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Ashlyn Velenosa/Reflection +Fair ash blonde hair falls about her in long, wispy curls that frame a pale face with ice blue eyes and soft pink lips. Her ivory skin and small, slender frame make her reminiscent of a doll. She is desirable but there's a hint of something devious in those eyes. She's got delicate curves, enough without being overly endowed with a thin waist and pointed face with sharp eyes and high cheekbones. Her nose and lips are the softer of her features.  +
Ashur Sanna +Strong, lean and built for speed. Ashur had spent so much of his life slipping through cracks in caves, ducking beneath fallen timbers. He had no time to get fat and no need to get muscular. He was rugged in some ways. He looked a little more aged beyond his years from so much time in the sun and from winds on the seas, but there was a spark within him; a light fueled by curiosity, determination and possibility that could be seen through his eyes, darkened some personal haunting.  +
Aslaug Winge +Painted with an earthy pallet, Aslaug is more striking than beautiful. She's taller than most women, and while lean and smooth in her movements there is a certain easy confidence in her steps and an ownership of the space around herself. Her hair is long, the same mahogany as rain soaked redwood, just as often brushed as tangled and most often left hanging down around her shoulders and back. Her eyes are the same crisp blue as the winter sky. Her skin is a sun warmed tan, though much of it is covered by her typically well worn attire. Her features are angular, a bit too sharp to be called pretty. Often some sort of charm, or feather or animals tooth can be found hanging around her neck or wound up in her hair.  +
Asphodel Leary +First is the stretch of ruin scarred deeply into her pale face's right half. Beginning above the brow, furrowing through the eyeless socket - the eyelid's skin sunken in sightless folds over the hole to heal shut in irregular joins of flesh like melted wax - and devastating down to cleave the right corner of her upper lip, a grievous scar is the memory of what must be an axe's wound dealt with terrible force. Aside the brutal wound there are vestiges of beauty. An oval face once held a pleasing symmetry, with large, wide and icy gray eyes, their color making a stark palette with hair a pin-straight, lustrous black. Her nose slopes finely to a smart little ball-tip above full, lush lips and a soft, rounded chin, a collection of youthful and doll-like features that would make a picture of innocence if not for the cruel chasm splitting her visage.  +
Asralyn Venac +Asralyn is tall, splendidly shaped, and lithe. In her movements is evoked the ease of grace seen in panthers and mountain-cats. But she has a thick, full mane of dark brown hair cut from the shadows that ripples down to her shoulders, reveling in the slightest breeze. Her sharp, narrow eyes glint with hazel-hue and on occasion the slightest touch of kohl is used like a whetstone to keep that edge.  +
Asriel Darkwater +Asriel Darkwater is lean in the way of a man who will occasionally forget or forego a meal, but his height chases away any notion that he's truly inappreciable of build. The unruly hair which crowns his head is sometimes tamed, and though he's come into his middling years it is as night-dark as it was in his youth even if some strands of moonsilver have gathered near each temple. Age has stripped some of the polish from him that many might have come to expect from a member of the Peerage, but it is an age he has settled into quite admirably and it has done little to dull the fierce intelligence that shines within his brown-black eyes nor the often tempestuous looks he no doubt learned from the very weather itself around his ancestral home of Darkwater Watch.  +
Asterion Havmarke +A wiry man of average height, Asterion looks as though he may have been rather hale, perhaps even handsome, in his youth. Today, though, a pale complexion and pockmarked, weather-beaten face give him the look of a stern and severe middle-aged man. Wrinkled cheeks frame a narrow, angular nose, and lips drawn into a near-permanent scowl rest inside a beard that is manicured only enough so that it might truly be called 'groomed'. Gray has begun to discolor coppery-brown hair which is kept long enough only to be combed to the side. His most striking feature, likely, is a pair of viridian eyes that carry the weight of careful consideration and no small degree of judgment.  +
Astor Larrant +This man stands just a few inches above average for a man, and he has a fit physique that one could describe as athletic. Coppery hair cut at shoulder-length combines with a not-quite-clean-shaven, freckled face that leaves some scruff on his chin and stubble on his jaw to give him a rugged visage. His arms and legs are fit in the way someone constantly required to labor away on one's own two feet would be fit, and his chest and back show decently-developed muscles as well. He bears no serious scars though; just some callused hands from regular exertion.  +
Astraea Redrain +Astraea, like her mother and twin sister, is mostly without pigment of the flesh or hair. With skin as pale as freshly fallen snow, rosy cherubic cheeks and heart shaped lips these distinctive features are often some of the first things passerby might notice. The silken white tresses that frame her face and flow around her airily adds an unearthly quality to her person. Astraea stands at middling height, average in that regard but somehow her presence is almost that of someone twice her size even if she is trying to avoid scrutiny. She is delicate of limb but possessing a well toned frame that belies her athleticism and her arms and legs terminate into delicate appendages. Her nails are often manicured and colored according to whatever whimsical fancy she desires. Subtle curves are still padded with baby fat, her voluptuous figure otherwise filled out in delightfully alluring proportions and being that her cerulean blue eyes are flecked with golds and yellows it's easy to see how someone might call her exotic.  +
Astraea Valardin +Astraea, like her mother and twin sister, is mostly without pigment of the flesh or hair. With skin as pale as freshly fallen snow, rosy cherubic cheeks and heart shaped lips these distinctive features are often some of the first things passerby might notice. The silken white tresses that frame her face and flow around her airily adds an unearthly quality to her person. Astraea stands at middling height, average in that regard but somehow her presence is almost that of someone twice her size even if she is trying to avoid scrutiny. She is delicate of limb but possessing a well toned frame that belies her athleticism and her arms and legs terminate into delicate appendages. Her nails are often manicured and colored according to whatever whimsical fancy she desires. Subtle curves are still padded with baby fat, her voluptuous figure otherwise filled out in delightfully alluring proportions and being that her cerulean blue eyes are flecked with golds and yellows it's easy to see how someone might call her exotic.  +
Astrid Ulbran +Astrid can be found with a broad and welcoming smile in all but the most serious of conversations. It's this smile that sets off the rest of her features, from the high cheekbones to the warmth of her chocolate brown eyes. Confidence is seen in her sure movement and stately bearing to give her a presence that's hard to overlook in the short package. Sun-darkened skin either speaks to heritage or a ample time of out doors and mixes with ombre hair in loose curls past her shoulders to paint the whole of her in the radiance of dark golds and warm browns.  +
Astyr Vanha +The brightness of Astyr's smile disarms as skillfully as a swordman's parry; the warmth of her voice is a riposte that strikes clean. She has a warm and effortless manner, and if at times she gives herself airs, she catches herself, and pulls herself back from the edge of arrogance. She's lovely, but it's the enthusiasm and the determination that light her features that make her beautiful. It's rare that shadows cloud her features, but when they do, her sorrow is profoundly felt. She's a creature of passions, but she's careful to cultivate the right ones.  +
Aswin Ulbran +Bright blue eyes gaze forth from beneath a pair of dark brows with an alert inquisitiveness for the world around this man. A dusky tan complexion from hours spent beneath the sun graces a face blessed with high cheekbones and a strong jawline kept clean shaven every morning. He possesses a roguish quality that manages handsome, but there is an undeniable quality about him that speaks of a hunger and intensity fostered by a life of survival. His black hair is worn closely cropped in a neat style. His attire is simple and functional. A set of darkly colored breeches of a fine leather covers his lower half and are tucked into a set of well worn leather boots, while a dark blue shirt can be seen beneath the leather body armor that covers his chest.  +
Athaur Rivenshari +Athaur is a river ravashari used to sailing the water and living in the wilds, with narrow shoulders and lean muscle of years of manning the boats. His sharp mocha eyes, twinkle with mischief, miss little and reflect whatever the situation demands. His easy smiles are used to put others at ease. His long chestnut hair tied back so that it doesn't get in his way. Neatly trimmed goatee gives him a rakish flare. His voice has a musical quality that makes people want to listen. While he may seem lazy to those that underestimate him, his body moves quick like a viper when trouble occurs.  +
Atherton Galeren +It's clear that the man before you has seen his fair share of violence. Dark red hair well-streaked with gray is tousled over his head, long to nearly his shoulders and cut jaggedly. His face wavers between stubble and a very short beard, depending on the day. His skin is tan and leathery, hands as calloused as a poor farmer's. Scars abound in numerous places but none of them vital; he still has both hardened hazel eyes that tend to squint and furrow as a natural state of rest.  +
Atreylan Hollowood +Atreylan has no great stature, no height or width of note. He is of a decidedly average frame, the sort of man who remains thin purely due to the occasional missed meal rather than any labor. His features are sharp, and narrow, with dark-hued green eyes and pale lips. Brown hair is neatly shorn atop his head, long enough to run his fingers through, but little more. His nose, while short, could take an eye. Ink has stained his fingertips, likely to the bone, and his nails are permanently marred by too many long days with a quill. Little in the way of a hard life has marked him, smooth fingers noting that he's lead a life of at least some privilege.  +
Atria Ulixes +Atria is a woman made attractive through the culmination of her flaws. Her forehead is just a little too tall. Her ears are just a little too big. Her nose a tiny bit too small for a face where the jawline is more pronounced than the cheeks can give it balance. But together it all works, giving her something of an exotic look that's helped out by eyes of molten silver ringed on the outside by a milky jade. Of course those eyes are also have slitted pupils running vertically. Her hair is long, neary waist-length, and formed of strands of silver ranging from bright pewter to tarnished argent. Taken on the whole, it just works, taking her from cute to striking.  +
Atrid Darkwater +Atrid is a tall man around 6'5" and weighing in at about 285lbs of muscle. His Hair is black and cascades down to around his mid back. Generally he keeps his hair tied back to keep it out of his face. His eyes are almost a molten gold in color and his skin tone is more of a mocha coloring due to his time outside in the sun regularly he tends to be even darker than his normal mocha complexion. He tends to dress in comfortable and yet practical clothing mostly in tones of black and reds and blues.  +
Auda Crown +Sandy hair falls around her shoulders in streaks of brown and sun-bleached blonde, wild and roughly curly. Her eyes are vivid emerald, jewel-toned and crystal clear. Honestly, they're probably the most beautiful part of the entire girl, set as they are in a sun-kissed, freckled face. Dark circles often rim her eyes in a beautiful shade of bruise, whether from violence or sleep deprivation, and the bright red of her painted lips so rarely succeeds in distracting. Auda's athletic by necessity, thin by circumstance. Meals are often skipped, and unlike knights or soldiers, she doesn't actually -work- at her physique.  +
Auda Florin +Sandy hair falls around her shoulders in streaks of brown and sun-bleached blonde, wild and roughly curly. Her eyes are vivid emerald, jewel-toned and crystal clear. Honestly, they're probably the most beautiful part of the entire girl, set as they are in a sun-kissed, freckled face. Dark circles often rim her eyes in a beautiful shade of bruise, whether from violence or sleep deprivation, and the bright red of her painted lips so rarely succeeds in distracting. Auda's athletic by necessity, thin by circumstance. Meals are often skipped, and unlike knights or soldiers, she doesn't actually -work- at her physique.  +
Auda Waters +Sandy hair falls around her shoulders in streaks of brown and sun-bleached blonde, wild and roughly curly. Her eyes are vivid emerald, jewel-toned and crystal clear. Honestly, they're probably the most beautiful part of the entire girl, set as they are in a sun-kissed, freckled face. Dark circles often rim her eyes in a beautiful shade of bruise, whether from violence or sleep deprivation, and the bright red of her painted lips so rarely succeeds in distracting. Auda's athletic by necessity, thin by circumstance. Meals are often skipped, and unlike knights or soldiers, she doesn't actually -work- at her physique.  +
Audgrim Veilandir +Tall and fit, he has amber eyes framed by long lashes, a classically handsome face with a scar across one eyebrow, and short dark hair. There is stubble most days, shaving not a daily occurance. He is an athlete, shown in the way he moves with control and confidence, and he has a guarded and careful way, without having an unfriendly air.  +
Audrey None (formerly Valardin) +Once Audrey was thought to be a beauty for the ages, but the years have been unkind to the reviled Oathlander. Her stunning blue eyes are sunk in her face, and her cheekbones are pronounced in a mix of aristocratic features and poor diet. Her blue eyes are windows into the mind of a woman wrought of sheer willpower who just won't quit, and at the same time reveal a need for kindness that is rarely visited upon her. Tall, lanky, deadly are all words one would use to describe the warrior, her once lush silvery mane of hair cut so it won't get in the way of fighting, kept short and spiky and her skin tan from the endless hours of riding she must do every day.  +
Audric Crown +While not precisely an epitome of masculine godhood, Audric has a certain roguish charm that makes one think he probably invented the term. Dark hair, tousled on the very best of days frames an angular face. A scar, generously described as vicious by someone trying to get on his good side mars his left cheek, from the outside corner of one deep blue eye to just above his lips. It can be hard to tell if he smiles or sneers in the politest way possible, and his nose is crooked just enough to lend him an air of authenticity to his rough roots. He carries an athletic build well, moving like he knows how to use a sword, but practices an economy of movement, only expending the minimum amount of energy necessary to accomplish his task. Whether it's to hide his intentions, or sheer laziness, it may be the greatest mystery of the Lower Boroughs.  +
Audric de Lire +While not precisely an epitome of masculine godhood, Audric has a certain roguish charm that makes one think he probably invented the term. Dark hair, tousled on the very best of days frames an angular face. A scar, generously described as vicious by someone trying to get on his good side mars his left cheek, from the outside corner of one deep blue eye to just above his lips. It can be hard to tell if he smiles or sneers in the politest way possible, and his nose is crooked just enough to lend him an air of authenticity to his rough roots. He carries an athletic build well, moving like he knows how to use a sword, but practices an economy of movement, only expending the minimum amount of energy necessary to accomplish his task. Whether it's to hide his intentions, or sheer laziness, it may be the greatest mystery of the Lower Boroughs.  +