Zakariah Halfthorne

Zakariah Halfthorne
Social Rank 7
Fealty Crownsworn
"Crownsworn" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Halfthorne
Gender Male
Age 19
Religion Shamanism
Vocation Knight
Height 5'6"
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Green
Skintone Ivory
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Lithe and energetic in gait, Zakariah is youth personified. Often 20 steps ahead of those he's "following," his golden hair and ivory skin shine under the sun. Zakariah's long slender limbs deceive one into underestimating the youthful strength and vigor held within his body. Somewhat short he often has to climb onto others shoulders to see.


Zakariah is a kind and gentle yet fierce and loyal squire of Prince Puffycheeks. Dedicated to the protection of all small prey animals. He is extremely tender and affectionate toward those he is sworn to defend, a duty he takes seriously often risking himself for a single mouse or facing a wolf pack to defend a squirrel family. One flaw he possesses is a tendency to rashly lash out against those who prey on the weak and or defenseless, making him somewhat of a nuisance to the more morally ambitious nobles and the criminal elements in Arx.


Zakariah Halfthorne is a young squire to Prince Puffycheeks, a royal squirrel. At least this is what Zakariah claims. Most suspect he is just a young lad with an active imagination, and a surprising amount of skill with a blade. He also does have a unique relationship with a squirrel and in fact many other animals. Despite these fantastic claims he is a pleasant and well mannered young man many consider to be charming and handsome.