Sanya Grimhall

Revision as of 01:04, 21 July 2019 by Arxbot (talk | contribs)

Sanya Grimhall
Social Rank 4
Fealty Thrax
House Grimhall
Gender Female
Age 28
Religion Pantheon (Mangata)
Vocation Courtier
Height 5'4"
Hair Color Spun Gold
Eye Color Sapphire Blue
Skintone Peaches And Cream
Parents Abram Grimhall, Alina Darkwater
Siblings Jovarn Grimhall, Merida Thrax, Erik Grimhall
Uncles/Aunts Anneke Grimhall, Harald Grimhall
Cousins Valdemar Grimhall, Melinda Grimhall, Sivard Grimhall, Ingvar Grimhall, Ingrid Grimhall
Authored By / Featured In


A petite beauty, what she lacks in stature she makes up for, carrying herself like a formidable woman to be reckoned with, not a delicate darling. Her features evoke thoughts of classical paintings, with high cheekbones and a slightly pointed jaw contrasting in angles with soft lips that draw the eye when she speaks. Eyes are the rich blue of sapphires, bright as the sea glittering under moonlight. Her skin is peaches and cream, flawless, not even a stray freckle marring that perfection. Her hair is worn in long waves that reach just below the shoulder blades when loose, a sunlit gold shade that is so much more than 'blonde'. Her figure is lithe and she moves with self-possession that belies her youth.

{w({nHer smiles do little to hide the fatigue in her eyes, marked by faint shadows, mostly concealed by powder. A fresh linen bandage is neatly tied around her right hand.{w){n


Sanya Grimhall smiles easily and often, and uses those smiles either to please, engage, or disarm. She's adept at all three and wields passion and inspiration the same way so many in her family do cold steel. It is a foolish thing to assume that she is less precise with those tools, or less deadly. Her moods can seem to shift like quicksilver, and though she can be sunny and charming it takes only one sharp turn to find that laughter fades to temper. Those who know Sanya well describe her as mesmerizing, motivated and exceptionally loyal to those whom she feels have earned it. Family above all.

