Aeryn Laurent

Revision as of 16:06, 21 January 2018 by Arxbot (talk | contribs)

Aeryn Laurent
Social Rank 4
Fealty Valardin
House Laurent
Gender Female
Age 18
Religion Faith Of The Pantheon
Vocation Courtier
Height 5'6"
Hair Color Ruby
Eye Color Crystalline Blue
Skintone Alabaster
Parents Edmund Laurent, Lorraine Laurent
Siblings Cristoph Laurent, Jael Laurent, Cassandra Laurent
Uncles/Aunts Marcus Laurent, Ilene Laurent, Sondra Laurent, Timothy Laurent
Cousins Leo Fidante, Calista Fidante, Eiran Laurent, Naka Laurent, Klaus Laurent, Gwenna Redrain, Artur Redrain
Authored By / Featured In


Aeryn is a strikingly prurient figure, a paragon of feminine beauty with a perfect hourglass figure and a build balanced between athletic and curvacious. She seems young; perhaps just having come of age if one had to hazard a guess, as there are no wrinkles, freckles, nor lines upon her face to betray any definite age. She seems fragile like a porcelain doll with alabaster skin and eyes that ring with wide-eyed innocence. Her bearing is noble, but not assertively so and she carries with her a very amiable aura. When speaking, this mirrors in her dulcet, honeyed voice whose tone is melodic and bordering on sing-song.

Her smooth pale skin betrays a lack of time in the sun, and she speaks with an Oathlands slight accent. It's creamy to the touch and bears no scars, tattoos, or other defining characteristic. Her long and painstakingly cared-for ruby hair is almost always left down and falls to her elbows in loose, bouncy waves, framing her exquisite face with side-swept asymmetrical bangs. This face in turn is characterized by two key features: Her large, limpid crystalline eyes and full cherub lips that never run short of smiles.

{w({nAeryn is elegantly dressed in a length of pure Charmeuse silk that shimmers with a lustrous pearlescence. It's wrapped eleaborately around her and draped sumptuously over one shoulder, leaving the other sensuously bare. A matching white corset cinches the waist and everything is embroidered with lovely golden flowers and vinework. If you look closely, there are even tiny little bees hidden between the petals! On top of her head is a twisted circlet of willow branch, woven with white berry vines and adorned with beautiful white blossoms and sprays of soft lavender. Her ruby tresses have been left to cascade down her back in loose tousled waves, ending round about her hips.{w){n


Aeryn is as saccharine sweet as they come with an energy level best described as high voltage. Her personality rings of youth and innocence and naivety and rarely is there a moment when she is not bubbly and positive. There is no hint of darkness to her and not even those that know her well will ever say there's a shred of cruelty or malice within her. She is gentle, through and through.


As the youngest sister of Cristoph, Jael, and Cassandra she was free of much responsibility and was free focus on whatever it was at the moment that captured her fascination. For a while she thought she might be a singer or something like a bard. The next, a lawyer. The next focus was animal husbandry and then maybe even medicine. While she shied away form the martial aspects of life, she excelled at whatever she put her mind to.

More recently, her father has died and Cristoph has taken the reigns over Artshall and while her heart broke for her father she couldn't be prouder of her older siblings. Now, having come of age she's been loosed upon Arx to find her path and her footing.