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Adora Bell +Of rather average height, Adora's golden blonde hair has been pulled up and away from her face in a series of knots that give her a slightly eccentric appearance. Her skin is pale with her hands and fingers marked by many scars, some thin and faint, others thicker, likely from a careless movement with a sharp tool. Her brown eyes are large, but often narrowed and mouth turned downwards in a scowl. She's thin, the sort of skinny form that speaks to a lack of nutrition when young, and she doesn't so much have curves as a sharpness to her, all unwelcome angles and elbows. Her skin is pale and often covered in a light layer of sawdust.  +
Adora Ulbran +Of rather average height, Adora's dark brown hair has been pulled up and away from her face in a series of knots that give her a slightly eccentric appearance. Her skin is pale with her hands and fingers marked by many scars, some thin and faint, others thicker, likely from a careless movement with a sharp tool. Her brown eyes are large, but often narrowed and mouth turned downwards in a scowl. She's thin, the sort of skinny form that speaks to a lack of nutrition when young, and she doesn't so much have curves as a sharpness to her, all unwelcome angles and elbows. Her skin is pale and often covered in a light layer of sawdust.  +
Adrian Beeler +The young man before you has shaggy hair that reaches just over the edges of his head, the strands a curly mess that show signs of an attempt at brushing. His eyes are a vibrant hazel and his body is skinny without much signs of hard work or cruelty in his life. A firm jawline adorns his face but lacks the authority that could be achieved on a much more muscular being.  +
Adriana Fieldstone +Country Charm is the term that comes to the mind of most when they see this rosy-cheeked lass. She has a nearly perfect smile with neat white teeth in a pleasant face with a bit of a rounded chin. Her hair is often kept in braids hanging down either side, and a smattering of light freckles dusts about her nose. She has the kind of curves expected of a country farm girl although she doens't seem to flaunt them.  +
Adriel Glynn +Adriel is a man of warring impressions: rugged good looks tamed by neat grooming and a nearly religious adherence to a baby-smooth shave; his rangy height and muscular strength gentled by elegant sartorial choices. His hair is midnight-dark, kept clipped short with regimental regularity. His skin is warmly tan, making the pale clarity of his green eyes all the more striking.  +
Adrienne Pravus +Austere, otherworldly, Adrienne does not have the sweet or sultry appeal that makes men fall in love with her. She is the saint cut in marble that they worship, an untouchable creature to a world in need of faith. Pale hair, long and wild when set free, flows away from her face. Her piercing eyes are too large for delicate features and of a gold so faint they nearly seem colorless. Graceful, Adrienne has a windswept quality to her movement. {w({nAdrienne, despite the tan from her weeks in the Saffron Chain, bears a sickly pallor, haunted shadows darkening her golden eyes.{w){n  +
Adrienne Valardin +Austere, otherworldly, Adrienne does not have the sweet or sultry appeal that makes men fall in love with her. She is the saint cut in marble that they worship, an untouchable creature to a world in need of faith. Pale hair, long and wild when set free, flows away from her face. Her piercing eyes are too large for delicate features and of a green so faint they nearly seem colorless. Graceful, Adrienne has a windswept quality to her movement. {w({nAdrienne wears her hair up and intricately braided.{w){n  +
Aeden Grayhope +A slender man in his mid to late twenties, Aeden is fair complected with even features under short, unruly black hair. Clean-shaven, there is a youthful vigor to him reflected in bright, light grey eyes and excitable demeanor. Signs of a life spent in pursuit of the ephemeral, he lacks the physical presence of knights or soldiers, instead more commonly touched by smudges of ink on fingers and clothes.  +
Aedin Blackwood +Light and slim, Aedin's petite height tends not to be evident right away. It could be in the long lines of her face, elongating the oval. The swan length of her neck poets have rightly celebrated, though rarely to her smiling, polite face. She is a study in shades of a northern day, her thick, wavy hair the colour of the sunshine dappling through stands of birch and beech. Braided strands form a fat plait wound-off halfway as her typical style, the loose ends curling halfway to her narrow waist. So too is the pristine clarity of her gaze evocative of the day sky, though not infused by particular warmth. Soft rose dawn graces her mouth, and her skin is not much brighter than the pearly glow of breaking daytime. She hasn't much weight or mass to her, and thus wears layers habitually.  +
Aedric Blackshore +Tall, like his brothers, and lean. He keeps his dark hair cut short and ensures his facial hair is always properly managed. He is known to adorn plate and chainmail during skirmishes on land or sea. In the eyes of a pirate, hurricane-force winds are preferable to boarding any vessel under the youthful Blackshore's employ. Cold, ruthless, relentless; few scoundrels are known to have escaped the man's wrath. To merchants and port authorities, Aedric is prompt, professional, law-abiding, and discrete. Those under his directly employ, whether they be marines or contracted sailors, admire his fearlessness, discipline, respect for the sea, and knowledge of sailing. If caught ashore, he is usually seen in garb that would signify him a simple commoner (e.g. leather boots, loose trousers, and a linen tunic).  +
Aela Velenosa +Aela's looks can be described as silver and gold. Her long hair falls loosely around her face and shine like golden threads in the breeze while her eyes emanate a piercing, almost translucent, silver. Faint rosy cheeks and lips bring life to her fair skin, softening her refined yet feminine features and accentuating her youth.  +
Aelgar Navegant +Deeply tanned, this athletic man is average in his height. Shoulder length brownish-blond hair is gathered back in a half ponytail behind his head to reveal a clear brow and angular features. That visage is centered around eyes like ocean skies and a proud nose, thin lips and a squared, thrusting chin. Weathered laugh lines nest eyes and mouth, visible clues to the good-natured humor that dominates his personality. Angular cheeks lead to a stubbled jawline, and then a sinewy neck that widens into sturdy shoulders supporting competent arms and clever hands. His build is firm and sturdy, with a broad chest and shoulders, and he bears the trim, balanced figure of the naturally active.  +
Aelius Mercier +A broad shouldered man in his late twenties, Aelius stands about 6'0" feet all, with a sandy blonde hair reaching up to the upper part of his neck. A pair of deep blue eyes gaze calmly away, matching with his aquiline nose and thin, rosy lips. This man has a strong square jaw, which contrast with the rest of his features. He is clad in a dark coloured, richly designed doublet which bears some golden adormens, being tied around his waist by a leather belt. A set of leather brown pants and black boots complete his outfit.  +
Aella Ravenseye +Lissome, and of proud bearing, Aella strikes a confident and capable figure. A true woman of the Northlands, she stands taller than many in a crowd. Her slender curves and lean muscle leave the impression that she could leap into action at any moment - whether on the deck of her ship or the dancefloor of a ballroom. At times, she is unmistakably Prodigal with thick, untamed waves of burnished copper hair cascading to mid-back - a few slim braids and raven feathers scattered throughout. At others, her expressive features are framed by carefully woven hairstyles that highlight the sparkle or storm of her gray-blue eyes and the fullness of her quick-to-smile lips. There is little in the way of unique identifying marks - no tattoos or prominent scars, but the careful observer may notice a symbol on the palm of her right hand.  +
Aerandir Elensar +Dull strands of black hair fall from the man's shoulders in ungroomed disarray, framing his lined face and neck in the manner of a lion's mane. An equally unkempt beard sprouts from his jawline in bristles, kept wholly untouched by any razor in recent memory. His hooked beak of a nose draws plain attention to the centre of a weather-beaten visage, set between a pair of lively grey eyes that may be considered his only redeeming facial trait against an otherwise marred canvas. Possessed of middling height and a broad build, his stocky physique lends itself well to his martial trade, leaning on the heavier side; it comes as no surprise that he boasts thick limbs and an expansive chest, stretching the leather restraints of his armour to their very last notches.  +
Aerwan Valardin +In more than a cursory inspection, it would be obvious to most that Aerwan was not a career knight despite some degree of relative physical fitness. He bears neither the predatory grace nor the imposing stature that most seasoned warriors seem inclined to inherit, and his complexion lacks both the tanning or scarring common to one whose pursuits are most often made in the training yard. An almost perpetually unruly mop of raven black locks grows thick from his pate, a noisy framing of a rectangular visage comprised of squared jaw into a rounded chin, given breadth by wide lips and thick brows. Perhaps the most notable of his features would be vivid blue eyes, their exact hue seeming to shift depending on how light catches them.  +
Aerwyna Froic +Relatively plump, the female has a healthy figure. She stands at 6' and though of a larger frame, has some muscle definition to her. Her complexion is dusky and smooth and her hair is curly and fluffy. Her light-brown eyes peer out from a rounded face above a button nose and full lips and her chin bears a dimple. When she speaks, her voice carries a husky tone.  +
Aery Ashford +This is a young woman standing at roughly 5'5" tall with a rather shy demeanor in her general body language. Wild, fiery red hair covers her pale-skinned face, partly hiding her green eyes and upper half of her face. She's generally not very well taken care of, but at least lacks any kind of scarring or other blemishes. The remainder of her body is slender, gaunt to the point where one wouldn't be sure if it's natural or a lack of food.  +
Aeryn Laurent +Aeryn is a strikingly prurient figure, a paragon of feminine beauty with a perfect hourglass figure and a build balanced between athletic and curvacious. She seems young; perhaps just having come of age if one had to hazard a guess, as there are no wrinkles, freckles, nor lines upon her face to betray any definite age. She seems fragile like a porcelain doll with alabaster skin and eyes that ring with wide-eyed innocence. Her bearing is noble, but not assertively so and she carries with her a very amiable aura. When speaking, this mirrors in her dulcet, honeyed voice whose tone is melodic and bordering on sing-song. Her smooth pale skin betrays a lack of time in the sun, and she speaks with an Oathlands slight accent. It's creamy to the touch and bears no scars, tattoos, or other defining characteristic. Her long and painstakingly cared-for ruby hair is almost always left down and falls to her elbows in loose, bouncy waves, framing her exquisite face with side-swept asymmetrical bangs. This face in turn is characterized by two key features: Her large, limpid crystalline eyes and full cherub lips that never run short of smiles.  +
Aethan Kennex +With an austere courage and a placid demeanor that almost never forsake him, Aethan has a noble countenance that is enhanced by a generally well-trimmed beard, and short brown hair that is neatly kept. His tanned face is lined by care, more frowns than smiles, and a profound melancholy has dimmed his blue eyes almost to gray.  +
Agatha Redrain +A solid wall of corded muscle and fierce strength, Agatha dominates rooms merely by entering them. Her martial stride, broad shoulders and lofty height make her impossible to miss, and the waves of her richly auburn hair make of her not just a giant but a fire giant, sparking with energy and life. The visible strength of her muscular arms suggest that she'd as soon dead hang as stand straight. Her eyes shine brilliant blue as a summer sky, framed by pale reddish lashes, and snap with intensity or sparkle with humor. It's easy to read her face: strong jaw, bold cheekbones, a profusion of freckles dusting skin too weathered a fair to be creamy or pale.  +
Agnarr +Nothing about this northern-blooded fellow indicates his growth is not a natural one : Agnarr's physique is broad, but not overdeveloped, with strong thews and symmetrical proportions. Standing above six and a half feet, and typically augmented by a helm and thick boots, his bearing is difficult not to notice. His face isn't quite as attention-catching; his straight nose bears a notch of a scar, his jaw juts slightly, but otherwise his mien is long and solemn, save for his pale eyes that tend far more towards grays rather than blues in the light. His crown is dusted with neatly-trimmed locks of an unremarkable blond, but his equally-groomed beard veers more towards the reds of hair color. Overall, he maintains a well-kept appearance, with his nails filed regularly, his teeth picked free of leftovers, his battle-scars kept covered more often than not, presenting an image of stalwart health - or alternatively, a form of advertisment for the trade he plies.  +
Agnarr Frost +Nothing about this northern-blooded fellow indicates his growth is not a natural one : Agnarr's physique is broad, but not overdeveloped, with strong thews and symmetrical proportions. Standing above six and a half feet, and typically augmented by a helm and thick boots, his bearing is difficult not to notice. His face isn't quite as attention-catching; his straight nose bears a notch of a scar, his jaw juts slightly, but otherwise his mien is long and solemn, save for his pale eyes that tend far more towards grays rather than blues in the light. His crown is dusted with neatly-trimmed locks of an unremarkable blond, but his equally-groomed beard veers more towards the reds of hair color. Overall, he maintains a well-kept appearance, with his nails filed regularly, his teeth picked free of leftovers, his battle-scars kept covered more often than not, presenting an image of stalwart health - or alternatively, a form of advertisment for the trade he plies. {w({nHe's got a few plaits woven into his beard in a northern fashion.{w){n  +
Agostino Alonso +Somewhat on the tall side, Agostino has a lean build that lends itself to quick, even graceful movement, and his tanned skin suggests a fair amount of time spent outdoors. High but subtle cheekbones and a slightly pointed nose make for a handsome face, with dark brown eyes that are often intense, whether it is with mirth or focus on some task or another. His jaw and chin are often covered in a beard, though he typically keeps this trimmed and groomed to match the dark, shoulder-length hair on his head that never seems quite as well-tamed as he might hope for. His manner of dress tends toward functional over stylish most of the time, as one might expect from one of his humble roots, though he is not averse to dressing up should work or other escapades take him somewhere that it seems suitable to do so.  +
Agric Leary +Combed, pitch black hair covers this man's head in a consistently clean and well groomed state. Pair this with a smooth, shaved face and a crisp, focused demeanor gives clear evidence that Agric is a man who favors practicality and detail. Plump, full lips draw the most attention to his face, often enough to distract those who listen to him when he does speak. The attention those lips demand is offset by those bright green eyes of his, which are inadvertantly seductive with a meer glance.  +