Mathex Comirae

Mathex Comirae
Social Rank 7
Fealty Crownsworn
"Crownsworn" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Comirae
Gender Male
Age 23
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Knight
Height 5?11?
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Skintone Fair
Authored By / Featured In


Average height for a man, dark hair that will probably recede over the next few years, dark eyes, and a fair-skinned complexion: Mathex is not a remarkable looking person by any means. His build is on the trim side of muscular, not quite stocky but likely to shade that way as he ages. Thick brows are balanced by a trimmed beard and moustache, rarely allowed to get shaggy. The bulb of his nose is a little too large, his brown eyes have a tendency to squint (causing early crow's feet at their corners), and his face is often sunburnt or wind-chapped.


Superficially, Mathex is likeable enough. He enjoys a good drink and a good time as much as the next man. But he's as stubborn as grim death when it comes to the things believes in, and he digs in against challenge, likely to break long before he bends. He's been depending on himself for so long that it takes a long time to allow people into his inner circle, but - once he accepts someone - he's fiercely loyal.


Not quite a nobody, but close. Mathex was born to a guardsman and a serving woman for a vassal family of House Keaton, a family whose wealth was lately increased through means that Mathex neither knew nor cared to. When he came of age, Mathex followed in his father's footsteps (for lack of any better career path) and joined the guards of the family manor. As it turned out, he had a knack for the sword and - with little else to occupy his time - plenty of chance for practice. By the time he really came of age, he outstripped his father and the rest of the family's guard, earning the prize privilege of being a personal guard to the Lord's children. He earned his knighthood at the tender age of seventeen, protecting those children as fiercely as if they were his own.

Dispatched with the Lord's eldest son en route to the City of Arx, Mathex had occasion to rely on those skills when the party was attacked. Every member of the group was killed save Mathex and the boy, the former taking an arrow to the belly but still managing to drag the latter onto his horse and make for the city. It was a hard ride, but they arrived alive, and that was the important part.