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Baldessare Velenosa +It's body language that creates Baldessare's strong impression. He carries himself with driven confidence. His low voice is bold and resonant. His eyes are intensely dark, framed by absurdly long lashes beneath the thickness of well-defined eyebrows. His lips are more full than thin, mobile in the midst of the strong lines of nose and jaw. His skin is a dusky olive brown. He frequently keeps a neat, dark beard. The sculpt of his features could be the cast of a soldier's statue, but his face is too lively, his expression rarely still. Tall and lean, he looks like a swordsman, built on muscular lines that match the strength of his long fingers.  +
Baldwin Fidante +Tall and muscular, Baldwin is a somewhat handsome man, with a reserved outward demeanor. His coloring and features are those most prominent in the South, his hair black and ink and kept trimmed short, his beard trimmed, enhacing the well defined line of his jaw. His nose is straight and his eyes are a stormy blue, always watchful. His motions are guarded and always economical, as are his words. When he speaks, however, it is with a distinct baritone.  +
Baltus Darkwater +Tall, at just over six feet in height. His shoulder length mocha brown hair seems to have a mind of its own, the locks curling over his forehead and towards his ear from behind his neck. With his dark eyebrows and stubble, which runs primarily along his jawbone, leaving his cheeks smooth. Chocolate Brown eyes seem to stand out against his sun-kissed complexion.  +
Barbrey Blackwood +Barbrey is past her prime and into the winter of her life, and her weathered face bears all the wrinkles and deep lines one might expect of a woman of near sixty. A hard-lined, square jaw is framed by a mop of wild grey hair, with the occasional auburn streak harkening back to her youth in a faded, rugged Northern beauty. Tall for a woman, there is an alert and ready position to her posture, and when she moves, only the slightest slowness of age shows -- it seems that the years have at least granted her longevity. Her figure is still lean and muscled, and a perpetually wild look in her eye makes her seem ever-ready for combat.  +
Barik Reed +Barik is a broad-shouldered figure of lanky physique and a thin, frequently excercised waist. Naturally athletic, yet lacking in any hints of strength to assert him a warrior, he poses as an average figure, for an average people. Despite such, his physique remains coarse due to constant travelling, and being exposed to the outdoors. His hair is a raven black color, perpetually cut short to a natural swoop of a combover that inherently swings right. Disenchanting, muddy green eyes stare beneath two bushy, crowded brows, with a nose most certainly broken at least twice crookedly sitting between them. The appendages of his arms are wide; his fingers are long and rotund.  +
Barric Grayson +A perfect mix of Hero of Old and Charming Prince, Barric has the look of the most courtly patron, with the soul of a time where men viewed Duty and Honor as highly as Glory. Black hair, kept in a neat military cut gives his face a slightly severe look. His bright blue eyes shimmer with a life of their own, whether in the rare glimpses of boyish joy, or in their typical focused determination, evaluating a situation quickly. His smiles, though tending to be rare, are brilliant things, giving people pause to wonder. His strong jaw and broad frame are the things artist consider when creating art of the legends of old, with graceful movements and powerful motions. {w({nHe is completely clean-shaven, meticulously so, not a single hair to be found on his face or jaw.{w){n  +
Bashira Ru-Taul +Bashira stands at seven inches over five feet tall with a figure that is athletic but femininely so. And, of course, she has the face of an angel. Her complexion is lightly tanned. This is mainly due to her heritage and days spent in the sunlight. Her intelligent hazel eyes are emphasized by the long black lashes that surround them and by the ebon brows above them that lift expressively when she speaks. Her heavy, raven hair is a mass of unruly curls and wispy tendrils that surround her face like a secretive shadow. Her hair reaches to her waist and generally holds braids with shells and pearls within them.  +
Basilio Cabral +A leanly built youth cut of swimmer's muscles and laughlines. His shoulders have been made sturdy by ropes and riggings, telling of his time spent at sea. The sun has darkened his skin with a healthy ruddiness common to those from the tropics. Evidence of a colorful childhood decorates his complexion in scars here and there but the surefootedness of his gait suggests that these have been challenges he might even look back on fondly. Hair brown like coconuts is thick on his head, as are the expressive brows over his dark eyes. The knit of his features are pleasantly proportionate and warm, simplicity being his charm. His voice is a tenor coarse with the enthusiasm of a lad nearly past his teenage years.  +
Bastien +Bastien is all long limbs and graceful hands and lean, whippet lines to his frame. He can move with surprising grace and dexterity, and his carriage holds a certain hauteur that he hasn't exactly earned. He has an even, well-bred handsomeness to him, strong-jawed and straight-nosed, but it's often distracted by a sense of harried unkemptness from too many long nights at work. His hair is dark, his eyes a clear blue flecked with green, and he can vary widely from stubble to a full beard, depending on his current obsession level.  +
Bastien Crown +Bastien is all long limbs and graceful hands and lean, whippet lines to his frame. He can move with surprising grace and dexterity, and his carriage holds a certain hauteur that he hasn't exactly earned. He has an even, well-bred handsomeness to him, strong-jawed and straight-nosed, but it's often distracted by a sense of harried unkemptness from too many long nights at work. His hair is dark, his eyes a clear blue flecked with green, and he can vary widely from stubble to a full beard, depending on his current obsession level.  +
Baz Thornburn +Tall and slender, Baz is the epitome of nights without sleep, days without care and passion without check. There's a hunger to her pale gray eyes and her lean frame, a gauntness only offset by a pair of lips that, despite occasionally being chapped with neglect, are overfull, most often set in a caustic slant. There's a reserve and a wildness that battle for dominance in the neglect of her long and straight tawny hair, the rumpled and unkempt suits that sit on her insubstantial frame like castoffs.  +
Beatrice Malespero +Beatrice is a pretty young lady with exceptional facial features and a slim but feminine figure. She makes the best of her Lycene heritage, putting herself together in a carefully crafted way when she makes public appearances. Her coloration makes her a stand-out among nobles: with dark, thick hair, dark, thick eyebrows, tanned skin, and glittering coffee-colored eyes. She dresses to compliment her body, with the eye often drawn to her narrow waist and long legs.  +
Beatrix Corsetina +Beatrix is a fair-skinned, charcoal-haired, lithe woman of uncanny beauty and yet that is not what lured poets and warriors to call her the White Rose of Tor. The Corsetina's viridian eyes, holding secrets and torments, and her swagger give Beatrix irresistible airs of allure. Rarely needing to express herself with more than the faintest curl of her full lips or a shrug of her shoulders, she talks with her whole body before ever uttering a word, filling the room with her powerful voice. Her physique is slender and strong, feminine and flattering in its grace and elegance.  +
Beaumont Valardin +With a mane of soft, golden curls that just brush his collar, Beaumont is the picture of Valardin nobility. His fair, pampered skin is clear, as are his sky blue eyes. Long lashes and straight, youthful brows frame them as perfectly as any romantic painting, and his mouth is lush and just barely given to a melancholy downturn when he isn't grinning. Luckily, his shoulders are broad and his jaw is strong and chiseled in the perfect example of masculine beauty.  +
Becka Honor +%TSomber is the dark gaze of a young woman no older than eighteen years. Her caramel brown eyes seem haunted, distant and weary, yet in rare moments show a spark of life and hope. Freckles dance over the cheeks and across bridge of this young woman's nose, and her oval face is framed by wavy locks of the shimmering copper. Her nose is petit, lips full and her small chin slightly dimpled. Becka looks as if she must live on the street, for her face is at times dirty, and her clothing looks as if it could use a good wash. The pale blue dress hanging from her lithe frame could possibly be the only dress the girl owns.  +
Bedivere Whitehawk +Long and lean, Bedivere stands tall amongst any crowd, and carries himself in the ramrod-straight military manner. His straight nose is longer than average, perched above a square jaw, which is regularly shaven. His dark hair is of a middling length and touched with hints of silver. When he smiles, one can see how handsome he was in his youth - it's a shame, then, that he rarely does so. Of particular note is the nub where his right hand once was; the scarred arm it belongs to is usually pressed protectively against his body.  +
Behtuk Sanna +Behtuk is a tall, heavy man, with just enough grace to carry that mass of flesh without intruding upon others. His hair is thin, black, long, and straight. Unlike many from the North, his facial hair is sparse consisting of a drooping mustache and a braided patch on his chin. Though the muscles beneath his skin are not prominent, the strength beneath that full-figured frame is unmistakeable.  +
Bell Cleck +A skinny, even haggard man with sharp cheekbones and lips that tend crooked, Bell wears his hardships on his frame with more easy than he wears his ill-fitting clothing. His eyes are sharp and restless, but he moves with a swift and studied grace. That ill-fitting clothing doesn't entirely conceal that he's built to climb and to dart.  +
Belladonna Pravus +Undeniably beautiful, with her long flaxen locks, intensely sapphire eyes, and sharply gorgeous features, Belladonna combines her striking looks and sultry sensuality with a vibrant life in her to devastating effect. Her winsome features are those that will seem young, even when her hair has greyed, lightened by the challenging fire and daring sparkle that infests her eyes. Her lush lips are quick to smile, both in sympathy and understanding, and in a smirk of satisfaction that only seeing her enemies crushed before her can evoke. Her form is lithe and sinuous, slight of frame, but her infectious laugh and vibrancy makes her seem larger than she is. Many noblewomen tend toward fair skin, of those too important to endure the harsh suns, but Belladonna's richly tanned, smokey skin, common in the city-state of Setarco, sets her apart and lends her an exotic air.  +
Bellamy Redrain +Standing at a perfectly acceptable five-foot-six Bellamy is not the tallest, nor the shortest, Princess around. Her hair is a pale platinum that lingers just this side of white. Her eyes are a honeyed hazel color; green but with an amber ring around the pupil. Her lips are usually quirked up in a sweet smile below a dainty, upturned nose. Her lips are graceful and slender, lacking in muscle definition that many of the Redrain family might otherwise have. Her skin a pale that suggests she gets rarely any sun.  +
Bellona Deucalion +She is a strand of moonlight in the darkest woods who bears its wildness in every feature. Her hair, black as night, falls coarsely about her face, framing her pale visage in matts and twines. Despite the savagery it possesses, she wears it proudly like a crown; this unkept mane which has tangled the fingers of men both nameless and forgotten. A comeliness precedes the dirt and soot that often mars her pale skin offering the hint of woman beneath an otherwise crepuscular varmint.  +
Benedetto Velenosa +It's body language that creates Benedetto's dramatic impression. He carries himself with casual insouciance. His low voice is rich with laughter and invitation. His eyes are a liquid dark, framed by absurdly long lashes beneath the thickness of well-defined eyebrows. His lips are more full than thin, mobile in the midst of the strong lines of nose and jaw. His skin is a dusky olive-brown. He tends towards clean shaves. The sculpt of his features could be the cast of a pretty statue, but his face is too lively, his expression rarely still. Tall and slim, he looks like a dancer, built on agile lines that match the delicacy of his long fingers.  +
Benedict Ferro +Deep brown eyes and black hair are striking on this above average height male. Though ungroomed most of the time, his beard grows in as a goatee and connected moustache. His hair is kept short for ease of keeping, and his body is thick with muscle from years of armor wear and wielding and training with the large sword and armor. Broad shoulders and large arms connected to a thick torso, and legs large enough to carry all of him with ease plus much more. Caramel tanned skin and calloused hands from years of wielding a weapon and horse reigns.  +
Benjamin Carver +It might be the self-satisfied smile that his face finds at rest that draws attention first, or it might be the bright expressiveness of his amber eyes under the bold dark strokes of his brow and the way they seem to hold the world in such alert fascination. He has a fair complexion, well kept and shaved smooth to the skin. His hair, a dark shade of brown, is kept tidy and trimmed only to then allow it to do whatever the devil it feels like. He is built on a light frame, slender and not overly tall, with a comfortable finesse and fluidity to his movements.  +
Benvolio Corvini +Benvolio enjoys the trappings of his family's wealth and access to fashion in Arx. He prefers the ostentatious and colorful, and is never far from a sword or dagger. Benvolio wears a mane of long hair, left wild when possible, or bound to look presentable. His bright green eyes give him a sharp gaze.  +