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Lora Fidante
Age 24  +
Background A child of the Mourning Isles, Lora was bo
A child of the Mourning Isles, Lora was born and raised in Grimhems Point, where trying to Out Thrax House Thrax is no rumor, it is the way of life for House Grimhall. She is one many children between Anton Grimhall and his wife, Helena Grimhall nee Hawkmour. From a very young age, Lora exhibited her love for the arts, specifically music. Before she learned to speak, she was humming the songs her nannies would sing in order to lull her to sleep. By the time she was three, she could play simple tunes on the piano. The dull, overcast skies would suddenly brighten whenever Loralei would entertain her family with music. She has a way about her, an energy, an aura, that draws others to her and as a result can count on many she considers friends. Like her siblings, Lora spent many years under the tutelage of myriad instructors. Her training, while mainly consisting of social graces, often dabbled in a few lessons that focused on the high seas and adventure. It is no surprise then that the young Grimhall lady often jumped at the opportunity to join her mother during diplomatic visits to the Lyceum. The Southern city-states held an exotic flavor to them that resonated deeply within Loralei. Tor in particular held her interest with their rich history, their location on the opposite side of the Lycene split, world renown roses, emeralds, and apothecaries, one can say the city seduced her and she found herself quickly married to Nico Fidante, cousin to former Duke Leo and his sister Calista Fidante. It was a gorgeous ceremony that took place in Spring proper while all of the roses were starting to bloom. Like most marriages, Lora and Nico fulfilled a political arrangement, but there was genuine affection between them as well. As a Fidante, Lora continued to excel in all areas of social decorum. It has been noted quite a few times that her style and fashion is copied time and time again. As for her love of music, she founded a small school of the arts in Tor that provides education for less fortunate children. When Nico died at sea during one of the heinous battles against the Gyre, Loralei was heartbroken. The story of a young widow is sadly not an uncommon one. After what seemed like an appropriate time to mourn her husband, Loralei set off to Arx from Tor to reinvent herself, offer her assistance to her Fidante family, and keep her promise to Nico that she would accomplish all the things she originally set out to accomplish while they were married. A transplanted rose from the Mourning Isles by way of Tor can surely set roots in the capital city. Come abyss or high water.
he capital city. Come abyss or high water.  +
Character Status Active  +
Cousins Duncan Hawkmour + , Cordelia Grimhall + , Calliope Grimhall + , Katya Grimhall + , Raimon Thrax + , Katherine Moore + , Leo Fidante + , Calista Fidante + , Juliet Fidante + , Angelo Fidante + , Baldwin Fidante + , Ignacio Fidante + , Esme Fidante + , Luciano Fidante + , Silvana fidante + , Florencia Fidante + , Nuala Redrain + , Forato Fidante + , Narcissa Fidante + , Thomas Hawkmour +
Description A shade under average height and slim of b
A shade under average height and slim of build, she is good genetic stock schooled and refined and distilled until what is left is grace and elegance. Large, wide-set eyes are the color of the sea, shading blue or grey with mood and fashion. They soften the aristocratic sharpness of her features, and ever lend her an expression of open innocence. Her chief glory is her hair, a thick cascade of tumbled waves spilt below the small of her back. Golden threads through rich brown, so that when she wears it plaited and coiled, it becomes a crown upon her head. {w({nThe wealth of her hair has been artfully woven into an elaborate series of braids that coil down over one shoulder and that then loop back up. It's a serpentine arrangement, held in place with numerous pins, yet is still imperfect and balanced by a few escaped tendrils that coil down from the opposite temple.{w){n
t coil down from the opposite temple.{w){n  +
Eye Color Sea Blue  +
Full Name Lora Fidante  +
Gender Female  +
Hair Color Gold-threaded Brown  +
Height 5'3"  +
House Fidante +
Parents Anton Grimhall + , Helena Hawkmour +
Personality Gracious, decorus, serene. Not a wallflowe
Gracious, decorus, serene. Not a wallflower. Lora carries herself with gravitas, a stately reserve that some mistake for shyness, at their expense. She plays the innocent well, relying on the perception of herself as a bit of a backwater ingenue to disarm opponents. But she is neither meek nor innocent. There is iron under her skin and a quick mind backing each turn of words that has made her a negotiator of some renown.
has made her a negotiator of some renown.  +
Religion Pantheon  +
Skintone Fair  +
Social Rank 4  +
Uncle Aunts Walter Hawkmour + , Martin Hawkmour + , Eugine Grimhall + , Dmitry Grimhall +
Vocation Courtier  +
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"Has processing error" is a predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki and represents errors that appeared in connection with improper value annotations or input processing.
Lora Fidante +
Categories Characters
Modification date
"Modification date" is a predefined property that corresponds to the date of the last modification of a subject and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.
17:05:44, 7 November 2019  +
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