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A list of all pages that have property "Background" with value "Firstborn of Osmond Nightgold, Mydas' arrival in the world was celebrate". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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  • Wash Kennex  + (Expectation weighs heavily even on the lan
    Expectation weighs heavily even on the landless scions of lesser lines of the Grayson family, but expectation without direction is a cocktail that deadens the bravest heart. As a boy, Washburn hated all his lessons and escaped them by passive resistance as much as possible. As a young man, the burdens of rank made him surly and depressed and a burden on his house. In his manic phases, he self-medicated with wine and occasional outbursts of near-violent passion and almost-deaths in hunting accidents. In his depressive phases, he slept for whole days at a time or funked out of training until a stalwart man at arms forced him into an icewater bath. In short, Washburn was a handful: a prince who didn't want to be a prince, who dared scandal at every turn. He drank too much, he engaged in extreme sports - boar hunting! cliff climbing! whatever he could get into. He flirted daringly with throwing it all off and becoming Crownsworn. Yet he never quite took the plunge. His turning point was the lure of the salt. Washburn met Lady Catalana Kennex at the height of a fever pitch manic phase and threw himself into maniac pursuit of her. Their passionate affair was the talk of the capital. After several months of intense passion, Washburn knew what he wanted for the rest of life, and stowed away on the transport ship as she and her family sailed back to Stormward. The results of this were twofold: he was discovered a day out of port and put to willingly to work by her family's crew as a ship's hand as punishment for his stolen passage, and he discovered a hitherto unknown love of the ocean, which dazzled all his senses. Washburn was desperate for this life. He proposed to Catalana. Stormward offered Bastion a contract that would have made Catalana a Princess of Grayson, and all the arrangements were made, but Washburn was unsatisfied. Lost to another funk, he defied convention and invited scandal by throwing all of that aside and begging Catalana to marry him not as Prince Washburn, but only as Lord Wash. Many of the Graysons were furious, but King Alaric was temporarily moved by - or possibly distracted and not paying attention to - Wash's desperate plea to become a lord of the waves, and agreed. After serving with the Marquis Ford Kennex in the Thirteen Hammers operation, Wash was named Admiral of the Stormward Fleet, Marshal of the March, and summoned to Arx to assist House Kennex, House Thrax, and the Compact.
    ouse Kennex, House Thrax, and the Compact.)
  • Ezra Riven  + (Ezra found his place at a young age, or so
    Ezra found his place at a young age, or so he thought. His parents seemed to be cultivating him to help run the Twainfort. No doubt his sister would have needed help and second sons always seemed to find positions of influence and power, if never quite the title. He enjoyed the opportunity to get out with his father, Laveer, on the hunt and relished the closeness of their bond. About the time when Ezra felt that he was really starting to get into the heart of what a man ought to learn and to be, he had the opportunity to visit Pridehall. The intention was to get a feel of the larger world and build what could become important connections with their banner lords before focusing in on the needs of the Twainfort. It happened that while he was fostering with the Bislands, the Abandoned slaughtered his family in a brutal attack that left few survivors. Few things really left him feeling alone as hearing his family has been butchered and having no one else, none of his kin, there to comfort him. When it was finally deemed safe to return home, so much had changed that he felt out of place. Newly-made Prodigals seemed to be everywhere and his own sister had married one of them. It's not to say that Thesarin wasn't kind to him but it was the wrong age for him to be deprived of the father that he idolized and unlike his younger brother, he couldn't turn to this stranger to replace him. Though he tried to learn to serve the Twainfort and what was left of the House he knew as best he could, he always felt disconnected, out of place. It wasn't any fault of the people there, but it was a home that he didn't quite feel a part of. In the end, Ezra found more comfort in the forest. The woods provided a welcome respite from all of the clashing sounds and strange customs of so many new people where he doesn't quite feel natural, doesn't quite feel like himself. Better yet, he could find some lingering memory of times spent with his lost father there, and so as the boy grew into a man, he more and more his days went to stalking among the trees, seeking... who knows what as often as he was hunting down the night's supper. Peace. Or a sense of home maybe, except that home no longer really exists. His wandering uncovered long-abandoned places that left him wondering about what was and what could have been, stumbled into secret hiding spots that left him with more questions than they did answers. But at least those long, solitary days tracking a deer through the brush or scouring the ruins along the County's edge made him a fine explorer and an even finer scout. The latter is finally a role he can fill for his family and his House, a convenient middle-ground where he can rest instead of being torn between his unwavering loyalty to them and feeling as though nothing is ever quite still enough for him to settle into for very long. It hardly helps that Riven is changing still, always rushing on like the rivers they're named for.
    hing on like the rivers they're named for.)
  • Faelan Navegant  + (Faelan is neither the oldest, nor the youn
    Faelan is neither the oldest, nor the youngest, of Dion and Annika Navegant's children. As such, there was really no expectations placed on him beyond being happy, and allowed to do what he wanted to with his life. Which was sail As a child he would accompany his mother and father out on the ships when they went, explored much of the Mourning Isles this way before many of the boys his age. When he was roughly ten years old he went to foster with Grimhall in some sort of inexplicable agreement that his parents made. Which, ultimately worked out for him for the best. See, Faelan was a little more aggressive, and surprisingly more traditional about some things, like raiding, than the others in Navegant. He ended up flourishing under the guidance of Grimhall, and has in fact spent the last decade of time sailing with them. With the rising trouble in the Darkwater Deep, and the attacks in Arx, he has been called to the capital to aid family and fealty against the Compact's enemies.
    and fealty against the Compact's enemies.)
  • Fairen Leary  + (Fairen's older sister Hianara was the Marc
    Fairen's older sister Hianara was the March. Throughout their childhood, she was an active, aggressive child, with ambitions to leadership, cavalryship, generalship. Fairen studied quietly a lot, and although he enjoyed walking outdoors amidst the trees and occasionally growing things in little garden plots on his own, he was disinterested in most of the rougher games the other children played, finding more solace in books and in the teachings of the priests and in the quiet of the stone passageways beneath the fort. As an adult, the military pursuits that had always intrigued his sister drew Fairen hardly at all. The human drama behind the history of warfare drew his attention far more than anything related to strategy or tactics. Hianara married a young Malvici cousin and began right away on the task of making new heirs only to lose her first two children still in the womb. Fairen was almost married out into the Oathlands due to an arrangement with the Laurents, but it didn't work out for a couple of reasons; the first was that shortly before the treaty signing, Hianara died in a brutal and bloody battle with some Shav'Arvani. So instead the Laurent cousin in question married in instead, tying herself firmly to the new March and essentially proving essential in teaching him to rule and lead. For the first few years of their marriage, their relationship has been one of crisp, competent tolerance, cut with occasional furors of rage-fueled drama and what Fairen testily refers to as "hullaballoo". With the Grayson banners called and war and disaster brewing on the horizon, though, even a kind-of mismatch like Fairen and Iliana must learn to set aside their differences and work together.
    aside their differences and work together.)
  • Baelor Keaton  + (Far from the chance to inherit, Baelor gre
    Far from the chance to inherit, Baelor grew up knowing that he had flexibility in the decisions he would make in adulthood. Of course, he would squire. Sent to Bastion at the age of 15 to find himself a squire for a Prince of some repute. He was knighted at the age of eighteen and was Knighting about for Keaton while Marquis Kael was still a young pup. He joined a knightly order in his youth, spending most of his time with the organization until his marriage sent him south into Velenosa. Two childless years before his wife passed away from a wasting disease that swept the county. He spent another few years there before moving back to Keaton Keep.
    s there before moving back to Keaton Keep.)
  • Modi Blackpelt  + (Far in the northern reaches of Arvum is wh
    Far in the northern reaches of Arvum is where Modi came into the world. He was born the only child of a Shav'arvani mother and father, committed to the clan known as 'The Blackpelts'. They were a martial people, with deep superstitions rooted in spiritual belief. Modi was raised on the oral traditions of the clan, marring his childhood in hunting and shamanistic ritual. He was destined to one day take his place within their hierarchy as a leader in the physical trials and the occult. However, such a fate was pushed to the side entirely when the one they called the Horned God arose. Soon their tribe was beset by the whispers and machinations of that terrible force. Faced with their enslavement, Modi and his peers traveled into the snow-covered forests to beseech the spirits for guidance. They returned with claims that their survival hinged upon finding solace within the Compact, with which they had lived independent of for generations. Few would accept this stipulation. Their idleness allowed the seeds of doubt to grow. One by one, they followed the call of the Horned one. The Blackpelts were no more. Modi was one of the few to flee from the chaos, running south after his home gave in to darkness. He boldly claims that the predictions given to him had led him down this path. He'd never looked back until he made it to the city of Arx, where he bent the knee to the Compact's way of life. Though the life of a prodigal has won him little happiness, it has kept him alive. Everyday is a new challenge in adapting to this strange land. It is a trial that he's taken head-on, spending his time tutoring with the Whispers in learning proper etiquette and sociability. Along with offering his skills as a hunter to the common-folk of the city. His intent is to be useful, as useful as he possibly can be to his new people.
    l as he possibly can be to his new people.)
  • Cleo Frost  + (Far to the north of Whitehall in the depth
    Far to the north of Whitehall in the depths of Everwinter where nights and days can last weeks or even months with the turning of the seasons livesa tribe of Shav'Avani called The Children of the Sun and the Moon. The tribe has over the millennia developed a number of particular standards and rituals that vary greatly from those used of the more Southern Shav'Avani which differe even more from the tribes that have sworn fealty to and become Houses of Redrain. The Children of the Sun and the Moon are mostly nomadic, moving as dictated by the Weather and the Seasons to either follow their prey or return to their ancestral homes for shelter. They have developed a regimented culture where one is either Hunter, Gatherer, Raider (Sun), or Hearthkeeper (Moon). Those who follow the Sun, and the Moon, are generally formed along gender lines but gender is a choice to the Children of the Sun and the Moon and thus both physical sexes are accounted for in both. Born amongst the Children of the Sun there was always more to Cleo's life, odd things happened around her constantly both good and bad. There was hardly a dull moment around her life and she never fit in due to it, kept separate a lot, which suited her just fine. She spoke to the spirits as they would speak back and when it came time for her to pick her focus she chose none, and was sent to the Walkers Inbetween. There she found who she was, which was neither, and both, all the same and she partook of the rituals, sacrifices, and alchemical potions that discovered her true self and stabilized it permanently. Never Sun. Never Moon. Always Sun. Always Moon. She had found her place, and she made friends during her training, but one of the younger Walkers she knew during their apprenticeship ended up leaving the tribe and headed south soon after she succeeded in her tests. Cleo wonders and waited to hear news of the return of Cybele, but when no news came Cleo began to worry. Asking the spirits for guidance Cleo was told that Cybele still lived, far to the south in the land of warmth and green. So too did Cleo tell the Elders that she would go check on Cybele, and see if she was unwilling, or unable to return. The trek was not an easy one but Cleo endured, sneaking south past Whitehall, and into the lands of Redrain where she finally was caught by House Nightgold and very nearly put to the sword but the young shaman was able to get the spirits to speak of her quest and intentions. She was forced to bend the knee of course, and she did so gladly if it would allow her to continue on to find Cybele. After the long walk and through those dangers she finally came to Arx and learned of many wondrous things... it was no wonder why Cybele did not come back, there was to much to learn before she could go home.
    to much to learn before she could go home.)
  • Faruq Seraceni  + (Faruq was born to a long-lived and a fierc
    Faruq was born to a long-lived and a fierce line of Ischia corsairs. His father, Abin Faruq, was sword before him and served the Seraceni family with similar tenacity as his son. Although the family was not originally related by blood to the Seracenis, Faruqs ancestors were raised to nobility many generations ago for their loyal service. This is something their branch of the family has been very proud of in their heritage, and now being truly a part of the family The title of Sword has been passed down through six generations of this family. Faruq was taught a blade and expected to continue the line of succession and he has proven worthy of the title and honor. When his father retired following the death of the old Marquis and Marquessa, Faruq took up the responsibility. He is also a capable sailor and commands his own ship and is a feared corsair. Not particularly religious, Faruq finds his own way through duty to his liege and his House. The man took charge of his lieges safety upon the death of the Marquis of Seracenis parents and acted much as an older brother to Dario as the young man came into his own. Faruq's younger sister, Malika is the only other person beside his Marquis that he is deathly loyal to. While he is fond of his brother, Nadir, he cannot help but be a little displeased that the younger man did not follow their family into martial pursuits.
    follow their family into martial pursuits.)
  • Faruq Disowned  + (Faruq was born to a long-lived and a fierc
    Faruq was born to a long-lived and a fierce line of Ischia corsairs. His father, Abin Faruq, was sword before him and served the Seraceni family with similar tenacity as his son. Although the family was not originally related by blood to the Seracenis, Faruqs ancestors were raised to nobility many generations ago for their loyal service. This is something their branch of the family has been very proud of in their heritage, and now being truly a part of the family The title of Sword has been passed down through six generations of this family. Faruq was taught a blade and expected to continue the line of succession and he has proven worthy of the title and honor. When his father retired following the death of the old Marquis and Marquessa, Faruq took up the responsibility. He is also a capable sailor and commands his own ship and is a feared corsair. Not particularly religious, Faruq finds his own way through duty to his liege and his House. The man took charge of his lieges safety upon the death of the Marquis of Seracenis parents and acted much as an older brother to Dario as the young man came into his own. Faruq's younger sister, Malika is the only other person beside his Marquis that he is deathly loyal to. While he is fond of his brother, Nadir, he cannot help but be a little displeased that the younger man did not follow their family into martial pursuits.
    follow their family into martial pursuits.)
  • Aaron Blackburn  + (Fate and the Gods dealt Aaron Blackburn a
    Fate and the Gods dealt Aaron Blackburn a hand both sweet and sour. The gregarious boy grew up amidst the Ashfords, his family being vassals of theirs for time out of mind. Adventure was in his blood, in his soul, and he hungered for it the way a drought thirsts for rain. Among their ranks he served, at first running messages, mending clothes, and then, finally, joining expeditions. He adventured for several beautiful, glorious years. Exploration was his adrenaline, his drug, and Aaron was addicted. But addicts get careless. They push ever further, ever harder. And eventually, they crash. Aaron crashed hard. Out searching for the ancient and unfindable, he found a treacherous crag and a life-altering knock to the head at the bottom. His equilibrium was never the same. His memory would not recover. Swinging a sword, climbing a tree or a mountainside were no longer in the cards for the sweet, devil-may-care Blackburn. Instead, Aaron was relegated back to Arvum where he struggled with his inner demons and emerged seemingly victorious. He took up a position as Lighthouse Keeper, and turned back to mending clothes. And mending clothes became, slowly, creating outfits and styles. Eventually, Aaron Blackburn became a tailor in his own right. Mens clothing, mostly, but there are always special cases to be made. Of course, The Lighthouse is appointment-only. Surely you've heard?
    is appointment-only. Surely you've heard?)
  • Fecundo Rubino-Zaffria  + (Fecundo has a good sense of humor about hi
    Fecundo has a good sense of humor about his name. His mother named him thus because she had so much trouble getting pregnant that she was certain he would be her only child, and thus he would need to give her all of the grandchildren in the world. Naturally, his younger sister Miranda was born not even two years later. Nevertheless, in his mother's mind, he was the perfect child, the favored one, and the world revolved around him, and anything Fecundo wanted he could have. This might have ruined someone less good-natured than he, but despite being spoiled, Fecundo is a charming and friendly sort. As a boy, he traveled to Southport to train militarily with his father's family. Before he left, his mother made sure he had the best armor and the best weapons a boy could possibly want. Yet he wrote home at least three times, begging for another sword, claiming his had broken. In reality, he'd given them away to fellow squires who were not as fortunate as he because he knew his wealthy mother would indulge him in anything he asked. He had to swear his little sister to secrecy so that she wouldn't squeal on him, but since he presented her with one of the nicer swords, she was quite mollified and has kept his secrets to this day. Fecundo sought out the knighthood because he thought it would be an opportunity to learn new and interesting things. He went with Gemecitta's troops to Setarco and saw some awesomely weird things, so he's quite interested and very excited about seeing more of the world. One of the reasons he set out for Arx was because there are so many bastions of learning there -- and it was also an excellent opportunity to get away from his stifling crazy mother. Good with a sword and a bit of a show-off, he's always kind to those in need. He's slightly overwhelmed at the number of opportunities available in Arx, but he's drawn to the throngs of people and the endless possibilities.
    s of people and the endless possibilities.)
  • Fecundo Valardin  + (Fecundo has a good sense of humor about hi
    Fecundo has a good sense of humor about his name. His mother named him thus because she had so much trouble getting pregnant that she was certain he would be her only child, and thus he would need to give her all of the grandchildren in the world. Naturally, his younger sister Miranda was born not even two years later. Nevertheless, in his mother's mind, he was the perfect child, the favored one, and the world revolved around him, and anything Fecundo wanted he could have. This might have ruined someone less good-natured than he, but despite being spoiled, Fecundo is a charming and friendly sort. As a boy, he traveled to Southport to train militarily with his father's family. Before he left, his mother made sure he had the best armor and the best weapons a boy could possibly want. Yet he wrote home at least three times, begging for another sword, claiming his had broken. In reality, he'd given them away to fellow squires who were not as fortunate as he because he knew his wealthy mother would indulge him in anything he asked. He had to swear his little sister to secrecy so that she wouldn't squeal on him, but since he presented her with one of the nicer swords, she was quite mollified and has kept his secrets to this day. Fecundo sought out the knighthood because he thought it would be an opportunity to learn new and interesting things. He went with Gemecitta's troops to Setarco and saw some awesomely weird things, so he's quite interested and very excited about seeing more of the world. One of the reasons he set out for Arx was because there are so many bastions of learning there -- and it was also an excellent opportunity to get away from his stifling crazy mother. Good with a sword and a bit of a show-off, he's always kind to those in need. He's slightly overwhelmed at the number of opportunities available in Arx, but he's drawn to the throngs of people and the endless possibilities.
    s of people and the endless possibilities.)
  • Felix Meadson  + (Felix's mother was a barwench, and his fat
    Felix's mother was a barwench, and his father the bartender of a lower class hole in the Thraxian capital city. Everyone assumed Felix would become your typical ne'er-do-well, or wretch of a human being. No one expected a damned thing from him. Except one person. That one person saved Felix from a destiny of mediocrity and made him great. Everyone called him Ol' Jann. Most considered him to have the illustrious title of the Town Drunk or Crazy Old Man. He was the butt of jokes, the cautionary tale, and the constant in a seaside town full of fishermen. No one knew how old he was, but he was always there. Felix was just a kid, not old enough to hold a broom when he came upon Ol' Jann, sleeping it off in the waste behind the tavern. Felix watched him for a little while, before getting his stuffed animal and tucking it under the man's arm. Ol' Jann woke up as Felix was walking away and called after the boy. He had an old, old stuffed bear in his pack, and asked Felix if he wanted to hear a story. Ol' Jann told the best stories. Stories of glory days, of mighty battles, pirates, reaving up and down the coasts. He told stories of the mighty weapons, the heroes of legends, the great and the gory. Felix ate everyone up. He loved the stories, would often act out his favorite parts, much to the old man's amusement. He used sticks as weapons and one day, confided that he wished he could afford a real sword, so he could be a real pirate. Ol' Jann said four words that changed his life forever. "So make one, boy." Make one. So simple, so brilliant. Felix watched a blacksmith through the window one night, and thought it looked pretty easy. He snuck in and started pounding, which obviously woke up the blacksmith. Even more obviously, he was pretty angry, but saw what this kid had done, and how quickly, he cuffed the boy on the ear, told him he was doing it wrong, and showed him how. The blacksmith saw what Ol' Jann saw. There was something about this kid. Felix caught on quickly, and within the first year of his apprenticeship, the local garrison would only get their weapons repaired by the blacksmith and Felix. By the fifth year, the Commander of the garrison commissioned a weapon from Felix specifically. Soon after, the Royal Family commissioned swords from the boy, and moved him to Arx, to tend and craft for the royals there. Three months into his apprenticeship, Felix crafted his first blade, fashioned after a story Ol' Jann told about his very first sword. It was a plain thing, but heavy and sharp, and the boy rushed to present it to the old man who kept him from a life of nothingness. He found him in bed. Ol' Jann looked at the boy, and looked at the sword. He smiled, patted his hand, and then died, a look of pride on his face. Felix didn't cry. Thrax men don't cry. He left his sword under Ol' Jann's arm. The whole town showed up for the funeral of the man that had always been there, and to this day, they tell the story of the fine sword he went to the sea with, and the boy who made it. Felix never tells that story, only the ones he collects now, knowing how the world can change, because of them.
    how the world can change, because of them.)
  • Sigismund Ulbran  + (Few are old enough to remember it, but Sig
    Few are old enough to remember it, but Sigismund was not born an Ulbran. While the precise date is lost to time, it's known that he joined the family when the man was in his early to mid twenties, his adoption made official not long after, and he's remained with them since. Initially one among a number of brutes, he quickly made his mark through his rather unorthodox approach to dealing with Ulbran's enemies, and his evident relish in bringing these groups to bloody ruin. Dangerous for their morale, deadly for their health, Sigismund proved to be a very efficient enforcer, his efforts serving to maintain Ulbran's supremacy against those who might mistake lowest for weakest. He's never married, yet over time Sigismund has accumulated an impressive number of children, whether his bastards or adopted. Why he chose those he did is known only to the man, thoguh they are without fail from among the countless orphans from the Lowers. The fact that he has by now outlived many of them doesn't seem to faze the man, contrasting with the fatherly care he can display. While rumours of his death have come up every now and then, but the last seemed for a time to be accurate, for Sigismund was gone from the city, unseen until his recent return to the city. He won't speak of where he's been, yet there's something in his gaze, a newfound determination.
    ing in his gaze, a newfound determination.)
  • Lou Grayson  + (Few of the royal blood could claim to be a
    Few of the royal blood could claim to be as pragmatic and down-to-earth as Lou. Lou, who tends to glare at anyone who calls her by her hated pretentious fullname and title of her highness Princess Loucia Grayson, has always been drawn to what, in her opinion, truly makes House Grayson the greatest. When Lou was a child, she read about the boldness of her ancestors, the dauntless courage of Graysons who continually set out to make sure every inch of Arvum was safe for their people, and how many Graysons were among the greatest explorers and pathfinders of all the great houses. Since the carnage and decay of the Crownbreaker Wars, so much of the land of Arvum has grown wild and been ceded to the Abandoned clans that recognize no lord. Lou has observed to her great annoyance many nobles that bemoan the plight of the common people and the state of Arvum, declare that something simply must be done, and then promptly go right back to their salons. The princess that hates being called a princess isn't really capable of the same self-delusion, and follows the proud Grayson tradition of being an adventurer on behalf of her house. Lou rolls up her sleeves and is determined to get it done, exploring old lands so it can be reclaimed by the Compact. Not that she has to do it alone. While she might internally wince at annoyance whenever anyone calls her Princess Loucia Grayson, and she isn't fond of giant honor guards, she thinks only an idiot would slap away hands trying to offer help or fail to take advantage of the embarrassing good fortune of her high birth. So it was one of her first adventures in the Gray Forest, trying to remap the lands for one of the more minor vassals for House Grayson, when she first met her constant traveling companion Mason who just happened to be running screaming and literally fell into her camp and brought a dozen also-screaming shavs with him. She knows Mason isn't really how he pronounces his name, but she figures saving someone's life gives her the ability to mispronounce his name as much as she damn well pleases, and they've been fast, close friends ever since. Along the way, the fearless pair (well, full of an incredible amount of healthy fear truth be told, but everyone says they are fearless) has established quite a reputation as stalwart Grayson adventurers, in the finest traditions of Grayson courage. More than one bard has sung about 'the beautiful and bold Princess Loucia Grayson.' Lou, of course, is mortified.
    a Grayson.' Lou, of course, is mortified.)
  • Drea Redrain  + (Few outside the North could ever understan
    Few outside the North could ever understand it the way Drea does. While the wars against the Abandoned wage on in every region with every great house, none of the other great houses fight the shav'arvani with the same brutal intensity as House Redrain and its vassals in the North. Lady Drea knows this far better than most, as long before she married into House Redrain, she was born to the northern house with arguably the most bloody feuds with the barbaric northern Abandoned tribes, House Halfshav. She grew into a young woman in a house that has acted as House Redrain's strong right hand against the most brutal of the shav tribes, driving back groups such as the cannibals of Clan Bonegnaw. Every member of her family was trained for war, and she was no exception, but the young Drea felt a very different calling that still is uniquely of the North. The North might be a savage land of restrained barbarism, kept in check by the might of House Redrain, but Drea doesn't that feel way about her home. It's beautiful to her in a way that others just can't understand. The snow covered mountains, the deep groves hidden from human eyes for centuries at a time, the vales unmarked by any arvani whether shav or civilized, Drea sees the North as a gorgeous bastion of nature from the excesses of mankind despite its bloody history. Ever since she was a child, she's felt a deep connection with those primordial depths of wild, untamed territory that she swears she can hear whisper to her, so it was natural for her to become one of the few shamans in the North. It is the old religion of men that far predates the worship of the Pantheon, long before the great houses came to be, and it's never been quite surrendered in the North. She knows it creates frictions with the south, particular the most fervent worshippers in House Valardin, but Drea intends for the North to never, ever surrender its heritage. It isn't as if shamans embrace blood rites anymore... at least those that aren't members of barbaric shav tribes, anyways.
    members of barbaric shav tribes, anyways.)
  • Fergus Redrain  + (Few warriors in the Northlands had as brig
    Few warriors in the Northlands had as bright and promising start as Prince Fergus Redrain. Wild, bold, and a natural born talent with a blade, the prince accompanied high lord Sherrod Redrain on his first campaigns against the shavs, letting the the young man win the acclaim of his uncle and liege in battle. At first, Fergus loved the wars, winning the renown for his talents and ferocity and delighting in the honors heaped upon him, even as he was named Sword of Farhaven and champion of House Redrain. Fergus always expected the first few victories against worthy foes would be the end of it, but there never was an end. Battles dragged on, he lost more and more friends, and started to see things he had turned a blind eye to or did things he deeply regrets. Then he served with Duke Vercyn in some of the most brutal and bloody campaigns, helping 'the hungry wolf' crush some of the worst enemies in the Northlands in ways few couldn't label atrocities. That was enough to get Fergus to swear off the blade, and talented champion or no, he wanted nothing more to do with it and turned his uncle down on an offer to come to Arx, preferring to live a quiet existence up in Farhaven. And now there's more guilt for Fergus to live with. The retired champion was in Farhaven during the King's Rest, when forces unknown slew Prince Sherrod Redrain and put the king of the entire Compact into a coma. Fergus was arguably the strongest warrior in the entire north, the Sword of Farhaven, and he wasn't there. He should have been, he hates that he wasn't, but now there's no helping it. He's taken the sword again, and headed south to help his cousin Prince Darren, the new Prince of Farhaven and high lord of House Redrain. He doesn't even know who is responsible yet or who he'll be fighting, but all he can hope is he gets a chance to make amends for what's gone before.
    nce to make amends for what's gone before.)
  • Fianna Crovane  + (Fianna was an impish child that delighted
    Fianna was an impish child that delighted in jokes and pranks of a good-natured variety. She was instilled with a love of nature and animals from a young age by her family. While her older brothers were training with swords and axes, young Fianna could be found playing with the hunting dogs, visiting the stables, or climbing trees in the forest. There many an afternoon when her family would be forced into an impromptu game of hide and seek to coax her indoors for meals. As she grew however, her hoydenish ways became tempered as she spent more and more time working with the animals of Crovane. Her favorite lessons came from the stablemaster, learning to tame and train new horses, and later, how to breed them. Even as her eldest brother took on the mantle of Duke, Fianna stuck to her own little world of hunting and training animals. When Somhairle died and Asger was elevated to the title, she made him a promise that she would breed and train the best warhorses and hunting dogs in all of Arvum. Its a promise that she has worked hard to keep ever since. When her home was threatened by dark forces, she sent her beloved animals to the Ducal estate in Arx, hoping for a quick resolution so she could return to her self-appointed task. With Stormall in ashes, the young noblewoman finds herself shellshocked and making her way south to Arx.
    llshocked and making her way south to Arx.)
  • Fianna Volkov  + (Fianna was an impish child that delighted
    Fianna was an impish child that delighted in jokes and pranks of a good-natured variety. She was instilled with a love of nature and animals from a young age by her family. While her older brothers were training with swords and axes, young Fianna could be found playing with the hunting dogs, visiting the stables, or climbing trees in the forest. There many an afternoon when her family would be forced into an impromptu game of hide and seek to coax her indoors for meals. As she grew however, her hoydenish ways became tempered as she spent more and more time working with the animals of Crovane. Her favorite lessons came from the stablemaster, learning to tame and train new horses, and later, how to breed them. Even as her eldest brother took on the mantle of Duke, Fianna stuck to her own little world of hunting and training animals. When Somhairle died and Asger was elevated to the title, she made him a promise that she would breed and train the best warhorses and hunting dogs in all of Arvum. Its a promise that she has worked hard to keep ever since. When her home was threatened by dark forces, she sent her beloved animals to the Ducal estate in Arx, hoping for a quick resolution so she could return to her self-appointed task. With Stormall in ashes, the young noblewoman finds herself shellshocked and making her way south to Arx.
    llshocked and making her way south to Arx.)
  • Filshiar Shieldborne  + (Filshiar was a third son of a second son,
    Filshiar was a third son of a second son, and in many respects, no one special. His mother was a blacksmith who worked long hours at her smithy, serving the scouts of Farhaven and the knights of the House of Redrain; his father was a shaman and a healer who worked closely with the Mercies of Lagoma at Farhaven. As a boy, he trained aggressively, showing early aptitude for the blade. He was the strongest of the young boys his age, consistently; the fastest, consistently; and a stalwart influence on the youth and the squires who trained together. He was a firm hand to keep the strong from mocking the weak, gently insistent and too large and disciplined even in youth for even the sharpest young bully to defy him. It was this consistent attitude, as well as his strengths in the practice yard, that drew the attention of the knight who eventually took him on as squire. The boy whose instincts are to protect the weak until they grow stronger is a good boy to train. He spent long hours in the wilds as a squire and scout, listening carefully to the forest and learning the ways in snow or sunshine. He was never particularly boisterous, inclined to an introverted reserve, but his smile was always warm, and he made strong connections with the other squires, and as he grew older, with the other knights. His aptitude could not be denied. He was strong, and fast, and sure; and more than that, he was dedicated. He was a warrior, and an able one, who proved himself time and time again in the practice yard, and whose swordwork left nothing to be denied in the field, either. Filshiar drew many eyes by virtue of his prowess in the field and by virtue of his looks, but though he was not averse to warming the bed of this person or that, he found true connection elusive. The grand passion and romance of the storybook was simply not to be found for him in the arms of a pretty maid or a rough young scout, no matter how he tried, and he found that it made less heartbreak for others if he began to turn down advances. He focused on service and spent more time walking alone in the woods, listening to the sound of the wind in the trees, and thinking about how it could sound like music. He was in his twenties by the time he was assigned to travel to the South, part of Prince Darren's detachment to Arx, and bore quiet witness to many strange and interesting things. Already tested at the time of the siege of the Silence, he made himself impossible to overlook in battle against the Bringers, in an epic fight that should have been his last stand but for a combination of his abilities and some damned good luck. It was not the first or last time he would distinguish himself before the eyes of the Compact, but it was certainly one of the most memorable, and after it, the first overture was made to suggest that he might -- maybe, just maybe -- have the stuff to serve as a Knight of the King's Own. Someday. Someday came sooner than expected when a series of events and circumstances led him to take a warrior's samaritan aid to the King's Own in holding a bridge, during an attempt upon the life of His Majesty staged by corrupt influences within His Majesty's Inquisition. It was after that fateful day that Filshiar shyly accepted and took oath with the finest knights in Arvum.
    ook oath with the finest knights in Arvum.)
  • Fiora Laurent  + (Fiora is the eldest child of Lord Romeo Ma
    Fiora is the eldest child of Lord Romeo Malvici, the younger brother of Duchess Adona Malvici and consequently the first cousin of the sitting Duke. Her childhood, for the most part, was consistent with those of most noble children - save for the Malvici fixation on martial pursuits, unique within the houses of the Lyceum. Fiora discovered early she had neither the bulk nor the drive to become a conventional sword and board warrior, and instead began to focus her training on archery and fencing with lighter blades and armor. She was naturally nimble, with the nearly poetic grace of a cat, and her regime was tailored to take advantage of such natural talent. When it rains, however, it pours. Her mother passed after a difficult birthing of a set of twins when she was nine, and a war between her family and the Fidantes engulfed Southport shortly afterward. Her father fell in one of the ensuing battles and she was nearly killed after a poorly thought out quest for vengeance. By age twelve, she was a significantly more sullen girl. She took her vow to mother to look after her siblings to heart, but it was difficult to do in lieu of her own emotional turmoil, especially as a teenager. No one doubted her intentions were noble, but she lashed out frequently, in public and in private. Adulthood has given her more patience and a longer perspective, but the hurt little girl is still there beneath the surface, seething and threatening to come out when she becomes overwhelmed. She is an enigmatic combination of ice and fire, and nobody is quite sure if there's more of one or the other. She served dutifully as a Voice for House Malvici for many years before the completion of the Great Road brought about a series of tense and uncomfortable situations along the border of the Oathlands and Lyceum. It was in the resolution of those burgeoning brushfire wars that she became better acquainted with the leadership of House Laurent, the Malvici's neighbor to the west. A marriage of duty was forged between herself and one of the many perfectly acceptable (and perfectly dull and utterly obsessed with horses) cousins of the duke. Since then she's been known as Lady Fiora Laurent and enjoys a position of trust within her married family. Sadly, her husband was one of those lost in an attack upon the keep that saw not only his death, but that of the duchess and several other nobles of the house.
    ess and several other nobles of the house.)
  • Fiora Malvici  + (Fiora is the eldest child of Lord Romeo Ma
    Fiora is the eldest child of Lord Romeo Malvici, the younger brother of Duchess Adona Malvici and consequently the first cousin of the sitting Duke. Her childhood, for the most part, was consistent with those of most noble children - save for the Malvici fixation on martial pursuits, unique within the houses of the Lyceum. Fiora discovered early she had neither the bulk nor the drive to become a conventional sword and board warrior, and instead began to focus her training on archery and fencing with lighter blades and armor. She was naturally nimble, with the nearly poetic grace of a cat, and her regime was tailored to take advantage of such natural talent. When it rains, however, it pours. Her mother passed after a difficult birthing of a set of twins when she was nine, and a war between her family and the Fidantes engulfed Southport shortly afterward. Her father fell in one of the ensuing battles and she was nearly killed after a poorly thought out quest for vengeance. By age twelve, she was a significantly more sullen girl. She took her vow to mother to look after her siblings to heart, but it was difficult to do in lieu of her own emotional turmoil, especially as a teenager. No one doubted her intentions were noble, but she lashed out frequently, in public and in private. Adulthood has given her more patience and a longer perspective, but the hurt little girl is still there beneath the surface, seething and threatening to come out when she becomes overwhelmed. She is an enigmatic combination of ice and fire, and nobody is quite sure if there's more of one or the other. She served dutifully as a Voice for House Malvici for many years before the completion of the Great Road brought about a series of tense and uncomfortable situations along the border of the Oathlands and Lyceum. It was in the resolution of those burgeoning brushfire wars that she became better acquainted with the leadership of House Laurent, the Malvici's neighbor to the west. A marriage of duty was forged between herself and one of the many perfectly acceptable (and perfectly dull and utterly obsessed with horses) cousins of the duke. Since then she's been known as Lady Fiora Laurent and enjoys a position of trust within her married family. Sadly, her husband was one of those lost in an attack upon the keep that saw not only his death, but that of the duchess and several other nobles of the house.
    ess and several other nobles of the house.)
  • Aurelian Valardin  + (First cousin to the head of House Valardin
    First cousin to the head of House Valardin, Aurelian had a happy childhood, and used to run around the castle pretending to be a knight slaying monsters and demons, looking to be well set on the path to becoming a knight when he grew older. That would change one day when the boy was four, while on a trip through the countryside he and those guarding him were attacked by bandits. The boy was taken prisoner, though no ransom demand was made as a few days later he was rescued by members of his family. After being returned to his family he was a very different person. He grew quiet whenever the abduction was brought up, he'd grow sad and sometimes would even cry. To this day it isn't known what happened but it clearly traumatized the lad. After the early trauma Aurelian showed more and more disinterest in matters related to violence and war, instead growing more and more serious and thoughtful. For this reason it was no surprise when he decided to seek study with the priesthood, a fate his parents felt was more than suitable as he could serve the realm in a way that wouldn't require him to relive past harm. After becoming an Acolyte Aurelian joined the ranks of the Scholars. By the age of sixteen he was elevated to the rank of full Scholar and started to go on expeditions alone or with fellow scholars with the desire to rediscover the knowledge lost during the Great Fire of Arx. At the age of twenty tragedy struck again, while at an expedition Shav forces attacked and resulted in The Tragedy of Sanctum and the death of several of his cousins and those loyal to House Valardin. Today he continues in his efforts to rediscover what was lost, and honor his family and the faith in the process.
    r his family and the faith in the process.)
  • Mydas Nightgold  + (Firstborn of Osmond Nightgold, Mydas' arri
    Firstborn of Osmond Nightgold, Mydas' arrival in the world was celebrated with great pomp. The birth of a healthy boy was declared an omen of future fortune, despite the stir caused by the baby's golden eyes. From that point on, he was tutored intensively on not only being a proper nobleman, charming and courteous, but also a businessman, for whom the flow of money would be as familiar as the flow of blood in his veins. Mydas was, during that time, very close to Dustin, his younger cousin and heir to the Duchy of Stonedeep. Dustin was, after all, the closest thing Mydas had for a brother, until the birth of Sigurd, eight years after Mydas' own. Even then, the age gap was too wide, and Sigurd soon had a little sister with whom he bound quickly. It was not the case for Mydas, who saw in his sister, at least at first, the cause of his mother's death. The relationship between siblings remained cold, until a fateful day under a spider's web. Yet where his relationship with his own siblings grew better, the one with Dustin was cut brutally short. Since the ascension of Nadia to be the head of the family, Mydas has focused entirely upon improving the family's fortune and protecting it with word and gold. Specialized in luxury goods, he also deals in artwork, with a keen eye for the truly magnificent works. He is at ease in such a place, yet duty walks ever closer, and the weight of generations now sits heavier upon his shoulders...
    ons now sits heavier upon his shoulders...)
  • Mydas Acheron  + (Firstborn of Osmond Nightgold, Mydas' arri
    Firstborn of Osmond Nightgold, Mydas' arrival in the world was celebrated with great pomp. The birth of a healthy boy was declared an omen of future fortune, despite the stir caused by the baby's golden eyes. From that point on, he was tutored intensively on not only being a proper nobleman, charming and courteous, but also a businessman, for whom the flow of money would be as familiar as the flow of blood in his veins. Mydas was, during that time, very close to Dustin, his younger cousin and heir to the Duchy of Stonedeep. Dustin was, after all, the closest thing Mydas had for a brother, until the birth of Sigurd, eight years after Mydas' own. Even then, the age gap was too wide, and Sigurd soon had a little sister with whom he bound quickly. It was not the case for Mydas, who saw in his sister, at least at first, the cause of his mother's death. The relationship between siblings remained cold, until a fateful day under a spider's web. Yet where his relationship with his own siblings grew better, the one with Dustin was cut brutally short. Since the ascension of Nadia to be the head of the family, Mydas has focused entirely upon improving the family's fortune and protecting it with word and gold. Specialized in luxury goods, he also deals in artwork, with a keen eye for the truly magnificent works. He is at ease in such a place, yet duty walks ever closer, and the weight of generations now sits heavier upon his shoulders...
    ons now sits heavier upon his shoulders...)
 (Firstborn of Osmond Nightgold, Mydas' arrival in the world was celebrate)
  • Dominic Thrax  + (Firstborn of Tyrgar Thrax, father of our b
    Firstborn of Tyrgar Thrax, father of our beloved Queen, Queen Genevieve Thrax. Dominic was born a large baby. The birth full of complications that later manifested into the waning health of his mother. His father died young, falling over the side of a ship in rubicund full-plate armor. Forever lost to the sea. With his mother too weak to raise him and his sister, they moved and lived on Maelstrom with Prince Donrai Thrax. Already a large boy at a very young age, Dominic took quick to training and alongside Elton and Victus was given a teacher to hone his combat skills. There were issues with his schooling. Dominic had no intention of sitting down in one place for too long so when it came to his other education, he did not participate. Instead, Dominic found his time elsewhere among Donrai's horses and dogs. The hound master took on the task of training Dominic in lieu of his court education. When Dominic came of age, he was given a ship and a small command but unlike his cousin Elton, who stayed back to administer the house with his father, Dominic left to sail his ship alongside Victus'. It was during this time that he made a name for himself. His superstitions and mastery over the hounds he fitted ships with, the way he used a pack of man-eating dogs and unleashed them through the decks of his enemy ships', and the madness of using his ship as bait to take damage while the reavers supporting him moved to flank their victims, all earned him notoriety as a mad and cruel captain. Right before the war with Tyde, Dominic began to change the way he operated from the average reaper. Instead of making his ships long and fast, they were large and with multiple decks. Some were converted to serve as floating prison and thrall ships and others fitted with medical bays, well decks, storage, and birthing. Prince Dominic maintained his cruel notoriety and when news of Elton's death arrived him, the prince's madness came out to bare. Turning from hunting thralls, Dominic joined Victus in the war. His place in it, a personal one. The war came to an end with the end of the Tyde house. His bloodthirst squelched, Dominic took a ship and his crew out the jungles where he vanished for years, left for dead. There were rumors of him found in raided villages and destroyed ships but it wasn't until recently at the death of his sister Genevieve that Dominic resurfaced in Redrain with enough loot from his raiding of shavs to equal to him enough silver to operate a ship and reach Arx where he declared a hunt for the killer of his sister and to serve House Thrax by contacting his cousin, Victus.
    se Thrax by contacting his cousin, Victus.)
  • Flavien Laurent  + (Flavien was born second to an offshoot of
    Flavien was born second to an offshoot of the Laurent clan. While his older sister Lireth focused on the more political arts, Flavien was given to train as a knight to an elderly sort young. While no less grueling a curriculum, Sir Jarrek focused on imparting his wisdom to his student. As such, Flavien ended up being caught up in more intellectual pursuits by and large than the wars occurring around. While off handling some minor skirmish off for his mentor, there was some oddity at the family home. When his sister fell ill unders strange circumstances, he begged to be let back. While there were strange rumors surrounding the illness, an execution of a suitor presumably poisoning the woman seemed to allow her to come back to full health. At such a point, however, Flavien was asked to move on from this service. As such he petitioned a relative, Cristoph, to come and serve under this branch of the family should he have him.
    s branch of the family should he have him.)
  • Magaen Charon  + (Following the death of Magaen's father, Co
    Following the death of Magaen's father, Count Trevor of House Threerivers, her twin sister swiftly made moves to occupy his seat. As a means of neutralizing Magaen as a potential threat to her leadership position, she had the House enter into swift marriage negotiations on Magaen's behalf. The match would be with a childless widower Lord of House Bellerive's fealty with rumors of fertility issues, ensuring that no offspring of Magaen's could challenge the future rulership claims of her own children. In a single sweep, the new Countess of Highrock secured her line of succession and solidified peace with a former enemy. It was not that her perspective spouse did not appeal to Magaen. On the contrary! Had circumstances been not what they were, she might have been pleased. It was, however, the audacity of her sister's presumptuousness that Magaen could not abide. She would not be neutralized. Instead, a political chess match was set into motion between the two siblings that would threaten to bring House Threerivers to the brink of civil war! Magaen became pregnant before the signatures on her marital contract was dry and in a masterful maneuver all her own, she named the child after the pair's late father. While Magaen's sister and her advisors were busy appeasing the Oathlanders and doing everything in their power to smooth over the upset that the extramarital birth had caused, public opinion was somehow swayed! The new Countess found herself caving to the pressure of her own people and legitimizing the bastard boy. Just as more bloodshed was about to occur, House Acheron arrived on stage deus ex machina. They offered Magaen her own lands and title in exchange for recusing herself of any claim over Highrock, and off she went along with her heir and all of her supporters. Happily ever after, right? Think again.
    s. Happily ever after, right? Think again.)
  • Alessia Mazetti  + (For Alessia, one of her happiest days came
    For Alessia, one of her happiest days came at thirteen. A precocious child, Alessia had always known she was destined for great things. Becoming a glaivedancer was just the first step on that path. The years of training required, however, tempered that youthful pride with instruction that shaped core virtues rather than simply training the body in the ways of a warrior. Today, Alessia knows that greatness doesn't come without hard work and dedication - whether in the field, or in the court of politics. There have been setbacks, of course, such as that time when her scheme to win favor with a particular lord fell into disarray when he discovered she had been seducing his son as well. She admits that it was poorly done, but surely the man should have known not to conflate business with pleasure. Then there was the time Vitalis asked Dianna to travel with him into that Shav-infested valley and didn't ask her...but they have agreed not to talk about that any more. These days, Alessia has set her sights on Arx. With a few of the Mazetti doing the unprecedented and leaving their beloved Walled City on the Sea, she has made sure that her uncle includes her name in that number. After all, they couldn't possibly get by without her.
    they couldn't possibly get by without her.)
  • Alberic Laveer  + (For all that may be concerned, Alberic may
    For all that may be concerned, Alberic may as well have been born of the sea. When he was found on the shores of Brighthold County, he was a speechless waif with no family or friend. His life became one of quiet survival and wit. He grew up there, as all in Brighthold did, as was needed to survive. He traded service for a place to sleep or a meal to eat, coming and going by different means at different times. Despite the tragedy of his coming to Brighthold, he never feared the planks of another ship, and made much of his young life as a fishing hand or guide. %TThis was his life and his world until he became a man. Life on the sea had given him a knowledge of rig and sails, and most importantly, wind. Conscripted to serve under the sails of the Laveer, Alberic adapted to a life of military defense in the popular waterways between Brighthold and Arx. Being an accomplished captain and swordarm defending the people adeck the Laveer ships was a fine way to earn a living, and it paid off for Alberic end-over-end. Being handy with a bow or spear eventually lent itself to a command over others wielding the bows and spears. Eventually, this grew to a command of Captains and Commanders of vessel and force, with Alberic being raised to a position within the Laveer house as not only an adopted son, but Admiral.
    e as not only an adopted son, but Admiral.)
  • Arman Velenosa  + (For as long as he can remember, Prince Arm
    For as long as he can remember, Prince Armando Velenosa, or Arman as he prefers to be called, has been responsible for keeping a gentle pulse on all of the Lycene houses. That, as one can imagine, is quite a task. Arman was born into a branch of the Velenosa house that prides itself on its intrigue work ? not spies, no, never call them spies! But they are close to the crown and they are close to all the other houses. It's imperative that the other houses of the Lyceum kowtow to Arman and his branch; after all, one word from Arman and the other houses are subject to repercussions from House Velenosa. And no one wants that. He was brought up to take over the family business, which he dutifully did, and Arman found he very much enjoyed it. Early on in his career, Arman earned a reputation that follows him to this day. The circumstances remain shrouded in mystery; all people know is that one humid summer night, a coordinated assassination sting took place all over the Lyceum. Commoners and nobles alike never made it to morning. One notable nobleman was arrested and brought to Arman himself. After several days, the noble was mysteriously found in a seedy part of town with a vacant stare ? he never spoke again. Not long after these events, Arman announced his engagement and the Lyceum began to tremble at the very mention of his name. He married for duty and Miranda gave birth to son after son, but only one lived: Theo. Arman took that child under his wing and raised a fine young man who carries on the family tradition. Arman would never say as much, but he is proud of Theo. Then Miranda became pregnant again. Arman had his son and the boy had lived into his teens; there was no danger or need for another. Miranda died shortly after the birth and left Arman saddled with another baby. The daughter, Saoirse, was shuffled off to nannies and never wanted for anything, but Arman had bigger things to do than raise another child on his own. He and Theo poured themselves into their work in intel; they have a good system, where Arman commands behind the scenes and Theo runs contacts as sort of "boots on the ground". And now they've uncovered something ? it is time to head to Arx.
    red something ? it is time to head to Arx.)
  • Venteri Marin'Alfar  + (For centuries he has fought the darkwater
    For centuries he has fought the darkwater - all his life, really. Born among the Marin'alfar after their city was lost, he has no memories of the shining home that the oldest among them speak of. Battle-tested though he is, he learned early on that his skill lay in more than matters martial. Starting first as a messenger to various bases of the fractured Marin'alfar, he worked his way up until he gradually became first a diplomat, and then the diplomatic representative of Queen Ayllish herself.
    c representative of Queen Ayllish herself.)
  • Damik Uhl'daja  + (For most people in the Compact, the name '
    For most people in the Compact, the name 'Skal'daja' means little to nothing, with the Dune Kingdoms of Eurus blending together as a vague awareness of foreign nations far to the east across the Mourning Sea. The Crown Prince of Skal'daja, Prince Damik'uhl'daja would very much hope to change that. Son of current Grand Vizier Rayik'uhl'daja and nephew of former Grand Vizier Rel'Khan, Damik was raised with the expectation that he would one day come to rule the City of Chains. Often at odds with the rest of his family and troubled with the traditions of the city and the war on Eurus, he was nonetheless put in command of the great fleet sent to punish Arvum. Once he met with Arvani shortly before arriving in Sungreet, he shocked even his supporters when he suggested allying with the Arvani instead... and then managed to survive an assassination attempt by forces commanded by his brothers. The Eurusi forces splintered, with Damik leading forces loyal to him to the aid of the Compact, while his brothers continued with their plans to attack Arvum. And now Damik looks to possibly join the Compact, and provide a bridge for their ambitions in Eurus.
    ide a bridge for their ambitions in Eurus.)
  • Larissa Whisper  + (For such a supremely confident woman, Lari
    For such a supremely confident woman, Larissa can be surprisingly coy and evasive whenever it comes to her past. Before she became one of the most sought after courtiers in the city at the prestigious Whisper House, she claims that she had an altogether exceedingly boring life as a commoner of House Thrax which provides her ample motivation for becoming (in her very modest opinion) one of the most captivating women of the city. Larissa has pointed out that while her potential as a fishmonger's wife in the bleak shores near House Thrax's ancestral home of the castle Maelstrom will be sorely missed, she believes that her demonstrated ability to capture the attention of the rich and powerful as a courtier might suggest she made the right life choices. When harried for greater detail, her stormy temper and headstrong nature shock many that expect only the refined grace of one of the legendary Whispers. It rarely arises since Larissa is gifted at getting what she wants, even if what she want is allowing the past to stay in the past. And after all, she's hardly the first Whisper to have a past.
    s hardly the first Whisper to have a past.)
  • Seren Walker  + (For the first score of years of her life,
    For the first score of years of her life, Seren knew the road and a wagon as home more than anything else. She was born in the back of one of these traveling homes, and raised by an extended family of Ravashari. It was from these transient prodigals that Seren would learn her joy for life and her passion for instilling that joy into others. First it was with song and dance, two things that she likes to think herself quite skilled in. Later it was with tinkering and small metal repair. Ask any that make their living on the road, however, and you will learn that it's a harsh and dangerous place to be. Luck runs out sometime and when it does, its end is often announced with banditry or starved animals. That was the case for Seren. An early snowstorm caught their caravan before it could make the mountain pass, stranding them in Nightgold lands and making the whole group easy pickings. The first tragedy in Seren's life was the largest. Half the caravan was destroyed when caught unawares by the raiding of brigands. Had it not been for the timely march of Nightgold soldiers then the rest would have followed. Seren was rescued, along with some others, and taken for shelter. With her immediate family lost to her and a rather cute guard offering to help get her back on her feet, Seren spent time, the first time in her life, in one place. She stayed, rested, enjoyed her time with her Merle (The Guardsman) and even took an apprenticeship with one of the local jewelers. But staying wasn't for her, not really. So one day she was off again, to see what was over a different horizon. Now she's come to Arx, ready to tell stories spun from metal and gems, and play a game where she sees how far in the world those baubles can make it.
    ar in the world those baubles can make it.)
  • Evander Kennex  + (For the first seven years of Evander Kenne
    For the first seven years of Evander Kennex's life, almost every letter sent from Stormward included the words: "And young Evander still lives." He was sickly from birth, and was so often ill and so weak even when he was well that everyone expected him to die in childhood. But year after year, somehow, he hung on. Evander's parents, maybe trying to insulate themselves from the inevitable pain of losing him, were never terribly close to him. Oh, they went through the motions, certainly, but there was almost a reluctance to it. And then Evander's mother, Lady Girasol, went missing when he was still only five years old. No one ever accused Evander to his face, of course, but still it was whispered that Lord Wayne's second wife had been unable to bear her son's sickly nature, and had thrown herself from the cliffs into the ocean in despair. But if he lacked in parental affection, his older half-sisters Catalana and Jan doted on him. Catalana was as much a mother to him as an older sister, always checking up on him, always seeing to his needs, and Jan protected him from more than one would-be bully through the judicious breaking of noses. He spent the days when he was well enough to leave his room in the library with Niklas and Elara, although he was always too ill to go with them on their various adventures. Evander grew up with the grim understanding that because of his poor health, most of the wide world would be forever closed to him, and because of this, while Niklas' interests veered towards legends and fantastic tales, Evander devoured non-fiction. History, travelogues, current events, practical books of instruction in esoteric subjects, it didn't matter. He read it all. He didn't expect his life was going to be a long one, and wanted to experience as much of the world as he could in the time he had, even if he could only experience it through books. Against all expectations (even his own), the years ticked by and somehow Evander didn't die. He got close more than once, but either through Victoria's stubbornness and skill or his own iron will, he always recovered. He even felt well enough to travel. Just a short jaunt to a neighboring island, but still the first time he'd ever left Stormward. It was a mistake that almost cost him his life. Evander was on that island, visiting what amounted to a Kennex country home, when Ford freed the thralls with the stroke of a pen, and without warning anyone. The island he was visiting held a large plantation where the thralls rioted, and violence consumed the surrounding countryside. Evander's guards were able to spirit him away in a daring escape just as the rioters closed in, but the whole experience was too much for his fragile health. He caught a fever that came as close to killing him as anything he ever had. But the experience left him more determined than ever to conquer his poor health and to use all of the knowledge he'd built up over a lifetime of reading to help his family. With the death of the Marquis, Evander has decided that it's time to make the journey to Arx, where he hopes to make himself useful -- assuming he can just catch his breath for a moment.
    he can just catch his breath for a moment.)
  • Ailith Ethere  + (For those of humble birth among the many v
    For those of humble birth among the many vassals of House Valardin, the dream of being one of their gallant knights may forever be out of reach. But Ailith as a commoner sought martial training regardless, accepting she might raise no higher than a simple footsoldier among the house guards of the tiny barony of her birth if that was the price she might pay for a chance to strike at the evil foes that threaten home and hearth. She feels it was the will of the gods to spare her from a boring backwater, however, when her barony found itself on the front against an Abandoned warband, a shockingly large makeshift army of several barbaric clans who sought to raid and plunder the weaker borders of House Valardin's holdings. Ailith still remembers the looks of terror on her fellow soldiers faces on the eve before battle, and the disappointment she felt when she realized the seraph assigned to her barony was a terrified old priest who never expected to speak on the eve of a battle. The young woman still recalls being able to all but smell the fear from her fellow soldiers, sapping their resolve, and then something like a whisper to her... something only she could hear, that spoke words of iron and triumph. Ailith, the youngest soldier and lowest of the guards out of the hundreds, addressed her unit. She spoke movingly of faith, of duty, of honor, and what it meant to be a child of the gods and a servant of Gloria. She remembers the fear melting away from her fellow soldiers, the growing cheers as those men and women found their courage and their resolve, and of the fervor that gripped them all as they then faced the screaming hordes of the Abandoned the following day and smashed the enemy host while greatly outnumbered. A lone knight of solace who had been at the battle declared it no less than a miracle, and all but demanded that Ailith be sent to Arx to meet with the Faith and consider joining one of the militant orders serving the gods. Though she was expecting to become a soldier serving with the Knights of the Temple, a meeting with the Dominus himself convinced the young woman otherwise. The earthly voice of the gods spoke movingly of the importance of priestesses that can inspire and remind the faithful of what the gods require of them and to not break when the time comes for their tests of faith. He convinced her that one who can speak with divinely inspired words can do more good in the halls of power than a thousand steadfast soldiers, and assigned her as the personal priestess to the royal family: the palace seraph. Ailith is not entirely comfortable with a role that keeps her from the fighting, but she nonetheless recognizes its importance. How few commoners get the chance to talk to kings, and counsel them on what their faith asks of them? As the palace seraph, it is precisely her task, and she can do no less if that is the path the gods have set before her.
    is the path the gods have set before her.)
  • Fortescue Antoni  + (Fortescue was born the middle child of thr
    Fortescue was born the middle child of three to a close side branch of the Antoni merchant family in Southport. Due to the family's relative privilege as commoners, he was afforded a solid education. He never worried about going hungry, always had a warm bed and a roof overhead. In fact, if you ask him, the great tragedy of his life was how utterly predictable and unmysterious his early years were. But things get hazy around his 14th birthday. He started realizing he could trade information for favors among the customers at his mother's shop. And then he ran afoul of the son of a smuggling operation, which - perhaps luckily - resulted in him being recruited to their cause for a little while. When he turned 16, his father enrolled him in the Southport Academy for military training in an attempt to straighten him out. It was a dismal failure. While he gained only minimal military prowess during his time at the academy, Fortescue did have the opportunity to meet Lord Martino Malvici. Seeing some potential in him, Martino agreed to take Fortescue on as a student once he completed the requisite two years at the academy. The Malvici lord brought the merchant's son in as one of the stewards and coached him on improving the skills he would need. It wasn't long after that Martino took on Lady Medeia Saik as a student, as well. In a wondrous turn of events, Fortescue and Medeia got along great! While Medeia stayed in Saikland Greens and only visited Southport on occasion, the pair exchanged friendly letters to help one another through various concerns about their studies or challenges they were facing. It took several more years, but when Medeia was called to Arx by her baroness, Martino saw the Saik Lady would bee in need of a solid assistant - who better than someone who already understood her? So, he arranged for Fortescue to travel to the city, too. With the pair reunited, they got right to work, with him supporting her efforts to host exciting events, keep a finger on the pulse of the city, and pitching in with the Saik staff. With Medeia poised to marry out, and the timely departure of the former head of staff of Saik Tower, Fortescue has found a new role to step into. How will the city treat him, now?
    ep into. How will the city treat him, now?)
  • Fortunato Grayhope  + (Fortunato has always been a watcher and a
    Fortunato has always been a watcher and a sketcher, although the compulsive drawing was less charming on the household walls. And compulsive curiosity is not always charming when it involves prying into the kind of everyday secrets adults keep from children. But Fortunato survived childhood and his artistic skill got him an apprenticeship quite early. That he then learned what he thought he could from his mentor and promptly struck out on his own may be a factor in being less than financially successful. Fortunato remains on the periphery, if it's an oddly well-connected, adventuresome periphery. (Rumor has it he even ineffectually went after a Bringer or two with his staff.) Other than producing the occasional art show or temple mural, his primary public role is that of a disciple of Lagoma, and he does find fulfillment in helping people with the shifts and storms of their lives. For all his drive to know and experience, he seems to lack any ambition for personal advancement, anywhere. All that matters is the next epiphany, either for him or someone else.
    epiphany, either for him or someone else.)
  • Fortunato Whisper  + (Fortunato has always been a watcher and a
    Fortunato has always been a watcher and a sketcher, although the compulsive drawing was less charming on the household walls. And compulsive curiosity is not always charming when it involves prying into the kind of everyday secrets adults keep from children. But Fortunato survived childhood and his artistic skill got him an apprenticeship quite early. That he then learned what he thought he could from his mentor and promptly struck out on his own may be a factor in being less than financially successful. Fortunato remains on the periphery, if it's an oddly well-connected, adventuresome periphery. (Rumor has it he even ineffectually went after a Bringer or two with his staff.) Other than producing the occasional art show or temple mural, his primary public role is that of a disciple of Lagoma, and he does find fulfillment in helping people with the shifts and storms of their lives. For all his drive to know and experience, he seems to lack any ambition for personal advancement, anywhere. All that matters is the next epiphany, either for him or someone else.
    epiphany, either for him or someone else.)
  • Jhond Langst  + (Forty years ago Ser Ameli Langst was a pro
    Forty years ago Ser Ameli Langst was a proud member of the King's Own. An expert rider and terror in the ring with a spear she had a promising future ahead of her... until a training accident cost her her leg. A wooden waster broke and the splintered wood stabbed into her leg. The would never healed properly, it festered and her leg was lost just above the knee. No longer able to serve she disappeared to the Lower Boroughs to drink her sorrows away. Ameli ended up as a clerk for a disreputable shipping company along the docks and so came to the attention of one of the rare Eurusi that served on a smugger's crew. Their romance was brief and fiery and resulted in the birth of Jhond before his father one day took sail and the ship he served on never returned, presumed lost at sea. And so Jhond grew up in the Lower Boroughs of Arx, raised along by his mother with tales of her past glory filtered through the hard truth of their current existence. It was not a terrible childhood. He had food most of the time and was well liked as a child. He proved to have no fear of heights, excellent balance and a terrible sense of self-preservation so could often be found climbing and leaping from things that would make most peoples stomach turn. There may have been some rumors about him being a second story man, but he was never caught at it. A decade ago he left Arx for adventure, joining with caravan guards and explorers in search of the next thrill. Clambering up ruins or spelunking into caves, he grew to have something of a reputation as a man willing to take chances for the thrill of it (a maybe a little silver). He was good at what he did, loved it, but two years ago his desire for challenge caught up with him and he fell from a crumbling tower and broke his leg. He was lucky the group he was with included a Mercy that tended to him and made it so that his wound healed fully, if slowly, but while he was recovering he was forced to remain stationary in the nearest city. Soon after he was able to walk again, though aided by crutches, his natural charm earned him the friendship of a local Whisper who then had him introduced to the others of the House. By the time he was fully recovered he was a courtesan in truth and some months later a Whisper in title. Now he has come home to Arx to serve in the Whisper House he had only walked by as a child.
    er House he had only walked by as a child.)
  • Isatis Relanah  + (Found by a passing merchant in the cold ar
    Found by a passing merchant in the cold arms of a penniless beggar's corpse, the feverish babe stirred the pity of the man, who took her with him intending to nurse her back to health before leaving her at the nearest orphanage. Her first year in the world was a battle for survival, as she was a frail babe who seemed to be plagued by sickness constantly. The merchant, having devoted an entire year towards sustaining this young life found that, when the babe's condition had finally stabilized and the time came to give her up, could not do so, thus adopting her as his own. Her formative years were relatively peaceful ones; though she would grow to be strong and healthy, her early years were dotted with sporadic bouts of crippling illness. With her father constantly away on trade ventures she was often left in the care of her uncle, who owned an upscale armory. She became fascinated by the focus and dedication of the smiths at work in the forge. She learned as much as she could from them, picking their brains for every bit of knowledge and technique that they were willing to impart. On her 15th birthday, when her father had returned after a venture gone awry, she quietly confided in him that she would like to pursue a career as a smith. She spent the next three years apprenticing at her uncle's armory before finally deciding there was no more she could learn. Leaving her home, she traveled on a journey for knowledge, attempting to learn as many forging techniques as other smiths were willing to impart, which is to say, more often than not, very little. But that was a lifetime ago to her mind; how she had the energy to travel as she did then, she did not know. Now, she's happy to settle down and make her hammer sing.
    y to settle down and make her hammer sing.)
  • Sivard Grimhall  + (Fourth oldest child, and third son of Hara
    Fourth oldest child, and third son of Harald Grimhall, Sivard came into this world minutes behind his twin brother crying and screaming out into the night as a storm raged overhead. After his birth, Sivard spent the majority of his early years at Grimhall Island with his mother and siblings, where he trained and studied as any other Thraxian might with a focus on sailing and warfare. Although while his brothers contented themselves the a more traditional approach to things, training for combat and sparring whenever they had a free moment, Sivard prefered the company of his Mother, in his spare time, where he learned many things that weren't as typical for a son of Grimhall to pursue. When his father was around though, he could always be found nearby, learning about the sagas and heroic literature of the past, which he developed a deep appreciation of over the years. As time passed, Sivard grew discontented with being cooped up on the island, and as such pleaded with his father to take him along on some of his travels. Expressing a desire to see more of the outside world, and experience all the things it might have to offer. At least, in so much as there was on offer in the Mourning Isles. Much of what he experienced was the traditional pursuit of House Grimhall, raiding and reaving, taking what they could and leaving nothing behind. It was during this time that he came into his own in regards to infiltration, something he was more gifted at than his twin brother. Skills learned that were perhaps atypical as a youth have turned out to be something more useful as he has grown older. There was a small amount of bitterness that settled on him when his father refused to allow him off the island during the last war. Was it for his protection? Possibly. But it wasn't just about him, either. He had his mother, and the rest of his siblings that would also need to rely on him, and not everyone could pack up and head out to a battle such as that. However, that has changed, and with the changing climate there is a chance for him now that he didn't have before. He's heading to Arx.
    e didn't have before. He's heading to Arx.)
  • Fray Tirkah  + (Fray was born and experienced their early
    Fray was born and experienced their early childhood in the slums, having to fight for scraps of food and clothing that could barely be called either. She kept to herself but was easily angered when provoked by others, which made some of the kids weary and left her alone, or others that purposely provoked her knowing she'd lose her temper easily. She lived like this for a while until about her early teens when a weathered-looking Knight who belonged to an Order called The Cleansing Blades, who looked the opposite of pristine caught her beating up other kids with a big stick. After it was over the Knight asked the girl why she was beating up the other kids, and she answered that she did it to stop them from harassing others and that she finally had enough of them provoking her and messing with others. The Knight admired her will to seek action and punish who she deemed guilty, so he took her back to his lowly, small, but recognized Order of Knights. She spent the rest of her childhood and teenage years there learning to be a Knight within The Cleansing Blades. There she was taught that everyone aside from the Crownship and gods themselves should be treated equally in the eyes of Justice. She was taught that her existence is to now defend the weak and punish the corrupt using her own judgement.
    unish the corrupt using her own judgement.)
  • Karak Crown  + (From a family of hunter, son of a huntsman
    From a family of hunter, son of a huntsman and a merchant, Karak was a child educated to follow the family tradition, always helping his father with making arrows and butchering. Karak also spent a lot of time time training shooting bows. Except one day, Karak's father died after an hog charged him, wounding him mortally, his mother died soon enough, with nothing to sell. Karak, in his teenage years continued the family tradition, living as an hermit. Days after days, his thirst for gold, and jealousy towards nobility made him become a mercenary, he's now roaming in these lands, looking for work.
    roaming in these lands, looking for work.)
  • Casimir Acheron  + (From a young age, Casimir was marked to se
    From a young age, Casimir was marked to seal a political alliance by marrying out of the family. You see, he never liked the family dogs. He never liked the wilds that much, either. He learned to endure both -- to ride, and to hunt, and to do everything that was expected of a Keaton lord -- but his true passion was found in books: histories and stories captured his imagination as the forests never could. He was still young when his eldest sister took her own life. He watched as Margerie took on the burden of rule with the incomprehension of the young, while his rather idle studies took on sharp new focus as he moved up the line of succession. His relief when he was bumped back down was matched only by Margerie's when Kael was found. The young promise of a political alliance was sealed through a marriage to house Acheron, and off Casimir went to Arx to meet his new wife. He has mixed feelings about setting aside the sigil of a dog's pawprint to take on that of a monstrous wolf-bear.
    to take on that of a monstrous wolf-bear.)
  • Castruccio Fidante  + (From a young age, Castruccio was a brooder
    From a young age, Castruccio was a brooder. Where other children played pranks and made jokes, he was more likely to explore than partake in games. Though plain to all that as he grew older his ambitions were militant in nature, his father directed him instead to theological studies. It left a bitterness in Castruccio to see his cousins and older brother getting to train all day at the sword, though indeed, he did train in secret as often as possible. It didn't help that he received much mockery for having to study and read during the day when others were training outside. His first scandal, and the first of many scandals attributed to his name, was from the result of a duel with a far-removed cousin that resulted in the lad's death. Though ruled accidental, rumours began to circulate, pointing out that the deceased had been the biggest instigator when it came to harassing Castruccio. s he grew older, his father began to send him on diplomatic meetings, which he actually took to with aplomb. Oft times the biggest detractors of House Fidante would find their minds changed to everyone's surprise, though the occasional accident and rise of someone with more sympathetic views to Castruccio's mission occurred more often than might be easily swallowed as coincidence. Still, it left Castruccio with a reputation as an intellectual, as well, though he still railed against the life chosen for him. Until it all changed. No one was sure what the duel was over, but a fight between Castruccio and his older brother left Castruccio two times a kinslayer, for he won the fight. Then he left. Six years were spent as a soldier of fortune, Castruccio building up name and reputation for himself. Six years of carefully selecting alliances, and sometimes fighting for one enemy only to switch to another when the profit was correct. It's only now that the threat of the Gyre is so impending, that Castruccio has returned to his family to take up as a Knight of the Rose.
    family to take up as a Knight of the Rose.)
  • Esera Velenosa  + (From her very earliest memories, Esera was
    From her very earliest memories, Esera was being groomed to rule. For other great houses, such as the bores in House Valardin that drone endlessly on about honor and chivalric virtues, the grooming could have meant careful instruction on the proper morality and dignity expected of a just ruler. In the Lyceum and as the first child of the Archduchess of House Velenosa, that meant something rather else. Esera remembers childhood games based around guessing the motivations of other players, games of trickery and deceit. She remembers the pride of her mother when she managed even simple manipulation, and the lessons of her father that the other great houses respect strength and strength alone and remain vassals of House Velenosa only due to respect and fear. She remembers the lessons discussing other leaders that failed to heed those lessons, and how they brought ruin onto themselves and their families due to not being clever enough, not being strong enough, not being ruthless enough. Duchess Esera has never stopped learning such lessons. House Velenosa possesses neither the strongest army nor the largest coffers. They are surrounded by enemies wearing the masks of friends. But Esera knows despite that, the Fox is still feared, and that is solely due to their well deserved reputation for mastery of devious intrigue and sheer cunning. Even at a young age, Esera feels worthy of that birthright. She has a positive talent for understanding the complicated motivations and intricate interactions between all the noble houses that comprises the political sphere of Arx and her keenly agile mind has an intuitive grasp for the most beneficial way to position her house to take advantage of nearly any conflict. And if she is talented at managing groups, she is an utter master at the manipulation of individuals. Everyone has some weakness that's exploitable, has something they want. She'll find it, she'll use it, and it will be without apology or regret. She has to, after all. House Velenosa cannot afford weakness, and if she falters, they likely all die. Though perhaps it would be rude to admit that she actually rather enjoys playing the game, because she is so damned good at it. So she'll play it, and play to win... for herself, for her family, for her city, and for Arvum, but certainly in that order.
    nd for Arvum, but certainly in that order.)
  • Gabriella Pravus  + (Gabriella is the oldest daughter of Tiberi
    Gabriella is the oldest daughter of Tiberio Pravus, a Sword of Setarco known for his skill and charisma, and a few days after her fifth nameday, she was taken by a deadly malady. Despite all the efforts of House Pravus, and the mountains of silver offered, no physician gave Gabriella a chance. Her mother, Lady Aurora Pravus, would not have it. The headstrong woman gathered her personal guard and rode out of the Silken City and would not return for three weeks. What happened nobody knows, but Gabriella returned sleeping soundly in her mother's arms, resting peacefully for the first time in months. She was cured, a miracle, and Lady Aurora never spoke of it again. From that point forward a fire lit up in the girl. She and her sister Lucrezia were wild together, and Gabriella would find herself desiring to fight. The sisters planned their future together, and while Lucrezia loved the waves, Gabriella dreamt of the battlefield. She would be knighted at the age of seventeen by the ruling Duke then, in the same day her father and the duke were assassinated, and her sister Lucrezia vanished, all thanks to House Argento's machinations. The remainder of the House had no option but to fight back. Viviana would become Sword to protect the new Duchess, the inexperienced Belladonna, while Gabriella took over the command of the Swords of the Evening, her father's men. Consumed by a desire for revenge, Gabriella was vicious in the invasion of Nilanza. None were as cruel or violent as the daughter of Tiberio, something that earned her the title The Butcher's Daughter. War washed her father's honor, but it put a stain on Gabriella's soul. She has become more of a recluse in Setarco, and some say her disease, the one that almost took her life when younger, has returned, but the knight does not confirm or deny it. In the field she looks as healthy as ever, a deadly sin, so what gives?
    lthy as ever, a deadly sin, so what gives?)
  • Gage Grimshaw  + (Gage comes from the Oathlands, born to poo
    Gage comes from the Oathlands, born to poor peasant farmers with little other than the land they tilled to their name. He was the Grimshaw's family only child. His childhood was often spent under the beating heat of the sun, toiling away at the soil and carrying out labor-heavy tasks that eventually formed him into a strong young man. The environs housed other families of whom came one of Gage's earliest friends--the peasant son of another family named Jacobus. He and Jacobus would spend their off-time from work fooling around, and this would continue on for several years as the boys grew up alongside each other. One day, when they were both sixteen, they decided to run off and go on a grand, foolish adventure. They didn't get far into journeying through the wilds before Gage's friend was wounded on the trail, and with the little supplies they had Jacbous could not be saved. When his friend fell, instead of returning home to face his family and the family of Jacobus he continued on roaming and fell in with a mercenary group in time. Years passed as Gage climbed the ranks and accrued the skills necessary for survival. Deciding to call it quits with the group he ran with, he decided to break off from them in the dead of the night one day and traveled to make his fortune in Arx.
    y and traveled to make his fortune in Arx.)