Imogene Seraceni

Revision as of 12:05, 16 February 2020 by Arxbot (talk | contribs)

Imogene Seraceni
Social Rank 4
Fealty Pravus
House Seraceni
Gender Female
Age 23
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Noble
Height 5'10"
Hair Color Dark Chestnut
Eye Color Indigo
Skintone Fair
Authored By / Featured In


Imogene would be called adorable if she weren't so tall, statuesque if her essential demeanor weren't so mischievously elfin. Lacking all but the least hint of feminine curvature, her quirky beauty comes from the animation of her face and form and the liveliness of her deep violet-blue eyes. Imogene has an ineffable sparkle that lights up everything about her. It may come out as a twinkle of merriment, a glint of cool calculation, or the radiant flame of temper, but it's always there, ready to shine. Her crowning glory is her lustrous hair, so deep a shade of chestnut that it can appear almost black, the burnished waves seeming to glow like the rest of her with an inner fire.

{w({nHer dark chestnut hair is worn up and arranged in a tucked bun at the nape of her neck.{w){n


Irrepressible: that might be the first word to come to mind when thinking of Imogene. Irrepressible energy, irrepressible mirth, irrepressible temper, irrepressible volubility -- it's all so easily seen on Imogene's surface that it's perhaps understandable if people tend to accept her at face value, to readily believe that just what she looks to be, she is. But beneath that flighty exterior, concealed behind the sparkle of her eyes, there is a thoughtfulness, a shrewdness even; a hint of mystery. She can give off an air of the most exquisite elegance and grace when she puts her mind to it, and she's capable of surprising people with both words and deeds, to the point where no one can say just why she does what she does sometimes. Which gave rise to the second word of her reputation: unpredictable.


Of the many unexpected things that Imogene has done in her life, the least expected of all was being born in the first place. Her parents were both in the autumn years of their life, the youngest of their children nearly grown, and everyone thought it was well past the point at which any additional offspring might be expected. And then, in spite of it all, there was Imogene.