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Delilah Shepherd +Just like the vast ocean Delilah is restless, moody and fond of change and travel. In her mind, there is always a question that needs an answer, and she is compelled to go out and find it herself when she can get no answers from people or dusty old tomes. She frequently documents the answers she finds and the discoveries she makes to make them easily accessible to others, particularly when danger is involved. When she was a little girl, penning fantastical tales of a heroine suspiciously like herself was a beloved past time, but Delilah is quickly discovering the world is far more magical than even her imagination suggested!  +
Delilah Whitehawk +Just like the vast ocean Delilah is restless, moody and fond of change and travel. In her mind, there is always a question that needs an answer, and she is compelled to go out and find it herself when she can get no answers from people or dusty old tomes. She frequently documents the answers she finds and the discoveries she makes to make them easily accessible to others, particularly when danger is involved. When she was a little girl, penning fantastical tales of a heroine suspiciously like herself was a beloved past time, but Delilah is quickly discovering the world is far more magical than even her imagination suggested!  +
Demura Lyonesse +A shrewd woman. She has been hardened by her life as a Lyonesse and battlefields, despite her relatively young age. Calamity always seems to be on the horizon, to one degree or another for her and the family whose name she carries. It is through force of will and hardiness that the family has persisted for so long. Demura understands this and as a result has become tempered as steel, often providing the world a cool exterior for casual viewing. She will do what must be done to succeed, to live, and to continue her family name forward for generations to come. Yet still she is young, which allows her moments when her guard comes down and the carefree exuberance of youth shines through.  +
Denica Thrax +Full of energy and wonder for the world, it is all the more challenging for this bon vivant to assume the role of a properly meek and demure Thraxian noblewoman. The struggle is real, and it often shows in subconscious gestures of restlessness or barely leashed emotions. Thoughtful compassion battles with the uncanny pragmatism of her household, but loyalty to her family commonly wins out. She holds few ambitions beyond inspiration for new art and acclaim from her peers, happy to merely enjoy life as a redundant daughter of nobility and gifted prodigy of the arts.  +
Deoiridh Unknown +Most will find the wayward Shav'arvani huntress wary and distrustful at a glance, and perhaps even beyond first impressions and first meetings, just as many may find her visage to be an unsettling sight and her presence cause for suspicion and vigilance. Stubborn, nosily curious, and perhaps jarringly out of her element in the Compact, Deoiridh nonetheless isn't without apparent good qualities. She has a way with animals, whether in befriending them or hunting them, and appears well-versed in the ways of the wilds. She is keen of sight and mind, and ordinarily equally swift to pick up upon most things that are unfamiliar and strange to her, though whether she chooses to embrace societal norms and foreign customs in her unorthodox nature is another matter.  +
Derovai Voss +Raised on the streets of Arx, Derovai discovered at an early age that knowledge can be just as valuable as any coin, and just as powerful as any noble. Never quite suited to wielding a sword, he learned instead to parry with words, to strike to the truth of things, with or without the mercy of polite civility. Between charismatic charm and biting wit, it can be difficult to find acquaintances who claim a middle ground of neutrality with the man; most tend to find him delightful or barely tolerable. Derovai is more concerned with information than being liked, however, so he usually cares more about endearing himself to those who are useful.  +
Desiree Wyrmguard +Desiree isn't ?precisely- every father's worst nightmare for their delicate daughter, but it isn't from lack of effort. She doesn't go so far as to bring shame upon her family or her betters, rather, she simply has a sense of confidence that she can sweet talk her way into or out of anything on a whim. Her soul is fire, in every aspect, from the burning rage of injustice, to the searing heat of passion. It kindles gently to warm and soothe those she cares for, and when the coals run cold, may everyone be wary. She's bright enough to know not to go into a knife fight with only her rapier wit, but she tends to like to challenge herself to greater feats of social escapades. Her devotion to her sister, however, is unmatched, and she will fight more fiercely in the social circles, so her sister can do the boring things like lead the family and be a paragon of virtue.  +
Desma Magnotta +Pragmatic and down-to-earth, Desma doesn't suffer fools lightly. If a person needs telling that they're acting the idiot, she'll do so directly, and to their face. That's not to say she's rude, it's more that she doesn't see the point in tip-toeing around a subject when, with a few well-chosen words, that problem can be fixed. If you're in her face, she'll swat you right out of it, and though some can find her manner a little abrasive at times, those with whom friendships are struck tell of a woman that's warm and loyal to a fault. Inquisitive, adventurous, ambitious, she sees her life as a series of goals that must be secured.  +
Destin Saltshore +Destin is, on the surface, the very definition of a citizen of Grihem's Point: grim-faced, gruff, and stoic to a fault. One does not have to spend too long around him, however, to realize that he has a wicked, if incredibly dry, sense of humor. Unless it goes over one's head, of course. In spite of this, though, he is a deeply loyal man once it is earned, with a strong sense of justice and an abiding faith for the Gods.  +
Deva Redrain +It's not that Deva sets out to give gray hairs to everyone that cares about her, or that she wants to be a troublemaker... even if those moments are often hilarious. She just loves freedom above all else and instinctively buckles against any kind of constraint ever set down on her, whether it's the polite suffocating rules of noble society or the pragmatic duties set forth for a high born princess. She's passionate and fiery, caring so deeply and fervently about any just cause that piques her bone deep sympathy for individuals fighting for their rights. She does try to restrain herself now and then, knowing how easily a princess can bring scandal down upon House Redrain, but the surest way to make her forget that restraint is to tell her she cannot do something.  +
Deva Velenosa +It's not that Deva sets out to give gray hairs to everyone that cares about her, or that she wants to be a troublemaker... even if those moments are often hilarious. She just loves freedom above all else and instinctively buckles against any kind of constraint ever set down on her, whether it's the polite suffocating rules of noble society or the pragmatic duties set forth for a high born princess. She's passionate and fiery, caring so deeply and fervently about any just cause that piques her bone deep sympathy for individuals fighting for their rights. She does try to restrain herself now and then, knowing how easily a princess can bring scandal down upon House Redrain, but the surest way to make her forget that restraint is to tell her she cannot do something.  +
Dianara Whisper +She's never been the life of the party, but Dianara is the Whisper one seeks out if they desire pleasant conversation over a drink at said party. Hers is a way of languid kindness and warmth with little that seems to make her excited or out of sorts. Her companions and students would swear they've never seen her lose her temper. She seems to drift through the world as if propelled by a gentle breeze, unperturbed and unbothered by struggle and strife but willing to assist where she can.  +
Dianna Mazetti +Dianna Godsworn, nee Mazetti, can be said to have taken the Lycene heroes of old and distilled them into a singular essence: her own. Sly as Cella, she combines a natural magnetism with an affinity bold words and even bolder actions. She is proud without being pompous, and determined without being reckless. Once, Dianna sought personal glory, intending to bring fame and honor even more so to her House. So much has changed in her, though, in the short time after returned to Arx: While Dianna still holds every quality, every grace, every lesson she has ever learned as a Mazetti, she now practically gleams with a radiant, intoxicating peace, no matter what her mood that ingratiates her ever more to those she sets her fathomlessly-deep amber gaze upon. However, when Dianna is furious? That radiant peace focuses on its target, all-encompassing in its grasp; and Dianna Godsworn becomes a boldly-terrifying thing of beauty.  +
Diego Leary +Warm and friendly by nature, Diego flirts as much out of a kind of constant spinal reflex as he does out of any real desire to win hearts or bedmates. His sense of humor is corky and odd, striking at odd moments, and he thinks a lot in terms of mathematics, spatial relationships and engineering. His mellow seems unending; it's hard to conceive of him losing his temper, merely because he seems so laid back. Yet for all his easygoing flamboyance, what lies at the core of his spine, beneath the defensive barrier of lightness and humor, is an intent thinker and doer with a solid foundation.  +
Dierdre Fallow +Dierdre is a very mercurial woman with definite mood swings. She can go from calm and quiet to screaming in the blink of an eye. Usually she reserves this treatment for the soldiers she trains. Despite this she very rarely is actually horribly mad, she just is loud. Very loud. And often times people associate being loud with being mean and angry. Dierdre is actually quite kind and caring. The only reason she is so tough is she has to be, to make sure the people she trains do the best they can to survive. But beware, actually get her angry and she is a nigh-unstoppable train of fury.  +
Dimitri Velenosa +Friendly, sociable and more then a little outgoing, Dimitri is able to easily navigate just about any social situation, whether it's in the company of the valorous Oathlanders to the raucous Northerners. Never one to turn down a drink or a party, he finds himself quite at home when in the company of others, so long as his company doesn't involve fighting.  +
Dino Corsetina +In Bernardino Corsetina's short life, he's become convinced that life is more than a bit crazy and the more he learns, the more he realized he knew nothing at all before. Whenever he finds it daunting to determine what is right, he relies on guiding principles to help navigate treacherous waters: a protective love of family, and to be the best he can possibly be. Easy enough on its own, but truthfully the Corsetinas are not always easy to love, and very not easy to protect. Deep down he knows that some might find his family creepy and full of Lycene with less than stellar reputations, much of it earned, and some of them can lack even the most basic empathy, but that's just a hero's challenge to make it work, right? Personable, charismatic, and genuinely warm and kind-hearted, Dino stands out among his Corsetina kin, and even Lycenes in general. But he'll make it work. Dino believes in looking at the positive, and trusting life can better. Some might call him foolish, but it doesn't get under Bernardino Corsetina's skin; afterall, every family needs a dreamer, right?  +
Dio Seraceni +On the seas, Dio is fierce and stern - a man who understands necessity and uses the force of his personality to enthrall his crew with a sense of purpose and destiny. At other times, he can be personable and warm, a master storyteller, who can draw his listeners into foreign lands or times not their own, to taste victory on their lips, or feel the weight of silver coins passing through their fingers. The nature of his speech is also as mutable as the sea. He can be formal, even eloquent in the courts of Velenosa or Arx, or spit the most vile and base curses with the lowliest of cutthroats. To those inclined to pay close attention, it is clear that whatever lies underneath these cultivated personas has been locked in a well wrought chest, and buried deep.  +
Dion Navegant +Adventure has always, always, called to Dion. It sings in his blood and whispers in his ears, but that adventure is not always of the body, and while he's both active and has always been, he's also got the ability to be studious. He's quick with a laugh and a joke, always has a story ready to tell, some even true, and an ear ready for any story that anyone else might have to share. Often it's hard to marry the idea of his age with his personality, as he lives life with the vibrancy of a man half his age.  +
Dismas Scratch +He's got a confident swagger, like he knows who he is and what he's worth and doesn't have to prove it to a single soul. Until he's on the field, then he is down to prove his capability with every punch, every swing of his sword, every refusal to stay down when knocked on his ass. He fights with a fury and ferocity that's only matched off the field by his love for his family. Off the field, he'd rather enjoy himself, though those paying attention might catch a habit toward moderation, unwilling as he is to let indulgence get in the way of what he wants. There's a quiet discipline beneath his nonchalance which might lead one to believe he's signed up with the Champions for more than just silver and glory, like maybe he actually believes in the honor he's paid to fight for.  +
Dmitry Grimhall +Dmitry tries so very hard to be an honorable man. He knows full well the kind of reputation that Grimhall enjoys, and he knows full well that every bit of it was justified. He saw the kind of duchy that his father Taras ran, and the kind of wanton wastefulness caused by the stupidity and brutality of his father. Dmitry was determined to be a far better man than that, and despite (or perhaps because) of the reputation that Thrax and Grimhall enjoys, he has a rare reputation as an honest if grimly determined man driven to improve the standing of his house. He can be ruthless and painfully direct, but the short of cruel malevolence of his brother is foreign to his nature.  +
Doll +Called "Doll", this is unlikely to be her real name, but few seem to have any clue to what it actually is. None seem to care, either. By all accounts she's a trashy, aggressive, promiscuous nobody with an oversized attitude from the lowest planes of society, willing to sell or do anything for the right price. Most who've seen her have also heard her demanding others buy her anything from a drink to an expensive pair of shoes, which often turns to some combination of either bullying, fisticuffs, or occasionally sexual offerings, all of which she's more known for than most anything else. She's rarely fully-clothed, which she's known to use to full effect, and even less rarely seen without a few bruises or busted-up knuckles despite it. Her furious temper and the feminine details of her often-overexposed body are perhaps the most common points of discussion regarding this "Doll". She's sometimes seen with a particularly expensive-looking trinket or piece of jewelry, which she'll call gifts. Speculation on who she stole or conned such things from usually follows.  +
Doll Crown +Called "Doll", this is unlikely to be her real name, but few seem to have any clue to what it actually is. None seem to care, either. By all accounts she's a trashy, aggressive, promiscuous nobody with an oversized attitude from the lowest planes of society, willing to sell or do anything for the right price. Most who've seen her have also heard her demanding others buy her anything from a drink to an expensive pair of shoes, which often turns to some combination of either bullying, fisticuffs, or occasionally sexual offerings, all of which she's more known for than most anything else. She's rarely fully-clothed, which she's known to use to full effect, and even less rarely seen without a few bruises or busted-up knuckles despite it. Her furious temper and the feminine details of her often-overexposed body are perhaps the most common points of discussion regarding this "Doll". She's sometimes seen with a particularly expensive-looking trinket or piece of jewelry, which she'll call gifts. Speculation on who she stole or conned such things from usually follows.  +
Dominic Thrax +If anyone heard him, his voice, grunt-filled whispers into the fey, careless to the reality of aristocracy, womanly troubles. He spoke only to his dogs, massive monstrosities of battle no weaker and no less ferocious than he; salivating at the thought of thrall-hunt. But silence was his primary form of conversation, eyeing others as if you were tantalizing meat ready for slaughter. Pure, unfettered, hardened silence grasping tenuously at the rage that hides beneath. That is his reputation, one cultivated and displayed to keep others at a distance. The truth is that his time away from civilization changed him. It did not make him soft or slow but patient. He expels an air of tranquility that listens and contradicts his large frame.  +
Dominique Wyrmguard +There is surety of purpose, and then there is stubborn will. Dominique embodies both, honestly. She doesn't deny that her lofty ideals are often impractical, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be pursued. The world is a place full of great goodness and beauty, but just as much horror and evil. The Valardin know that better than most, and only their purity of strength stems the tide from their lands. It's not that she doesn't understand the need for compromise, it's just that compromise is for other people to do, to handle. She can't afford to do it, and she carries that burden heavily. She often wishes for the carefree days before her lessons began, but to shirk her duties, especially in the face of tragedy, is an unforgivable sin.  +