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Abby Laurent +Being of a slim build, Abby carries herself with the grace of her noble upbringing. Bright brown eyes are often relaxed, combined with a cheerful smile that marks her youthful features. Her brunette locks hang just down to her shoulders and are often parted to her right side. She favors the casual dress over anything that might compare to the excess of the peerage or the riches of the Church. Her voice carries softly, with hints of an Oathlander accent shining through each word.  +
Abellus Ironfoot +Built like a great bear, Abellus Ironfoot towers over others with an aura of strength and ferocity. His grey eyes carry an intense look that is easily mistaken for anger. His dark hair is kept short, cropped close to his skull. Clothing and armor usually seem hard-pressed to contain his bulky, muscular form. His battle scars show easily on his fair skin, and he carries them with pride.  +
Abigail Lyonesse +The woman is tall and slender, yet don't let that fool you, she is very capable of taking care of herself. Abigail is young, taller then many and with a form one may see with a archer yet there is something about her that is rather noble. Her stance, how she holds herself and how she portraits herself is what gives that away. Cinnamon brown hair flows to about her mid-back and has a slight curl to it, eyes of clear ice blue seem to almost glow thanks to her rather lovely tanned skin. Slender lips, high cheekbones give her a rather lovely face.  +
Acacia Culler +Boisterous and beautiful, Acacia carries a sense of adventure with her, with only a grin and a laugh. Hair like a seaside sunset falls in thick curls about her, practically pulled back when necessary, but flowing freely whenever possible. Large brown eyes take in the world around her and sparkle with saucy mirth, reflecting the myriad of emotions. It's hard to decide whether her smiles or scowls are more ferocious, but each has their definite appeal. Athletic, with a lovely face and generous curves, but her primary allure comes from the way she swaggers, sultry and confident. She can command a room, with her big voice and presence and few find themselves disappointed when she turns their attention on them.  +
Acantha Clearlake +This stunning brunette stands at 5'4" without her shoes on. Her rich chocolate brown hair is full of life as it wends down past one smokey eye and down along her high cheekbone as it crashes down in waves to a spot just below her waist. Even without the makeup, her brilliant grey eyes would shine like gems. above her strong nose, lush lips, and firm chin.  +
Achard de Ange +He is not a tall man at all, but he is built solidly and with the thick musculature of a healthy, robust life spent in hard work and training. Unruly blonde hair frames a clean-cut face not yet heavily marred, and sky-blue eyes hold the world in a grounded gaze. The classic angles of his face balance a strong nose with a clear brow and a strong, stubbled jaw. The man moves with the easy grace of a seasoned warrior, his posture one of instinctual balance and readiness.  +
Aconite Fidante +At 6 feet tall this Eurusi woman is a striking and poised figure. She boasts a satin complexion in a rich dark carob color that is striking when paired with jewel tones. Inky almond eyes are fringed with thick lashes under arched brows and her luxuriant dark curls are carefully styled and cared for to match whatever she's wearing at the time. The soft waft of milk and honey baths can be caught as the tall graceful limbed Courtier passes or gestures.  +
Aconite Unknown +At 6 feet tall this Eurusi woman is a striking and poised figure. She boasts a satin complexion in a rich dark carob color that is striking when paired with jewel tones. Inky almond eyes are fringed with thick lashes under arched brows and her luxuriant dark curls are carefully styled and cared for to match whatever she's wearing at the time. The soft waft of milk and honey baths can be caught as the tall graceful limbed Courtier passes or gestures.  +
Adalbern Rimeheart +Massive and imposing, Adalbern has been blessed with a powerful, athletic build that seems perfect for looming. His honey blonde hair is worn long and wild, typically unbound, framing a little trimmed beard and steel grey eyes. The man's movements are large, and expansive, but with animalistic grace to them as he seems to fill the room with every gesture. When he speaks, it seems to almost rumble from the low, deep tones that serve to make himself heard across a room and his presence known even though he rarely raises his voice outside of battle.  +
Adalmus Nightgold +Long, tied back raven-black hair falls loosely behind him, framing his chiseled features. Piercing blue eyes seem to examine everything within his gaze with almost a perpetual stillness. A bright white smile can almost always be seen underneath a dusting of dense facial hair further defining his strong jawline.  +
Adalyn Clement +Adalyn moves with the grace and energy of someone who seems to almost never be tired, there's bounce in each and every one of her steps. She's of average height and weight, with a build that lends itself towards athleticism while retaining some soft feminine curves. Her face is cute, heart-shaped and with a smattering of freckles across the bridge of her straight nose. She possesses expressive green eyes, with flecks of gold just around the pupil. Her mouth is all too often pulled into bright, quirky smile that deepens her dimples. Long hair that is a lustrous honey-blonde is prone to cascading in soft waves over shoulders, when it's not plaited into two long braids.  +
Adder Trahir +With his perfectly oval face squared off with a princely jaw, and his long-limbed grace, Adder is a deviously handsome man. His hair is a lustrous brown, kept a little long - this man is sharp and polished, but he does not at all present like a soldier. This, despite the obvious strength and control in his form. His clothes are tailored and impeccable: white gloves and dark jackets over crisply collared shirts. His eyes are ridiculously dark and usually half-lidded as if he hasn't a care in the world, and his beautiful mouth is given to small, secretive half smiles near constantly. It's only a shame that they do nothing to warm those dark, dark eyes.  +
Adelais Savatier +This woman does not particularly stand out in the crowd. She isn’t a great beauty, but nor is she particularly plain or ugly. She’s average, if that can be a descriptor. Her face is slightly weather-beaten, skin tanned by time spent out of doors, and there are lines at the corners of her eyes. Her face is narrow, just the lean side of gaunt, with slightly sunken eyes and a hawkish nose. Dark brown hair frames her face, falling to the base of her neck and usually left loose or tied back and out of the way. Her expression tends to be muted, whether she smiles, laughs, frowns, or shoots a disapproving look (although the latter tends to be the most pronounced and severe). Her movements have a certain athletic grace to them. Not the easy flow and glide of a lady on the dance-floor or in a salon, but someone who has spent long, dusty hours working on footwork for swordplay. Her build is athletic and fit and the muscle in her speaks to someone used to violence and action. She wears little, if any, makeup.  +
Adelphie Harthall +Lady Adelphie's lips are very often parted ever so slightly to reveal her front teeth. It's as if she might at all times be chewing daintily on a secret little cube of cheese! Framed by rich brown locks, her looks are otherwise characterized by a strong nigh-masculine jaw that culminates in a gentle chin divet. The steeliness of her muscles is rendered obscure by a healthy layer of softness that prettily moves as she does.  +
Ademar Napolitano +This man is of very tall height with a slender body on a lanky frame. With a bit of a waifish appearance and softer features he might appear a bit younger than he is. He is fair-skinned with only a hint of a tan. A curly mass of dark hair covers his head, with facial hair neatly cared for and maintained into a refined style. A narrow moustache that covers the upper lip and continues down just barely covering the sides of the mouth without touching the corners of the lips. Also a small patch covering the front and underside of the chin only. His olive green eyes expressive when he wants them to be.  +
Adora Bell +Of rather average height, Adora's golden blonde hair has been pulled up and away from her face in a series of knots that give her a slightly eccentric appearance. Her skin is pale with her hands and fingers marked by many scars, some thin and faint, others thicker, likely from a careless movement with a sharp tool. Her brown eyes are large, but often narrowed and mouth turned downwards in a scowl. She's thin, the sort of skinny form that speaks to a lack of nutrition when young, and she doesn't so much have curves as a sharpness to her, all unwelcome angles and elbows. Her skin is pale and often covered in a light layer of sawdust.  +
Adora Ulbran +Of rather average height, Adora's dark brown hair has been pulled up and away from her face in a series of knots that give her a slightly eccentric appearance. Her skin is pale with her hands and fingers marked by many scars, some thin and faint, others thicker, likely from a careless movement with a sharp tool. Her brown eyes are large, but often narrowed and mouth turned downwards in a scowl. She's thin, the sort of skinny form that speaks to a lack of nutrition when young, and she doesn't so much have curves as a sharpness to her, all unwelcome angles and elbows. Her skin is pale and often covered in a light layer of sawdust.  +
Adrian Beeler +The young man before you has shaggy hair that reaches just over the edges of his head, the strands a curly mess that show signs of an attempt at brushing. His eyes are a vibrant hazel and his body is skinny without much signs of hard work or cruelty in his life. A firm jawline adorns his face but lacks the authority that could be achieved on a much more muscular being.  +
Adriana Fieldstone +Country Charm is the term that comes to the mind of most when they see this rosy-cheeked lass. She has a nearly perfect smile with neat white teeth in a pleasant face with a bit of a rounded chin. Her hair is often kept in braids hanging down either side, and a smattering of light freckles dusts about her nose. She has the kind of curves expected of a country farm girl although she doens't seem to flaunt them.  +
Adriel Glynn +Adriel is a man of warring impressions: rugged good looks tamed by neat grooming and a nearly religious adherence to a baby-smooth shave; his rangy height and muscular strength gentled by elegant sartorial choices. His hair is midnight-dark, kept clipped short with regimental regularity. His skin is warmly tan, making the pale clarity of his green eyes all the more striking.  +
Adrienne Pravus +Austere, otherworldly, Adrienne does not have the sweet or sultry appeal that makes men fall in love with her. She is the saint cut in marble that they worship, an untouchable creature to a world in need of faith. Pale hair, long and wild when set free, flows away from her face. Her piercing eyes are too large for delicate features and of a gold so faint they nearly seem colorless. Graceful, Adrienne has a windswept quality to her movement. {w({nAdrienne, despite the tan from her weeks in the Saffron Chain, bears a sickly pallor, haunted shadows darkening her golden eyes.{w){n  +
Adrienne Valardin +Austere, otherworldly, Adrienne does not have the sweet or sultry appeal that makes men fall in love with her. She is the saint cut in marble that they worship, an untouchable creature to a world in need of faith. Pale hair, long and wild when set free, flows away from her face. Her piercing eyes are too large for delicate features and of a green so faint they nearly seem colorless. Graceful, Adrienne has a windswept quality to her movement. {w({nAdrienne wears her hair up and intricately braided.{w){n  +
Aeden Grayhope +A slender man in his mid to late twenties, Aeden is fair complected with even features under short, unruly black hair. Clean-shaven, there is a youthful vigor to him reflected in bright, light grey eyes and excitable demeanor. Signs of a life spent in pursuit of the ephemeral, he lacks the physical presence of knights or soldiers, instead more commonly touched by smudges of ink on fingers and clothes.  +
Aedin Blackwood +Light and slim, Aedin's petite height tends not to be evident right away. It could be in the long lines of her face, elongating the oval. The swan length of her neck poets have rightly celebrated, though rarely to her smiling, polite face. She is a study in shades of a northern day, her thick, wavy hair the colour of the sunshine dappling through stands of birch and beech. Braided strands form a fat plait wound-off halfway as her typical style, the loose ends curling halfway to her narrow waist. So too is the pristine clarity of her gaze evocative of the day sky, though not infused by particular warmth. Soft rose dawn graces her mouth, and her skin is not much brighter than the pearly glow of breaking daytime. She hasn't much weight or mass to her, and thus wears layers habitually.  +
Aedric Blackshore +Tall, like his brothers, and lean. He keeps his dark hair cut short and ensures his facial hair is always properly managed. He is known to adorn plate and chainmail during skirmishes on land or sea. In the eyes of a pirate, hurricane-force winds are preferable to boarding any vessel under the youthful Blackshore's employ. Cold, ruthless, relentless; few scoundrels are known to have escaped the man's wrath. To merchants and port authorities, Aedric is prompt, professional, law-abiding, and discrete. Those under his directly employ, whether they be marines or contracted sailors, admire his fearlessness, discipline, respect for the sea, and knowledge of sailing. If caught ashore, he is usually seen in garb that would signify him a simple commoner (e.g. leather boots, loose trousers, and a linen tunic).  +