Nedios Darkstorm

Nedios Darkstorm
Social Rank 9
Fealty Crownsworn
"Crownsworn" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Darkstorm
Gender Male
Age 27
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Criminal
Height slightly below average
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Skintone Pale
Authored By / Featured In


Standing before you at a slightly below average height is an average-looking human male with a forgettable face. Medium-length brown hair sweeps over his left eye, leaving the bright blue right eye to scan the room casually as he moves. Walking with his hands in his pockets, he seems at ease in most environments.


A quiet observer, Nedios likes to watch things happen from the shadows and collect information for later use either by himself or others. He makes back alley connections easy and has a good grasp of street smarts. When in conversation he appears friendly with most but those on his bad side soon find out what happens when he gets angry.


Born at a young age, Nedios grew up on the streets. He's smaller than others so his way of survival was trading information. Be it cheating at games, blackmailing a noble, or just to embarrass someone, Nedios likes collecting and using secrets of others.