Fortunato Grayhope

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Fortunato Grayhope
Social Rank 8
Fealty Crownsworn
"Crownsworn" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Grayhope
Gender Male
Age 37
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Artisan
Height 5'3"
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Dark Brown
Skintone Fair
Parents Tobias grayhope, Myrinda Grayhope
Siblings Aureth Grayhope
Uncles/Aunts Tobar Grayhope, Kelda Grayhope
Cousins Chanse Grayhope, Michal Grayhope, Lucia Grayhope, Manny Grayhope, Imelda Grayhope, Corrigan Grayhope, Brady Grayhope, Reyner Grayhope
Authored By / Featured In


Fortunato is small and slight, and while his posture ranges from upright to a touch proud, he has a way of barely occupying a space until he decides to be present. His manner is restlessly birdlike. His dark hair, gone slightly wild, and his smooth, ascetic face make him appear a touch younger than he is. However, his deep-set eyes are weathered, and tend half-lidded and distant unless his interest is caught.


Fortunato is fascinated by small things, your butterflies, your scuff in the dust, the birds and the soft trickle of water from the roofs. Fortunato is fascinated by large things, your cataclysm, your strange, dangerous occurrence, his teeth bared with excitement as he clings to the periphery of disaster. While an artist by trade and passion, he has more of a reputation for how little he seems to produce. He's more interested in art as a venue for exploration, exploration that extends to philosophical, mystical obsessions and poetic pretense in his speech. His dreamy curiosity carries a troubled undercurrent, though, which can surface as brittle temper or turbulent intensity. Or deep melancholy. He seems a man divided between wonder and dissatisfaction.


Fortunato has always been a watcher and a sketcher, although the compulsive drawing was less charming on the household walls. And compulsive curiosity is not always charming when it involves prying into the kind of everyday secrets adults keep from children. But Fortunato survived childhood and his artistic skill got him an apprenticeship quite early. That he then learned what he thought he could from his mentor and promptly struck out on his own may be a factor in being less than financially successful.

Fortunato remains on the periphery, if it's an oddly well-connected, adventuresome periphery. (Rumor has it he even ineffectually went after a Bringer or two with his staff.) Other than producing the occasional art show or temple mural, his primary public role is that of a disciple of Lagoma, and he does find fulfillment in helping people with the shifts and storms of their lives. For all his drive to know and experience, he seems to lack any ambition for personal advancement, anywhere. All that matters is the next epiphany, either for him or someone else.