Joslyn Manicelli

Revision as of 18:03, 7 April 2017 by Arxbot (talk | contribs)

Joslyn Manicelli
Social Rank 8
Fealty Velenosa
"Velenosa" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Manicelli
Gender Female
Age 19
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Lady's Maid
Height 5'3"
Hair Color Chocolate Brown
Eye Color Dark Jade
Skintone Olive
Parents Chiara Manicelli
Authored By / Featured In


Their features are completely masked by the black and silver valto upon their face. This Lycene style mask covers from hair line to chin; obscuring their face. It has been painted so that three quarters of the mask is black with a silvery sheen to it. The right eye and temple have been painted bright silver with a star. They are a starlit night in this mask.


To the casual observer, Joslyn seems to have two completely different personalities, but to Joclyn, they are one in the same. She's a kind woman by nature, always looking for the best in others and always trying to make people laugh. She enjoys the little pleasures, and feminine things, and in many ways embodies the perfect vision of a lady's maid. She is, however, loyal to a fault, and if anybody threatens those that are close to her, and especially if they threaten her charge, she will defend them furiously. Her quick escalation to violence can come as a surprise to many that don't know her well, but when the threat is over she'll be back to her old self, as if nothing had ever happened. The bonds she forms are not easily shattered, and her loyalty is ever unwavering.


The Manicelli family had served the Fidante house for generations. She was a part of a long tradition of family servants that grew up knowing their palace as a home. Both of her parents raised her alongside the nobility, and even though they were always reminded of their place in the house, she grew up to be very close to Calista. So, from a very young age, she was groomed to be the perfect servant for the young Lady so that when they came of age, she would serve her as a personal lady's maid. She took well to her training, enjoying every aspect of it, everything from the dressing and makeup, to the ettiquette. She also took well to her other training, to prepare her for the life that was to come.

Upon coming of age, she was hired to join with Calista and attend to her every need, and to be at her side in all things, including and especially anywhere danger is present. With her combat training, she was perfect for assuring that Lady Calista would be kept safe, and she took to the task readily. It was something she'd prepared her whole life for, and she was ready to serve, and protect.