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Aonghus Seliki +It is no secret that the man worked forges for the Gyre before swearing his Oaths to the Compact and House Seliki, but since weapons he crafted spilled Compact blood and armor he crafted turned Compact blades, he is understandably reluctant to speak on it. It should come as no surprise, that life under The Gyre was unpleasant. Aonghus is glad to have those dark days behind him. The only family he has left in the world anymore is his sister Olin. With her help, he was able to come to Arx. The two of them have sworn Oaths the Compact and House Seliki. His thoughts are turned to the future and the path before him - now his own at last! His accent is a strange unplaceable amalgam.  +
Apollis Malvici +Apollis was born in Granato and became the eldest brother of four. Through his whole childhood he'd have to endure constant scrutiny and suspicion, much deserved. He was a hellion and rabble rouser. He was often the one inciting others to fight rather than being the one to get into a fight. Then during the chaos he'd make off with the coin purses. He'd often go off on his own urban 'adventures' where he'd come across 'hidden treasure' just sitting around. While his sisters were content with a different kind of adventuring he was often playing with Abandoned children and getting into places he had no business being in. After growing up a little the boy mostly put aside his troublemaking ways but his path was definitely chosen. He wasn't going to be a stuffy noble do-nothing. He was going to go out and experience things. That's why his match to his Malvici love was so opportunistic. They both shared a love of treasure hunting - some might call it grave robbing and ruin looting. They traveled all over Arvum together before she was suddenly befallen with a strange illness. In a matter of days she had died in the Northlands during one of their adventures. Once again Apollis was met with scrutiny and suspicion on his eventual return to Southport. He wondered if he'd ever live it down or if anyone would offer him the comfort he needed in his time of mourning. Unsatisfied with how he was being treated he left once again to find his fame and fortune in Arx.  +
Apollo Malespero +A child of the Oathlands, born in Oakhaven to a pair of Keaton Trackers, Apollo might have had an idyllic childhood in the woods. But while traveling between Lyon's Redoubt and Keaton Keep when he was six, he and his parents were ambushed by bandits. His parents were killed, and he was kept; life as a bandit would have been an ironic twist for the child of peacekeepers. But other Trackers eventually found the hideout, and Apollo, recognized, was taken to Keaton Keep, where Countess Margerie took him in. Nigh silent, owlish, grieving, the genial warmth and friendships he found in Oakhaven nurtured him from near mute to merely skittish. His early artistic impulses were noticed, and connections made with local artisans; when he found tanning, he found his first love. He swiftly rose to local prominence for his craft, and Marquis Kael tapped him to come to Arx. He might have been a big fish in a small pond - but he wasn't. Apart from exceptional tradecraft, his care for his liege house, his customers, and his fellow crafters had him lending an ear, a set of armor, or assistance as often as he was taking commissions. And then more often. He became Co-Guildmaster of the Crafters Guild of Arx, a position he held for more than two years. Though often uncertain about his skillset and utility, his time bent toward diplomatic and economic work, outreach with Abandoned, and cultivation of ties between crafters, houses, and organizations for projects and mutual assistance. He took up with Whisper House, first as an associated courtier, then Apprentice Whisper, leaving House Keaton to serve as a Whisper in mid-1014 after a successful diffusion of tensions in the Oathlands. Then in 1015, in answer to his service to House Darkwater and its vassals, he was offered ennoblement. He accepted, stepping down as Guildmaster and retiring as a Whisper, though his ties to both organizations remain. In truth, though his life has changed to a vast degree, much remains. He is a maker of art and a builder of connections, and it is rare a day that passes without some of both. Now, after a brief, quiet betrothal, he's joined House Malespero as Marquis-Consort, where he'll doubtless bring those same instincts to the people of Nilanza. And where better for an orphan like himself?  +
Apollo Oakwood +Born in Oakhaven, to parents who were both Trackers, Apollo should have had an ideal childhood. But fate was less than kind to him, and at the tender age of six, while traveling between Lyon's Redoubt and Keaton Keep, he and his family were ambushed by a group of bandits looking to thin the packs of hunters after them. Apollo's parents were killed in the conflict and the boy was taken, the plan to rear him as a bandit, the irony found to be delicious. Weeks passed, but eventually another pack of Trackers discovered the location of the bandit's hideout and cleared the lot of them out. When Apollo was found, one of the huntsmen recognized the boy and took him home to Keaton Keep where the child was raised in the court. As an adult, he is fiercely loyal to the Keaton family. Eschewing the path of his parents, he learned the special art of tanning and leathercraft Oakhaven has become known for. The secrets of its manufacture are now his. When Kael left Oakhaven to come to Arx, he tapped his best leatherworker to come with him to see about making a name for themselves in Arx.  +
Appolonia Seraceni +Appolonia is the daughter of Isabella Pravus, a minor daughter of that great house, and Admando Seraceni, a seasoned corsair who died of an infection in war with the Argento. From a young age, Appolonia struggled against the restraints of knowledge. What happens when we grow older? Why are some things hidden from us, for "when we are older" or never at all? What dangers does such information hold? How can we prepare for these dangers if we don't know any better? (Such latter lines of thought spoke of a budding talent for social manipulation.) Appolonia sought to spite her tutors, learning more by her womanhood than many of the highborn learn in their entire lives. She soon exhausted the stock of common knowledge, although she retains it and deploys it at her command. She sought the restricted, the unknown, the hidden. To know that which few, or no-one else knew. It was the only way to be... Safe. Mother encouraged this. Mother helped her daughter learn the hidden ways, such as they were. Some people in Seraceni raised their eyebrows, but Isabella's grace and charm poured oil over ruffled feathers. (Is that the analogy? Ducks have oil, you know, in their tails. When they preen, they're smearing it over themselves.) Appolonia struggled with the new Marquis, Dario, on this matter. Her occult studies were a rift between them. Of course, such matters have moved along, although she is often feared in a subtle way within the household. Whispered about, but never to. Less cryptically, Appolonia is also fascinated with tales of foreign lands, although she has taken a special interest in Eurusi culture and fashions and more. She is fluent in the Eurusi language (if perhaps not perfect - few people to practice with in Arx) and hopes to travel the world, one day - perhaps simply as a tourist, perhaps as more. Appolonia wants to find something - not simply power, or wealth, or even love, though she is no ascetic. She seeks something else. She herself has trouble articulating it... or reluctance; and the two are awfully hard to tell apart.  +
Arcadia Leary +Arcadia, Cady to her family, had the misfortune of being born into an incredibly loving family who had the bad grace to be uniformly bookish and scholarly. Where her family enjoyed lengthy dinner discussions about the newest research one of her siblings was engaged in, Arcadia thought she would much rather stab herself with a fork repeatedly; at least it would be more exciting. She had the best of tutors, so long as the tutoring was in history or science or theology. Instead, she longed for tutors of her own choosing: swordmasters, adventurers, hunters, sailors, knights! Over the years (and often with the help of formal presentations created by her sister Elloise), Arcadia would lobby her well-meaning parents to allow her one of these. Any of these! Just pick one! And they finally relented. A bit. Arcadia was allowed to train once a week under one of Leaholdt's hunters. Off with him in the woods, a bow in her hand, stealthy and on the hunt - that's where Arcadia spent her happiest childhood years. But still, she longed for more. More to do! More to see! More to try! As Cady got older, Elloise started recruiting her for help with her scientific experiments. Cady didn't particularly care about the experiments or their results, but she was all too happy to run off to hunt down whatever rare ingredients her sister might need for them. An adventure! Or as much adventure as one can get in Leaholdt, anyway. And when Elly started petitioning their parents to send her to Arx, Arcadia threw herself in with her. "It will be fine!" she promised. "Elly and Fairen will make sure I stay out of trouble!" Arcadia knows it's only because of Elloise and Fairen that she's being allowed to go, but who cares! She's on her way! An endless world of possibilities await her, and a city full of people to teach her things!  +
Arcadia Stahlben +Arcadia, Cady to her family, had the misfortune of being born into an incredibly loving family who had the bad grace to be uniformly bookish and scholarly. Where her family enjoyed lengthy dinner discussions about the newest research one of her siblings was engaged in, Arcadia thought she would much rather stab herself with a fork repeatedly; at least it would be more exciting. She had the best of tutors, so long as the tutoring was in history or science or theology. Instead, she longed for tutors of her own choosing: swordmasters, adventurers, hunters, sailors, knights! Over the years (and often with the help of formal presentations created by her sister Elloise), Arcadia would lobby her well-meaning parents to allow her one of these. Any of these! Just pick one! And they finally relented. A bit. Arcadia was allowed to train once a week under one of Leaholdt's hunters. Off with him in the woods, a bow in her hand, stealthy and on the hunt - that's where Arcadia spent her happiest childhood years. But still, she longed for more. More to do! More to see! More to try! As Cady got older, Elloise started recruiting her for help with her scientific experiments. Cady didn't particularly care about the experiments or their results, but she was all too happy to run off to hunt down whatever rare ingredients her sister might need for them. An adventure! Or as much adventure as one can get in Leaholdt, anyway. And when Elly started petitioning their parents to send her to Arx, Arcadia threw herself in with her. "It will be fine!" she promised. "Elly and Fairen will make sure I stay out of trouble!" Arcadia knows it's only because of Elloise and Fairen that she's being allowed to go, but who cares! She's on her way! An endless world of possibilities await her, and a city full of people to teach her things!  +
Arcelia Navegant +Arcelia was born in the Saikland Greens to Giovanna and Aaron Saik where she was raised until she was twelve years old, spending a couple months a year down in Southport. During her early childhood it was discovered that she had a talent for performance, specifically dancing. The lady was a fun loving type of woman and being raised as a noble around many warriors she developed a love for being beautiful and for adventure. She loved playing in the mud, throwing it at anyone she wanted to get to play with her. Likewise, she enjoyed climbing trees and jumping out of them at her friends. And eventually she learned to enjoy sailing as well. She loved playing with the other Malvici and Saik children when she was able, tagging along with the older kids and terrorizing some of them with mud when she was able. She was attentive and loved to learn but she could never sit still, swaying and dancing while she listened to lectures. Though, this did not stunt the woman's ability to pick up the skills she needed and in fact made it easier for her to learn. Arcelia had a strong relationship with her two siblings growing up. Estaban developed a very protective side for Arcelia, his beloved outlook on her always keeping danger away. Even from lovers in her teen years. She was close to her sister as well, the two of them being close enough in age to have played with one another in their youth. When she was twelve years old she moved to Nilanza where she was fostered by the Argento. Salazar Argento seeing that she got a good education so that she could be a future diplomat. She had some rare but very valuable encounters with Venta Darkwater(Venta Argento), seeing the woman for some of her educational needs whenever the woman was there and available to tutor the young girl. She learned how to sail with the Argento as well, Salazar being one who ensured she was able to nourish her adventurous side. Estaban Saik and two women assisted in teaching Arcelia when they were in the area as well. The two women teaching Arcelia how to be a stronger woman as she faced dangerous storms and lecherous sailors. During Arcelia's time in Nilanza she met many people and created many bonds. She became known there for being overly curious and difficult to keep a watch on, the girl sneaking out to spend time away where she could explore and learn about the world. Though by the time she was sent home Arcelia was a bit more tame, time having taken its course in helping her grow up a bit... but only a bit. When Arcelia was sixteen years old she returned to the Saikland Greens and her family. It was felt that her education there was complete and that the best way for her to continue her growth was to go out and test her skills directly. She was told to be patient and seek out a good mentor for future training, someone who would help give her real experience as a diplomat. Over the years she has never attempted to approach anyone, so far as it is known, about this. When Arcelia was back home again she spent a lot of time missing Nilanza and the friends she had made there. As a result, she went through a small period of depression, adapting again within a few months and finding the joys once experienced as a young girl. Arcelia refused any conversation of marriage for years, only coming to terms with the idea in recent months. Though, the idea of falling in love was one she openly said she did not want to do, going as far as to beat a boy who spoke to her in poetry until he agreed not to pursue her heart anymore. She had no desire to marry and would do so only for her family and love was a scary thing that caused her friends and family pain, she vowed that she would not fall in love until she was married. It was the silly hope of a naive young girl who did not understand that the heart has no master. While she was in the Saiklands, Arcelia did a lot of volunteer work. She helped secure resources and jobs for people in need. Food, water, and medicine being brought to people directly by the young noble. She even helped people find jobs and shelter and watched over children when their parents were ill, finding them new homes when parents passed away. Recently, Baroness Kima called for Arcelia to join her in Arx, the woman having some plans for the girls future. There are whispers that the young Arcelia is here to search for a husband as well as aid her family in diplomatic matters.  +
Arcelia Saik +Arcelia was born in the Saikland Greens to Giovanna and Aaron Saik where she was raised until she was twelve years old, spending a couple months a year down in Southport. During her early childhood it was discovered that she had a talent for performance, specifically dancing. The lady was a fun loving type of woman and being raised as a noble around many warriors she developed a love for being beautiful and for adventure. She loved playing in the mud, throwing it at anyone she wanted to get to play with her. Likewise, she enjoyed climbing trees and jumping out of them at her friends. And eventually she learned to enjoy sailing as well. She loved playing with the other Malvici and Saik children when she was able, tagging along with the older kids and terrorizing some of them with mud when she was able. She was attentive and loved to learn but she could never sit still, swaying and dancing while she listened to lectures. Though, this did not stunt the woman's ability to pick up the skills she needed and in fact made it easier for her to learn. Arcelia had a strong relationship with her two siblings growing up. Estaban developed a very protective side for Arcelia, his beloved outlook on her always keeping danger away. Even from lovers in her teen years. She was close to her sister as well, the two of them being close enough in age to have played with one another in their youth. When she was twelve years old she moved to Nilanza where she was fostered by the Argento. Salazar Argento seeing that she got a good education so that she could be a future diplomat. She had some rare but very valuable encounters with Venta Darkwater(Venta Argento), seeing the woman for some of her educational needs whenever the woman was there and available to tutor the young girl. She learned how to sail with the Argento as well, Salazar being one who ensured she was able to nourish her adventurous side. Estaban Saik and two women assisted in teaching Arcelia when they were in the area as well. The two women teaching Arcelia how to be a stronger woman as she faced dangerous storms and lecherous sailors. During Arcelia's time in Nilanza she met many people and created many bonds. She became known there for being overly curious and difficult to keep a watch on, the girl sneaking out to spend time away where she could explore and learn about the world. Though by the time she was sent home Arcelia was a bit more tame, time having taken its course in helping her grow up a bit... but only a bit. When Arcelia was sixteen years old she returned to the Saikland Greens and her family. It was felt that her education there was complete and that the best way for her to continue her growth was to go out and test her skills directly. She was told to be patient and seek out a good mentor for future training, someone who would help give her real experience as a diplomat. Over the years she has never attempted to approach anyone, so far as it is known, about this. When Arcelia was back home again she spent a lot of time missing Nilanza and the friends she had made there. As a result, she went through a small period of depression, adapting again within a few months and finding the joys once experienced as a young girl. Arcelia refused any conversation of marriage for years, only coming to terms with the idea in recent months. Though, the idea of falling in love was one she openly said she did not want to do, going as far as to beat a boy who spoke to her in poetry until he agreed not to pursue her heart anymore. She had no desire to marry and would do so only for her family and love was a scary thing that caused her friends and family pain, she vowed that she would not fall in love until she was married. It was the silly hope of a naive young girl who did not understand that the heart has no master. While she was in the Saiklands, Arcelia did a lot of volunteer work. She helped secure resources and jobs for people in need. Food, water, and medicine being brought to people directly by the young noble. She even helped people find jobs and shelter and watched over children when their parents were ill, finding them new homes when parents passed away. Recently, Baroness Kima called for Arcelia to join her in Arx, the woman having some plans for the girls future. There are whispers that the young Arcelia is here to search for a husband as well as aid her family in diplomatic matters.  +
Archene Clearwater +Archene is a thrall from Cielos Encantadores, an island that is part of Darkwater Reach. Son of an apothecary and a dockworker, he was apprenticed to his mother, from whom he got his love for perfumes above other crafts a proper apothecary must learn. During his childhood, he met and befriend the local Lord's youngest daughter, Ariel Darkwater, who was only a years younger than himself. After years helping his mother, he soon obtained enough to buy his way out of thralldom. And having heard that his noble childhood friend moved away to Arx, he gathered the resources he accumulated for a few months before setting off.  +
Archeron Tyde +Archeron was born about 15 minutes before his sister Lethe, and thus, born both the oldest and a Tyde Lord, the mantle of 'being the responsible one' was given to him at birth by both his mother and father. From infancy the notion that he is would be responsible for caring for and protecting the family imbued all of his early life lessons. When the twins were 6 years old, their mother Lady Gilda, took them to visit her birth family the Ashfords just before the onset of the Tyde Rebellion and upon hearing of the death if their father, Lord Raymond Tyde, the three were all quietly absorbed into the Ashford family without a word to anyone and there they stayed for the next 13 years. For entirely different reasons than his sister, Archeron flourished in the Grey Forest, there seemed to be something right to him about steady ground under his feet that he had never experienced in the unsteady world of ships and sea. He climbed trees with his cousins, learned to hunt and track game as a boy and for many years it seemed as he would fall comfortably into the life of a ranger and warden. And then the Silence came to the Grey Forest. Archeron served with the rest of the Ashford rangers to stave off the vile corruptions that wished to destroy his home and for this he is marked forever having gotten caught up in the thorny whip wielded by one of their Shav minions before he was able to put an arrow in underling's eye. When the war ended, the world changed again when word reached them that their father's family had been restored under the union of his cousin Duchess Margot and the former prince and heir to Maelstrom and Archeron's mother asked that he go with his sister to Arx to rejoin their birth family, saying that their opportunities may be better there where they can be what they were board to be. The truth is Archeron aches for the forests he knows and understands already but he knows that his reprieve is over, it is time to pick up the role he was born for to be the protector of not just his sister but his family again.  +
Archibald Kitt +Having been a successful teacher serving the King's Own, Archibald's early life was pleasant. He served well and even earned a parcel of land to call his own. During what had been a successful retirement, his land was raided. Though he fought to stop the raiders, he was left for dead and all of his family slaughtered. Permanently lame in his leg, he went to request aid from the crown, but it was determined resources could not be spared and he was given a token gift to assist him in his hardship. Crippled, alone, and feeling betrayed, he has lived the rest of his existance in the lower boroughs teaching riff-raff instead of soldiers.  +
Ardee de Lire +Born to a commoner family with too many children, Ardee spent the first few years of her life mostly under the radar. She was cared for by her siblings until she was old enough for the family to realize that she was going to grow up to be a 'looker'. It was decided for her quickly that her lot in life would be to go to school and learn to be a Courtesan. She could make decent enough money that way, and would be able to help 'pitch in' by looks and wiles. She went to school, began to learn the tricks of the trade and started planning on how to escape the hold of her family. She wanted more out of life than to live to support her family. The answer came through death, her entire family ending up victims of the Silent War. She only escaped the same fate through the school she'd been attending when tragedy struck. Though nearly a victim herself, she was taken in as a refugee and eventually pledged her services to the de Lire family. She serves as the family's Chief Librarian.  +
Ardoin Valardin +Growing up in a provincial cadet branch of the Valardin family, Ardoin is the second son and initially was allowed to indulge in scholarly pursuits while soaking up stories of the family's honor and piety. After the Tragedy at Sanctum, though, his remote chance of succession to the high duchy got bumped up a few places and his father demanded Ardoin take up the blade. And he did - with enthusiasm, taking the vows of knighthood at sixteen. His life became an endless quest to protect the commoners and peasants from bandits and Abandoned raids, his idealism as much of a weapon as a blade. Over time, his voracious reading habits combined with his steadfast beliefs in honor and nobility, created the unpleasant idea that the nobility ought to not only protect and control the commoners with an iron fist, but also provide them with greater education, land, and economic opportunities - from the pockets of the peerage. Needless to say, this disconcerting belief caused concern within the family, whereupon his father sent him off to Arx to serve the Crown and the interests of House Valardin - and hopefully smarten up in the process.  +
Argos Seraceni +Argos is from humble beginnings, but all he has really wanted to do in his like is to become a knight. He left his family's farm the first shot he got to start training, despite his father's protests. He has spent his whole life training for the chance to show some noble that he is better than any knight despite his rank. He quickly developed his fighting abilities and got noticed by a guard. He then got proper training and a job. After a year or two he left this post to seek out a proper lord to serve. To Argos nothing is more important than the his duty.  +
Ari Corsetina +Born Arrigo Corsetina to a poor but large family in Setarco. No one-- /no one/ --calls him Arrigo, however. His name is Ari. He considers this so much his name that when he had a daughter he named her after himself and her mother. Who was Miraya, a lovely girl who flunked out of the Setarco school for Courtesans-- she just wasn't suited to that life. She was too carefree and flighty. She met Ari when he was naught but nineteen and was just about to go on his first tour sailing with the Pravus navy. Their was a fierce, passionate romance that ended with them married within three months. By the time that Arrigo returned from his tour at twenty his daughter-- Mirari --had been born. He managed to take assignments that kept him nearby for two years. Watching his daughter grow. However, he got an offer he could not pass up and he sailed out for a longer tour. Officially, his ship was lost at sea. In truth, his ship was raided by pirates and Ari was forced into piracy. The next eighteen years were spent with him slowly gaining the trust and loyalty of the rest of the crew-- until he could finally lead a mutiny against the pirate captain. As soon as this happened he set sail for Setarco, and flying the Pravus colors came to port to find his wife long dead of a lung sickness, and his daughter "gone". His wife's family wasn't very forthright about what happened to his daughter... Gone somewhere. He agreed to join the Setarcan navy as way to sail the world looking for his daughter. Never meeting the Duchess, never quite making the connections that would allow him to see that his daughter was closer at hand that he ever realized. In recent years he was called to serve with the Setarcan navy against the Gyre. His ship and crew distinguishing themselves in a small skirmish, and after the battles were done he was called to Arx to receive an honor from the Duchess.  +
Aria Gilden +Aria was the sort of child who loved to swordfight with sticks, sneak into the pantries, terrorize the maids, and climb the trees. Her health declined as she grew toward the age of ten, however, and as she spent less tiem outside she spent more studying and endearing herself with the household. She's become a conscientious woman who often acts in her uncle's stead as a representative of House Gilden or manages the household when he is away. Arianna is one of the likely choices for heir as he seems unlikely to have children. Much remains to be seen, of course. She is known to be dependable and conscientious, as well as bright. While she'll never be athletic Arianna's health seems to have improved and she'll take walks and join for parties that she didn't as a youth.  +
Arian Brand +Little is known of Arian's origins. As far as anyone knows, the formidable young man has forsaken the path of his family and refused a life of serfdom. Although of common blood, swirling dreams, radiant energy and aristocratic ambition emanant with his every move. Abandoning menial work in the Crownlands, Arian came to Arx to seek his fortune and roll the dice of life. While familiar with a plough and scythe, his apparent skill with a blade interests some and makes others wary.  +
Arianna Fireviper +Arianna is the only daughter in the Stonewood family. She was born to her mother who was a proper Lady from a vassal house in the Lyceum, Lady Vayla Pravus. Her father being the Count of Stonewood himself, until he died and her eldest brother Malesh inherited the title. She grew up with a fascination for culture and anthropology. Always a people watcher and a clever girl from the start, she learned how to read before she was able to walk and she spoke quite early. She was pale of skin and fair, her family could not be more proud of their newest addition. Though she was never directly subject to the pressures of her family, their reputation as the reigning house from Pride Hall to Whitehawk was an immense weight to bear. Arianna learned the subtlies of people's mannerisms and customs, the way they held themselves when they were proud or broken. The little tells that people had when they were lying. All of these aspects of psychology intrigued her and she quietly learned by throwing herself into the proverbial lions den. Having been born to the courts and becoming intimately familiar with it, she realized her natural talent at finding out what people needed and providing it for them. Arianna cultivated favors like a farmer cultivates his crop. While the young woman had briefly considered many different vocations, none was more intriguing than that of truth seeker. Or scholar. Though that didn't stop her from also being intrigued by the possibility of becoming a linguist, diplomat, expert on esoterica, or an investigator and skilled in martial pursuits. All in all quite an eclectic array of interests for someone so young, but none the less she has used her talents to further her family's ambitions. While she traveled Arvum for the first time she discovered many interesting things but truly only ended up with more questions than answers. Ever loyal to the causes she devotes herself to, in the time that she has come to the city she has joined several organizations and devoted herself to helping the city thrive after it's most recent tragedies.  +
Arianna Pravus +Arianna was born the only daughter in the Stonewood family, born to a Lycene mother from Setarco. Lady Vayla Pravus instilled a lot of herself in her daughter and insisted on raising her child in the Lyceum. It was an unusual request, all things considered, seeing as it was in Lenosia and not Setarco that the girl was raised. Alongside other notables within House Velenosa like her Pravus cousins and Luca, the little Crownlander existed practically as a member of the fealty. She spent summers in Setarco and learned about the paramount House of the Silken City while she did so but rarely did she ever return to the lands of the House which she and her mother owed fealty. Her brothers and cousins in House Stonewood were not too keen of this but her father did not seem to mind it so and nothing was done about it until the man died and the Marquis Malesh took his place. She was summoned back to the House and parted ways with her mother who did not wish to return to a that House when she was welcome back in Setarco. Arianna's return was met with mixed feelings but her clever ways and principled upbringing in the Lyceum made her savvy and a useful advisor to her brother whom soon after appointed her his Voice. For a long while she did an excellent job at this, staying out of court politics and tending to the affairs of her lands that had belonged to her father. She was unhappy with her place in life and took to many hobbies to fill the voice, in time these hobbies became pursuits and these pursuits into careers. Trained in the Ministry of Defense as an Agent, working as an Investigator with the Iron Guard, spending time in the archives with Scholars, and even going so far as joining a company of sellswords that fought in many of the Compact's most recent wars. Being a famous sellsword and having a penchant for dark humor didn't win her many friends, but since she did so well in her duties as Voice that the public backlash for her activities and penchant for scandal washed over her brother like water off a duck's back. Of course, this put tension on the relations between native Stonewoods and this Lycene girl in Crownlands clothing. Inquiries were made and loyalties were tested and ultimately the House was better served without her leadership, and even if her brother hadn't decided on this for her - the Pravosi girl threw in the chips and stepped down not just in Stonewood but elsewhere. She withdrew from the world at large and returned to Stonehearth to, presumably, attend Reform School. It's the worst kind of punishment for Lycene, especially when attending an institution with dour matrons and delinquent Crownlander nobles. Suffice to say upon her return Arianna was quite well behaved and leaned even more so upon her Lycene upbringing. She left Stonewood to join Fireviper as the Sword of Cinder at her brother Gailin's request but even still she grew more distant from the Crownlanders and looked to home. Eventually the Count of Fireviper released her from her oath of fealty so she could return to Pravus and so she did.  +
Arianna Stonewood +Arianna is the only daughter in the Stonewood family. She was born to her mother who was a proper Lady from a vassal house in the Lyceum, Lady Vayla Pravus. Her father being the Count of Stonewood himself, until he died and her eldest brother Malesh inherited the title. She grew up with a fascination for culture and anthropology. Always a people watcher and a clever girl from the start, she learned how to read before she was able to walk and she spoke quite early. She was pale of skin and fair, her family could not be more proud of their newest addition. Though she was never directly subject to the pressures of her family, their reputation as the reigning house from Pride Hall to Whitehawk was an immense weight to bear. Arianna learned the subtlies of people's mannerisms and customs, the way they held themselves when they were proud or broken. The little tells that people had when they were lying. All of these aspects of psychology intrigued her and she quietly learned by throwing herself into the proverbial lions den. Having been born to the courts and becoming intimately familiar with it, she realized her natural talent at finding out what people needed and providing it for them. Arianna cultivated favors like a farmer cultivates his crop. While the young woman had briefly considered many different vocations, none was more intriguing than that of truth seeker. Or scholar. Though that didn't stop her from also being intrigued by the possibility of becoming a linguist, diplomat, expert on esoterica, or an investigator and skilled in martial pursuits. All in all quite an eclectic array of interests for someone so young, but none the less she has used her talents to further her family's ambitions. While she traveled Arvum for the first time she discovered many interesting things but truly only ended up with more questions than answers. Ever loyal to the causes she devotes herself to, in the time that she has come to the city she has joined several organizations and devoted herself to helping the city thrive after it's most recent tragedies.  +
Arianwen Grayhope +Arianwen can be maddeningly tight-lipped about her past, but can anyone really blame a Lower Boroughs girl for her privacy? Especially one that grew up in the rowdiest and darkest slums in the lowliest section of Arx? Nevertheless, most know by now that Chanse Grayhope either practically raised her, or perhaps he just happened to be nearby while she grew up on her own. Whatever the truth, she often casually introduces herself with the Innkeeper's family name appended. Regulars at the Murder of Crows would have also heard something terribly unkind occurred to her biological parents, which caused her to experience a short stint as a street urchin before her double digit years, and before appropriating a room at the inn. These days, she's happy to make a living as the preeminent tavern maid for the underbelly of Arx - singing numerous merry tunes, demanding the compliance of drunken ne'er-do-wells, and making a pretty penny washing clothes or tending to bar brawl injuries on the side. Famous for her beauty and the melodramatic stories sung of her by sea-bound sailors, it is the rare individual that dares to truly harm the beloved Star-Eyed River Nymph of Arx.  +
Aric Keaton +It's hard to look on life with regrets when you get to live it exactly how you want to, but it wasn't always that way. Growing up the first born son of one of the greatest legal minds in the House Keaton, Aric felt extraordinary pressure to succeed and follow in his father's shadow and eventually to eclipse him when he finally retired. Two years of legal studies was enough for him to know this wasn't what he was meant for and after many fights with his father, Aric left for parts unknown. Rumors have him seen in every direction, just the way he liked it. His education in legal matters may have halted but with what he did know, he started carefully smuggling goods and providing other services just this side of the line. True, his family had some money, but nothing like what he was able to make working the grey areas and sometimes dark shadows of the lands. Most anyone in any tavern will vaguely recall Aric buying them drinks and leaving with a morally bankrupt woman or two at the end of the night. He's kept himself busy for the last decade and away from his family and all the life in House Keaton and considers himself better for it, but a recent spot of trouble with the wrong Baron has started pushing him back to build bridges and mend fences with family once more. This is not going to be pretty.  +
Ariel Darkwater +Ariel is the the youngest daughter to a Lord of Darkwater and a Lady who was from the noble family of Moonriver. She has an older sister and an older brother but sadly their mother died while birthing little Ariel. Their father, Santiago, had much sorrow when this occurred. Due to the sadness that was caused by the loss, the fact they were living at Darkwater Watch made things easier for her father, Ariel took up dancing as her passion. Now her father has sent her to Arx to assist her cousin Max with whatever he will need. She is quite excited to explore the city, though not to eventually seek out a husband as he father wishes. All on her mind is family, dancing and the sea being her only mistresses for the time being. She is quite the little social butterfly and absolutely adores throwing parties.  +
Ariel Stonewood +Ariel is the the youngest daughter to a Lord of Darkwater and a Lady who was from the noble family of Moonriver. She has an older sister and an older brother but sadly their mother died while birthing little Ariel. Their father, Santiago, had much sorrow when this occurred. Due to the sadness that was caused by the loss, the fact they were living at Darkwater Watch made things easier for her father, Ariel took up dancing as her passion. Now her father has sent her to Arx to assist her cousin Max with whatever he will need. She is quite excited to explore the city, though not to eventually seek out a husband as he father wishes. All on her mind is family, dancing and the sea being her only mistresses for the time being. She is quite the little social butterfly and absolutely adores throwing parties.  +