Gisele Aurum

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Gisele Aurum
Social Rank 8
Fealty Crownsworn
"Crownsworn" is not in the list of possible values (Redrain, Valardin, Grayson, Thrax, Pravus, Lyceum, Crown) for this property.
House Aurum
Gender Female
Age 32
Religion Pantheon
Vocation Artisan
Height 5'4"
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Skintone Pale
Authored By / Featured In


Soft. If there were one word used to describe Gisele, that word would be soft. She's a creature of gentle curves and retiring presence, exerting only a quiet influence on the world around her. Curling strands of white-blonde hair drift around her brow and occasionally obscure cornflower-blue eyes; the rest of her hair is typically captured in a loose braid that is as sloppy as it is practical. Her face is round, her features typical in their arrangement, with the first marks of age beginning to appear as she enters her third decade of life.


Gisele isn't shy, not exactly. She maintains an interest in other people that was seeded during her training as an acolyte of Vellichor. But she is a gentle creature; some might even call her too soft or too tender for the world. A retiring and unpresuming woman, she is most comfortable when at home, surrounded by the books she loves and illuminates.


So many Aurums join the ranks of the Scholars that it was no surprise to the family when Gisele pledged herself as an acolyte. What did surprise them was her leaving the order instead of continuing on with her training. She's been reticent to speak of why but claims to be satisfied with the course her life took afterward: she opened a small shop that sold books and writing materials to the public. It has never been a booming business, not exactly, but between sales and the work she does illuminating manuscripts for select clients, she's made enough to keep a roof over her head and food on the table.