Cefyn McAlpin

Cefyn McAlpin
Social Rank 3
Fealty None
"None" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House McAlpin
Gender Female
Age 35
Vocation Noble
Height average height
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Skintone Light
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Of average height and sturdy build, this woman is old enough to know better and young enough not to care. Her bronze-brown hair is kept in a neat braid down her back, with ribbons of blue and green woven through; her eyes are blue, set in a light-skinned face with a sprinkling of freckles. Dotted tattoos decorate her cheekbones and forehead, while a boar marks her left shoulder and a salmon marks her right, both executed with simple flowing lines and several spirals.