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Glenys Redwine
Social Rank 9
Fealty Crownsworn
"Crownsworn" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Redwine
Gender Female
Age 28
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Physician
Height 5'3
Hair Color Chestnut
Eye Color Whiskey
Skintone Pale
Authored By / Featured In


Despite her flawlessly pale skin and the rich, dark hair that stands in contrast to it, if there is any of Glenys' features that could be called beautiful, it would be her eyes, always seeming to be filled with just a little bit of laughter save for in the most dire of circumstances. Her mouth is one inclined to wry smiles and laughter with just the occasional stubborn frown to keep things interesting. She might not be very tall and rather slight in form, but she somehow seems larger than that just by sheer presence alone.


From the time she learned to say the word 'no', Glenys has been a stubborn thing, determined not so much to have her own way in things as to not allow anyone else's way supersede her own. This same trait that caused her family such vexation in her youth hasn't mellowed a bit, but only deepened into well-honed willfulness. Despite, or maybe because, of this stubbornness, she's also intelligent with a whipcrack sort of wit and a sense of mischief that gets her into all sorts of nonsense. Even deeper than that lies a heart that is just as stubborn. She's not the sort that will let it stray once it has a star to fix itself upon.


There are many that might look at a life like Glenys' and wonder what went wrong. By all measures, she had the best sort of start to life that any person could expect to have. She was born Glenys Ashford into one of the most respectable families in the Compact with a bright future ahead of her. She was blessed with a steady hand and a talent for healing that she was permitted to spend time developing when not adhering to her duties to the family. There were even whispers that young Glenys might see a promising career as a Godsworn Mercy, which would have left her with considerably more freedom than a noble lady with a responsibility to marry well.

No one could understand why she would choose to throw it all away. Sure, many of the Ashford servants and family members remember the shouting arguments between Glenys and her father about her 'duties', but she was just a little high-spirited! Yes, she 'ran away' a couple times for weeks on end, but a lot of Ashfords are prone to adventures! Her father would certainly claim that it was when she met 'that man' that she decided to shirk her responsibilities and her title to live whatever sort of life that he could provide for her, but the truth lies rather closer to the fact that she had been primed to walk away from it all for years. She only needed a little push.

That push came in the form of Hiram Kelly. Glenys met him over a game of cards. He was playing. She was drinking and trying to think about how to tell her father that she had no desire to marry or to join the Mercies or do much of anything at all that he expected her to do. One second, she was enjoying a nice glass of wine and brooding, the next Hiram was getting stabbed and bleeding all over the card table. She jumped into action, stitched him up, and that was it for her. They spent a wild couple of weeks together before the decision finally had to be made if she was going home at all. She took all of five minutes to decide, wrote her father a letter, and never looked back.

They haven't always been easy years since. Glenys knows that she doesn't live any sort of life that anyone would be proud of, but she's happy in her way as she lives each day without looking too far ahead or too far back. She's still a good physician, but her skills are mostly spent amongst those for whom it might be inconvenient or unwise to visit a proper Mercy.