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Revision as of 05:02, 1 January 2017

Fiora Malvici
Social Rank 4
Fealty Velenosa
"Velenosa" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Malvici
Gender Female
Age 24
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Noble
Height 5'7"
Hair Color Ebony
Eye Color Frosted Blue
Skintone Ivory
Parents Romeo Malvici
Uncles/Aunts Frederico Malvici, Eirene Malvici, Adona Malvici
Cousins Hadrian Malvici, Lucien Malvici, Calypso Malvici
Authored By / Featured In


If it were not for her striking ice blue eyes and long lashes, Fiora would be considered a comparatively plain-looking Velenosian noblewoman. She possesses little natural coloring save for an angry scar which streaks across the right side of her face, narrowly missing her eye. Tall and svelte, what curves she does possess are subtle underneath her clothing. Thick tendrils of black hair accentuate her heart-shaped face and rest upon her shoulders. Her movements are precise and her cool gaze is alert.


In spite of the chip on her shoulder and her gothic appearance, Fiora is more capricious than one would suspect when she is at ease. Her cynicism seems to be focused primarily towards her peers; she possesses a fondness of animals and children, both of which she considers innocent and undeserving of her rancor. She is protective of her family, even if they may not always agree and get along.

She has outright disdain for petty court politics and she only wears the mask and plays the game if she absolutely must. Socializing is not something she abhors - as long as it remains merely that. She has outright distrust towards members of House Fidante, for irrational but justified reasons.


Fiora is the eldest child of Lord Romeo Malvici, the younger brother of Duchess Adona Malvici and consequently the first cousin of the sitting Duke.

Her childhood, for the most part, was consistent with those of most noble children - save for the Malvici fixation on martial pursuits, unique within the houses of the Lyceum. Fiora discovered early she had neither the bulk nor the drive to become a conventional sword and board warrior, and instead began to focus her training on archery and fencing with lighter blades and armor. She was naturally nimble, with the nearly poetic grace of a cat, and her regime was tailored to take advantage of such natural talent.

When it rains, however, it pours. Her mother passed after a difficult birthing of a set of twins when she was nine, and a war between her family and the Fidantes engulfed Southport shortly afterward. Her father fell in one of the ensuing battles and she was nearly killed after a poorly thought out quest for vengeance. By age twelve, she was a significantly more sullen girl. She took her vow to mother to look after her siblings to heart, but it was difficult to do in lieu of her own emotional turmoil, especially as a teenager. No one doubted her intentions were noble, but she lashed out frequently, in public and in private.

Adulthood has given her more patience and a longer perspective, but the hurt little girl is still there beneath the surface, seething and threatening to come out when she becomes overwhelmed. She is an enigmatic combination of ice and fire, and nobody is quite sure if theres more of one or the other.