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Berenice Velenosa +Charming and tempestuous, Berenice loves to flirt with scandal. She enjoys sidling right up to the edge of it, hips swaying, and nudging at it with her toe. Possibly while maintaining eye contact and a smile, like a cat nudging a glass off a table. She quite enjoys people, with all the delights they present, and can traverse the social web with delightedly deft skill. Of course, friendship with Berenice may come with it a fiery blowup or two, but just wait a day: either the slight will be forgotten, or the friendship will. She is, at the very least, never a boring companion.  +
Berto Tiazza +Berto is warm and kind, with a genuinely amiable demeanor. Sure, he's definitely about the money now and again, but it's rare that he's going to go out of his way to gouge people. Given his quick and easy sense of humor, he's almost always laughing and smiling. He's also pretty drunk most of the time.  +
Bethany Mercier +Bethany has a mind like a steel trap, capable of understanding a situation before it fully unfolds. Being curious is her first nature, so this is partly a defense mechanism she's developed to avoid getting in trouble. Her skills in planning and accounting are noteworthy, which makes her a good fit for her career path, and trusted by her merchant father when it comes to managing her finances. While on the surface she is affable, Bethany tends to establish emotional boundaries between herself and her friends and acquaintances. She fears being hurt and feels safe only when she has control of the relationship.  +
Bhandn Yvar +Before he met Valena Eseri in the course of his travels, many had called Sir Bhandn Yvar "serious enough to make a lecture seem exciting." In many ways, he still is. On the road, he tolerates nonsense as much as he does his traveling charges being assailed. Anything and everything that could clearly endanger those in his charge are prone for stern rebuke. Their safety -- his duty -- comes before all else. Similar thinking exists for keeping himself in fighting condition. Over the course of the past thirty years, however, the stony wall that was his typical demeanor has gradually begun to erode. During his brief rests in civilized areas, he is far more likely to be found engaged in banter-filled labor and physical competitions, rather than simply brooding while laboring to keep his armaments in good condition.  +
Bianca Wyrmguard +Composed of ineffable poise and grace, her words laced with uncanny wisdom, and possessed of a calm disposition that seems capable of weathering even the worst of storms, Bianca Wyrmguard is always ready with a kind word or advice to those in need of it, putting a sharp and empathetic mind to work in helping the people around her. But while she is undoubtedly warm, it is a distant warmth. Bianca often exists at a remove from others, playing most of her private thoughts and feelings close to the vest, and rarely speaks about herself, preferring instead to focus on the needs of others. Behind all those layers lies a naturally pragmatic woman who nonetheless finds deep fascination in the human condition and is endlessly in passionate pursuit of new knowledge and new experiences. Recent years, however, have seen a slow shift in Bianca's outlook and behavior, and her deep well of calm has been steadily coupled with a biting and incisive wit that has little tolerance for foolishness. Increasingly willing to embrace her own, personal ambitions, Bianca is implacable once she puts her mind to something -- to the point of an unfortunate tendency towards overworking herself; a fact that she will persistently disavow right up to the point she passes out in the middle of her adamant denial.  +
Bjorn Grimhall +Bjorn is a man shaped by his personal tragedies. A life of watching emotions be the downfall of men and women he's loved has changed him into a soldier of crisp professionalism. Calm, often cool and aloof, his demeanor often gives a false indication of a man completely detached by the consequences of his work, but nothing could be further from the truth. He embraces what he's need to become to ever prevent anyone else from feeling the brutal losses that still haunt him. When not in a professional setting, the ice thaws, but even then he is the sort to only drink towards moderation. Someone has to keep their head about them, after all.  +
Blacktongue Artiglio +Being a jester wasn't Blacktongue's first choice, but he always had a playful spirit, keeping his brother and nephew in good humors. He views his position as one of honor, being trusted by the family to speak his mind in an entertaining fashion with only a slim chance he'll be executed for it? It's like a dream come true. The only care he takes is to not bring shame on the Velenosa family, or take a jest too far. He didn't spend years practically killing himself to mock them now in a way that would cause true injury. His general mood tends to be one of hope and cheer, though, should anyone anger him, or harm his family, blood and fealty, he can be biting, sarcastic, and downright cruel. He tends to live each day as if it were his last, mostly out of habit from his days when that was potentially his fate every meal.  +
Blair Elricks +Blair is a friendly, honest sort of girl. Always trying to do her best to impress her family and superiors. She sometimes seems to zone out. She claims this is because the spirits are speaking with her. Though it could just be an oddity. She thrives in the midst of combat though, loving to spar and even true battles. She is most at home on the battlefield.  +
Bliss Whisper +Celia was never satisfied. As she's gotten older, she's discovered ways to find (fleeting) satisfaction, but her desire for a good time outstrips all. She likes fun, and irreverence, and doing whatever she wants, when she wants. No one always gets what they like, of course, and Bliss can certainly play along with social mores when it suits her. She's even patient, in a terrifyingly predatorial sort of way. She might play along for days, weeks - even years! As long as she wants the payoff badly enough, it doesn't bother her. Conversely, if something that seemed like a good, fun idea loses its lustre, she won't hesitate to drop it - forgotten just as fast as last week's breakfast. Bliss is the sort of woman who might be perplexed at someone attacking her for something she said last Tuesday. "But, that was three weeks ago!" She burns hot and hard, but once it's done (or once she's won), she is gracious with her forgiveness.  +
Blossom Corsetina +Sweet, friendly, kind, and not-all-there are the best ways to describe Blossom. It's as if she lives in her own little world that intersects with our own only sometimes, and never reliably. She regularly gets lost in her work, in her thoughts, in the city... sometimes she'll forget to wash the paint off of her hands, or forget to bring her purse to the market, or forget she's talking to someone in the middle of a conversation. She takes people at face value - perhaps because she's never paying enough attention to see the undercurrent - but still somehow manages to avoid danger through sheer luck.  +
Blush Prismatics +The consummate gentleman, Blush ascribes very much to the lifestyle of a bon vivant. He enjoys life in all its aspects, but expects a certain level of sophistication and a splash of refinement as lovely garnishes to this tasty dish of an existence. That isn't to say his idea of sophistication and refinement are correct, because he often chooses to express his enjoyment through flamboyant clothing that captures each color of the rainbow. He holds a strange fascination for the lives of others, to the point of nosiness, and he is always willing to give free advice! His advice, however, comes with the caveat that it is the other's choice - even if he stresses, always, how much freedom from anything that holds one down is the correct, one and only, ultimate, and perfect choice.  +
Bonibel Barleycorn +Sensible. Bonibel has always been the pragmatic sort. Stubborn and quick-witted this young woman can sometimes be abrasive but it's usually out of a lack of time more than it is a lack of patience. A hard life as a Prodigal and living in the Lowers has tempered her over time making her slow to anger and wields a glass-half-full view of the world. She just doesn't have the time for sulking.  +
Bonnie Shepherd +With a sublimely self-confident swagger and utter fearlessness that could verge on the reckless, Bonnie is a woman unaccustomed to seeing any setback or difficulty as anything but an intriguing challenge to be tackled. An unapologetic bon vivant, Bonnie is a connoisseur of all that life has to offer, and laughs off social mores or a sense of shame in the pursuit of whatever catches her fancy.  +
Bors Keaton +In a word, severity. This is very little give in this Oathlands Knight. As rigid in posture as he is in adherence to the principles of Chivalry and Honor. He is the epitome of a Knight of the West, fulfilling the stereotypes in both positive and negative ways. He is polite to all, in a gruff sort of way, formal and exacting in his expectation of the manners of those around him. He will be the first to defend the defenseless (should they be on the right side of the law) and the last to leave the field of battle, exacting the last drop of payment from the enemy and defending the rest of his brethren. He is a hard man, but his loyalty is stronger than steel and like honor, never bends.  +
Bosco Caputo +No one has ever accused Bosco of being charming, witty or joyful. He's stubborn, that's for sure and often slips into snap judgments about people, places or things that are then hard to shift. There is a certain amount of bitterness about him that he doesn't express, and an often surly temprament that is prone to introspection. He's mostly pragmatic, and definitely capable. His passions (or perhaps outlets) are smithing and fighting, both of which involve beating something. Not quick to anger and there's often a weariness about any heated temper that suggests this wasn't always the case. He is capable of an affable good humour, although it doesn't always make it all the way to his eyes.  +
Brace Din +As ever changing as the tide, Brace reflects that which she is presented with. On the surface, she is a woman of incredible grace and consideration, however something far darker lies beneath.  +
Braden Laurent +Braden is generally rather carefree, enjoying being kind of laid back, that is, until he needs to be serious. Usually occuring when someone is in danger. He see's it as his job to keep his friends and family safe. His desire to protect does not stop there. He would lay down his life to keep just about anyone alive. He takes his training seriously, but on his off time he is quick to be a little snarky and a bit of a trouble maker.  +
Brady Grayhope +Look, everybody needs somebody sometime, and Brady's pretty good at becoming whatever's needed for any given situation. Manual labor? Check. Mercenary work? Why not? He loves hats! Arm candy? Okay, but shaving costs extra. Haze hookup? Sure, he can get that for you. Anything less savory, I mean why not, but it'll might cost you, because a night in the cells is so bad for the skin. Easygoing, wisecracking, friendly almost to a fault, he tries to stay mellow and keep on everybody's good side, and he can be irresistably innocuous. Of course, the ingenuous charm can be hard to turn off, and some people have gone so far as to say they find Brady obnoxious, which is just a heartbreaking thing to say.  +
Braelynn Deepwood +Cheerful and blithe, Braelynn is most often found smiling about something. The world seems full of endless amusement to her, and she is genial of spirit and light of heart. She's an outdoors type, who gets restless if she's cooped up too long, but the peace she finds in the woods keeps her happy. Sometimes her attention drifts, and she'll smile at nothing at all - but mostly she is warm and friendly, a pleasure to be around and quite easygoing.  +
Braith Mazetti +Braith is an animated, lively young woman, full of vim and vigor. Her spirit rarely flags. She tells stories and puts them to music; she yearns for the limelight and owns it with the full power of her panache whenever she can. She loves learning about new things and trying to figure out how to rhyme them. She falls in love easily and often, bright with passion and full of fire; in the wake of her amorous adventures, she tends to castigate her former lovers in hilarious and sometimes ribald song. Witty and sassy, Braith pretends that she isn't at all insecure or lonely, but it's a pretense that doesn't always hold up.  +
Braith Sanna +Braith is an animated, lively young woman, full of vim and vigor. Her spirit rarely flags. She tells stories and puts them to music; she yearns for the limelight and owns it with the full power of her panache whenever she can. She loves learning about new things and trying to figure out how to rhyme them. She falls in love easily and often, bright with passion and full of fire; in the wake of her amorous adventures, she tends to castigate her former lovers in hilarious and sometimes ribald song. Witty and sassy, Braith pretends that she isn't at all insecure or lonely, but it's a pretense that doesn't always hold up.  +
Bran Ravenseye +Thoughtful would likely be how most of Ravenseye would describe Bran. A far thinking individual, he's never been slow witted--far from it, in fact--but he tends to take his time when possible, looking over a situation from all angles. Laying plans that won't come to fruition for years, but when they do bear fruit are remarked upon for their foresight. Just because he's a thinker though doesn't mean he's not quick with an easy smile, and a warm embrace. While stern and implacable when he needs to be, Bran would rather make friends than enemies. He treats his house's vassals like family, a warm father figure. Authoritative, and commanding, but out of a desire to see them achieve their own potential, rather than bettering his own standing.  +
Branan Dominici +A pensive, bookish man who prefers to deal with the quill and ink, rather than with people when he can avoid it. Branan displays a stark preference for libraries to marketplaces and for the silence of catacombs to the din of a crowd. With a furtive gaze that flicks here and there nervous hands always in motion, his overall bearing is one of anxious scholastic mediocrity.  +
Branimir Eswynd +Everything about him is loud, his voice booms and fills space around him, and his laughter is thunderous. His rare temper is an equally fierce thing, burning bright but quickly running out of fuel. But Branimir's personality trends towards the jovial, he has seen and survived enough to know one should drink deep from the cup of life at every opportunity. While many of the younger reavers who are sworn to Eswynd regard their new liege with suspicion, Branimir sees the potential in this relationship and counsels his nephews to strengthen their ties with Thrax and the Mourning Isles. Then maybe even with the Compact!  +
Brannen Harthall +Few children have been as severe as Brannen. It seemed he was always of complete understanding and acceptance of his responsibility. Driven, focused, responsible. However there is something about Brannen that separates him from most of his dour compatriots. Brannen is not one to look down upon carefree, jovial, or happy-go-lucky types. Brannen loves them, like his twin sister. However Brannen has always understood that beacons of happiness and creativity cannot fully protect themselves, he sees himself as a guardian of beauty of the world and someone has to be a little bit boring to protect such things. It might as well be Brannen. Though he is not the most charming, Brannen knows how to lead. He may not be well liked, but he is respected by those under his command. A true stalwart, Brannen may be seen by many as a dullard, though the man truly can respect a well crafted joke or prank, however he is more focused on his duty and making sure the Right Thing is done. Brannen lives his life for honor and the Gods, he is constantly prepared to make the necessary sacrifices to protect what he loves.  +