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Aodhan Crovane +Aodhan is a relatively tall man, standing at almost 6 feet tall. He possesses a strong, athletic physique that is stained with the scars of the harsh environment of which he was born. He has black, shoulder length hair that comes to a soft curl and sports a light, scruffy beard that adds to his overall charm. His eyes are a beautiful green, reminiscent of an emerald jewel. He possesses an intricate tribal tattoo that covers the entirety of his right arm, his right pectoral, and the back of his right shoulder, a sign of his upbringing that he wears proudly.  +
Aonghus Seliki +Well-built and solid, Aonghus cuts an impressive, heavily muscled figure. He is dark-haired, with tawny skin and ice-bright, pale blue eyes that fairly leap from his face by contrast. Those striking eyes are softened by his oft-smiling expression, shown in laugh lines and crow's feet. He has a very calm presence, accentuated by the assurance he moves with - neither slow nor fast - but implacably and with focus.  +
Apollis Malvici +Apollis is slender and sinewy with pale skin and platinum blonde hair that borders on being snow white. He has chiseled features including a thick dark skeptical brow, a strong square chin, and high aristocratic cheekbones. His hooded eyes are emerald green, piercing and impassive. He has full pouty lips and a wide smile that overtakes the entirety of his steely face. He has wavy short hair worn swept back and slightly tapered ears. He carries himself with a quiet confidence and speaks with a creaky, honeyed, and perpetually sleepy tone.  +
Apollo Malespero +He is a spare man, of middling height and weight and a lean, lanky build. He's handsome, his features pleasing in an unassuming sort of way. He might not be the brightest star in the room, but there is a charm to his features that draws eyes back to him. A thick brow and serious eyes rest under a mop of dark curls, sometimes cropped, sometimes nearly to the shoulder. His hands are large and show the signs of hard work; small scars from old knicks from sharp tools, calluses along the base of his fingers and on the pads of them as well. There is an air of distraction about him sometimes, an absent-mindedness that adds to that strange, muted charm.  +
Apollo Oakwood +He is a spare young man, of middling height and weight and a lean, lanky build. He's handsome, his features pleasing in an unassuming sort of way. He might not be the brightest star in the room, but there is a charm to his features that draws eyes back to him. A high brow and serious eyes rest over a nose that adds character to his face. His hands are large and show the signs of hard work; small scars from old knicks from sharp tools, calluses along the base of his fingers and on the pads of them as well. There is an air of distraction about him sometimes, an absent-mindedness that adds to that quirky and understated charm. {w({nWearing a tidy bandage on his right hand.{w){n  +
Appolonia Seraceni +Appolonia is visually catching, if at odds with the image of the perfectly beautiful woman. Her ebon hair and olive skin show her Pravus roots. Her slate blue eyes give her an air of staring. A high forehead, naturally dark and hollowed eyes, and a thin jaw make her look darker and younger than she truly is. She moves with an easy and casual grace, with the physical demeanor of a perfect lady even if some of the details may be... questionable.  +
Arcadia Leary +In form, Arcadia 'Cady' Leary is a slight-framed girl, a slender blonde with short, tousled hair and eyes of a bluish gray; but without the dynamism of motion, she leaves little impression. In life, she leaps eagerly from branch to branch; even in stillness, her weight balances on her toes, ready to spring into action at any moment. The flash of her dimpled smile, the quick gleam of her bright kohl-lined eyes, the infectiousness of her ready enthusiasm: these are the sparks that make her memorable.  +
Arcadia Stahlben +In form, Arcadia 'Cady' Leary is a slight-framed girl, a slender blonde with short, tousled hair and eyes of a bluish gray; but without the dynamism of motion, she leaves little impression. In life, she leaps eagerly from branch to branch; even in stillness, her weight balances on her toes, ready to spring into action at any moment. The flash of her dimpled smile, the quick gleam of her bright kohl-lined eyes, the infectiousness of her ready enthusiasm: these are the sparks that make her memorable.  +
Arcelia Navegant +A voluptuous body with soft curves creates the pleasant portrait of a youthful noble woman who wears her heart on her sleeves, a smile on her face, and carries an air of contentment all around her. Arcelia is known for her alluring eyes, big and vibrant blue irises that draw attention to a hidden depth that is veiled behind her youth, giving her an air of mystery. When she speaks she is often animated, using her toned arms and small hands to gesture in assistance to aid the flow of meaningful conversation. Beautiful and melodic laughter escapes the beautiful woman frequently, the sound filling rooms with the sincerity of her personality. Her lips are luscious and pink, a row of clean white teeth revealed behind a nearly ever present smile that reaches up to soft, rosy cheeks. Her long dark brown hair is a curtain of silk strands that curls up near the ends, gently springing around her shoulders and back as she moves with the ethereal grace of the naturally talented and passionate dancer she is. The clothing that adorns her body tend to come in deep colors that are accented with earth tones. Long flowing sleeves cascade down her arms while cotton or silk wraps around her body and drops to the ground in waves. She favors simple embroidery or bead work over extravagance but the rich colors and detail give her a simplistic but lovely fashion sense without overpowering her natural beauty.  +
Arcelia Saik +A voluptuous body with soft curves creates the pleasant portrait of a youthful noble woman who wears her heart on her sleeves, a smile on her face, and carries an air of contentment all around her. Arcelia is known for her alluring eyes, big and vibrant blue irises that draw attention to a hidden depth that is veiled behind her youth, giving her an air of mystery. When she speaks she is often animated, using her toned arms and small hands to gesture in assistance to aid the flow of meaningful conversation. Beautiful and melodic laughter escapes the beautiful woman frequently, the sound filling rooms with the sincerity of her personality. Her lips are luscious and pink, a row of clean white teeth revealed behind a nearly ever present smile that reaches up to soft, rosy cheeks. Her long dark brown hair is a curtain of silk strands that curls up near the ends, gently springing around her shoulders and back as she moves with the ethereal grace of the naturally talented and passionate dancer she is. The clothing that adorns her body tend to come in deep colors that are accented with earth tones. Long flowing sleeves cascade down her arms while cotton or silk wraps around her body and drops to the ground in waves. She favors simple embroidery or bead work over extravagance but the rich colors and detail give her a simplistic but lovely fashion sense without overpowering her natural beauty.  +
Archene Clearwater +This young man seems to be on his early 20s. He is about 5'9" tall and while his body cannot be said to be athletic, it certainly lacks any considerable amount of fat. His skin is light olive, strangely well-kept and unmarred. His eyes have a gentle hazel brown color while his facial features are gentle. His raven black hair is well-kept and wavy, reaching slightly beyond his shoulder length.  +
Archeron Tyde +This young man is tall and a lanky, his youthful frame showing the promise of a beefier build that he has yet to fully grow into. His dark hair is typically cropped short for practicality rather than aesthetics, showing off his coffee colored skin and chiseled features; the most striking of these are his unearthly blue eyes, so bright and almost unnatural seeming amid the rest of his earthy hues. Those eyes seem to miss little around him but the rest of the young Tyde lord remains rather reserved and stoic. When his limbs are bared an interesting rope of thick white scar wraps around his right arm from wrist to elbow and the same along the length of his left leg.  +
Archibald Kitt +An old man, Archibald's face is twisted in a permanent scowl. He has a distrust of everyone, made all the more evident when they interact with him. Despite this he carries a sense of importance even in squalor, having collected some wisdom in his lifetime. He has a long beard and hair that has long since gone grey, long ago given up covering the baldness on the top of his head. His eyebrows are likewise long and arched, growing in an erratic mess over his hateful grey eyes. He usually walks with a crutch, and has an obvious limp from a permanently lame leg.  +
Ardee de Lire +Large, almond shape eyes of piercing blue are the first truly noticable thing about Ardee. Thin, delicately arched brows are perched above, expressive and a shade or two darker than the golden blonde hair that waves well past her shoulders and down to mid-waist. The woman is around five foot five, with shapely curves and fair, smooth skin that doesn't appear to have suffered a day of hard work toiling in the sun. The woman moves with effortless, languid confidence, expression inviting and warm.  +
Ardoin Valardin +Long of limb with a wiry frame corded with muscle, he possesses the body of a warrior - and all that comes with it, such as the diagonal scar that runs from halfway down his fair-skinned forehead to where it cleaves his left eyebrow in two, marring his otherwise youthful good looks. Sapphire blue eyes observe the world around him with open curiosity, sitting squarely above his aquiline nose, thin lips, sharp cheekbones and a neatly trimmed beard on his pale face. Sandy blond hair is kept short and more often disheveled than not. Still, he carries himself with a proud stance as befits a knight of the Valardin family, broad shoulders back and face tilted up just so.  +
Argos Seraceni +Argo is not that imposing of a man until you see him fight. Skill, raw force, and talent all mixed together. His personality matches his fighting style as he cares little for politics and would rather follow orders. He is known for not smiling often at all. He has tattoo of a red dragon on his right arm that's tail and wings wraps around. Scars all over his chest, back and arms. Argos is a fairly warm to most people even though he keeps most people at arm's length until he can trust them. He can be found at taverns during his off hours, drinking only water as drinking booze goes against his code.  +
Ari Corsetina +Standing 6'3" in his bare feet with a wirey, rangey build this man looks as if he has seen some fights. This olive skin is more than lightly weathered and deeply tanned. His full head of jet black hair is often messily styled, and curls ever so slightly at the ends. His deep amber eyes are are mercurial; shifting from bright to almost black with his moods. He keeps a neatly trimmed beard and mustache of the same black color of his hair.  +
Aria Gilden +Arianna is a slender young woman who is around the age of twenty. Fair features, pale skin, long limbs and a slender build give her a confident appearance, in keeping with her height of five feet without shoes. She has honeyed blonde hair and wide blue eyes. Their brilliant azure is the most distinct feature on a pale, largely unblemished face set with a petite nose and thin, pink lips. Aria's honeyed hair is predominantly straight, framing her face, and kept just long enough to reach the small of her back.  +
Arian Brand +Tall in stature and broad of shoulder, Arian stands a head above most other men. His dense musculature is obvious, most prominent in the width of his chest, the rise of stacked delts and rippling traps, and the sheer thickness of bulging biceps and chiseled triceps. He has a healthy amount of fat, never wanting for a meal, fair flesh smooth and largely unblemished. However, his waist is relatively trim and leads into a rock-hard, well defined midriff. His visage is a charming combination of masculine strength and boyish good looks. A strong, squared jaw frames his face, drawing up into thin, pink lips that often quirk at the corners, and a proud, slightly upturned nose. Ice blue eyes would catch your attention. Depending on his mood, they either hold a cold pallor; a daring, wolfish gleam; or a rippling storm of thought and emotion. Crowning his head, golden blond hair, verging on platinum, reaches down to the bottom of his ears. With a strong part down the middle, the fine, fair strands act as curtains.  +
Arianna Fireviper +Arianna is quite fair possessing an ethereal beauty. Her skin is milky and pale without being translucent. Long ashen blonde locks flow down her back and touch her rear and she often wears it down. Arianna is fond for all manner of white and silver accents in her choice of clothing. Her fashion sense is very well developed and seems to change depending on the current trend. Although she is very slender, her height makes her appear even more so. Lending to a certain delicate air about her. Her eyes sparkle with a certain liveliness and she has the most breathtaking smile. The young diplomat chooses her words carefully and when she speaks it is with a soft, clear pitch that captures the interest of those around her. If she were a bit older, or depending on her manner of dress for the evening, one might consider her to be innately a very sensual girl. She possesses delicate facial features with full pouty lips that wordlessly promise some sort of carnal pleasure. Most astounding however is that she is always fresh in her style and likes variety in her wardrobe, never wearing the same thing twice. Arianna loves jewelry and has made more than one friend through gifts of gems and precious stones which she sends to her family's craftsmen back home to refine into stunning accessories.  +
Arianna Pravus +Sensual doesn't begin to cover this woman's countenance. She's pale but shines with a radiance that belies her good health and while her skin is milky during winter seasons it holds a tan quite well it during the sunnier times of the year. Lengthy tresses of pure Setarco gold flow around her shoulders after having been freshly cut and are often worn down. On the occasions that the Pravus noblewoman has her hair pulled back her high cheekbones and angular, feminine jawline are more apparent to the eye and lend an exotic quality to her features. Sapphire blue irises sit in almond-shaped eyes that sparkle with flecks of bright emerald green when a certain liveliness or mischief is piqued. Her waistline is small but her hips and rear are quite curvy, both traits often on display in lycene silks that leave little to the imagination. When she speaks her voice holds a soft, gentle cadence, or cold edge depending on whom she's addressing and full, pouty lips wordlessly promise carnal delights and fun times to be had for those adventurous enough to approach the Pravosi woman.  +
Arianna Stonewood +Arianna is quite fair possessing an ethereal beauty. Her skin is milky and pale without being translucent. Long ashen blonde locks flow down her back and touch her rear and she often wears it down. Arianna is fond for all manner of white and silver accents in her choice of clothing. Her fashion sense is very well developed and seems to change depending on the current trend. Although she is very slender, her height makes her appear even more so. Lending to a certain delicate air about her. Her eyes sparkle with a certain liveliness and she has the most breathtaking smile. The young diplomat chooses her words carefully and when she speaks it is with a soft, clear pitch that captures the interest of those around her. If she were a bit older, or depending on her manner of dress for the evening, one might consider her to be innately a very sensual girl. She possesses delicate facial features with full pouty lips that wordlessly promise some sort of carnal pleasure. Most astounding however is that she is always fresh in her style and likes variety in her wardrobe, never wearing the same thing twice. Arianna loves jewelry and has made more than one friend through gifts of gems and precious stones which she sends to her family's craftsmen back home to refine into stunning accessories.  +
Arianwen Grayhope +Whether obscured by a Lower Boroughs coating of grime or the rare application of expensive cosmetics, her natural beauty cannot be denied. Passion and hard-earned experience radiate from her gaze, those dazzling orbs an uncanny gradient of deep amber out to mesmerizing greens and vibrant blues. Long lashes and cupid's-bow lips serve to compliment skin as pure and pale - features as soft and delicate - as a lily petal dipped in sunlight. A harmonious symphony of honeyed brown and gold hues flow in voluminous waves, framing the graceful lines of her defined hourglass figure. Coupled with an air of casual confidence, her light and lyrical voice demands attention from even the most jaded listener.  +
Aric Keaton +At just over six feet tall, the man is what would be considered by most woman, with a drink or two in them, to be ruggedly handsome. He has shoulder length dark brown hair parted on the left side with his hair falling to each side of his face. Deep green eyes are brightened by a ready smile, alight with some joke that is hiding just behind them. His face is scruffy with not enough hair to call it a beard, but something that could grow to it if left unattended. He wears a tunic, leggings and boots of Oakhaven leather, finely oiled with a great attention to detail on every piece.  +
Ariel Darkwater +When one looks upon Ariel the first thing you might notice is her almost milky white skin, her soft ginger curls that dance along her shoulders, or all the freckles that cutely decorate her face. Her eyes are a rich dark caramel color that have naturally curling eyelashes. Though below her eyes is a perfect nose and a soft and full lips. She's a short little thing standing only at 5' and has very luscious curves upon her form with a small waist.  +