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Latest revision as of 18:04, 19 July 2021

Edelma Pierce
Social Rank 7
Fealty Redrain
House Pierce
Gender Female
Age 29
Religion Shamanism
Vocation Knight
Height average height
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark
Skintone Mahogany
Authored By / Featured In


Neither tiny nor enormous, Edelma is a whipcord lean but muscular figure of medium height, hardily built but supple and sinuous, with powerful arms of gleaming muscle and a strong, sculpted back. Edelma's features are a blend of delicacy and strength. Her cheek bones are high and strong, the slanted planes of her cheeks angling inward towards the narrowing curve of her chin. Her mouth is wide and full, her nose broad between large, dark eyes. Her deep, dark eyes are framed by thick lashes, beneath the arch of high, dark eyebrows. Her head is shaved close, dark curls close-cropped to closely hug the shape of her skull. Her beauty shapes itself to the elegant structure of bone and dark, smooth mahogany skin.


Proud, strong, but funny! Dame Edelma Pierce has a great deal of strength of personality behind her. Truthful almost to a fault, Edelma has a hard time holding back when she believes strongly about something, even when etiquette might demand her silence. She has a soldier's way of looking at the world, deeply grounded and practical. Yet she is not without a certain idealistic streak. Her personal honor and the honor of Giant's Reach are paramount to her, and she has a deeply protective streak both for her House and for her small squad of knights and (mostly) women-at-arms that follow her. She is quick and resourceful, a fast thinker who is unafraid to get quippy and deliver sass with her whoopass.


Edelma was born the daughter of a commoner knight, a riding valkyrie in service to the Sannas. There were rumors, especially due to a few suggestive lines of facial structure, that her father was not actually her father, but the rumors of her bastardy were never brought to the fore as anything more than whispers, in part because her father and her mother seemed to love each other so devotedly, and more, because they never seemed to love the March's family any less. If there was something there, it never caused any kind of rift between their families.

It was at her parents' hands that she received her first training, and as she grew, she showed a natural inclination for weapons and along with a natural bravery that made it supremely easy for her to join the scouts of the snows riding out as soon as she was old enough in service.

The old Sword of Giant's Reach, Sir Jolor, was an institution of the mountains, essentially, a man who had held the post so long that few could imagine anyone else in it. Young and fierce, Edelma found his years rendered him too slow to act in defense of the House. Generally he was left alone while other, younger knights did the real work of defending Giant's Reach, but the passivity of this position was too much for Edelma. In one battle with a tribe of Shav'Arvani on the mountainside, Edelma saved Jolor's life by fighting off two who were attacking him and covering his retreat. When they were alone, she demanded his recognition of her bold act, and out of shame that so young (26!) and comparatively small a fighter (a full foot shorter than he) had so plainly surpassed him, he refused.

Edelma challenged him to a duel for the insult to her pride and defeated him handily. After he lost this public duel, Jolor knelt before her and asked March Cirroch to transfer his ancestral Sword to Edelma. It was done, and she took the role with pride and strength, and began working to train young squires and knights of the March into a squad to follow her into battle and share the Sword's acclaim. She called them the Axes of Giant's Reach, and they became among the most loyal young fighters in the March.