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Anastajia Mercy +Anastajia is a young girl who always has a smile on her face. She has waist length ash blonde hair, which is usually kept in a braid dangled over her left shoulder. Her youthful skin radiates as if she were a porcelain doll, dusted lightly with freckles. Her pale blue eyes give off the impression that you can look straight into her soul.  +
Anders Nightcove +Lord Anders Nightcove cuts an impressive figure, but it's not based entirely on size. He's tall, yes. But more leanly muscular than bulky. His frame is whipcord, athletic and built for speed. His bearing would be rigid and unyielding, were it not for the constant suggestion that he's simply coiled energy incarnate. With an often stern and disapproving suggestion, it doesn't seem likely that anything truly brings the man pleasure. He's handsome, in a sharp and severe fashion with high cheekbones, clean jawline and alert eyes of vivid hazel. His hair is brown, sandy. His skin tanned from years in the sun, with lines around his mouth and his forehead.  +
Andreas Donatti +A soft, dark brown, tousle of hair - sprinkled with silvery accents, and often begging to be touched, tops the head of this handsome fellow just right to ear length. His masculine complexion, tanned quite neatly by the sun, features a chiseled jawline and high cheekbones - characteristic of the Donatti's; as well as those gorgeous clever blue eyes that lay idle beneath two thick dark brows. A well trimmed beard makes him seem even more experienced and debonair. The perfect face for the brawny and tall gentleman. Whom, just like his siblings, also has the build of a runner; and, is typically clad in top-notch tailored attire, rather than rubbish rags or armor.  +
Andrel Monteaux +Andrel is a powerfully built, heroic man. A natural build for martial combat, however it is complemented by his well-groomed stature. Indeed, the man clearly bathes heavily, and takes great care in ensuring that his handsome face in particular is clean-shaven and maintained, including taking great care of his blonde, neck-length hair.  +
Andrina Thornburn +The first thing one notices about Andrina is usually her hair; gentle waves of glossy tresses the color of spun copper that hang near her hips when let loose. Second might by the fullness of her not-quite-bow shaped mouth and the natural redness of her lips. A close third might be the stormy gray color of her eyes; like heavy rain clouds gathered in the summer. Otherwise they might notice she's tall for a woman, and quite slender. Her skin is peaches and cream toned though broken with the abundance of freckles.  +
Andromeda Leporidae +Tall, imposing and darkly beautiful, Andromeda has a slender frame and lithe limbs that move with barely contained power. Her hair is the color of rich honey, and her gaze a pale blue that pierces to the bone. Some might say she possesses a classical beauty with her high cheekbones and full lips that are equally likely to offer a mild smirk or purse in discontent. Her neutral expression just isn't, though it doesn't quite peak the summit to that of a permanent scowl. The Southeastern Saffron native has skin brazenly kissed by the sun, bronzed in a most flattering fashion and a thoroughly impressive physique as already mentioned. Usually the woman carries herself with a quiet confidence - letting deeds speak as much as words. Typically, when not commanded to by her Praefecta to wear something more enticing, the woman wears her Proscipi segmenta - clearly more comfortable in armor than she is wearing a dress. Although she does look quite charming wearing one, though.  +
Andry Bayweather +Toned and slender, this man's size suggests, average, or just above! Of average height and a build that suggests exhaustive activity but not heavily musceled to be sure. His muscle is toned and lithe, someone that favors agility far more over brute strength. His skin is sun kissed, scars dotting his lean body from head to toe. He has a handsome boyish charm about him, often keeping a touch of brown scruff resembling a beard along his jaw and lips. His hair is of the appearance to be messed and as if no attention was given to it when very likely, there was a degree of effort there. His gray eyes often blur between hazel and very light blue depending on the light.  +
Angelica Sanna +This woman is tall and powerfully built, with warm brown skin and dark eyes that gleam with intelligence. She's efficient with her movements, never taking up more space than she has to, sculpted in muscle with wide hips and powerful legs. Her hair is black and thick, dropping just past her shoulders in waves when loose. Shoulders are squared when she stands, spine straight, confidence written in every line. Oval face with wide-spaced almond eyes, full lips, and a squared jaw, she's clearly a woman in her prime but there's nothing that suggest laugh-lines. If anything, her neutral expression has given the impression of a smooth complexion.  +
Angelo DiFidante +A classically handsome man, Angelo bears a deceptive softness to some of his masculine features. His full lips bow to form an almost imperceptible smirk, however in a moment of rare brilliance, his smile could light an entire room. Dark brown hair is often charmingly disheveled by the unconscious rustling of his fingers while deep in study. His expressions are often measured as he is known for being a serious man, yet his eyes have the ability to stare into one’s soul while maintaining his own mysteries. Tall and lean, he carries himself with quiet distinction, becoming of a nobleman of his status.  +
Angelo Fidante +A classically handsome man, Angelo bears a deceptive softness to some of his masculine features. His full lips bow to form an almost imperceptible smirk, however in a moment of rare brilliance, his smile could light an entire room. Dark brown hair is often charmingly disheveled by the unconscious rustling of his fingers while deep in study. His expressions are often measured as he is known for being a serious man, yet his eyes have the ability to stare into one’s soul while maintaining his own mysteries. Tall and lean, he carries himself with quiet distinction, becoming of a nobleman of his status. {w({nA simple copper ring is worn on his left index finger, nothing fancy but clearly worked on with care.{w){n  +
Anisha Whisper +While her height is thoroughly average, Anisha strives to be exceptional in every other regard. Her limbs are slender and graceful, her frame shapely curves that she all but always dresses to flatter. Mercurial, her hair's shape and length - and sometimes even colour - is always changing. Her eyes are an intense pale blue, bordering on grey, and she uses make-up to great effect to accentuate that. She has been blessed with dramatic cheekbones, alongside full and sultry lips. Anisha presents a carefully calculated image of herself to the world - from a warm and inviting voice with a love for wordplay, to her expertly applied wardrobe and accessories, she is rarely anything but sculpted towards perfection. After all, she's a Whisper. A role model. A mirror, for all the things the world wants and wants to be.  +
Ann Redrain +Everything about this woman, from the coy lift of her dark, thicker eyebrows to the fullness of her lips speaks of an intelligence lying in wait behind her cobalt eyes. High, noble cheekbones with a hint of ever-present natural blush are coupled with a regal forehead and smooth nose and a chin that never seems to lower. Her hair is dark and thick, a mane of tousled black waves that frames her face and almost gleams blue in the right light. She carries her willowy frame with sophisticated grace, her slender build a testament to the more bookish hours of her life or perhaps more than one night spent hungry on the road.  +
Ann Rivenshari +Everything about this woman, from the coy lift of her dark, thicker eyebrows to the fullness of her lips speaks of an intelligence lying in wait behind her cobalt eyes. High, noble cheekbones with a hint of ever-present natural blush are coupled with a regal forehead and smooth nose and a chin that never seems to lower. Her hair is dark and thick, a mane of tousled black waves that frames her face and almost gleams blue in the right light. She carries her willowy frame with sophisticated grace, her slender build a testament to the more bookish hours of her life or perhaps more than one night spent hungry on the road.  +
Ann crovane +Everything about this woman, from the coy lift of her dark, thicker eyebrows to the fullness of her lips speaks of an intelligence lying in wait behind her cobalt eyes. High, noble cheekbones with a hint of ever-present natural blush are coupled with a regal forehead and smooth nose and a chin that never seems to lower. Her hair is dark and thick, a mane of tousled black waves that frames her face and almost gleams blue in the right light. She carries her willowy frame with sophisticated grace, her slender build a testament to the more bookish hours of her life or perhaps more than one night spent hungry on the road.  +
Annabella Grimhall +Just barely lucky enough to be considered of noble blood, Annabella never much cared for that life. Instead, she truly found herself within the tomes of old, learning about medicine and the art of healing. She doesn't sleep much, as indicated by the moderate bags often seen under her green eyes. Despite this, she is still a noble and thus usually makes herself look presentable when in public: hair perfectly combed and swept behind her back with a single braid hanging over one shoulder. She's rather soft spoken.  +
Annika Navegant +Undeniably a beauty in her youth that still shows now, but also displaying the vivid attractiveness that comes with age and experience as her journies in life are written in laugh lines around her mouth, or the crow's feet at the corner's of her eyes. She's average in height, hands strong and well-cared for in the way of someone who feels their lively-hood comes from those hands. Her bright blue eyes still shine with a sharp mind and the inquisitive, caring nature of someone that has not been drug down by life's journey. If there is a little grey in the mink brown of her hair, it is worn with the pride of someone whose life has been full of joy, laughter, but also sadness, each one earned.  +
Ansel Telmar +Ansel is gifted with light blue eyes, and the dark, expressive brows to make good use of them. His scowls are as gloriously stern as his smile can be youthful and bright, and he has the endearing misfortune of wearing his every feeling on his attractively chiseled face. Tall, but not remarkably so, and strong and fine, if not remarkably so, Ansel is a study in the exceedingly pleasant average; a palate cleanser of a man.  +
Ansgar Blackram +A bear, that best describes this massive man. Looking at Ansgar, he appears to be a man on the softening side of a strong body. He is still straight-backed and has heavy powerful arms and shoulders, but a thick waist and slow moving joints show his prime is good and gone. Thick black hair covers Ansgar from head to heel, the hair atop his head has gone more silver than black in the last 10 years, his mustache is still as black as it ever was, but his beard is as white as the driven snow. Hair pops out from the neckline of his shirt and around his wrist if he's not wearing gauntlets. Ansgar's gold-specked green eyes look more youthful than what his body shows, as if his mind feels like it were still 20, even if his body screams 60.  +
Antea Mazetti +Of average height and slender to the point of looking coltish, Antea is a woman of sharp angles and severe countenance. For one so young she wears a serious expression, though it doesn't seem to detract from the elegance of her features. A wealth of dark chocolate hair frames her face, pinned up neatly to keep it out of the way. Her skin is smooth and has a dusky edge, though the undertone is somewhat pale, as if she doens't see as much sun as she probably should. Her eyes are sepia-toned, and always seem to bear a calculating look.  +
Anton Kennex +Lanky would likely be the first word to come to mind upon spotting Anton, his tall and attenutated frame looking rather insubstantial - but long, thin fingers bear callouses that show a man used to working with tools and drawing instruments. Brilliant, blue-grey eyes framed by arched, black brows peer curiously from his suntanned visage where they sit over a hawkish nose. Spare and trimmed, his facial hair consists of little more than a mustache and some stubble down the jaw. A dark, chocolaty brown, the Kennex's hair is kept in wavy ringlets that are combed back and allowed to spill down past his ears and onto fairly narrow shoulders.  +
Antonia Amadeo +Meticulous and intentional defines her appearance. Her glossy hair is neatly-kempt and her complexion fresh almost dewy. Her fern green eyes are rimmed with dark inflections along the iris. Her hands are manicured and clean. The state of dress is fashionable but not a statement, each stitch in place and each adornment planned. She is below average height and makes herself even smaller by keeping her eyes typically lowered, chin frequently inclined out of respect.  +
Antonio Velenosa +Antonio is a very handsome man, if not classically so. His hair is a dark, sooty brown, his eyes a warm honey shade, and if his mouth is a bit narrow, it's also fetchingly bowed and prone to lazy smiles. His style and manner are self-possessed and exceedingly easy. If it took him time to arrange his shoulder-length hair to best emphasize the sun-lightened streaks, you'd never know it. His skin is slightly weathered from sun, wind, and sea salt, giving him a decidedly rugged appeal.  +
Anwen Ravenseye +Somewhere between plump and wiry, this woman is neither slight nor curvy, but rather possesses a predilection towards the latter that is tempered by great activity and a boistrous nature. Her skin is tanned and freckled by much time spent out of doors and her autumnal hued auburn hair is streaked with copper and gold from hours in the sun. Her almondine eyes are a deep cobalt shade of blue, lined with a thick fringe of lashes. She has a pleasant curve to her cheeks, a fullness to her mouth, and an almost grecian turn of nose that cast her features in a classical air.  +
Anze Malvici +Black hair roughly chopped short meant to be out of those dull green eyes and out of the way of reaching hands. A dark beard kept close to the face and sometimes cared for. He's tall, over six foot, though not a giant by any means. His body has the sinewy look of someone who has spent most their life outside working rather than playing and with the calloused hands of someone who lives and dies by the blade. On his right arm the tattoos begin at the wrist, intertwining and working up until disappearing somewhere under his shirt.  +
Anze Redrain +Black hair roughly chopped short meant to be out of those dull green eyes and out of the way of reaching hands. A dark beard kept close to the face and sometimes cared for. He's tall, over six foot, though not a giant by any means. His body has the sinewy look of someone who has spent most their life outside working rather than playing and with the calloused hands of someone who lives and dies by the blade. On his right arm the tattoos begin at the wrist, intertwining and working up until disappearing somewhere under his shirt.  +