleigh. Growing up she was close with her siblings but she idolized her cousin Silas, who became a knight! And then later joined the Iron Guard and became THE LORD COMMANDER! So, of course, when he was made a baron on her Eighteenth birthday (the 27th of April in 1006!) she decided to join him as a member of his new family, becoming Lady Kenna Whitehawk! Being the scion of a rich merchant family she had a rather easy and happy childhood. It's left her with a bit of softness-- a little baby fat on her form still, and a certain gentleness of nature. She's kind and generous and has yet to truly come to any hardships. She did not understand the rift between Grayson and Lazarus and Mercier, but she was excited by the idea of becoming a Lady and trying to use that station to do some good! She's also had an interest in joining the Iron Guard since she was little. Now that she's an adult she's looking to join up and become an investigator for the Iron Guard! (Nevermind that investigating is more of an Inquisition thing, she wants to join the Iron Guard like her cousin!)  +
Kenna Whitehawk +Kenna Whitehawk was born Kenna Mercier to Jerome Mercier and his wife Helen-- their youngest daughter. She has three older siblings-- Delilah, Gaius, and Evonleigh. Growing up she was close with her siblings but she idolized her cousin Silas, who became a knight! And then later joined the Iron Guard and became THE LORD COMMANDER! So, of course, when he was made a baron on her Eighteenth birthday (the 27th of April in 1006!) she decided to join him as a member of his new family, becoming Lady Kenna Whitehawk! Being the scion of a rich merchant family she had a rather easy and happy childhood. It's left her with a bit of softness-- a little baby fat on her form still, and a certain gentleness of nature. She's kind and generous and has yet to truly come to any hardships. She did not understand the rift between Grayson and Lazarus and Mercier, but she was excited by the idea of becoming a Lady and trying to use that station to do some good! She's also had an interest in joining the Iron Guard since she was little. Now that she's an adult she's looking to join up and become an investigator for the Iron Guard! (Nevermind that investigating is more of an Inquisition thing, she wants to join the Iron Guard like her cousin!)  +
Kenrith Rylas +Kenrith had somewhat of a rocky beginning in life, to say the least. From birth onwards he was often falling ill, being rather sickly in nature. For this reason, he found himself staying home more often than not, wanting to keep to himself and try his best to recover. Yet, for this very same reason, Kenrith also steadily began to develop what he believes is his calling in life. During his childhood, when he would spend more time recuperating in bed compared to studying, he would have frequent visits from doctors. Of course, their attempts would usually be successful only then to have Kenrith fall ill again, but that was beside the point. Kenrith was blessed with a first-hand view of the tools of the trade these people used to cure others, to help them defeat their ailments. For this reason, growing up, Kenrith was enamored with the pursuit of medicine, albeit with his own twist. Compared to the practicality of bandages, Kenrith favored the bold and unexplored world of alchemy. After all, why try to stem the bleeding from outside, when he could potentially discover an elixir that would cure his bleeding? With this perspective, Kenrith honed his talents further and further, focusing himself to become better at creating concoctions, those that would most often benefit others.  +