Seren Walker

Revision as of 01:05, 10 February 2020 by Arxbot (talk | contribs)

Seren Walker
Social Rank 8
Fealty Redrain
House Walker
Gender Female
Age 28
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Artisan
Height 5'3"
Hair Color Sable
Eye Color Black
Skintone Warm Bronze
Authored By / Featured In


Whether it is the radiant bronze of her complexion or the turn of a smile on her lips, there's something approachable and warm about this woman. Even the depths of her black irises are more akin to a moonless summer's night than the foreboding black of fear and dread. The short stature plays out only up close as her movement and carriage are done with such confidence as to make her appear even larger than reality. The hourglass of her figure is paired with the subtle, wiry strength of her profession.

{w({nSeren's waist-length black hair is caught up in a pair of twin braids hanging down her backc with red silk ribbon and golden bells securing the ends.{w){n


Seren's personality is usually split along one of three ways: happy, curious, and focused. Few are the times when a stranger has not been greeted with the warmth of Seren's smile. She's not always bubbly or even exuberant, but there's a level of joy that simmers just beneath the surface, constantly infecting her features with the light of real warmth. And you know those people that take in strays? Be they pets or neighbors? Yeah, she's one of those people. But don't cross her with a deal made in bad faith or it becomes all storm clouds and lightning and threats of Ravashari curses.


For the first score of years of her life, Seren knew the road and a wagon as home more than anything else. She was born in the back of one of these traveling homes, and raised by an extended family of Ravashari. It was from these transient prodigals that Seren would learn her joy for life and her passion for instilling that joy into others. First it was with song and dance, two things that she likes to think herself quite skilled in. Later it was with tinkering and small metal repair.

Ask any that make their living on the road, however, and you will learn that it's a harsh and dangerous place to be. Luck runs out sometime and when it does, its end is often announced with banditry or starved animals. That was the case for Seren. An early snowstorm caught their caravan before it could make the mountain pass, stranding them in Nightgold lands and making the whole group easy pickings.

The first tragedy in Seren's life was the largest. Half the caravan was destroyed when caught unawares by the raiding of brigands. Had it not been for the timely march of Nightgold soldiers then the rest would have followed. Seren was rescued, along with some others, and taken for shelter.

With her immediate family lost to her and a rather cute guard offering to help get her back on her feet, Seren spent time, the first time in her life, in one place. She stayed, rested, enjoyed her time with her Merle (The Guardsman) and even took an apprenticeship with one of the local jewelers. But staying wasn't for her, not really. So one day she was off again, to see what was over a different horizon.

Now she's come to Arx, ready to tell stories spun from metal and gems, and play a game where she sees how far in the world those baubles can make it.