Abigail Lyonesse

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Abigail Lyonesse
Social Rank 5
Fealty Valardin
House Lyonesse
Gender Female
Age 19
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Archer
Height 5'9
Hair Color Cinnamon Brown
Eye Color Clear Blue
Skintone Sepia Tan
Parents Treveus Lyonesse, Isabella Lyonesse
Uncles/Aunts Demurius Lyonesse
Cousins Rymarr Deepwood, Demura Lyonesse, Anabelle Lyonesse, Dormire Lyonesse, Jenessa Lyonesse, Marcorr Lyonesse
Authored By / Featured In


The woman is tall and slender, yet don't let that fool you, she is very capable of taking care of herself. Abigail is young, taller then many and with a form one may see with a archer yet there is something about her that is rather noble. Her stance, how she holds herself and how she portraits herself is what gives that away. Cinnamon brown hair flows to about her mid-back and has a slight curl to it, eyes of clear ice blue seem to almost glow thanks to her rather lovely tanned skin. Slender lips, high cheekbones give her a rather lovely face.


Abigail's personality tends to be a bit on the serious side, at times she may be playful and sweet but more then likely she is right to the point. Though some have said she has an attitude, not that she feels that way.


Abigail's family is well known to some, at least the name. Her father, Treveus, is Uncle to Marquessa Demura Lyonesse, and his wife Isabella married into the family. While she may have not be so called 'noble' before her marriage her family was not the normal or complete commoner either, just a lower rank. Abigail's father was and still is a most trusted and well known Knight for his family name, though age has started to catch up to him and that is the only thing possibly slowing him down. Her mother was a archer of high skill and quality, her knowledge with herbs was also high as her family was well know in the art of herbal healing. Isabella trained and taught her daughters to carry on the skills she had taught and to never forget them.

Abigail has four siblings all sisters, she being the youngest of the bunch. Sundari and Idrissa are her elder twins sisters, and then there is Roselin and Jaelynn. When it comes to handling a bow Abigail is on par with her mother having picked up the skill rather easy. During a hunting trip, Abigail's mother was killed and many felt it was staged but others have said the woman took on too much, thus being cut down by the prey she was tracking. Abigail and Roselin were with her at the time and while her daughters have called for something to be done it is still being overlooked.

Since this has happened Abigail was sent to stay with her cousin Demura Lyonesse by her father and Roselin is set to join her in the coming months. Abigail is attempting to keep an open mind and move on but it is hard with she knows something has happened to her family and she wants answers.