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Baldessare Velenosa +Passionate and driven, Baldessare is a hot core of dynamic ambition layered beneath a dry reserve. His sense of humor is understated, but rarely banished entirely. Wit earns his respect, and intelligence, his regard. Bravery is not an uncommon trait, but his is a courage fueled by self-assurance and tempered by a deeply grooved streak of grounded, solid common sense. He is a born "fixer" - a man who needs to resolve problems wherever they occur, whether they are actually his business or not. Puzzles need solving; battles need winning; emotional problems need... what? He's not sure but he'll definitely try to come up with it.  +
Baldwin Fidante +Baldwin can be described as emblematic at best; possessing a quiet confidence, a man of words only when they are needed and highly disciplined, perhaps since he has spent most of his life absorbed in martial training. His skill with weapons and tactics is well established, though he can sometimes provide advice to those interested with an even mind. He is patient, polite and seldom prone to outbursts of rage. However, those do happen, with all the righteous fury that entails.  +
Baltus Darkwater +Baltus is a self-assured man who lets little interfere with things he considers to be the logical path. He takes pride in his actions that are daring and goes forth with the risks, after weighing if they are worth it, to take the glory for himself, his family, and the Thrax Family. Baltus will protect those he holds dear with his life and lets his wrath be known when he feels someone is speaking ill of them. Baltus will often take the defense of his relatives too far, however, for he loses his logical sense of thinking when he sees red do to perceived slights against him and his own. Under his cool, confident facade it is found he is quite warm and open, with those he thinks of fondly.  +
Barbrey Blackwood +At first glance, one might assume that the winter years of Barbrey Blackwood's life have lent her an even temperment -- cool and gentle. But that would be a false assumption. Though she has changed with the wind, and changed with the times, her vigorous passion for life is ever-resting beneath the surface. Her reservation is a mere mask for the more proactive side of her: she would much rather charge into battle than sit around a dining table. Her demeanour to those around her can best be described as "frank" -- though she does not mock, and the barbs of her truth are not sharp, she does her best to avoid the pointless and poisonous platitudes of some other nobles. She is most chivalrous, some might say, when in her natural environment -- the wondrous outdoors, as befits those who cling onto shamanistic beliefs. Indeed, in spite of her martial demeanour, there is a wisdom in her knowledge of religion. She is a stalwart ally to those who would look upon her kindly -- but would make a fearsome foe indeed.  +
Barik Reed +Barik is obscenely sardonic and grim, with little patience for the plight of the common - or not so common - man and only so for those who promise him a bite of the proverbial apple. The innocence of youth long evaporated him into a perpetual state of cynical disconcert, appraising each and every passing countenance with visible skepticism to the on-looking eye. When speaking, a coherently gravel-like voice speaks, yet its pacing remains gracious; its nature roguish, and deceitful.  +
Barric Grayson +Barric Greyson is a man of pure blood, noble heritage, and an almost out of place drive to prove that he deserves them. He doesn?t view himself as superior, necessarily, but he sees his birth as a responsibility to fulfill, to be a protector of the people. Divine right comes with divine responsibility and he puts every effort into his study of the sword. He is a formidable warrior, because he has put in the practice to be so, leading by example, never shirking or trying to find the fast track. His courtly etiquette is beyond reproach, viewing the niceties as an honor to fulfill, and respect to give. In his mind, Glory will come, after Duty and Honor, and that is what made the Heroes of Old great. It is not something to seek out, but a natural result, and he remains humble when it is received. He feels there is a time and a place for everything, and when something happens out of that natural order, it sets him off balance and he can feel lost in situations far removed from the battlefields he knows. Being named Sword of Bastion was meant to be, but not until he had truly proven himself, so now he works twice as hard to be where he should have been to truly earn it. Outside of duty and honor, he finds great joy in the simple pleasures, enjoying the company of his fellows, but refuses to become the idle rich, having no patience for it and almost feels guilty when he finds any idle moments.  +
Bashira Ru-Taul +Bashira shares some of her older brother Caspian's personality for the bright and the dark. She admittedly is more guarded until she gets to know and trust people. Once she does though they've gained a pretty loyal friend. Almost to a fault sometimes. Her past has a lot to do with it, so would anyone blame a young woman for not wanting to get ensnared in some dark scheme or life again. She has a deep desire to learn and absorb as much as much of the Island Shav culture as she can. Even going to lengths as to learning some of the shamanistic practices. She has adopted the dress as well. Its an identity of her own that she was not afforded as a child. So she clings to it just a little.  +
Basilio Cabral +Anyone who knows Basilio knows that he's a summer child that hasn't quite grown up yet. His knack for finding humor and fun in the most dour and dreadful situations tends to annoy the more serious types, especially when his jokes are bad. Does he care? Not one bit. Okay, maybe a little, if a Thraxian lord threatened to mince his balls if he slugged out any more puns. While his free-spirited attitude can barely keep him still enough to read a book, he enjoys learning new things but prefers to learn them on the job. He is most often tempted to experiment on people, whether they realize it or not. On days when people don't interest him, he is happy enough being alone and satiating his curiosity with dives, collecting trinkets and memorabilia that have been forgotten beneath the waves.  +
Bastien +Bastien is a creature of extremes. He can be, at turns, laconic and morose or vibrant and energized. He feels his convictions -- which generally center on the hypocrisy of pretty much everyone in the world -- with a raging fire of passion. He is capable of great wit and eloquence, which often shows up in his work, and can sway an audience through words to either adore something or loathe it, but he lacks a sense of responsibility or practicality to make good use of his talents. He is prone to obsessiveness that tends to show up in a hunger-pang frame. The fact that he is forced to sometimes write work less than grand artistry or scathing satire -- for entertainment's sake, darling, please just take a break from all of those /feelings/ -- is a source of continual despair.  +
Bastien Crown +Bastien is a creature of extremes. He can be, at turns, laconic and morose or vibrant and energized. He feels his convictions -- which generally center on the hypocrisy of pretty much everyone in the world -- with a raging fire of passion. He is capable of great wit and eloquence, which often shows up in his work, and can sway an audience through words to either adore something or loathe it, but he lacks a sense of responsibility or practicality to make good use of his talents. He is prone to obsessiveness that tends to show up in a hunger-pang frame. The fact that he is forced to sometimes write work less than grand artistry or scathing satire -- for entertainment's sake, darling, please just take a break from all of those /feelings/ -- is a source of continual despair.  +
Baz Thornburn +Baz (she has a full name, but don't dare call her that) is filled with the courage of her convictions. They take her to dizzying highs and exasperating lows. One moment the woman is passionately pursuing her muse, writing satire and drama to bring the world to its knees, and the next she spirals, sullen and withdrawn, holing up in the Thornburn family home in her little attic bolthole, smoking ceaselessly and staring out at the world in abject despair. Only when she is changing the world with her art is she exuberant, almost manic in her pursuit of critical acclaim and soul, as if the two could ever be found hand in hand.  +
Beatrice Malespero +Beatrice. Beh-ah-tree-chay. And that's /Lady/ Beatrice. This is a woman that sharp and witty and perfectly poised. Not always proper, but always proper for the situation, and always quick to upturn her nose and take note of bad behavior. It isn't that Beatrice is mean or petty, she is merely very aware of her own standing and that of others. After all, unlike most of her peers, Beatrice has done more with her life than be born. She earned her nobility, and so she demands the respect she is entitled to, and just the same expects other nobles to act respectfully. (And no, she's not going to admit there were some odd circumstances to her ennoblement, she earned it!) At the same time, she was born common, and knows what it's like to be in a tiered world, where privilege is so real, and so many do not have it. She does her best to respect commoners just the same, and encourage them toward greatness (all without acting common herself, no that wouldn't do at all).  +
Beatrix Corsetina +Whether the White Rose of the Corsetina family enjoys games of mystery or if she effortlessly plays them is up to anyone's guess. Always close but never within reach is her motto and she dances at that edge for her own amusement and nobody else's. To most the woman is aloof and undeniably attractive but to an attentive observer Beatrix enjoys being unknown, a ghost and muse to others around them. Beatrix relaxes around her family, showing the playful demeanor she so expertly hide to outsiders, but she is never without a few thorns to her.  +
Beaumont Valardin +Beaumont likes to live a little dangerously. Not too dangerously - he is a Prince, after all, fighting nonlethal duels for money and prestige. If that lifetsyle pits him against and amongst more unsavory types than your average Knightly man, it's not something he's terribly bitter (or concerned) about. Confident and personable, he finds little trouble fitting in and finding something to laugh over with nearly anyone. He can be impulsive and hot-tempered, though, finding most of his fellow Champions a bit too quick to become familiar. His anger is ususally as brief as it is sudden, and he's not too proud to diffuse the tension diplomatically.  +
Becka Honor +Becka is background noise in this world. She keeps her head down and stays out of trouble while trying to survive day to day. She's quiet and polite, that is, if anyone gives her the time of day. When she is around others of her status she opens up to become more warm and kind, but even then she has a habit of blending into the background and not being a bother. At times she can be caught laughing and enjoying herself, but these slivers of happiness rarely exist for now.  +
Bedivere Whitehawk +He is of commoner origin, but it is difficult to tell. Bedivere is a gentleman, a man of honor, and an intelligent man with few vices and considerable patience. Age and experience has tempered his optimism and idealism, but he still believes with skill and courage his men can do anything. He clearly cares about those under his command, but is willing to use them boldly if necessary. As a former commander of one of House Bislands most decorated cavalry squadrons, his skill on the battlefield is formidable. He constantly rethinks his plans to offset changes in circumstances, errors made by his commanders, or his orders being disobeyed. He is not rigidly attached to any plan if another will achieve his goal. When the odds are against him, he may make chancy and daring decisions, sometimes breaking with conventional combat tactics when time is against him. He is an attentive and responsible father, and the future of his children is his primary reason behind joining House Grayson. Bedivere has a notable distrust of the Shav'arani as a whole, likely due to his traumatic experiences while in captivity.  +
Behtuk Sanna +Behtuk's silence is often mistaken for ignorance, even stupidity, an impression he does not actively seek to dispel. He knows that his appearance leads to many assumptions about him. Rather than fight these miscconceptionsm, he allows them to guide him to those who will look past their prejudices and see the man underneath. Nevertheless, he rarely speaks in elaborate sentences, prefering to limit his words and let his deeds and his craft speak for him.  +
Bell Cleck +He talks a storm, rapidly and well, but he's cagey and careful, although given to a gently edged kind of humor that reveals more than conceals pain. He is hungry for tomorrows. And more tomorrows. And more tomorrows. He's both ambitious and collaborative, always looking for the path he can take with the person he's talking with. Right this moment.  +
Belladonna Pravus +Belladonna knows how easily it would be for her to be a truly wicked woman. Many of the city-states in the Lyceum tend toward cruel and insidious plots, sacrificing anything and everything for power. Belladonna is every bit as capable to play the same cutthroat games, and play them well, but has come to fear just how much she enjoys them. She loved her father, and his good heart very much, even as she saw how it destroyed him. It makes her determined, shrewd, and extremely capable of manipulative intrigue but she is well aware that ruthless maneuvers undermines her father's legacy and the hopes he cherished that she would follow him as an honorable, kindhearted ruler. For her enemies, she represents a contradiction of a dangerously charming woman that can be a deadly, conniving adversary yet remains capable of confounding acts of generosity and compassion that leaves opponents bemused on what could possibly be her hidden motive. It's more simple than that, really. She wants to be a good woman, strong and powerful, but she will stop at nothing to avoid the mistakes of her father.  +
Bellamy Redrain +To say that Bellamy might be the sweetest princess you'd ever meet might not be far from the truth. On the flipside, to say that she is the softest Redrain princess you'll ever meet is almost definitely the truth. A kind-hearted young woman taking her first steps out of a sheltered and more than a little pampered childhood. She would never have an unkind word to say about another, and she would surely give the clothing off of her back to someone in need but she's not the most aware of the struggle of the common people. She's all full of bright smiles, grand gestures that help the immediate but not long term problem, and a heart too sensitive to take even the mildest of criticism. She's sweet, but spoilt and soft.  +
Bellona Deucalion +Her voice resides in the part of the ear where secrets linger and the beguiling susurrus bespells; soft, charming and oracular, Bellona tempts like the woods at twilight - her siren call, both captivating and dangerous to those who would dare follow its song. Casuistry is her finest gift; she is as vulpine as the fox moving sinuously from snow-mound to snow-bound in the deep dark, her prey -the naive and superstitious whose pockets she feeds off of with predacious amusement.  +
Benedetto Velenosa +Benedetto is lively, charming, and vibrant. He can take this to obnoxious extremes. Witty, irrepressible and irresponsible, Benedetto is a master of deflection: he deflects insults, he deflects undue seriousness, he deflects unearned compliments. Slithering out of trouble is probably his chiefest accomplishment. He'd be the first to tell you that fun is his primary drive. Thirsty for gossip, delighted by social gatherings and generally an incredible showoff, he is quick to defend his family and friends with a bravura energy that rarely extends to self-protection.  +
Benedict Ferro +Benedict's personality could be considered a stick in the mud sometimes. Work and bettering himself be it knowledge or strength of some kind will be most of the time taken over 'fun' activities, with the occasional exception when the mood strikes him. He is long to anger, and he does not forget what people say or do very quickly. He is not one to hold grudges, but no tresspass against him or anyone he cares about will be quickly forgotten.  +
Benjamin Carver +Benjamin is a passionate, and passionately irreverent, rake with a tongue of silver and honey. He is seemingly set to remind the world not to take itself too seriously. It makes for a unique bedside manner while he's amputating gangrenous limbs, or merely colorful conversation for those who come in for the equally dire shave and trim. New experiences, for the better or the worse, are to be sought, appreciated, and learned from. He'll readily trade in stories and riddles, and rarely turns down a gamble. He takes great pleasure in indulging others as much as himself, frequently in the form of culinary delectables he's found and learned to recreate throughout his travels.  +
Benvolio Corvini +Benvolio is alternatively ruthless and lazy. While not ambitious, and content to permit his elder brothers and sisters to dictate the course of family affairs, he is a loyal and effective footsoldier. He is hedonistic and enjoys the trappings of wealth, including bright fashionable clothes, shiny new weapons, or fine horses.  +