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This is a breakdown on how to use @action (alias @actions) on Arx. While it may appear daunting at first, the end result is streamlined and give staff a better understanding on what you, the player, seeks to achieve with your @action request. The former +storyrequest is now merged with @action in order to develop a more robust storytelling experience. Let's begin!

Creating a New Action

@action/newaction [<crisis#>=] <story of the action>

Creating a new action costs "Action Points" and requires a series of other commands before it is completed and sent to staff. An example of creating a new action:

  • @action/newaction Dame Euginia sets off on an expedition with a small group of explorers with the hopes of discovering the mythical race of hobgoblins.

(Without adding a +crisis# to your @action, this in essence is very much how +storyrequest used to work.)

If this action was part of a bigger story suggested in +crisis, then you would type:

  • @action/newaction 333=Dame Euginia and a small group of explorers set out on a diplomacy mission to meet with the King of the Hobgoblins.

An @action # will be assigned to you.

Setting Your Action

Congratulations! You've been invited to join Dame Euginia quest in searching for Hobgoblins. You will receive a notification of this invitation via @informs. You do not have to do step 1 of @action/newaction, because Dame Euginia already did that for you.

How to set your action as an invitee:

@action/setaction #=<action text> This is where you put down what you're going to do in some detail.

  • @action/setaction 1111=Sir Humphrey, backed by his cavalry, joins Dame Euginia through the mystical forest in search of the entrance to the Hobgoblin Kingdom. Knowing this is a diplomatic venture, he brings special, rare treasures in order to entice and hopefully find ways to trade with the hobgoblins.

If you are assisting Dame Euginia, you will be able to see who else is assisting in the action and how they are publicly assisting with the action when you type @action #. As an assistant, you would set your action in detail just as Dame Euginia did with the action -your- character will be taking.


Because some players are rather verbose with their action description, this allows you to give a brief, 80 characters of less, summary of what you intend to do with your action.

@action/tldr <action#>=<title>

  • @action/tldr 1111=Exploring forest for hobgoblins, bringing goodies.

And that's basically all there is to that. When you check with @action# at this point, you will see something that looks like this:

Action ID 1111 by Euginia
Action by Euginia:
Summary: Exploring forest for hobgoblins, bringing goodies.
Action: Dame Euginia sets off on an expedition with a small group of explorers with the hopes of discovering the mythical race of hobgoblins.

Action by Humphrey:
Summary:Bringing the cavalry and some goodies for trading
Action: Sir Humphrey, backed by his cavalry, joins Dame Euginia through the mystical forest in search of the entrance to the Hobgoblin Kingdom. Knowing this is a diplomatic venture, he brings special, rare treasures in order to entice and hopefully find ways to trade with the hobgoblins.

If you are Assisting Euginina, you will not see any other statement other than what Action she is taking. You are only privy to the information you add. Likewise, Euginia will not be able to see any other statements besides what public action you are taking.

Set Your Category

If you are creating the @action, you will have to set your category.

@action/category <action#>=category

  • @action/category 1111=diplomacy

Categories: combat, scouting, support, diplomacy, sabotage, research.

If you are assisting, you do not have to worry about this step.


All participants in the @action must set what stat and skill they would like the GM to roll.

@action/roll <action#>=<stat>,<skill>

  • @action/roll 1111=Charm,Diplomacy

OOC Intent

So, you've got this plan, you've got some folks helping you out. Things look swell. As a player, what can you hope to achieve from this @action? That's where ooc intent comes into play!

@action/ooc_intent <action#>=what you as the player are hoping to get out of this @action

Taken straight from help @action: /ooc_intent which is the what sort of outcome you are hoping for, whether that's reputation adjustments, some advancement in a story, the favor of important npcs, magical power, whatever. It's just to make sure that GMs know what you have in mind for what you're trying to accomplish.

  • @action/ooc_intent 1111=Story Advancement to build bridges between the humans and hobgoblins.

Adding Items to your @action

This is where you add any extra goodie you'll be supplying to your @action like resources, silver, action points, or army.

@action/add <action#>=<resource or 'ap' or 'army'>,<amount or army ID#>

  • @action/add 1111=economics,200

If you are adding more than just resources, ap, silver, or army, you will have to repeat this process until you've added all the items you wish to add to the @action.

To Attend or Not to Attend...

The default toggle on an @action shows you will be attending the action. You can still create and assist without your character being present at the scene especially if your character is offering aid in the form of money or resources and is not the combat type or very diplomatic. To unattend you would type:

@action/toggleattend <action#>

The code will let you know you will not be present for the action. If you change your mind before you submit, just type the code again and it will set you to being physically present.

Are You Ready?

You've created your @action, you've invited others to join in on the fun, you have done all your steps, but need to check on everyone else to make sure they have also done their part.

@action/readycheck <action#>

This lets the @action creator know who has submitted their action and who is either still working on it or forgot to submit the action.