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Decius Meridius +Decius stands 6' tall and has a rather impressive physique, beyond lean yet not too much into the bulk one would see if a heavy weapon was their preference. His skin is the color of rich coffee. He does have a neatly trimed beard which adds to his rakish charm. His heard is not rush short, but it is on the short side and neatly kept as well. There are tiny forge burns about his arms, as one would expect in his given profession. His hands have thick calusses from working with tools day and day out.  +
Declan Tyde +There is a masculine beauty to Declan's face, but a remote, forbidding one; his features are a cast of good looks chiseled from marble, and a tall frame cut with compact muscle -- the promise of strength, a weapon held in abeyance. His hair is jet, waving across a forehead faintly lined from the stern frown in frequent residence. Eyes ice-pale in the looming shadows of his thick, dark brows render his gaze as cold and remote as a mountain glacier.  +
Deimos +The absence of a left eye only calls attention to the intensity of this aging man's gaze, a leather patch sealing away the offending wound like a tomb. In the murky depths of his sharp stare lies a cunning mind at work. His tall stature and steel poise are marked by a limping gait, often aided by a cane that grants the sea dog an air of refinement. Far from frail, broad shoulders and strong arms defy time's attempts to catch up with him, though gray has begun to streak through thick hair once as proud and dark as a pirate's black banner.  +
Delfina Darkwater +Lanky and graceful in the way of someone who knows what her body is capable of, Delfina projects a warm confidence in everything she undertakes. Dark, brown hair tumbles just past her strong shoulders in waves, occasional flashes of silver hiding in the darker spill. Curiosity and wit sparkle in her blue-gray eyes, and determination is evident in the set of her squared, angled jawline. Quick, expressive hands and agile limbs imply years spent in physical pursuits and being used to travel.  +
Delia Whisper +Few Courtiers can be described as 'cute' or 'adorable'. Delia not only embodies these qualities, but makes them her own unique whisper brand. Fiery red hair falls in delightful curls, normally kept up with a few ringlets framing her round cheeks. A little button nose and a dash of freckles across her face enhance her charming vigor. Deep blue eyes twinkle with mischief and delight, and her lush lips always seem to smile and laugh with a vitality all their own. Her figure is pleasantly curvaceous, and her tiny frame suits it well. Her emotions always seem to be of the effervescent variety, and she takes great care to always seem positive.  +
Delilah Shepherd +Delilah is a beautiful woman to behold and her appearance seems to be an adventure in itself. Her hair is the color of golden toffee and flows over her shoulders in gentle curls, pooling against her back. Thick bangs rest over chiseled eyebrows, and her bright cobalt eyes are fringed with long lashes. Her soft cupid's bow lips are usually pulled into a neutral line, but occasionally the corners upturn into a faint grin or smirk, and more rarely into a warm smile. Her fair complexion glows with the vigor of youth, kissed lightly by the sun and wind. She is tall and svelte, possessing notably long legs and graceful curves, though her attire tends to favor practicality over accentuating her attractive features.  +
Delilah Whitehawk +Delilah is a beautiful woman to behold and her appearance seems to be an adventure in itself. Her hair is the color of golden toffee and flows over her shoulders in gentle curls, pooling against her back. Thick bangs rest over chiseled eyebrows, and her bright cobalt eyes are fringed with long lashes. Her soft cupid's bow lips are usually pulled into a neutral line, but occasionally the corners upturn into a faint grin or smirk, and more rarely into a warm smile. Her fair complexion glows with the vigor of youth, kissed lightly by the sun and wind. She is tall and svelte, possessing notably long legs and graceful curves, though her attire tends to favor practicality over accentuating her attractive features.  +
Demura Lyonesse +Just above average height, Demura is a woman of strength. Strength of build, strength of character, even her expression is one of iron will and determination. A true warrior woman, she has a compact build that allows her subtle curves to enhance the grace of her toned musculature. She has a wealth of shoulder length, glossy brown hair with golden streaks franted by the sun, giving those locks a bronzed look. Her skin has a tawny appearance, sun-kissed and tanned, marred here and there by the slightly paler lines of scars earned in battle. That she has only a few speaks to her prowess. With high cheekbones and a straight, patrician nose, her full mouth gives her a classic beauty tempered by a strong jaw and serious expression.  +
Denica Thrax +A tousle of rich, ink-dark hair swirls to her waist in satin waves, swept away from the column of her throat to curl over her shoulder. Set beneath high, arched brows, her almond eyes smolder with the hue and depth of a raw sapphire, fringed in black velvet lashes. The pallor of her fair skin seems lit from within, aglow in the blossom of her cheeks. Her lips pronounce a fine bow, the pink of a shell. Smooth angles refine the contour of her face, from the sculpt of cheekbone, to nose, to jawline, soft with youth. Dainty in stature, her slim hourglass figure blooms at the curve of hip and bust, imbued throughout with a flowing grace.  +
Deoiridh Unknown +This slender woman strikes a carefree or perhaps negligent figure to most onlookers, possessed of youthful years and middling height, pale-skinned with keen eyes of grey; her hair of vibrant crimson often abandoned to unkempt disarray. Hers is an aquiline visage, unadorned save the esoteric and gruesome display of criss-crossing scars and convolutions of runes; a plethora of tribal inscriptions which reticulate across her face and figure in equal measure, depicting Shav'arvani symbolism. The most prominent of the design is a two-headed viper coiling around her neck, black burn scars serving as its outline whilst white hues of ink portray a seeming mirror-like hide. It appears to be devouring its own tail, whilst its remaining head slithers its way below, disappearing from sight into the concealed parts of her wiry frame.  +
Derovai Voss +Of a middling height at five foot ten, Derovai is confidently comfortable in every inch of himself. Dark, disheveled hair, a shadow of stubble across his strong jaw, and striking blue eyes lend to the Oathlander a mien of a mysterious nature.  +
Desiree Wyrmguard +Sun kissed wisps of morning mist coalesce into the white gold locks of Desiree's tresses, always coifed into artistic perfection. A sweet face, full of laughs and looks bring life to the Valardin beauty. Deep sapphire eyes, like the azure waters of the sea hold promise of delights and intrigue, whether the young woman laughs or scowls, equal in their ferocity. All feminine curves and lines, some whisper that the gods sent Desiree to remind the Valardin people why they hold chivalry in such esteem. Her laugh can outshine a city, and charm with barely a chuckle.  +
Desma Magnotta +A captivating blend of quiet command, confidence and a certain invincible, unconquerable air embraces the essence of this young woman. Standing at a height of around five foot eight, everything about her commands attention; from the set of her brow and shoulders, to the mass of dark hair that falls to the small of her back. Her smile, when shown, is vibrant and alive, and her complexion bears testament to her southern heritage; rich and warm with a smattering of freckles. Military training has blessed her with a frame that's slender yet strong, and she carries herself with sinuous grace.  +
Destin Saltshore +Somewhat on the short side, Destin is a broad, stocky man with a powerful build. He manages to loom in spite of his lack of height, a combination of his broad-shoulders and the gravitas of a man approaching his middle years. The Islander keeps his black hair cut short, and his beard shaven clean most of the time, though he can often be seen with stubble on his chin later in the day. Striking gray eyes are typically alert, watching his surroundings.  +
Deva Redrain +Wild, untamed, beautiful -- whether discussing the woman's fiery red hair or her temperament, Deva cannot be easily mistaken or forgotten. Fierce green eyes flare with mischief and challenge in equal parts, expressive and captivating. Her slender body is honed for speed and strength, with the long and toned limbs of a dancer. She moves with more predatory grace than a proper woman might, and she often stands in an indolent posture, not bothering to hide her natural disdain of convention. Her thick, vividly crimson hair is usually loose or in practical styles; she seems to have little patience for enduring endless hours of styling to achieve the perfect coiffure. Years spent away from court have sharpened an already rough edge, made evident in the volatile intensity of her gaze, the striking angularity of her face, and the unique collection of scars not always hidden from plain view. Around her left wrist is a vibrant tattoo of flickering flames: red and orange spikes and peaks, in a seamless wall of painted fire under her skin.  +
Deva Velenosa +Wild, untamed, beautiful -- whether discussing the woman's fiery red hair or her temperament, Deva cannot be easily mistaken or forgotten. Fierce green eyes flare with mischief and challenge in equal parts, expressive and captivating. Her slender body is honed for speed and strength, with the long and toned limbs of a dancer. She moves with more predatory grace than a proper woman might, and she often stands in an indolent posture, not bothering to hide her natural disdain of convention. Her thick, vividly crimson hair is usually loose or in practical styles; she seems to have little patience for enduring endless hours of styling to achieve the perfect coiffure. Years spent away from court have sharpened an already rough edge, made evident in the volatile intensity of her gaze, the striking angularity of her face, and the unique collection of scars not always hidden from plain view. Around her left wrist is a vibrant tattoo of flickering flames: red and orange spikes and peaks, in a seamless wall of painted fire under her skin.  +
Dianara Whisper +Since joining the Whispers in her youth, Dianara has always been a pretty wren amongst a flock of swans. While her face and figure are undeniably pleasing, she is no breathtaking beauty, but, as she's grown older, her bearing and manner have acquired a certain dignity that seems to make her appear more attractive than her physical features suggest. Warmth and gentle humor radiate from her blue eyes and wry smile.  +
Dianna Mazetti +Like most women of the Lyceum, Dianna possesses a sultry air about her. Her hair, which is always perfectly coiffed, is of a dark brown. Sharply defined brows arch expressively over her eyes, which are an exotic amber color. Life spent beneath the rich sun of the Lyceum has left her skin a warm bronze hue, while her years of training as a glaivedancer have awarded her with a sinuous frame, more apt to bend with the wind than stand taut against a storm. She is, of course, beautiful. But then, no one would deny that now, would they?  +
Diego Leary +Diego takes good care of his looks: painstakingly groomed dark hair, with a long forelock that he must sometimes toss out of his eyes, with a polished-looking black goatee and mustache; neat, carefully ordered fingernails on his large, strong hands; good posture and a controlled grace about the way he moves. His eyes are warm and dark, a soft, liquid brown beneath long eyelashes. His eyebrows are neat and black. His shoulders are broad, his waist narrow, his legs long, and his manner of dress excruciatingly sartorially effective.  +
Dierdre Fallow +An imposing women with pale golden tan skin the color of sun-paled wheat. With piercing hazel eyes framed by thick black lashes she stares out at the world. As mercurial as her personality those eyes can shift from gold to green, depending on her mood. High cheek bones and pointed chin can give her face a very menacing cast. But it also gives her face a stark beauty, especially framed with the page-boy cut of her dark black hair. Tall for a woman she is also obviously strong and well muscled from years being a soldier.  +
Dimitri Velenosa +Inky black hair hangs in loose waves to about his chin, his sideburns stretching down along the pale skin of his face and then covering his jawline with a long, lush beard that is kept neatly combed and oiled. Dark brown eyes are bright and expressive, watchful and alert. While tall in nature, coming in at about six foot one, his stature is far from intimidating, for he's far more wiry then muscled and it's his hands that are his most distinguishing feature, with long and nimble fingers that would make some think 'artist' when they see them.  +
Dino Corsetina +Dino carries with him the same traits as most of the Corsetina: his long hair is dark, his eyes are of some poisonous shade of green and the tan on his sunburnt skin shows an allegiance to the southern waters of Arvum. Where he is different than most of them is how friendly the young man is, lacking the sharpness of the rest of his family and replacing it with winsome charisma that can be infectious at time. As one of the youngest members of his family Dino seems to embody what passes for innocence in the Corsetina.  +
Dio Seraceni +He is slightly over average height, with a physique composed of lean muscle. His hair is a lustrous black, and his eyes a dark but vibrant shade of brown. A scar marks the lower right side of his cheek and jaw, creating a memorable fishhook pattern causing a subtle break in his beard. Like the sea, his expressions are sometimes fierce and full of wrath, and other times serene. Something in his eyes always seems to suggest a depth and vastness like that of the waters over which he's prone to sail.  +
Dion Navegant +Tall, rugged and handsome with a confident bearing, he's the quintessential silver fox. A born troublemaker and heartbreaker aged to perfection with the rough edges of youth polished smooth by the slow abrasion of time and experience. His short tousled hair, once dark, is now more silver than not and his skin well tanned and weathered from a life spent outdoors. Despite his age, he retains a carefree and jovial air, with his whiskey brown eyes often dancing with mischief and his easy smiles flashed with little reserve.  +
Dismas Scratch +Tall and wiry, Dismas walks with his head held high, a square set to his lean shoulders. His long, angular face tells a story, one of a fighter who's had to work for every scrap he's ever earned: full lips naturally turn down at the corners; his prominent nose bears a scar where it was clearly broken; his chin juts out often in habitual defiance of his lot in life. He maintains a clean cut to his dark brown hair, often pushed back and away from his face, his direct green-eyed gaze unhidden.  +